Delegates for Fourth CSM Revealed

The Dominion expansion has been deployed on Tranquility, but that's not the only big news for EVE Online players. CCP just revealed the delegates for the fourth Council of Stellar Management, and it looks like Tomas "ElvenLord" Ljumovic of Serbia is the new chairman with 1,553 votes.

The first meeting of the council will be held in-game on Dec. 5. It will be closed to the public, but you'll be able to read the minutes in the CSM forum or on the EVElopedia. The members will be flown to Iceland from Feb. 24-28, 2010 to meet with CCP to discuss prioritized topics.

CCP loves to put statistical data in its dev blogs, and this one is no exception. There were 21,158 votes cast by eligible voters, amassing a turnout of 7.36%. Most of the votes were cast by veteran players of two years or more, and a whopping 13.32% of Finland subscribers voted in the election.


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