Items of Interest

A few items that may be of interest to you!
    Player City Gardens Tatooine, Corellia, and Naboo mayors, want to spruce up your player city? How about adding a large, medium, or small garden with a gazebo, fountains, a gnarled tree, or a meditation area to your city? Just craft a deed and pick a garden (out of 15 choices) that's right for your tastes. Read all about it and view all the garden options Scheduled Updates 10/25 through 10/31 For the period of Saturday, October 25th through Friday, October 31st, all Star Wars Galaxies servers will be brought down for a brief update at 4AM Pacific (-7:00 UTC) each day. The estimated downtime is 1 hour. The Soe Game Operations Team Stratics Chat Log See what the Dev's had to say Interview II More from Haden "Shug_Ninx" Blackman Part One here. Review at OnlineGameFreaks Read the review here.


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