EA Singapore Shop Changes Release Date

While it could be pure chance, a mistake, or even torture to some of us, the EA Singapore Store changed the release date for WAR to Sept. 23rd!

On our WAR forums , user PentUpAnger caught it while I was at Comic-Con and I didn't have a chance to post it!

Since then, other stores have changed their release date to follow suit.  During our interview with the Warhammer Online folks at Comic-Con (coverage to come!) we were told we'll be "getting information about a release date extremely soon".

Soon just isn't good enough anymore!  I'm considering flying to their offices and sleeping on their doorstep until I get the info...or dragged away, which is much more likely.

Either way, exciting news, and keep an eye out for our WAR coverage from the Comic-Con show!  Lots of exciting stuff, and of course, WAAAAAGH!


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