An Answer to Suffering | KillTenRats

KTR throw in their two cents about the lack of Guild Wars 2 information.

Ravious, one of the veteran MMO commentators over at KillTenRats, has put up a fairly brief summary of the past couple of weeks. He talks about Eric Flannum's 'When It's Ready' blog post, the strategy behind ArenaNet's information flow, and offers some personal insight.

"They definitely have a schedule of points of dicussion, but it’s a fluid one. Flannum discusses how they had a roadmap of profession reveals months ago, but the eight professions danced around the roadmap to the degree that the current roadmap looks very different. Between the lines, it’s easy to tell that things must be very iterative with big things like PvP and underwater combat. It’s not that they don’t have a good idea; it’s just that when they tell us, they want to freakin’ tell us."

Head on over here to read the rest of that entry.



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