Hearthstone Cooldown to be Reduced to 30 Minutes

Patch 3.1.0 is going to bring some exciting major changes to World of Warcraft, but it's also going to contain numerous minor changes as well. Blizzard poster Eyonix recently confirmed the cooldown on hearthstones will be reduced to 30 minutes in the patch.

The topic was brought up in the midst of a discussion on "ghetto hearthing." Eyonix said a cooldown reduction would be discussed with the developers, who in turn agreed to the new 30-minute timer. "Enjoy your sweet victory," Eyonix said. "Thanks to those who provided feedback constructively." It's always helpful to voice your ideas and concerns to Blizzard.

Is this game-changing? No. Will I enjoy more flexibility in my travels? You bet. What do you think?


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# Mar 04 2009 at 3:09 PM Rating: Decent
well my mage who is an inscriber never uses her hearth anyway. She just uses her ports and scrolls of recall.
# Mar 02 2009 at 1:36 AM Rating: Decent
30 posts
Food for thought...

Since they've got rid of ghetto hearthing does that mean there'll be less instances running thus leading to shorter queues for them, since there is no reason to enter them without actually doing them??
It's b.s.
# Feb 28 2009 at 8:52 AM Rating: Default
People will still ghetto hearth just as much. People gh into Wintergrasp because they are too lazy to fly the 2 minutes manually from Dalaran. People gh into Dalaran because they have problems with their computers there so they don't bind there. Not only does this cheapen one of the few advantages of the shaman class, but now in PvP paladins can bubble hearth twice as often when they get jumped.

Edited, Feb 28th 2009 12:00pm by vozeldr
It's b.s.
# Feb 28 2009 at 10:31 PM Rating: Good
1,882 posts
vozeldr wrote:
People will still ghetto hearth just as much.

Ghetto hearthing is being removed.

Also you can leave Wintergrasp if you return to your factions landing area and click "leave battleground" on the icon on your mini. I never hearth nor use the flight path. (although it may reset the timer on your hearth)
Mages will still have business
# Feb 27 2009 at 11:10 PM Rating: Good
1,882 posts
Lets face it, most of the portals bought from mages are from level 80s who are in a hurry to get somewhere. Or people who have level 80s who are in a hurry to get somewhere. Most of the people who buy portals will not care about the fact their hearth has 10 minutes and still buy portals.

And there will still be the plethora of newbies who wants Dalaran/Shattrath as a home hub for questing.

I mean there will be a slight decrease...but that'll be in the population that didn't tip that well to begin with. I don't depend on portals as income. Its just a nice extra bit of change when I'm not busy.
# Feb 27 2009 at 6:15 PM Rating: Decent
I really wish they would add the ability to replace that outdated start bag more then anything atm so I could toss me another 22slot in it
Me gusta!
# Feb 27 2009 at 6:04 PM Rating: Decent
I like it and I wonder if they are reducing the cooldowns of scroll of and astral recall as well.
Re: Hearthstone Cooldown to be Reduced to 30 Minutes
# Feb 27 2009 at 3:34 PM Rating: Good
1,292 posts
Meh, scubadoo seems to equate a reduced Hearth CD with a homogenization of the classes. While this does slightly dilute the 5 Hearths per hour of the Shaman class, it is in no way a homoginization of the classes. This is merely another step in Blizzards long suffering balance between play convenience and game mechanics. Hearthing has rarely been an issue for me, but I'll admit to having ghetto hearthed maybe a dozen times. A few other times I have wished I could ghetto hearth, but I wasn't in an area where that was an option. I applaud this measure bu Blizzard, as it is fairly trivial, upsets no class balances, and affords greater playability. Mages may find a few less sales of Portal, but really, will the majority of Mages really care?

Edited, Feb 27th 2009 6:35pm by Kompera
No real problem
# Feb 27 2009 at 2:43 PM Rating: Good
It will certainly be convenient. The only downside I see is that along with the already provided portal hubs Dalaran and Shat, this might cause a very small decrease in the demand for summoning portals, which will in turn ever so slightly decrease the utility of certain classes. But that will probably be imperceptible.
#REDACTED, Posted: Feb 27 2009 at 11:17 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) good job. now all blizz need to do is to give mages/warlocks/priests the opportunity to wear leather (lol)and add more cloth items for mages/warlocks/priests. so we have something to look forward too and a slight modification on the cost of the epic flyer, Im trying my best to get 5,000. gold I really am. if they can reduce to 3000.00 that would be more obtainable.
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