WoW Patch 4.3 - Hour of Twilight Launches

World of Warcraft's Hour of Twilight is here and Staff Writer Mike "Krelumian" Schaffnit has all of the details of what you can expect from this new content patch.

Tuesday came and that means The Hour of Twilight has finally arrived! Deathwing is now officially within our grasp and we can begin our march against him in this latest content patch. Patch 4.3 brings many new features to the game that have the community really excited. Transmogrification, Void Storage, three new dungeons, Looking for Raid, the Darkmoon Fair Island, and the Dragon Soul Raid! There is a lot to talk about so, to make it easier to digest, I put together a video highlighting all the changes of note. There is also a complete list of patch changes at



While playing on the PTR Transmogrification was the first thing I really felt the desire to run and try out, forgetting the fact that I play a Feral Druid and that my gear isn't seen to begin with is a story for another day. I was really excited to not only recreate my favorite Tier sets, but also unload my crowded bank into the Void Storage. After playing around with the different sets I had in my bank I soon realized that nothing I had would make an "interesting" and "matching" set. Once I let go of these two words it began to be a lot more fun as I watched various gear that I visually was in love with, but was useless to my spec, finally pay off for holding onto all these years. It's a fun and interesting tool that will most likely cause a lot of problems on the PVP side of things, but I highly recommend playing around with it when you first get in the game.

The next thing I jumped right into doing on the PTR was the new chain of three dungeons that have you go back in time to retrieve the Dragon Soul. Each instance has a TON of lore behind it, and it's clear Blizzard is getting very good at finding ways to tell its story within the game itself. The normals are well... normal. Nothing very challenging about them and a great way for you to learn the basics of each fight's mechanics. However, when I finally loaded up the PTR to try out the Heroics... it was a world of a difference. Cursed with using the LFG tool I proceeded to PuG my way through all three Heroics over the course of four hours! While this timeframe can easily be cut in half if you're running with a group of friends, the difficulty level between Heroic and Normal is clearly evident. The payoff, however, is worth it, as its gear is right up there with Normal mode Ragnaros.

During my time on the PTR, I didn't get a chance to jump into the Dragon Soul raid or try out the Looking For Raid tool. These are definitely changes I wanted to touch on because its purpose is to give the everyday play an ability to see endgame content. While this bothers some of the more elite players, it's a nice way to be sure Blizzard is actually making content that people can participate in on any gaming commitment level.

The final area I was able to try out on the PTR was the Darkmoon Fair Island. This was something I was pleasantly surprised by. It took what was originally a once a month event that you bought trinkets from, and turned it into an actual carnival with minigames and prizes that you could easily spend hours each month participating in. Sadly, this event is only open for the first week in every month, so your time there will be short lived before eventually cutting you off and making you wait until it returns.

Patch 4.3 is most likely the last major content patch we can expect before Mists of Pandaria. There is a good chance we will see a transitional patch much like Sunwell and Ruby Sanctum, but, as for the bulk of the content, this is it. It's only been a little over a year since Cataclysm's release and it looks like Blizzard is set on delivering us faster and more frequent content. It will be exciting to see what Blizzard announces about the future of World of Warcraft in the next couple of months.

Mike "Krelumian" Schaffnit, Staff Writer.



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1080p hd
# Dec 01 2011 at 2:46 AM Rating: Decent
Fony is not right in the 720 hd is a ok. Bump the **** up to 1080p and it,s looks better.
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