Champions Online: New "Ask Cryptic" Installment

Cryptic Studios has posted the latest installment of their Ask Cryptic series, in which the folks creating Champions Online answer questions asked by YOU, the gamer! This edition answers your questions about costumes, levels, and more.

Just how "level-ly" are CO levels going to be? Is my progression from level 1 to level 50 going to look like a progression from an 8-year old Robin (as sidekick to Bats) to any of the incarnations of Superman? Or will I still be able to recognizable at level 50 as still the same basic character as he was at level 1? (Captain-Spith)

Arkayne (lead designer): There will be a definite progression from low- to high-powered hero. Characters start off with a few starting powers and gain more powers and more customization options throughout the course of the game. This differs a bit from the Champions tabletop game where players start off with moderate to high-power and have marginal increases over time. We felt our constant power advancement model in Champions Online would be more appealing to players since they can always look forward to expanding and personalizing their suite of super-powers.

Read the whole Q&A session here .


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