Blizzard Announces Changes to Combat Resurrections
Combat resurrections are now limited to one in a 10-man and three in a 25-man raid.
As part of Blizzard’s raiding redesign in Cataclysm, they have changed how combat resurrection works. No longer can we use 25 soulstones on the raid, or achieve essential immortality by using a raid of all druids. Blizzard explains in this blue post that resurrections will now be limited to one per combat in a 10-man raid and three per combat in a 25-man raid. They are considering making soulstone castable on a dead target, which would be a welcome change.
While I know there have been certain fights that my guild has beaten for the first time using quite a few battle rebirths, in the end I like this change. In any fight with a mechanic that would instantly kill a player, bringing more druids was almost always a good idea, and this penalized raids that couldn't stack druids. What do you think?
Blizzard remains coy about how and if this will affect a shaman's ankh, saying only that they will get back to us.