Group Nears Approval for WoW in China

According to an article by incgamers, the General Administration of Press and Publication has almost completed its content checks into World of Warcraft in China, although it has not announced approval yet for NetEase's licensed version of the game. GAPP, the group in charge of authorizing WoW in China, has found some violent content that needs to be changed, but this apparently is not difficult to fix.

WoW has been unavailable in China since June when Blizzard gave NetEase the rights to operate the game after the contract with The9 expired. With the GAPP's approval seemingly forthcoming, it looks like WoW will return to Chinese players soon.


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# Jul 20 2009 at 9:41 PM Rating: Decent
132 posts
Bliz paid off the government, now WoW is coming back to China.

I've always wondered, though... do they substitute more zombies for the skeleton creatures? For those that don't know, there's some weird Chinese law about depiction of skeletons. The card game Magic: The Gathering actually has to have altered artwork for any card featuring a skeleton or even a skull for Chinese releases.
# Jul 21 2009 at 10:42 AM Rating: Decent
So what do gothic and emo kids wear in china if they cant have skull pics?
Proud to be an American
# Jul 20 2009 at 1:27 PM Rating: Good
1,882 posts
has found some violent content that needs to be changed

Makes me happy I live in a free nation where my government doesn't treat me like a child.
Proud to be an American
# Jul 20 2009 at 10:35 PM Rating: Excellent
1,577 posts
Unfortunately that becomes less true every year. :(
Fly High Daevas,
Tamat ~ Andrew Beegle
Community Manager
Proud to be an American
# Jul 20 2009 at 5:08 PM Rating: Good
Indeed, the only thing voilent in WoW is my treatment towards gnomes :p

Proud to be an American
# Jul 20 2009 at 1:54 PM Rating: Default
It probably took some time Blizzard to figure out why content turned so bad and that thing is not about fixing the content. $$$

According to Nation Master Statistics 27.33% of managers surveyed rank corruption major business restrain in China. I'ts almoust 1/3 of all managers.

Edited, Jul 21st 2009 2:08pm by Jakerp
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