Announcing Project Lore Video Content
We have entered a great partnership with DECA Entertainment and Alex Albrecht (of Diggnation and Screen Savers fame) to bring you a new weekly video series -- Project Lore . Alex and his 4 guild mates have set up a full video studio to film their way through the various instances of World of Warcraft. Each week we will be bringing a new 3 part episode, giving you both an in game and out of game view of their WoW experience. They will be working their way through the dungeons of the Outlands over time.
The videos are both entertaining and educational. If you have never seen the dungeons, they are a great way to get a look at what you are missing. If you have played the instance before, it gives you a great opportunity to either learn from their strategies or laugh at their mistakes.
To check out this week's trip through Hellfire Ramparts, head to this link .