New Guild Wars 2 Dev Post Talks Loot and Rewards

Tired of feeling like it's you versus the world when it comes to your loot?

Ahhh, shiny, shiny loot. Where would we all be without you? Probably lazing around town, too apathetic to save the villagers from that nasty dragon. But once you tell adventurers that this particular dragon might have the chance to drop his breastplate of super awesomeness? Bam. That's one dead dragon.

All jokes aside, in ArenaNet's latest developer post, they decided to bring in one of the primary designers responsible for the rewards and item systems in Guild Wars 2: John Hargrove. In his post, Hargrove goes in-depth into GW2's gear and reward system, and while it may not be the most innovative system in the world, it's certainly one that will get quite a few people excited for Guild Wars 2. Most notable is the fact that Hargrove wants everyone to get a "swing at the proverbial pinata," meaning that he wants to do away with random rolling for loot and that whole feeling of competing with other players for rewards (this includes gathering professions and such).

Want more details? Keep reading after the jump!

Guild Wars 2 will stress customization and unique styles for all characters, as players will be able to 'remodel' (Hargrove calls it transmutation) their equipment to resemble other equipment. I just hope that this doesn't become a problem within the realms of high-end PvP, where gear recognition plays a huge factor in assessing your opponents' strengths and weaknesses. Finally, Hargrove does mention that every dungeon in the game currently boasts, at minimum, one full set of light armor, one full set of medium armor, one full set of heavy armor and an entire set of weaponry. We're sold already!


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