Mini Patch...

Well thank goodness some of yesterday's patch bugs have been repaired! Read on!
    Update Notes 8/14/03
  • Fixed a bug where vendors and the items in the vendors' inventory count against your overall house limit.
  • Fixed a bug where inventory would misreport values when at max capacity.
  • Fixed a bug where you could overload your inventory using equipped backpacks and nested containers.
  • All factory crates now have a volume of 1.
  • House limits are now 75 per lot (instead of 25 per lot), with a max capacity of 250.
  • Fixed Creature Difficulty display on the pet control device.
  • Allows a Creature Handler to call a creature if the creature's *current* level is low enough.
  • Added correct error messages explaining why a particular creature cannot be called.
  • Fixed a problem where a backpack wouldn't show up in inventory if it was equipped along with a particular dress, robe, or cloak.
  • Increased difficulty of low level creatures
  • Fixed a problem where a server could hang for extended periods.


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Giant Womprats...
# Aug 14 2003 at 9:58 PM Rating: Decent
I can say for certain now...I am no longer impressed that Luke Skywalker can shoot womprats from his T-16...not when I just recently spotted one as big as a barn...floating right above an unsuspecting eopie. Unfortunately, the flying hoodlum, under the alias of "womprat city," managed to land before I could capture the image for my sightseeing slideshow, neatly decapitating the aforementioned prey with two swift stomps. I really must say...these Womprat Cities will become the envy of every rancor around...;)

"What are you looking at me for? YOU'RE the one who can't hit the broad-side of a womprat..."
# Aug 14 2003 at 8:05 PM Rating: Decent
I don't know if anyone else has experienced an increased number of bugs after the new patch... I've notice that even old ones have come back.
Updates and Wackiness!
# Aug 14 2003 at 4:29 PM Rating: Good
65 posts
Has anyone on Tatooine seen the Overlord Kreetles? Or the Whomprat City mobs?
I guess the Kreetle's got tired of getting killed all the time and the Whomprats decided to be cities amongst themselves?

"Welcome to Whomprat City! Population.. That thing!"

Good thing they have Artisan missions, now. It's gotten a WHOLE LOT ROUGHER out there! :O
RE: Updates and Wackiness!
# Aug 15 2003 at 2:19 AM Rating: Default
Yeah, Tatooine is getting so dangerous it makes me want to pack up my stuff and move someplace Civilized, like Dagobah
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