Hearthstone Cooldown to be Reduced to 30 Minutes
Patch 3.1.0 is going to bring some exciting major changes to World of Warcraft, but it's also going to contain numerous minor changes as well. Blizzard poster Eyonix recently confirmed the cooldown on hearthstones will be reduced to 30 minutes in the patch.
The topic was brought up in the midst of a discussion on "ghetto hearthing." Eyonix said a cooldown reduction would be discussed with the developers, who in turn agreed to the new 30-minute timer. "Enjoy your sweet victory," Eyonix said. "Thanks to those who provided feedback constructively." It's always helpful to voice your ideas and concerns to Blizzard.
Is this game-changing? No. Will I enjoy more flexibility in my travels? You bet. What do you think?
Tags: News, WorldofWarcraft