European Character Transfers

Nic from the GOA team for WAR Europe has posted about the delay in character transfers this week:

Hello all,

I would like to give you an update to the status of character transfers.

By now it is obvious that we have missed our "middle of the week" deadline for offering you the Free Character transfers. We have run into some issues with characters using special characters in their names and our development team is working hard to solve this issue by tomorrow.

Based on feedback we received we have added some destination servers to some of the servers that were already listed for character transfer.

Ellyrion - added Burlok as a destination server (previously only had Alarielle as destination)

Makaisson - added Alarielle as a destination server (previously only had Burlok as destination)

You will no doubt notice that we have not yet added new origin servers to the list meaning servers that had no character transfer option on our last list will still not have this option. But rest assured that we will continue to monitor the server populations and your feedback. The upcoming character transfers are just the first phase and in upcoming phases we will review the options for character transfers on a case by case basis.


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