Tuesday, October the 23rd, 2012
New Quests: Task: Stubby Beak (Rohan) ; Task: Weathered Beak (Rohan) ; Task: Split Branches (Rohan) ; Task: Tinted Carapaces (Rohan) ; Task: Contorted Ear (Rohan) ; Task: Fetid Filth (Rohan) ; Task: Silky Fur (Rohan) ; Task: Unkempt Fur (Rohan) ; Task: Sharp Scales (Rohan) ; Task: Shattered Clubs (Rohan) ; Task: Ripped Cloaks (Rohan) ; Task: Stained Skins (Rohan) ; Task: Tarnished Sword Sheaths (Rohan) ; Task: Ornate Sword Sheaths (Rohan) ; Task: Fuzzy Wings (Rohan) ; Task: Bent Wings (Rohan)
New Items: Delicate Tail ; Sharp Scale ; Tarnished Sword Sheath ; Shattered Club ; Stained Skin ; Stubby Beak ; Weathered Beak ; Split Branch ; Tinted Carapace ; Contorted Ear ; Fetid Filth ; Silky Fur ; Unkempt Fur ; Ripped Cloak ; Ornate Sword Sheath ; Fuzzy Wing ; Bent Wing
Updated Deeds: Cities of Eastern Rohan ; Quests of Langhold ; Dragon-kind Slayer of the Eastemnet ; Dragon-kind Slayer of the Eastemnet (Advanced) ; Beast-slayer of the Eastemnet ; Beast-slayer of the Eastemnet (Advanced) ; Brigand-slayer of the Eastemnet ; Brigand-slayer of the Eastemnet (Advanced) ; Ruins, Tombs, and Monuments of the Eastemnet ; Orc-slayer of the Eastemnet ; Orc-slayer of the Eastemnet (Advanced) ; East Wall Explorer ; Quests of the East Wall ; Ancient Evil-slayer of the Eastemnet ; Ancient Evil-slayer of the Eastemnet (Advanced) ; Uruk-slayer of the Eastemnet ; Uruk-slayer of the Eastemnet (Advanced) ; Enemies of the Rohirrim ; Farms and Crofts of the Eastemnet ; The Wilds of the Eastemnet ; Where Evil Creatures Dwell ; Known to the Wold ; Friend to the Wold
Updated Objects: Mirror of Galadriel ; Plate of Food ; Goblet of Mead ; Heavy Oak Branches ; Rope ; Horn's Harp ; Horn's Writing Supplies ; Salamander Nest ; Fallen Sticks ; Boat from Lorien ; Tasks Bulletin Board (Rohan)
Updated Traits: Rohirrim Elite Leggings ; Rohirrim Elite Tail ; Rohirrim Elite Saddle ; Rohirrim Elite Caparison ; Rohirrim Elite Halter ; Plain Black Saddle ; Simple Tail ; Solid Warsteed ; Steed of Night Accessory ; Steed of Night Saddle ; Steed of Night Caparison ; Steed of Night Leggings ; Steed of Night Halter
Updated Titles: Wing-cutter ; Sentinel of Thinglad
Updated Items: Steel Throwing Axe Recipe ; Gondorian Throwing Axe Recipe ; Ancient Steel Thowing Axe Recipe ; Westernesse Throwing Axe Recipe ; Shard ; Khazad-bound Lootbox ; Sturdy Steel Key ; Sticky Goo ; Glassy Carapace ; Elf-steelbound Lootbox ; Bronze-bound Lootbox ; Dwarf-steelbound Lootbox ; Barrow-ironbound Lootbox ; Gold-bound Lootbox ; Calenard-bound Lootbox ; Ring of the Hart ; Fading Essence ; Sparkling Dust ; Steel-bound Lootbox (27-29) ; Steel-bound Lootbox (52-59) ; Steel-bound Lootbox (75-75) ; Steel-bound Lootbox (42-49) ; Lorien Paddles ; Lembas Supplies ; Horn's Harp ; Horn's Writing Supplies ; Eastemnet Conhuith Draught ; Eastemnet Conhuith Salve ; Eastemnet Healing Draught ; Eastemnet Healing Salve ; Eastemnet Lhinestad Draught ; Eastemnet Lhinestad Salve ; Eastemnet Milkthistle Draught ; Eastemnet Milkthistle Salve ; Riddermark Scroll of Delving ; Riddermark Hide ; Piece of Sealed Wax ; Red Agate ; Eastemnet Jeweller Scroll Case ; Eastemnet Cook's Scroll Case ; Eastemnet Metalsmith's Scroll Case ; Eastemnet Scholar's Scroll Case ; Eastemnet Tailor's Scroll Case ; Eastemnet Weaponsmith's Scroll Case ; Eastemnet Woodworker's Scroll Case ; Pile of Riddermark Soil ; Fallen Sticks ; Sealed Gold Setting of Clear Thought ; Sealed Gold Setting of the Abyssal Depths ; Sealed Gold Setting of Precision ; Sealed Gold Setting of Grace ; Soft Bat ; Riddermark-bound Lootbox ; Oak Sapwood Branch ; Fallen Rohirrim's Club ; Utred's Decorated Breatplate ; Refugee's Ragged Shoes ; Writ of Remount ; Light Bridle of the Third Age ; Crafted Light Bridle of the Third Age ; Reforged Light Bridle of the Second Age ; Brushed Riddermark Leather ; Lump of Eastemnet Wax ; Glazed Riddermark Leather ; Finished Riddermark Leather ; Tarnished Crest of Rohan ; Crafted Light Bridle of the Third Age Recipe ; Reforged Light Bridle of the Second Age Recipe ; Medium Bridle of the Third Age ; Heavy Bridle of the Third Age ; Crafted Medium Bridle of the Third Age ; Reforged Medium Bridle of the Third Age ; Crafted Medium Bridle of the Third Age Recipe ; Reforged Medium Bridle of the Third Age Recipe ; Reforged Heavy Bridle of the Second Age Recipe ; Crafted Heavy Bridle of the Third Age ; Reforged Heavy Bridle of the Second Age
Updated Mobs: Wold Salamander ; Wold Grazer ; Eastemnet Boar ; Wold Ruffian ; Mordor Orc ; Orc Searcher ; Uruk Archer ; Uruk Warrior ; Mordor Orc-skimisher ; Swert-hound ; Wold Archer ; Ford Watchman (Central) ; Easterling Invader ; Invading Easterling Sorcerer ; Winged Terror ; Easterling Soldier
Updated Areas: Metalsmith's Guild Hall ; Weaponsmith's Guild Hall