The Leapin' Grab Bag
Friday is here and so is this weeks Grab Bag from the Camelot Herald, check out this weeks hot topics below:
Q. Does focus bonus imbued into armor affect the power cost of a spell or the resist rate of a spell?
A. The Balancinator says that the focus bonus that you can imbue will only work on a staff: It works like the focus on your Champion reward staff. It will "focus" your power and increase your power efficiency. It is designed to allow a player to use a player-crafted staff and still receive focus bonus. Someone attempting to imbue focus on any item except a staff should receive this message: “A focus gem can only be applied to a staff”
Q. My question is "Does the amount of enchanting you do to an item make a difference"? In other words, If I am a Spellcrafter and I imbue a Level 51 item with the "Coppery Enchanted Dust" (cost is 1s 1c), will it affect the item in the same manner and give the same benefits as if I used the "Platinum Enchanted Dust" (cost is 54g 67s 51c)?
A. The Bearded Wonder checked into this one and found the answer in a previous Grab Bag:
The Spellcrafter may enchant items with a bonus (similar to what NPC enchanters have been providing, but at a higher cost). To do this, the Spellcrafter uses dusts (coppery imbued dusts to platinum ensorcelled dusts) and combines them with the item in question to graft an enchantment bonus on it. The enchantment bonus can go all the way to 35% for the highest level items, and you can imbue partial enchantments (if, for example, you wish to save on the cost of dusts). You can also enchant an item partially and then come back later to imbue the remainder. You'll see all of this reported in your chat window when you combine the dust to the weapon or armor.
Your bonus is based on the dust you use, with the Coppery Enchanted Dust, your bonus (viewable on the delve) is 3%.
Q. With the increasing amount of no sell/trade items since Labyrinth was introduced, are there plans to increase Vault Keeper/House Vault space?
A. The Bearded Wonder was ready for this one: That is a very common feedback that we get. We're investigating the possibility, but no firm time frame yet.
Q. Maybe I missed something but a few patches ago the Warlock was going to be given the ability to chamber on the move. What is the current status of this ability?
A. I skipped over to the Balancinator who had this to say: Yes, we introduced the change and it was on Pendragon for a few weeks. It was amazing and fun, but not without some problems. For Example: You could move and load chambers as stated. The problem is that a person could not stop casting the spell once it started. You were stuck casting this long duration spell until it completed or another player interrupted the cast. We tried to find a quick fix for the issue, but our attempts were unsuccessful. We made a decision to, revert the changes and to look for a permanent fix to the issue. We are still working on a solution for this bug.
Q. What's the exact speed of the Earth / Air / Ice Theurgist pet run speed?
A. The Balancinator was more then happy to look this up for you: A normal player runs at a speed of 192 units, which is represented as 1005 in RvR zones. The normal player sprint speed is 130% of this value.
Earth Magic specialization:
The pets you summon will move at a speed between 245 and 435 units depending upon the level of the spell used to summon it. It ends up being 127% - 226% normal run speed.
Cold Magic specialization:
The pets you summon will move at a speed of 192 units. This is the normal run speed for a player at 100%.
Air Magic specialization
The pets you summon will move at a speed of 240 units. This is 125% normal run speed.
Q. While playing a Midgard Stealth Character in New Frontiers, and I encounter an Albion Prescience Node, can Hibernians see me?
A. After some testing to make sure, the Balancinator replies: No, the prescience nodes only work in conjunction with its own realm. I had the Bearded Wonder help me test it using your circumstances. I created an Albion prescience node and moved a Midgard Shadowblade into the node’s radius. I had the Bearded Wonder bring his Hibernian character into the node as well to look for me. I could see the Shadowblade on my Albion character, but his Hibernian character could not.
Q. I have been running Tuscarian Glacier(TG) raids for my guild for quite some time. My eventual goal is to kill the King/Queen in TG but have been getting mixed reports. People tell me in order to kill the King you need to kill ALL the named mobs in TG while others say you don't have to kill any of the mobs to kill the King/Queen. Which is true?
A. Our Bearded Wonder looked into the deep ice and discovered: No, you do not need to kill all the named monsters in the Tuscarian Glacier to slay the King and Queen. However, getting there without killing those in your way could prove to be quite a challenge
Have you had a chance to try out the new tutorial on Pendragon? If you haven't, you might want to login there this weekend and check it out. Let us know how it went by sending in some Feedback, we would love to know what you think!
Are you waiting for condemned house in a great location to become available? The house repossessions are still planned for 1.92, but they were not quite ready this week. It's still being worked on, and if all goes well it should be implemented soon. Please keep an eye here for updates, I'll make sure you know as soon as I do.
I'm down here in Jacksonville, Florida with the Bearded Wonder and the Blonde Gremlin. We are gearing up for our first Road Trip stop of the year which is happening tomorrow night. There will be snacks, prizes and of course discussion of Camelot! If you weren't able to make it to this Road Trip, our next one is on May 10th, in Bethesda, Maryland. If you think you can attend, please make sure to RSVP. If you would like to know where and when our future events will be this year, please click here.
What an exciting week. I think it's time to settle in from the travelling, breathe in some ocean air and relax.
Have a great weekend everyone.