Turbine Rewards Loyal DDO Players with Free Points

Even though Turbine just filed a lawsuit against Atari to the tune of $30 million, Turbine has announced it is giving free Turbine Points to its loyal players to celebrate the upcoming launch of DDO Unlimited on Sept. 9. The points will be handed out based on how long you've been playing Dungeons & Dragons Online and how much you participated in the beta.

If you've been playing DDO for less than a year, you'll get 400 Turbine Points. Subscribers who have been playing one to two years will get 900 points, while the VIPs who have been loyal to DDO for more than two yerars get 1,500 points. Also, you'll get 999 points if you had an active subscription on July 31.

Players who participated in the DDO Unlimited beta will get 250 points. If you used the DDO Store during the beta, you'll get another 250 points. Oh, and any points you purchased during the beta will be refunded to your account. The maximum number of Turbine Points one account can receive is 2,999, which will buy a lot of items in the online store.


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