Arena Season 8 Could End as Early as October 12

Season 9 is now available for testing in the Cataclysm beta.

This news post is going out to all your Arena fans out there. Zarhym just announced on the official forums that Arena Season 8 could end as early as October 12, and Season 9 will begin for level 85 players approximately one week after the official launch of Cataclysm.

Speaking of Season 9, it now available for testing in the Cataclysm beta. You can read both posts after the jump. What are you goals for the last two weeks of Season 8?

Arena Season 8 Ending Soon:

We are currently planning to end Arena Season 8 as early as October 12. At that point we will go through our normal process to determine who is eligible for the end-of-season rewards. This process should take approximately one week. It's very important for players who feel that they may be eligible for the Arena-specific titles and/or the Wrathful Gladiator’s Frostwyrm to refrain from transferring their character to another realm until after Arena Season 8 ends.

The next Arena Season will begin for level-85 players approximately one week after the official launch of World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. During the break between seasons, all rated matches will be turned off and only skirmishes will be available. All Team Ratings, Personal Rating, and Arena Points will be wiped when Arena Season 9 begins, but Matchmaking Rating and Honor Points converted to the new currency system will remain.

Arena Season 9 Available for Testing:

Arena Season 9 is now running and available for testing in the Cataclysm beta.

To help facilitate testing we'd like to ask that those interested in providing bug reports and feedback focus on playing arena games, but also participating in the rated battlegrounds. Please let us know if you find any issues or have any feedback. Thanks.


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