Full Gallery of 8th Vana'versary Fan Art Contest

Square Enix's 8th Vana'versary Fan Art Contest gave everyone a wonderful look at the love for Vana'diel each winner put into their submissions, but now it's time for all the submitted entries to get their 15 minutes of fame. Square Enix has released the full gallery of submissions for everyone to see. Discuss this on the ZAM forums.

My own entry is located in the second spot of the second row! :)

From PlayOnline.com:

This year's 8th Vana'versary Fan Art Contest featured such a wide range of creative and inspired submissions that selecting our prizewinners was a most daunting task indeed.

Today, we're pleased to release the full gallery of submissions to the public. Follow the link below and feast your eyes on each and every one of our artists' renditions representing eight memorable years in Vana'diel!

Check out the gallery today!


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