Best of the Best: A Blast from the Past?

With adventure and a brutal war raging throughout FFXI, could a spunky dancer be your key to rekindling your love with Vana'diel?

LilisetteIt’s been too long since I last saved the world.

As a die-hard fan of the Final Fantasy series, life just feels empty when I’m not locked in an epic struggle between the forces of good and evil.

Don’t get me wrong -- I enjoy the therapeutic soloing on Buburimu Peninsula as much as the next guy. It’s just that I feel more in my element when I’m hurtling toward a lunar foe in the Big Whale, battling my father in depths of Sin or chasing a genetic freak with a ridiculously oversized sword.

About a year and a half ago, my closest linkshell mates and I prevented Ragnarok by the slimmest of slim margins. Since then, the only time I’ve saved the world was in A Crystalline Prophecy -- but that wasn’t epic enough to count.

Final Fantasy XI started feeling less and less like Final Fantasy. Most of my friends from my social linkshell left, and then my dynamis linkshell disbanded as well. Square Enix released A Moogle Kupo d’Etat, but, as was the case with ACP, I just couldn’t convince myself that Vana’diel really needed my help.

Lately, though, I’ve got that feeling in my bones. There’s electricity in the air. Something wicked this way comes. And this time, it really is up to me to stop it. Put an end to the wickedness.

I’m talking about Wings of the Goddess.

For the first time in a long time, I’m beginning to care about the future of Vana’diel -- no pun intended.

Of course there are downsides to Wings of the Goddess. The thing is, there aren’t very many. Some people believe the battles are too easy and that there aren’t enough rewards. The only widespread criticism I agree with is that Square Enix has taken far too long to release the storyline content. Unfortunately, this is a serious flaw. There’s a good chance we’ll know how the television show “LOST” ends before we see the next chapter of WoTG.

That said, the most recent batch of missions had me on the edge of my seat, wondering what would happen next, eager to leap into the next battle -- and I haven’t even completed the apparently awesome Windurst quests released in this week’s update.

If Anza’s recent thread in the general forum is any indication, I’m not the only adventurer who has been hooked by WoTG’s unique storyline. What works about the Wings of the Goddess story, and why does it seem so unique to Final Fantasy XI?

Long ago, I remember the development team discussing the unique structure of the WoTG storyline. Now, I get it. The only way to fully appreciate this expansion is to do all of the nation quests and missions. Although I’ve found Bastok’s story to be somewhat less stimulating (insert Lastok joke here), each quest line is generally clever, compelling and dramatic. The main storyline, which ties in seamlessly with the nation quest storylines, is a blend of humor and heroism, sadness and hope -- and it works perfectly.

The other thing I enjoy about the WoTG storyline is that it’s easy to understand. More than once during Chains of Promathia -- widely regarded until now as the best storyline in FFXI -- my static party spent considerable amounts of time debating exactly what had just happened. There’s none of that in Wings of the Goddess. It’s not that the story is overly simple or dumbed down; the story telling is just that good.

Some have criticized the battles of WoTG for being too easy. However, I applaud Square Enix for making these battles fast-paced and exciting. Nothing else I’ve experienced in the game comes close to the heart-pounding, feather-flying fury of the Windurst quest "A Manifest Problem," which Pikko and I duoed many months ago.

Have I mentioned how spectacular the cutsenes are? I talked about the storyline, which is basically synonymous with cutscenes. Still, I want this to be emphatically clear: the cutscenes of WoTG are THE. BEST. CUTSCENES. IN. THE. ENTIRE. GAME. Even Kanye West would agree. In addition to conveying the excitement of the story, the cutscenes breath life into the expansion's supporting cast. Lilisette, with her vibrant costume, spunky dialogue and detailed facial expressions, is perhaps the most memorable female of Final Fantasy XI since Prishe.

I’m not going to reveal any spoilers, because I know many players have yet to experience the story. It’s shocking how few people have completed even a few Wings of the Goddess missions. We’ve all heard the complaints that there isn’t enough incentive to progress through the storyline. To those people I ask, “What more do you want?”

Square Enix is giving us what may prove to be the superior storyline of Final Fantasy XI. Forget the fact that many quests reward you with valuable, sellable items, or that shiny pieces of gear will likely await adventurers after the final battle (whenever that may be). I’m aware that many gamers are obsessed with itemization, and I expect other MMORPGs to be e-peen-centric.

I just don’t expect that from Final Fantasy XI.

Say what you want about Square Enix, but give Wings of the Goddess a chance. Round up five friends, pick a day or night and start a mission static. The storyline missions are being released at a snail's pace, but they're worth the wait. Nobody can accuse Square Enix of failing to give their most die-hard fans exactly what they want.

That would be: an amazing storyline; emotion; nostalgia; the chance to static with friends; excitement; epic battles.

And, of course, a chance to save the world.


Post Comment
# Dec 03 2009 at 6:19 PM Rating: Decent
Edit: This was in response to the posters below who commented that they skip through the "button-mashing" cutscenes and what not. This is not directed at Thayos. Forgive me, I don't comment on News Stories often.

How you are able to play Final Fantasy, any one at all, and not be immersed in the story at all (to some degree) astounds me.

Final Fantasy XI is at first, a Final Fantasy. I didn't purchase XI in 2003 with hopes of getting good gear, I bought it for a good quality storyline experience.

Now I'm not going to take Reij's path, I keep my gear up to date for my two jobs: Blue Mage, and Paladin. And I do realize gear is important. But what is the gear meant for? The gear is meant to help you advance through the game, and in a Final Fantasy game, that means the storyline.

Unless you spend mindless hours everyday camping a monster over and over, and for some people they consider that their fun, but I get the greatest enjoyment out of cutscenes. Wings of the Goddess has not failed me in that department, I just wish they would hire more developmental resources to it. They are dragging it out way too long.

Edited, Dec 3rd 2009 4:23pm by UltKnightGrover
# Nov 19 2009 at 4:56 PM Rating: Decent
295 posts
I like the story. I also like the fact that half of the story line I walked into never realizing that it existed. I remember I had forgotten to register several expansions (CoP, RoZ, ToAU, WoTG) until, literally, I was level 40's and someone asked me if I wanted to start zhilart missions now that I was done with rank 5.

The cutscene in Delfuk's tower (sp) I first saw in the middle of a party while we were zoning in to fight giants.

For an oblivious story loving guy like me, This sorta thing really does make the game much more fun.

Unfortunately, I'm also a casual player, so finding the time to do many things is difficult. Finding time to spend an hour looking for a party and then 3 hours leveling for 2 levels is a pain. Then having to do subjobs.
Two types of players.
# Nov 19 2009 at 11:37 AM Rating: Good
Let's be honest here... There are two types of players. Type one is the ones that just want their e-peen to be flaunted everywhere and could give a care less about what makes FFXI a RPG. The second type are the players that really play for the story. This is the reason I was first hooked for Final Fantasy. An intricate story, unique characters, and expansive worlds.

I will admit that I have not been able to push deep into the story lines (RoZ, CoP, WotG), but the pieces I have been able to do of the latter two have left me wanting more.

And honestly, I think I can understand why alot of people do not like the Bastok line in WotG, it's more of a political mystery and relating to something that REALLY happens in politics. Internal power struggles, trying to trump one another to achieve your agenda. It's not fast paced like the others, but once all the key players are in place, I really believe (atleast to me) that it will eclipse the other two.

That's just my two gil on the matter.
Two types of players.
# Nov 19 2009 at 4:08 PM Rating: Decent
1,286 posts
Let's be honest here... There are two types of players. Type one is the ones that just want their e-peen to be flaunted everywhere and could give a care less about what makes FFXI a RPG. The second type are the players that really play for the story.

You've finally described the prejudice that you aren't supposed to name so bluntly - you're supposed to just sit on a moral high-horse and sneer at people who don't have the same goals as you, rating them down because they have needs too. Don't you know you're doing it wrong?

How about people who play because they like to set goals for themselves and enjoy the challenge of meeting those goals in an honorable way?
(The growth-oriented players.)

How about people who play because they enjoy the building friendships based upon mutual undertaking of difficult tasks?
(The team building players.)

How about people who play because they like the rush of situations where success and failure are a hair's-breadth away, and there is a lot riding on the outcome?
(The risk taking players.)

How about people who get deep into the math and want to find gear that lets them check their suppositions?
(The math geeks.)

How about we could go on and on with a hell of a lot more than your "two types of players", except that now the point is made - you only see two because it allows you to feel superior to "them".

There are, I believe, at least two types of players who I don't care for. One is the people who are so insecure that they flaunt ePeen in a desperate attempt to gain the respect that they don't have for themselves. The other is the kind who is so insecure that they go out of their way to flaunt how unlike the first kind they are, and use their failure to achieve as proof of their own virtue, while trying to undermine and destroy the happiness of others who actually manage to achieve anything.

The first type doesn't post in this thread. The second type rates my posts down.

And yet, here I am.

Edited, Nov 19th 2009 4:24pm by NatePrawdzik
Two types of players.
# Nov 19 2009 at 8:51 PM Rating: Good
314 posts
NatePrawdzik wrote:
[quote]How about people who play because they enjoy the building friendships based upon mutual undertaking of difficult tasks?
(The team building players.)

How about people who play because they like the rush of situations where success and failure are a hair's-breadth away, and there is a lot riding on the outcome?
(The risk taking players.)

These two don't lend themselves specifically to people who care about story or those who don't, they can be true of both groups equally. Just sayin.
Two types of players.
# Nov 19 2009 at 9:06 PM Rating: Good
1,286 posts
Very true. It's why I hate those prejudices from both sides.
# Nov 18 2009 at 11:51 PM Rating: Decent
5,055 posts
I have to disagree, while I do like WoTG I still thing CoP is the best, 6those fights (at least back when I did them) took skill, and competence, you HAD to buy potions/items etc etc, you HAD to haved competant pt members (i,.e a pickup pt wasnt gonan work very often). and even wuth competent pt members and items you still werent guaranteed to win, so when you finally did you FLET a sesne iof ccomplishment, liek you overcame a difficult struggle and ended oon top, , getting Sea access back then was something to brag about as not many poeple could do it/had done it, even now the number of people that have Sea are far lowerr than the number that have Sky.

With WoTG not a single battle is that hard, its more like "ok lets walk in here beat down this behemoth, or this tranforming evil eye mob amd be done with it." and sue enough you did just that, hardly a sweat broken.'''COP fights on the other hand were epic, even the BCNM music just made you hyped for battle, I remember entering the mammet fight for the first time seeing those 3 mysterious clocked figured charging at me with that battle music and I was hyped up, facing down a REEAL dragon (Oryu) for the first time in a party of 6, and dont even get me started on the Promathia fight, 2 forms, TWO NPC helpesrs with great abilities, the music and that BCNM area just let you know you were gonna be in for the fight of your life a battle of epic proportions. Not to mention CoP was more liek all teh offline FFs (and all othe console RPGs in general) you actually had to dungeon crawl and fight a boss at the end (like an offline rpg). I mean REAL dungeon crawling not some "Im too high level fo this area to get aggro so let me waltz right on up to the bosses door, or "Ill just walk in her and sneak/invis myself" where I had to go."

Nope On CoP you you had to fam drops in the area usually off mobs that were impossible to solo, so you HAD to fight and s/i wasnt an option, abnd even in the areas where fighting wasnt necessary most the mobs where true site so any sneaking yo did was using youre own metal gear solid stealth skills and not "cheating" with magic. COP really felt like an offline FF game with teh exception of my pt members bein ciontrolled by other poeple instead of me or AI.
The value of rewards.
# Nov 18 2009 at 7:01 PM Rating: Good
1,286 posts
You are not entitled anything; hell, even life's technically optional. The fact still remains that if you are displeased with a service you are free to end that service.

You can banter all day about hypocracy, right & wrong and customer service but at the end of the day you're not needed here and, well, there's the door :-)

For anyone who feels caught up in the convenience of this fallacy, ask yourself:

Do I need SE to stay in business or do they need me to stay in business?

Don't let yourself believe that they are too big to fail. That is the attitude of GM, Lehman Brothers, etc, and it leads to ruin. Be hopeful they aren't running their business (into the ground) based on that. The only reason that any company at all can stay in business is with the sanction of the people spending money to support them. If the rewards for that money aren't acceptable (product doesn't break, etc), I do not spend my moeny; I will not do that for any reason but a proper reward, in fact. You should ask yourself why you feel compelled to do so in this case, but not in others. It's either because you ARE being rewarded, hence you feel no lack, or because you have given up your self-respect in the guise of obligation to a company that doesn't feel obligated to you. Either way, no argument can justify telling a person to buy a product they do not like/want/need without first improving the product. Like/want/need are the reasons to buy, and happiness/satisfaction/appreciation are the rewards.

If I pay to play, I deserve to be rewarded. Period. If I'm not, I will not support their business. Period. Without the support of customers, there can be no business. Period. What's written in the ToS can't change the reality of life. Period.

If a person thinks they don't deserve to be rewarded for their efforts/investment, then consider the low opinion that they must have for themselves. I expect a mutual exchange of value for value when I deal. That is why I have not purchased the newest mini-expansion: The offered rewards don't have value to me that equals the value of what I would have to give. It wouldn't be an exchange of value, but instead would be my loss and their gain. I don't make exchanges of this nature. I didn't purchase WoTG until the I.R. set was released for the same reason. Effectively, their release of good items part way through the expansion was enough to let me trust that they would finish it properly, so based on that and based on their past business dealings, I traded my money to them with the understanding the reward for that trade would come. That has not happened. I am reserving judgement as of yet about when it will, but non-correction of issues in a timely manner has been their hallmark for so long now (unless it's nerfing a way to kill AV), I've become fairly dissatisfied in general.

Do you think this issue is just about FFXI? The big picture is more than just one game.

Do you think this issue is just about one customer? The big picture is more than just one man.

Life is optional?! Prove it.

Edited, Nov 18th 2009 7:15pm by NatePrawdzik
The value of rewards.
# Nov 19 2009 at 11:07 AM Rating: Good
2,228 posts
To Nate, as always, hugs and kisses :-)

Yes SE would like to continue getting your revenue but I doubt they will change their bssiness plan to satisfy all of us. If they are unable to satisfy enough to stay afloat then they will fail as many other bussinesses before. Thems the breaks. It still remains that if your not happy then don't buy it. Walk away and enjoy something else. If SE fails then I would just play something else. Life moves on. The universe is indifferent to you. Nothing matters mate.

And if you want proff that your life is not a garuntee and totally optional, stick the largest sharp object you can find in your neck lol
Busa's Cloth Guide 1-100
Zaredx wrote:
Gjallihorn + Carnwenhan = Green Ranger's Flute! DRAGONZORD!
The value of rewards.
# Nov 19 2009 at 3:55 PM Rating: Default
1,286 posts
And if you want proff that your life is not a garuntee and totally optional, stick the largest sharp object you can find in your neck lol.

You said life is optional. I say it's not. It's you who identified the solution to prove it. You are the one who has something to prove to me, not the other way around. I say to you that you do not have this option. You can claim it's optional all day, but that's the easy way out. You sit there, knowing the solution, arguing that I be the one to prove that you are correct.

I sit here arguing that the very fact you are unable to prove your point is exactly what proves my point. My point, specifically, is that you are unable to kill yourself because life is not optional. You want others to prove you're right because deep in your heart, you know that you can't do it. The fact you can't is what my point consists of. That's the sum and the total of it.

Life isn't optional. The only people who spout this nonsense are the people who are too hypocritical to prove it.

You say nothing matters, but if that were the case you would have no problem proving your premise - the lie is already obvious in your ability to make it. What prevents you, you who espouse the philosophy of nonexistence, of existence without value? The answer is the critical flaw in your entire system.

Your life makes your words the lie that they are. Live as a hypocrite or die with honor are the only two possible outcomes of YOUR philosophy.

Fortunately, I have higher values. I have the values of life. I don't care about the universe's indifference. I'm not indifferent. I matter. I don't care if I don't matter to you. The value of my life is intrinsic to me. I don't need your approval or the universe's for my life to be of value, and neither do you.

Edited, Nov 19th 2009 4:13pm by NatePrawdzik
The value of rewards.
# Nov 19 2009 at 7:51 PM Rating: Good
2,228 posts
You seem to have existentialism and nihilism confused with suicide some how. Just because I don't think anything matters doesn't mean I'm not having fun along the way of not caring. Why on earth would I want to end things when it's so much fun poking the delusional folks like yourself.

Also, you posted about the different kinds of players there are in a later post. If wotg has not been satisfying for the goal oriented players surely the mini expansions have. They certainly have not been much to nibble on for the story driven.

I await your next long winded ***** fest.

Busa's Cloth Guide 1-100
Zaredx wrote:
Gjallihorn + Carnwenhan = Green Ranger's Flute! DRAGONZORD!
Story is what keeps me playing.
# Nov 18 2009 at 3:35 PM Rating: Decent
190 posts
Not only the WotG missions, but the quests are pretty amazing too. Really I wish SE would have made them part of the Mission log rather than the quest log as they are just as good as any mission storyline and people seem to be disregarding them. The Windurst line in particular is great. If you've leveled RNG and remember the AF cutscenes (which was my favorite of the jobs I've leveled), Square did an awesome job working that story in. And the Bastok line reveals s lot about a favorite character.

My only worry is that they seem to be tying up loose ends (and the "Ultimate" collection seems to imply the end), and I'm really not ready to say goodbye to Vanadiel yet. Hopefully the release of FFXIV doesn't completely kill it and we get new content the way EQ1 and UO did and do. I hope FFXI will too, as in my opinion, it's the most interesting world the series has seen since FFVI, and with WotG they've really stepped up their game in the storytelling department if not on the urgency to release it.

Edited, Nov 18th 2009 4:42pm by LatchKeyKid
too slow to start
# Nov 18 2009 at 12:22 PM Rating: Excellent
2,915 posts
The slow pace is exactly what has kept me from doing these missions yet, not the lack of reward. When I go through a story line, I want to remember what happened the CS before (without having to wander all over to re-watch it). Having to wait so long for each update, means I've completely forgotten the story up to that point by the time I get there. I'd rather wait until the entire thing is complete, and get the whole story at together, so I can actually enjoy it as a whole.
It's good content
# Nov 18 2009 at 12:12 PM Rating: Decent
As a player who has recently returned to Vanadiel, I can truly appreciate the way WotG is presented. Having started a new character from scratch, I'm finding it to be extremely painstaking to find help with "Chains of Promothia" missions. While I do have friends helping, it is very time consuming for them and myself just to gain access to Sea (where all end game content now lies.) On the other hand though, the battles are epic. The story line is amazing. And so far WotG has proven to match that experience and even surpass it. One thing about FFXI that I have to continually remind mysely is that the journey is meant to be enjoyed and not rushed through. Too often I find myself rushing through content when I should be enjoying it.
The value of rewards.
# Nov 18 2009 at 8:20 AM Rating: Default
1,286 posts
the fact remains that if the game is "disgusting" you or you actually feel entitled to a reward of any kind then, well, there's the f*cking door...

So according to you, expecting a reward of any kind for the money I spend on my entertainment is wrong. If you are correct, then the normal course of events should be to spend money so I can be disappointed and frustrated.

That's your stand is it? (Definitely sig worthy for the absurdity, I agree.)

Apparently what you fail to want to acknowledge is that rewards come in different forms. For some it is the reward of enjoying a good story with good CS's. For others it is the reward of equipping a new piece of gear, or replacing an old one. Must be nice when you can get your reward (pleasure at a good story) and tell us we shouldn't get ours (pleasure at a good item) without recognizing the hypocrisy of it, simply because you prefer to look down your nose at our form of enjoyment with regards to FFXI.

Frankly, I don't understand how anyone can give a crap about made up characters in a made up world where there are real people (not NPC's) making real stories of success and failure, measured in part by their gear and gil. But... that's me and though I don't understand it, I don't belittle it or deny the importance to some.

Suggesting customers should quit over being unsatisfied because their needs are not being met (in a timely manner) is a really terrible business plan. If all the customers go who you say should leave, you might ask yourself what impetus there will be for SE to continue to produce the story that you enjoy so much given their now diminished and (therefore) less profitable audience. Loss of business = loss of budget = loss of quality.

"Burger King... Your way, whenever we happen to get around to it, or there's the f*cking door". That slogan really doesn't have quite the same ring of success, now does it?

The correct answer, as you already know yet somehow refuse to acknowledge, is to cater to both sorts of customers. WoTG missions don't do that yet, although as I stated earlier the expansion as a whole has some offerings for each, proving that meeting both sets of need is a reasonable expectation.


And yet you responded. Either you are lying about not reading, or you are willing to open your mouth without knowing what's being talked about. So which is it, lier or fool?

Second thought, I don't care how you reply; I listen to neither.

Edited, Nov 18th 2009 8:27am by NatePrawdzik
The value of rewards.
# Nov 18 2009 at 1:15 PM Rating: Good
2,228 posts
To Nate:

Of course I read those posts; I was just comenting on the stigma that would be left on this thread by the Sean Hannity sized whine fest they left behind.

There is a difference between 'expecting' a reward and thinking you 'deserve' one or are entitled to one. The previous expansions all ended with a reward so of course you would expect to see one but you are NEVER garunteed one. If it's written in the ToS somewhere that every expansion must hand you a treat for being a good boy then please enlighten me.

You are not entitled anything; hell, even life's technically optional. The fact still remains that if you are displeased with a service you are free to end that service.

You can banter all day about hypocracy, right & wrong and customer service but at the end of the day you're not needed here and, well, there's the door :-)
Busa's Cloth Guide 1-100
Zaredx wrote:
Gjallihorn + Carnwenhan = Green Ranger's Flute! DRAGONZORD!
Smell the Roses
# Nov 18 2009 at 7:45 AM Rating: Good
805 posts
The unique value that SE brings to gaming is the strong sense of story and the CS's that expound it. It's a shame that many, like some of the posters below, see this only as an impediment to collecting virtual baubles, but, I guess everyone has their own goals and their own reasons for playing the game.

The best experience I've had in this game has been the CoP missions - nothing else comes close to the sense of achievement that was felt in my static at the end.

In this expansion, SE has divided the mission story line into 4 pieces, each of them very well crafted. I agree that the Bastok line has been the least interesting but the latest updates have fixed that. I'm eager to get to the bottom of the Klara story and see how it ties into the overall saga of the crystal war.

The story versus reward contrast is best illustrated by comparing WoTG or CoP to the add-on expansions. Those add-ons have great rewards but, to me, have been failures due to the poor missions construct (all 3 are constructed exactly the same) and lousy story telling. Rewards aside, they fail for both story fans and button mashers who will hate the farm / fetch construct as a delay to the final battles.

The only fault with WoTG is the pace. It should have been completed within the first year. The story suffers when you must put down the book for months between chapters. The lame add-ons could have been delayed and used as the content bridge to FFXIV instead. Maybe if they were done that way, the add-on content could have been improved as well.

Edited, Nov 18th 2009 8:50am by Lokithor
Story vs Reward
# Nov 18 2009 at 7:45 AM Rating: Decent
978 posts
I agree, the story and cutscenes are top notch, but SE screwed up royally on 2 fronts.

1.) They intertwined the Missions and Nation quests, requiring completion of one string in order to progress in the other. Its just a dumb way to structure it no matter how you slice it.

2.) They put BC's that require everyone to be on, or have already completed the mission, in order to participate in the Nation quests. I can understand this in the Mission lines, but quests should be more accessible.

These two highly unneccessary road blocks have killed most interest in progressing through this expansion. I'm stuck on Nation quest BC's right now and can't find a single person that can help me, mostly thanks to the above reasons. They should make it like the mini expansions and allow anyone to participate in all fights. This would help drum up interest tremendously, or at the very least allow people that are stuck an easier way to complete them.
I love story
# Nov 18 2009 at 7:36 AM Rating: Good
208 posts
I would agree. From what I've seen so far, WotG has a great storyline. The problem is that there are way too many skip-CS-only-care-about-gear players out there so I am having trouble finding people who want to do the missions for the storyline.
#REDACTED, Posted: Nov 18 2009 at 8:31 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Check your premises.
# Nov 18 2009 at 3:33 AM Rating: Default
I dont even see the point in doing any of the WoTG missions since there is no foreseeable end in sight.

WoTG has been out for over a year and 1/2 and is still not complete. This is DISGUSTING. This expansion should have been completed after the first year. The players DESERVE new expansions on a yearly basis. So far SE has yet to deliver.

Instead of hiring a few extra guys to do the 3 Scenario expansions - they should have just implemented the augment-able body pieces as rewards for completing the missions of each nation and finally ended WoTG so that we can get on with our lives and start looking towards the next expansion.

SE has been abusing the player base mentally. Taking our money and providing as little service as possible while they set up their new flagship.
Story vs Reward
# Nov 18 2009 at 2:56 AM Rating: Default
1,286 posts
Focusing on the Story portion of the game is nice for people for whom this is important, and I have no problem admitting that the company should cater to those customers.

I'm not one of them.

It took me months to finish CoP, back when it was much worse to try to do so than it is now, and despite being forced to repeatedly Enter Key through the same CS's again and again, to this day I still have no idea what it was all about, nor do I care to know. Then there was more Enter-Key mashing for ToAU. Luckily, a friend ran me through the boredom of more CS's during MKT and ACP - I only had to log on for the actual game play thanks to her. Frankly, until now my main beef with most expansions was not being able to skip the CS's altogether. I resent the delays.

Seriously, for those of us who care primarily about mission rewards, WoTG still has yet to deliver. I'm not going to waste my time on a possible reward that might be implemented to my satisfaction when I have a laundry list of goals I'm already working to achieve. Game play for me is about goal-oriented time management, and in this regard the expansion missions fail to offer any reason to interrupt my purposeful game play. Buying WoTG in general was not a waste for me, as I've campaigned to get the rank and points for the CP purchases I needed, done very well in level-sync parties, and now have options of NM hunting and various battlefields like ANNM and SCNM.

You can call it boring or whatever you want, but the pleasure I get from gaming is profit/reward seeking with like-minded friends. That's why I game. That's what I want. That's what I enjoy. That's what WoTG missions fail to deliver.

Hopefully, their skill at satisfying the story-oriented player will transfer to the actual mission rewards at some point, else I will never get to skip through those cut-scenes too.
Story vs Reward
# Nov 23 2009 at 4:42 PM Rating: Good
398 posts
I simply can not comprehend why anyone would be driven to play a Final Fantasy game if they don't care about the story, seriously, if you don't enjoy the story why not go play some other game with less or no cut scenes at all.

And honestly there is no point in trying to justify it to me, Story RP and meeting people outside of the hicktown I live in are the reasons I play MMOs. Without either story or the chance to RP (even if it is a small comunity) any MMO, no matter how good the mechanics, is of absolutly no interest to me.
I don't consider myself better than you, just of a diametricly oposed ideal, and I would guess of very differant "moral" philosofical cloth. Like trying to match plaid with pokadots...
Story vs Reward
# Nov 18 2009 at 7:07 AM Rating: Good
2,228 posts
I'll keep this short and sweet as the first two posters have allready made this thread tl;dr.

I'm with Thayos on this one.

The storyline is excellent and the cutscenes are beyond entertaining for me. Those that wish to criticize SE's bussiness strats or the nature of players who want to button mash through cs's all make practicle arguments but the fact remains that if the game is "disgusting" you or you actually feel entitled to a reward of any kind then, well, there's the f*cking door...
Busa's Cloth Guide 1-100
Zaredx wrote:
Gjallihorn + Carnwenhan = Green Ranger's Flute! DRAGONZORD!
Story vs Reward
# Nov 18 2009 at 7:18 PM Rating: Good
Busaman the Mighty wrote:
I'll keep this short and sweet as the first two posters have allready made this thread tl;dr.

I'm with Thayos on this one.

The storyline is excellent and the cutscenes are beyond entertaining for me. Those that wish to criticize SE's bussiness strats or the nature of players who want to button mash through cs's all make practicle arguments but the fact remains that if the game is "disgusting" you or you actually feel entitled to a reward of any kind then, well, there's the f*cking door...

Agree 100% with this^.And awesome post Thayos :)
Story vs Reward
# Nov 18 2009 at 12:19 PM Rating: Decent
Busaman, your statement greatly offends me. Rewards and revenge.
Story vs Reward
# Nov 18 2009 at 1:33 PM Rating: Decent
2,228 posts
TheRealTakuan wrote:
Busaman, your statement greatly offends me. Rewards and revenge.

I do my best =^_^=
Busa's Cloth Guide 1-100
Zaredx wrote:
Gjallihorn + Carnwenhan = Green Ranger's Flute! DRAGONZORD!
Story vs Reward
# Nov 18 2009 at 7:22 AM Rating: Good
Busaman the Mighty wrote:
. . . the fact remains that if the game is "disgusting" you or you actually feel entitled to a reward of any kind then, well, there's the f*cking door...

This is so going on my sig.
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