Round-Up of the ZAM Network's BlizzCon Coverage
Catch up on everything that happened over the weekend at BlizzCon 2010.
BlizzCon 2010 may not have contained any earth-shattering revelations for Blizzard fans, but it's safe to to say that a fun time was had by all who attended. Tenacious D introduced The Metal to the Lich King as part of the closing concert, if that's any indication of this year's festivities.
Keep reading after the jump for a round-up of the ZAM Network's BlizzCon 2010 coverage, which includes our friends at Wowhead and TankSpot.
- Opening Ceremony Reveals Diablo III Class: The Demon Hunter is the fifth and final Diablo III class. Also, Cataclysm will be available for pre-order through Blizzard and can be downloaded before the Dec. 7 launch.
- Diablo III: A Hero Emerges Panel: Find out more about the Demon Hunter class and the major updates to gameplay.
- WoW Dungeons & Raids Panel: This panel was full of interesting information on Blizzard's design goals for Cataclysm and beyond. Classic dungeons will be less confusing, shorter, and more fun. Also, Firelands is the all-new raid coming in the post-Cataclysm patch 4.1.
- World of Warcraft Live Raid: Paragon EU played through the custom "Defense of Orgrimmar" raid.
- WoW Quests & Lore Panel: All you lore buffs will definitely want to check out TankSpot's live blog for this panel.
- Costume, Song and Dance Contests: Malgayne from Wowhead wasn't able to get many pictures from these contests, but you can read his live commentary.
- Fony Shares Costume Photos from BlizzCon: Mike B. aka Fony was able to take almost 200 high-quality photos of costumes at BlizzCon.
- Cataclysm Cinematics Panel: Blizzard unveiled the worgen cinematic at this panel.
- Diablo III: Crafting Sanctuary Panel: More Diablo III details can be found in this live blog.
- Open Q&A Panels: Check out Wowhead's live blogs from the WoW Class Q&A, the WoW Open Q&A and the Diablo III Open Q&A to see which audience questions were answered by Blizzard.
- BlizzCon Sound Panel: At the last panel, Blizzard announced a new partnership with Alfred Music Publishing to create a number of product lines based on Blizzard Music. This includes everything from piano anthologies to marching band scores.
- BlizzCon Tournaments: *aAa* won the WoW Arena title; Remind won the Warcraft III bracket; and NEXGenius won the StarCraft II bracket.
- BlizzCon Fan Art, Movie and Song Contest Winners: Check out all the creative pieces that received top honors in these contests.
- Deathwing Takes Over the Cataclysm Login Screen: The title says it all. Watch the video to see the new login screen in action.
Tags: News, WorldofWarcraft