Two Quests Removed from European Brewfest
Vaneras has confirmed on the official European forums that the Brewfest quests "Pink Elekks On Parade" and "Catch the Wild Wolpertinger!" have been removed from European servers "to ensure that World of Warcraft contains content that complies with regional game rating requirements."
Many European players are asking for more details on exactly why the quests were removed, but Vaneras said in another thread that, "I'm afraid, however, I have no more information to give other than what I already have. We want the quests to be available here, but this isn't possible unfortunately."
Since both quests require you to be drunk or wearing Synthebrew Goggles to see the elekks and wolpertingers, we can only assume that the quests were removed due to the alcohol requirement, which seems ridiculous since Brewfest is all about enjoying brew. European players have asked if they'll have access to those 40 tokens through other means, but Blizzard has yet to respond.