GW2's Chuck Jackman talks Cinematic Conversations

There's really hefty article up on The Guild Wars 2 site that talks all about the updated cinematic conversations that will take place in GW2. ArenaNet's Chuck Jackman (why do I keep wanting to type Hugh?) notes that GW2 has three tiers of cutscenes that they wanted to do. Tier One would be "full Cinematics," reserved for dragon-smashing scenes of visual glory, Tier Two scenes, "Cinematic Conversations" are not pre-rendered and are usually reserved for exposition and information. Tier Three scenes, Jackman simply refers to as "Scenes," and never speaks of them again. How odd.

Regardless, in the article, Jackman details the lengths the GW2 team has gone to in order to create believable, vibrant cinematic conversations. They've done this through a combination of strong lip-synching and a lot of motion captured body language. By adding in so much physical language, their characters are now able to convey emotions and discussions across in a much more convincing manner in Guild Wars 2's Cinematic Conversations. I realize I'm butchering this explanation, so why not head over to the GW2 website to see exactly what they have in store. Or watch the video below for a strong example if you're not into reading.


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