Guild Wars 2 Officially Announces the Mesmer class

Man... Up to now, I was totally convinced I'd be playing an Engineer in Guild Wars 2, but the more I hear about this new Mesmer class, the more I get confused. And then I hit myself in my confusion and we get some sort of weird Pokemon references that nobody gets.


The official Mesmer reveal is now live on the Guild Wars 2 website, and with it comes a slew of information ready to make anyone drool. Mesmers fight with phantasms or clones that essentially act as physical illusions, either dealing damage or distracting enemies, respectively. The mesmer can also "shatter" their illusions, dealing a variety of different status effects. If any of this sounds remotely interesting to you, you should head over to the official Guild Wars 2 dev post to see if the mesmer is for you.


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