Thursday February 16, 2012
DAoC Update
Updated Albion Items: Pictish Drawn Totem (Alb) (lvl 35) ; Pictish Shrouded Totem (Alb) (lvl 35) ; Pictish Arcane Totem (Alb) (lvl 35) ; Pictish Martial Totem (lvl 40) (Alb) ; Dragonfly ticket to Adribard's Retreat ; Dragonfly ticket to Prydwen Keep ; Dragonfly ticket to West Downs ; Dragonfly ticket to Cotswold Village ; Ticket to Adribard's Retreat ; Dragonfly ticket to Campcorentin Station ; Dragonfly ticket to Ludlow ; Ticket to Yarley's Farm ; Ticket to Caer Witrin ; Ticket to Campacorentin Station ; Ticket to Caer Ulfwych
Updated Midgard Items: Pictish Great Hammer (Mid - 13.5 DPS) ; Pictish War Axe (Mid - 13.5 DPS) ; Pictish Left Axe (13.5 DPS) ; Pictish Great Hammer (Mid - 15 DPS) ; Pictish Runic Hammer (Mid - 12 DPS)
Updated All Items: Champion's Bracer ; Champion's Ring ; Champion's Shrouded Belt ; Champion's Guarded Belt ; Champion's Armed Belt ; Champion's Mystic Belt ; Champion's Drawn Gemstone ; Champion's Shrouded Gemstone ; Champion's Parrying Gemstone ; Champion's Mystic Gemstone ; Champion's Mighty Necklace ; Champion's Mystic Necklace