Guild Wars 2 Talks Economy Exploits

Stat blocks can be pretty cool too.

Even if I'm not an economist or a mathematician, I love stat dumps, so this Guild Wars 2 blog post talks the supply and demand, some exploits, and some pretty interesting statistics (all broken down in the chart above). For example,  gender roles and how they relate to crafting.

To make up for some surplus items tossed around the trade system, Arenanet has launched a few new recipes into the Mystic Forge that make boxes, which generate random gold and items.

More importantly, responses have been made to exploits that have been making the rounds, specifically ones that generate a lot of karma or gold for no (or very little) cost. This follows the thousands of bans handed out to exploiting players earlier in the week, which it generated just a bit of controversy.

Julian "Mirai" Williams


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Todays Exploit meening
# Sep 17 2012 at 11:54 AM Rating: Default
22 posts
It's funny that ArenaNet calls some of this bugs / bad algorithms, exploits. Did the player forced by 3rd party program or by weird key sequence to buy weapons for low karma or that a recipe sells for more than it costs ? imo , its ArenaNet internal problem, how the price was generated or even introduced into the database, not players faults. And perma ban / 72h ban ? LOL

Edited, Sep 17th 2012 5:53pm by cormer
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