DUST 514 Showcases "Rapid Deployment Vehicles"

What you're seeing in the above image isn't some kind of giant hybrid tank-plane (as cool as that sounds), rather, it's DUST 514's "Rapid Deployment Vehicle." In a new dev blog posted today, CCP Remnant shows off their latest bit of in-game technology to be used for DUST 514. This Rapid Deployment Vehicle (RDV) basically allows Field Commanders in DUST 514 to drop airlifted vehicles anywhere on the map with pinpoint accuracy. While this is obviously a clever work around to vehicles simply falling from the sky (or appearing instantaneously in front of you as you take off on a jet), it also highlights some potential features to be included in DUST 514, like instant vehicle backup, or the fact that opposing teams may be able to hijack enemy vehicles as they are deployed.

At least it seems like parking won't be an issue here.

Tags: Dust514, News


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