Game Update 1.0.6 - Additional Updates

Additional update notes and clarifications to existing ones have been made for Update 1.0.6. I've noticed my cast bar being slow at responding at times, so the first item is definitely a welcome change:

Cast Bar Responsiveness

In version 1.0.6 we resolved a number of issues that related to cast bar functionality and combat responsiveness. The following improvements have been made:

  • Spells will no longer be interrupted accidentally if you begin moving after the cast bar has disappeared
  • Cast bars will no longer restart or flicker after the spell has finished.

Click "More..." below to read the rest! We've also included this addendum to our Update 1.0.6 post.

  • Spell effects and animations should no longer restart after the spell has finished and the cast bar has disappeared
  • Damage values and impacts will now sync up closer to when the actual damage is applied to the target

As a result of these changes players may experience spell animation looping or a slight pause after completing a spell cast in certain environments. We are aware of concerns players are expressing over these changes and are closely monitoring the issue. We are working on a fix to eliminate the graphical delay after the completion of a spell or ability.

These changes are part of our ongoing efforts to improve overall game responsiveness based on issues that the WAR community has identified. We look forward to your feedback and will continue to improve spell animations and effects.

Combat and Careers

Bright Wizard

  • Detonate – Fixed an issue with Detonate that was causing the full amount of the spell to hit per tick, rather than being dispersed over the duration of the spell.


  • Pets will now benefit from friendly group spells (buffs, Auras, heals etc.)

Squig Herder

  • Pets will now benefit from friendly group spells (buffs, Auras, heals etc.)


  • Pets will now benefit from friendly group spells (buffs, Auras, heals etc.)

Warrior Priest

  • Leading the Prayer: This Tactic will now properly heal the caster

White Lion

  • Pets will now benefit from friendly group spells (buffs, Auras, heals etc.)


  • Hammers and Great Hammers
    • Ironbreakers have gained the ability to use Hammers (one hand) & Great Hammers (two hand)
    • Some (but not all) Influence Rewards, Quests, etc. have had hammers added to their possible rewards.
    • Some (but not all) Dwarf Hammers are Engineer-only. These are Spanner-type items as well as hammers that have Engineer-specific bonuses and stats.
    • Dwarfs are not able to use Empire hammers, similar to how Elves cannot use Empire swords.
  • Ironwind: This item was previously itemized with stats for a two-handed weapon of its type. The item has been fixed to have stats comparable to all other 1 handed items of its rarity and level
  • Players who purchased the collector’s edition will now be able to receive the exclusive in-game head models for the two new classes, Blackguard and Knights of the Blazing Sun.  Players may need to log the character out of the game and back in to have the system generate the in-game email properly if the character was logged in at the time of this hot fix.  Note: Players will still need to be flagged to access the new classes from doing the Heavy Metal event to have access to the new classes during 1.06.  Players not flagged will get the rewards when they have access to the characters when the classes launch in patch 1.1.


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