Ten Years of EverQuest with Adam Bell

It's not just every day an MMO turns ten years old. In fact, it's somewhat of a new thing. This week we're going to be extremely busy stalking members of the EverQuest team, both new and old. Join us all week as we celebrate ten years of EverQuest and please don't forget to join us later today as we celebrate ten years of EverQuest at the official developers chat.

Our next victim is Game Designer, Adam "Ngreth" Bell; who's been with the team since the September of 2005.

ZAM: Hello there! Thanks for celebrating EverQuest with us!

Adam Bell: Thank you.  It is great to be here on the 10th anniversary of the game that got me into MMO's.

ZAM: How long have you been working on EverQuest and how did you get started? 

Adam: I have been working as a designer on EverQuest since September 2005.  I got started because of my work on the EQTraders Corner website.  Which in a way means I got started working on EverQuest from the very beginning.

ZAM: Which class have you played the most in your EverQuest career? What makes that class stand out above the rest for you?

Adam: I have played a wizard the most in my EverQuest career.  I like the edge of danger that a wizard rides.   They can do impressive amounts of damage, but do too much, and splat… dead wizard!

ZAM: What about from playing EverQuest?

Adam: One of my favorite times from EverQuest is when I managed to get the Kill on King Tormax right when we happened to be about to fail the raid.  My least favorite was a paladin purposefully training my group over and over again.

ZAM: Over the years, is there a particular change that you've seen made to EverQuest that stands out against the rest?

Adam: For me it has been the various re-vamps for tradeskills.  It started with Alchemy, and I have moved on to spell research and making poison.

ZAM: What is your all time favorite zone? Also, what's your favorite memory from within that zone?

Adam: My favorite zone is still Vex Thal.  For me it held some of my greatest times being a raider.  I remember being grav fluxed up into the ebams during a fight, and from the top safely blasting at the NPC.

ZAM: Thanks so much for your time! I guess we'll be seeing you in the Developers Chat here in a few hours. Here's to another ten years of EverQuest!

Adam: Thanks! I look forward to many more years of creating the world of Norrath.

Andrew "Tamat" Beegle


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Vex Thal!
# Mar 18 2009 at 10:42 AM Rating: Good
138 posts
Eom Centien Xakra, Qua Liako Xakra, Zun Senshali Xakra trains....good times.
Rylaar - 100 Ranger - Bristlebane - EQ1
Trylon - 100 Cleric
Iamken - 92 Enchanter

Fyfe - 95 Troubador - Unrest - EQ2
Rylaar - 95 Ranger
Quinleigh - 95 Fury
Dalarn - 95 Inquisitor

Rylaar - 90 NE Hunter - Khaz Modan - WoW
Rhylaar - 90 Troll Hunter - Shadow Council - WoW
one of the great eq devs
# Mar 17 2009 at 6:40 PM Rating: Good
224 posts
awesome work with tradeskills and keeping in touch with the community.
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