Blizzard Working on Hardware Fix for Instance Cap

Bornakk has posted an update on the instance capacity issue that causes players to receive a message stating additional instances cannot be launched once the limit has been reached. According to the post, Blizzard is "in the process of modifying our hardware setup to allow for more instances to be active without negatively impacting the performance of these instances." Of course, this will take time and testing to complete.

Bornakk said the instance capacity limit was only supposed to be a short-term solution, and emphasized "this issue currently a top priority for us, and we are working on resolving it as quickly as possible." You can read the full post below.

We are aware of the concerns regarding situations where players are unable to zone into an instance due to an instance limit being hit, which results in a message stating that additional instances cannot be launched. This limit was implemented as a short-term solution to preserve the gameplay for players who are already in an instance and to prevent numerous issues that can happen when too many instances are active at the same time, but we are currently working on better solutions to ensure that players can get into instances when they want to.

As one of the solutions to this situation, we are in the process of modifying our hardware setup to allow for more instances to be active without negatively impacting the performance of these instances. Once this hardware reconfiguration is complete, we expect to see a noticeable reduction in the number of players hitting the instance limit. However, this improvement to the hardware is a complicated and delicate process that will also require extensive testing before it can be fully implemented, so it may be some time before the updates can be completed. We would like to assure you that this issue currently a top priority for us, and we are working on resolving it as quickly as possible.

Further information and updates regarding this will be provided as we make progress in this process. Thank you for your patience during this time.


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