SOE Thanks DCUO Players with In-Game Gift

Following issues involving DC Universe Online freezing and crashing on the PlayStation 3, Sony Online Entertainment decided to thank players for their patience by giving them an in-game reward. Here are the details from Community Manager Tony "RadarX" Jones:

"You may have noticed that we recently experienced issues that took us some time to resolve, we appreciate your understanding during this effort – and your patience with the time it took to resolve.   As a thank you we would like to award everyone 7 Marks of Distinction.   We hope this helps you along your way to earning your Tier 2 armor in preparation for next month’s assault on The Fortress of Solitude!  Thank you again for playing DCUO – your dedication is our inspiration!  Please check your Journal starting tomorrow June 18th for a Mission called Shock to the System to receive your reward."

You'll notice that he says the assault on The Fortress of Solitude is coming "next month." During the E3 live stream, Game Director Mark Anderson said the raid is coming in Update 4 later this summer. Will we see Update 4 in July? Only time will tell.


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