EVE Stratics Build-a-Billboard Contest

EVE Stratics is returning, and to celebrate is holding a Build-a-Billboard contest!
  • Image size must be 1024x768 or smaller and can in JPG or GIF (single frame, no animation) format. If you'd like a 'billboard' frame to stick the image in, click the image at the right and save it to your computer. Frame is optional and will not affect judging.
  • No vulgarity, graphic nudity, copyrighted, or overly offensive material. Slightly offensive is usually pretty damn funny, so we'll let that slide.
  • Contest runs Monday, April 28th, 2008 to 11:59PM on May 19th, 2008
  • Judging will be done by a panel of Stratics staff, and will be based on creativity and originalty
Full contest details can be found here. Good luck!


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