Wednesday, September the 19th, 2012
New Areas: Eaworth ; Thornhope ; Memorial of Eorl ; Eaves of Fangorn ; Farm Homestead ; Eastmund's Lair ; Undeep Watch ; Wakenflood ; Harwick Refugee Camp ; Joshkhin Orde ; North-torr ; Eorl's Hallow ; Feldburg ; Rohirrim Training Grounds ; Mead Hal of Elthengels ; Trader's Outpost ; Abandoned Farmsteads ; Caddabrand's Camp ; Kufuzg ; Nink-hai War Camp ; Haligmar's Farm ; Mead Hall of Faldham ; Thurgyr's Farm ; Minas Rant ; The Entwash Fishing Camp ; White Hand Encampment ; Treebeard's Hill ; The Blackheart ; The Silkenhold
New Zones: Eaves of Fangorn
Updated Deeds: Allies of the King
Updated Items: Buried Treasure Token ; Cave-claw Steed ; Harvest-brew Goat
Updated Skills: Harvest-brew Goat
Updated Areas: The Wold ; Norcrofts ; Sutcrofts ; Cliving ; Elthengels ; Faldham ; Entwade ; Garsfeld ; Langhold ; Harwick ; Floodwend ; Entwash Vale
Updated Zones: The Wold ; Norcrofts ; Sutcrofts ; Entwash Vale