Norn Week Begins! | ArenaNet Blog

ArenaNet starts their Norn coverage this week.

It's Norn week!  

So what makes the norn so... norn?

Aside from their size and their ability to shape-shift into a powerful half-animalform, norn are defined by their unique worldview. They value glory and deeds of valor above all – they’re just built that way.

"They are by their nature a race of optimists,” says Jeff Grubb, Continuity and Lore Designer. “While humans have a long history, and it feels like their best days may be behind them, the norn project a positive outlook, even though they have been driven from their homeland.”

"Many of the races in Guild Wars 2 come from a background of displacement,” says Lore and Continuity Designer Ree Soesbee.  “However, where other races see their tribulations as losses, the norn see it as a challenge, a chance to overcome adversity and reach greatness.”


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