If you don't vote for the first Rebel image, the one with the big-breasted Twi'lek Jedi, than you are an ahsole.
Edited, Jul 26th 2009 4:04pm by Hazaz
Vote for Your Favorite Fan Art in SWG Contest
The Star Wars Galaxies recently hosted the the "Galactic Call to Arms Fan Art" Contest in honor of the game's sixth anniversary, and now it's your turn to help decide the winners. The entries were narrowed down to three finalists in each of the two categories, and now you have the opportunity to vote for your favorite Rebel and Imperial artwork!
The winners will have their images added to the Star Wars Galaxies universe as in-game paintings. The above work is called "Imperial Oasis Incident" and is by Lexx Yovel of Starsider server. Check out the Rebel and Imperial threads on the official forums to view them all and vote for your favorite entries.
Tags: StarWarsGalaxies, News