Miss SWG!

We received this letter today about an upcoming event and rather than report something wrong, I copied the letter over for all to view. If you happen to sign up, come back and let us know!
    I am writing to you about an event taking part in SWG this coming Saturday the 4th October, I do not know if this is the kind of news you like to get, but seeing the game is due for release in the UK soon, I thought a really great event previewed like this will show those thinking of buying this RPG just how much you can do. The Imperial guild ShadowKnights is holding the first SWG pageant in Theed Theatre on Naboo, called Miss SWG, hosted by myself Dawn Song, and IsisFainne. Over the past few weeks I have been advertising this event to the max, we now have 50 contestants 10 Judges and over 4 million in the prize fund for the winners, and we have a band to play, and radio coverage, and intend shooting fireworks at the conclusion. I'm told that it's talked about in all cantinas, I was even told of a rebel who killed an imp, and then told them "you should enter that Miss SWG pageant". I've done all I can to make this one of the first truly big events, using role playing in this RPG, And would love for the event to be covered and reported on in some way. We will be holding this event in 3 stages, firstly all our contestants will parade in their evening wear, they will tell their names, and which planet they come from, after a small break for us to acknowledge our sponsors, and listen to the hired band, they will then parade in casual wear, and in this stage be allowed to show what talents they have, be it dancing, playing music, or charming the judges with a witty joke. Lastly is stage 3 where each contestant parades in their beachwear, after these 3 stages, the judges will announce the 2nd runner up, 1st runner up, and winner, we will also be giving out a prize for Miss Congeniality, which will be voted for by the contestants themselves. I know you get preview copies of all games due for release, and could therefore attend this event if you so chose, and I think it would be a great preview to show new potential customers, as it will show such a diverse side of the game, anyone can show the faction side of SWG, and talk about the combat, but previewing this event will show people the role playing side, it will show them the theatres, how bands work, it will show them what other professions can do, such as tailors and the gorgeous outfits they can make, dancers, and how erotically they can dance, musicians and the fun instruments there are to learn, ...how much fun you can have role playing, and taking part in galaxy wide events. If you cannot attend and report on this event, maybe you could point me in the direction of somebody else that could, be it from another website dedicated to SWG, or a pc game magazine, any help would be gratefully received. I look forward to hearing from you whatever your decision Please give this some consideration Many thanks Dawn Song Guild ShadowKnights Eclipse
Event taking place at Theed Theatre Naboo, time 9pm GMT, 4pm EST, 1pm PST


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# Oct 05 2003 at 8:25 PM Rating: Default
For the person who said that this thing will be a great idea but doomed for failure.... your not that smart.... First of all they will practive this thing alot and the servers are prepared for these things, ok maybe not 500 people but close to that, also the thing about everyone talking it ok. Because they will message people its not going to have everyones message on the chat window. They said the only people that will be talking are the contestants and the host/hostess. A thing that causes lag(not all of the lag but some) is talking and if the contestants are the only ones talking then it will be ok.

Skauna Reki
Shadowfire Server

RE: Correction
# Oct 12 2003 at 12:46 PM Rating: Default
OK ... I'm the guy that said it would be laggy and confused.

And your saying I'm not that smart. OK

When you tell people that there are not that smart ... try to do it without typo's :p

And lets get some feedback about how it really was ... all I hear is criticism about me saying it would be laggy and confused ... but I haven’t heard any feedback from someone that was there.

Not so I can say 'I told ya so' or anything. Just want to see how it all worked out.

And in my defense ... I am an internet software tester by trade, a software QA manager ... and a Loadrunner expert.

I have tested load and functionality over many platforms and for many different companies as a consultant.

My predictions for the Miss SWG event are partially drawn from the lack luster condition of the game, it's bugs, it's server performance, ect.

So ... who was there ... was it cool ... was I right ?

No use calling me a jack@ss at this point until we get some feedback.


P.S. - I'll sign this one :)

Erasmus of'Atlantis - Kauri server
StoneWynter SageStorm - Sullon Zek
# Oct 05 2003 at 8:20 PM Rating: Default
World Peace
# Oct 03 2003 at 3:52 PM Rating: Default
I think it is a great idea. Don't listen to the Jackass talkin about lag and such. The devs WANT us to do this type of stuff. On my server we have held some huge events. Scavenger hunts, races. We have had hundreds of people in one place, and had no problems. No LDs, and we had lag yes, but nothin that was unbearable. I say hats off to you on this event. Great idea, I love it. I will be makin a toon to go watch. This is by no means a bad idea. It is a great idea. Good luck to all the contestants. I just hope they dont all wish for World Peace....it aint happenin in this Galactic struggle.
# Oct 03 2003 at 3:17 PM Rating: Default
I am going to make a char on the server just to see this. Great idea!!

# Oct 03 2003 at 3:00 PM Rating: Decent
41 posts
this is a great idea, i wish i was on this server so i could see this in action. anyone that is casting doom and gloom on anyone elses idea for an event more than likely could'nt come up with one themselves. it's a good idea and i hope it goes off well. good luck

Kitalowe <Unity>
Bria Server

Edited, Fri Oct 3 15:47:56 2003
Braxis Stormborn
60 Guardian (EQ2)

Tbath Thunderpaw
56th LvL Beastlord of the Darkflame Knights
Rodcet Knife Server
Miss SWG
# Oct 03 2003 at 12:49 PM Rating: Default
WOW...seems to me the game is full of people who just like to knock, slag off another persons attempt at trying to have some fun, however many people turn up, i dont care, and if someone ive never heard of before sends me a tell ingame asking to join the contest, cause shes heard lots of people talk about it in cantinas, then i take that to mean what she says.
RE: Miss SWG
# Oct 03 2003 at 1:02 PM Rating: Decent
I, for one, think this is a great idea. If SWG is too *busy* to add real content to the game - player driven events such as this REALLY help out by breaking up the monotony of it all.

I exhausted my points and feel no motivation to *keep plugging* cause the xp isn't going anywhere. This is a real good idea and I wish more players would take the intiative like Miss SWG and take the time and effort to make this an enjoyable game.

SOE should be thanking her and others like her for adding some content when it is SORELY needed.

Great Job. I'll be there.

Ti'leek of Eclipse / PRIME PA
Master Doc / Pistoleer / Creature Handler
#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 03 2003 at 12:20 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) just wanted to point out that it's not as "big" as originally made out to be. I've only heard about the event by reading the forum, nowhere is it talked about, I frequent many cantinas :) To say that it's talked about in all the cantinas is just silly. Maybe 30 people will show, but I wouldn't lose sleep over it.
miss swg
# Oct 03 2003 at 10:12 AM Rating: Decent
Event taking place at Theed Theatre Naboo, time 9pm GMT, 4pm EST, 1pm PST

I dont figure on getting 500 people turn up, i do plan on asking the audiance to please stay in private chat during the event, and i also will be in private group chat with the contestants, and group chat with the judges, the band will only play while the judges are deliberating, not all the time.

I hope this answers a few queries, and maybe you can be a little patient with me, as i have a lot to plan/sort out right now, and due to that things are forgotten in some posts

dawn song
bad link
# Oct 03 2003 at 9:57 AM Rating: Decent
watch out for the "." contained in that link :)

try http://forums.station.sony.com/swg/board/message?board.id=Eclipse&message.id=92356

After following the link, its not the same event. This link is for a second "Miss SWG" held by Nabooty Entertainment on Sunday, the 5th.

Still looking for the time of this one on Saturday. Hopefully I can make it to one of them.

Edited, Fri Oct 3 11:01:11 2003
Location / Time
# Oct 03 2003 at 9:54 AM Rating: Excellent
Log into forums.station.sony.com and nav to http://forums.station.sony.com/swg/board/message?board.id=Eclipse&message.id=92356.

It gives the date and time of the event.

Go Daijah Go!
# Oct 03 2003 at 9:50 AM Rating: Default
The letter states

in Theed Theatre on Naboo

and the signature says

Dawn Song
Guild Shadowknights
A good idea but doomed to failure
# Oct 03 2003 at 9:50 AM Rating: Default
This is gonna be a laggy confused clusterf#ck. The servers are not set up for this kind of player event.

When devs plan events they allocated extra server coverage to conpensate for the extra load.

And how will you control who speaks when ?

What will 500 players talking at the same time sound like ?

contestants going LD during the beachwear part, etc ...

Not to mention the spark effects from the band and the dancing and playing contestants.

Events like this should come from the devs .. it's a great idea but doomed to failure ... you'll probably crash the server and get 10K peps booted... or worse yet ... crash the login server and get 250K peeps booted ...

# Oct 03 2003 at 9:48 AM Rating: Decent
So...the Theatre...in Theed...On Naboo...the Eclipse server....

uh, What time? :D

I play on Starsider, but have a "long, lost" character on Eclipse and would like to stop by.

:EDIT: hehe...looks like I wasn't the only one wondering :P

Edited, Fri Oct 3 10:44:59 2003
what time?!?!?!
# Oct 03 2003 at 9:47 AM Rating: Decent
Great, now we know where it is, but not WHEN it is. Cmon guys if im gonna go check this out i dont want to be there 4 hours early or anything. Clue us in please.

Oh yeah, make sure to specify what time zone you're in. ie. 7:00 p.m. central/mountain or est or whatever. thanks
Miss SWG
# Oct 03 2003 at 8:24 AM Rating: Default
As stated in my sig, the server is Eclipse, and had i known the letter would have been placed here for all to read, i wuld have added the location is infact Theed Theatre, close to shuttleport B

Just to clarify it is not being held at our PA, its held at Theed Theatre on Naboo
# Oct 03 2003 at 7:45 AM Rating: Default
The Pagaent is taking place on the Eclipse server at the Shadow Knight's City.

The Shadow Knights City is easy to find just 2.6km West of Moenia (Naboo) simply type
/waypoint 3211 -5861.

-Severius Drax, Vice Councillor, Master Armorsmith - Shadow Knights
# Oct 03 2003 at 6:37 AM Rating: Default
Is it just me beeing dumb, or does the post totally lack any information about the server and the waypoint where this contest is beeing hosted?
#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 03 2003 at 4:41 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) JOYGASM
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