Guild Wars 2 team on Reddit to answer questions

Lots of great information to be found in the Guild Wars 2 "AMA" (ask me anything) session on Reddit. Otherwise known as a Community Q&A, the team opened the floor to users, where they promptly got flooded with dozens of questions to answer about the Mesmer, PvP numbers, closed beta testing periods, and more. Of particular interest is the fact that this Friday, Closed Beta Testing for GW2 will be officially starting, although they note that "this phase of testing is still under NDA and is not open to the public." It's a bit ambiguous if they mean that the NDA is not open to the public (which is a bit redundant) or if the beta testing is not open to the public. I'm assuming the latter.

Other facts confirmed include the note that there can be "at least" 500 players on a World v. World match, some clarifications on Mesmer abilities, as well as small reveals on the team's development process. It's a great read for any Guild Wars 2 fan, so go check it out!


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