New Changes on the Horizon

I received two letters today from SOE regarding the new changes being implemented in the game. The first was the one Quemn posted yesterday, so here's the second. It's definitely something you should read through, as there are some significant changes listed here. Letter #2: Fri Mar 15 2002, Changes/Anniversary Detail As promised, we would like to explain in more detail some of the changes that you'll be seeing in EverQuest. Some of these changes are already available on the Test Server and will be arriving on Live servers just in time for EverQuest's third anniversary. Others you may expect to find on Test in the coming weeks, which we hope to make available to everyone soon afterward. For those new to EverQuest, as well as our mid-level players:
  • The need to sit down and stare at the spellbook to regain mana has been removed at all levels. (Sitting down and having Meditation skill are still required.)
  • When starting a new character for the first time, it can take quite some time to get into that class' core abilities. In some cases, the style of gameplay needs to shift dramatically. That being the case, we've accelerated the rate at which people gain experience up to level ten.
  • In addition, undue frustration can occur during these youthful times. Traumatic events such as losing a corpse and not knowing where to find it or how to retrieve it can be quite the ordeal. With that in mind, we've changed the way that death works below level ten. Characters level nine and under who die will appear at their bind point with all of their equipment intact. (A short-lived corpse will still be left at the site of the disaster to allow the player to receive a resurrection.)
  • Experience gained in dungeons designed for players level 30 and under will be increased. For many people, there is nothing more satisfying in EverQuest than adventuring in dungeons. By giving people the tools to help them succeed earlier, and rewards to match, we hope that more players will discover why many people feel this way.
  • In the spirit of getting characters into more dangerous and rewarding situations, earlier, the following spell lines have been altered to make them easier to use and more widely available, across more level ranges.
  • * Resurrection, for Clerics and Paladins. * Summon Corpse, for Necromancers and Shadowknights. * Succor/Evacuate, for Druids and Wizards
  • The bind points of starting characters will more closely match the areas they are already familiar with. (No more getting lost as new characters die in town, only to show up someplace outside.)
  • New characters now start with considerably more food and drink.
  • After applying advanced mathematcs, the commonly known "hell-level" xperience gain effect in levels 30, 35, 40, and 45 has been largely done away with. Further, the "post-hell-level" experience loss in levels 31, 36, 41, and 46 was driven from the face of Norrath as well.
  • For all EverQuest players:
  • Rumors abound that Bristlebane, God of Mischief, for reasons of his own design, has infused the Gnome and Halfling races with new potential professions. (Whether this is a blessing or a curse has yet to be decided.)
  • The long-requested global chat channels are well on their way. We'll be supporting player-created chat channels for raids, for friends, for total strangers - Anything you'd like to use them for. Expect a documentation update (eqmanual_supplement.doc in your EverQuest directory) explaining how to use these soon.
  • We've cleaned up what happens while you're zoning. The days of a frozen screen full of blurry text may well be over, forever. (The days of losing /tells, /guild chat, and group messages while zoning will hopefully be heading out the door behind them.)
  • While we have aimed to support armor/skin layer tinting on the majority of video cards, some of the abandoned video cards that are still used to play EverQuest unfortunately do not have the power to handle this feature. With that in mind, we will soon be implementing a switch that will allow players to enable armor/skin tinting at their discretion. (Stay tuned to a patch message, coming soon.)
  • The last item we'd like to mention is a brief update on caster and priest rebalancing. (Please note that the balancing act is still going on, across the board. We wanted to update you on the progress we've made so far.)
  • Expect to see the first of the Focus Items for spell casters and spell-casting hybrids soon. We will leave the specifics to you to discover, but rest assured that useful and exciting focus items are making their way into the game as we speak.
  • Enchanters' Memory Blur line, and aspects of Rapture and Glamour of Kintaz have been improved.
  • The grouping requirement for the Translocate series of spells has been removed.
  • Clerics' Smite line has been improved.
  • The Post-50 Lich line for Necromancers has been redistributed.
  • Necromancers' Levant and Skin of the Shadow have been changed to allow them to be used any time of the day.
  • Necromancers' Quivering Veil of Xarn has been improved.
  • Many of the caster balance changes to date have been made with feedback from the dedicated players of these classes, both from EMails and message boards. We're grateful for the time and effort that has been put into many well-reasoned comments we've received. Thank you for helping us make our world, yours. - The EverQuest Team


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    go midgets!
    # Mar 15 2002 at 9:43 PM Rating: Default
    What no halfling monks??? what a gip :P
    RE: go midgets!
    # Mar 16 2002 at 2:45 AM Rating: Default
    not only that but i would love to see vah shir monks can you imagine that? wonder if they would get tail rake?
    # Mar 15 2002 at 9:36 PM Rating: Default
    Bahhhhh, call me old fashioned but i kinda like not being able to look when meding under 35. I worked my little newbish *** off to get 35 and now those stupid lvl 8 pk wizies get it =P. Besides that though these new concepts sound good.

    40th season druidy
    Hell Lvls
    # Mar 15 2002 at 9:21 PM Rating: Default
    Hi i read the post on everlore about hell lvls and it only mentioned about taking away hell lvl 30 35 40 and 45 and never said anything about 51 55 and 59 , are they still going to be taking away the hell lvl 51 or no?
    RE: Hell Lvls
    # Mar 15 2002 at 11:32 PM Rating: Decent
    28 posts
    All hell levels above 50 will remain intact

    Desi Willowhill
    Halfling Champion
    7th Hammer
    RE: Hell Lvls
    # Mar 15 2002 at 11:24 PM Rating: Default
    umm... the post 50 hells are 54 and 59...
    hell can go there
    # Mar 15 2002 at 9:18 PM Rating: Decent
    I am happy to see hell levels gone for my ranger that I just brought over to Legends. I've played the game since before day one and have leveled quite a few characters on Test server well into their fifties, leveled a monk to 60 and am currently leveling my wood elf warrior to 60 on Legend (with my ranger and druid along for the ride). I think the changes are a good start and agree that Verant is conscious of thier competition with Asheron's Call 2 coming out and Anarchy Online, the next UO update, Neverwinter Nights right around the corner as well and their OWN competition in the form of Star Wars Galaxies (though I think that ultimately will be a very different kind of game, more like UO, less emphasis on fighting.)

    I have over the years played all of the other games - leveling up characters to high levels in both AC, UO and AO. EverQuest however is by far my favorite (though once AO got it's game together, it seriously was a step forward in graphics, look, feel and innovative gameplay.)I still like AC very much and have an affinity for UO but EverQuest is the only game that makes me it's slave to love.

    Lileea Silverwing
    54 lvel wood elf warrior
    on Legends
    # Mar 15 2002 at 8:32 PM Rating: Decent
    Does anyojne out there get the feeling things haven't gone as well as people thought they would at VI?

    New games hit. People get choices. VI no longer has a monopoly. They can no longer just ignore the customer, as has been the BETTER customer service policy of the past....

    They change wordings at first, to read may instead of won't in the reimbursment rules, that was the first change, from then on, they've been rapidly giving us more and more of the things we've been ranting about since Beta.

    Does anyone else wonder if the people that have left VI and Sony were pressured into leaving?
    Gnome and Halfling
    # Mar 15 2002 at 8:00 PM Rating: Default
    What are the new career possibilities for gnomes and halflings?
    RE: Gnome and Halfling
    # Mar 15 2002 at 8:20 PM Rating: Default
    Gnome: SK and Paladin
    Halfling: Paladin and Ranger
    RE: Gnome and Halfling
    # Mar 15 2002 at 10:34 PM Rating: Decent
    28 posts
    WOOT! Its about time, I always wondered why gnomes, who get warriors and necros and clerics, didnt have paladins and shadowknigts. I cant wait for this to go live :>
    # Mar 15 2002 at 7:09 PM Rating: Decent

    # Mar 15 2002 at 7:49 PM Rating: Decent
    Reanimation: Level 14 Ressurrection spell with no experience recovery.
    Reconstitute: Level 19 Ressurrection spell with 10% experience recovery.
    Reparation: Level 24 Ressurrection spell with 20% experience recovery.
    Revive: Level 29 Ressurrection spell with 35% experience recovery.
    Renewal: Level 34 Ressurrection spell with 50% experience recovery.
    Resuscitate: Level 39 Ressurrection spell with 60% experience recovery.
    Restoration: Level 44 Ressurrection spell with 75% experience recovery.
    Prelude perhaps?
    # Mar 15 2002 at 6:33 PM Rating: Good
    190 posts
    I may be reading between the lines too much here but don't the recent zone "revamps" (i.e. Cazic Thule, Feerot, rumors of NK soon...) and the elimination of most of the hell levels lead anyone else to think that these changes might be a prelude to Verant/SOE raising the maximum attainable level sometime in the very near future? Am I alone in thinking this?

    Of course, their making of the alternate advancement experience would make some say that they wouldn't create that option if they planned on raising the maximum level right behind it but still.....i can't help but think that with the release of Velious and Luclin, the world is now big enough for the ceiling to be raised yet again.

    What you think?
    #REDACTED, Posted: Mar 15 2002 at 10:30 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) _________________________________________________
    RE: Prelude perhaps?
    # Mar 15 2002 at 8:01 PM Rating: Decent
    Before SoL was released a lot of interviews occured with developers. In one interview I remember Brad being asked "Will the level limit be increased similar to Kunark's release?" He responded that it would not be increased, and would most likely never be increased again. He said that when they raised the level cap to 60 a lot of the level 50 people felt really pressured to level and it made the game a lot less enjoyable.

    The reason I think they are making these changes now is because of the competition. When EQ was first released everyone complained about hell levels, staring at the book, etc. Verant never really did anything because there was no good alternative to EQ. Nowadays people can play MMORPG's that don't have hell levels and dont have spellbooks and dont have overpowered mobs, so if Verant doesn't listen to their players now, the players can easily just switch to another game. Just my 2 cents worth.
    RE: Prelude perhaps?
    # Mar 15 2002 at 6:41 PM Rating: Default
    I read something about this recently (I think in Developer's Corner). I guess the problem that they are currently stating as their reason for not changing the lvl max is the same problem they had with Vox/Naggy when they upped the max to 60. I.e. now you have a buncha people running around that can spank the formerly-uber-mob. They solved this problem making those mobs gate you out if you are too high and by making all the new dragons 65+ (correct me if I'm wrong on that...I'm going from my memory of their post and haven't checked the lvl of all the dragons).

    However, they stated that they weren't going to be changing the hell lvls for a long time too...

    # Mar 15 2002 at 6:28 PM Rating: Default
    im very happy that they fixed some old things that im sure pissed some people off. Thanks verant, its about time :)
    i dont like it
    # Mar 15 2002 at 6:07 PM Rating: Default
    I know i dont have much room to talk, and i know that only playing for 2 years doesent quite make me a vet, but i think i know a little about the game...the increased exp in dungeons i think is completly wrong, yes it makes it funner, and ohh joy i do love to level, but eq is not only a game, it IS i mean, but thats not all it is, it is a world, and in worlds people die. DIfficulty caused ingenuity and teamwork to flourish, if you take away the dificulty of the game, no one will play it, you will get a stagnant eviroment like the games like diablo 1 and 2 became, and as far as i know about other mmorpgs, its the same. the hell levels represented the determination that it took to get TO those levels, they were a marker point, a test of man hood for the 30's, 35's and all the other hell levelers, post and pre...i dont know to much about the mage focus, but i think messing witht eh exp values givin and recieved is the biggest mistake i have ever sorry verant i think this is a bad call..if anyone wants to help me so there way of thinking, email me at
    id like to hear someon elses ideas on this, maybe they can give me some more clarification.
    your eternal companion
    your friend
    RE: i dont like it
    # Mar 15 2002 at 10:34 PM Rating: Default
    what about casual players p no everybody has the time to get out of a hell lvl verant is making the game something more apt for causal players just like the other games =p


    you are rigth Lady AngelsynWhitewings it will give more experiance to them lowbies dont know what a dungeon is peeps just think of it like this =p i remember when the game first came out omg everybody use to go to befallen =p and it was fun why 1 lvl was all lvl 6 to 10 duking it out then when ever you were 10 you got to go down to the next lvl so on so on so on **** by the time you realize i was getting boring in there you were lvl 18 !!! then you knew what a dungeon was and you wanted to go there nowdays you go to oasis **** you can even turn around and there is somebody next to you tring to ks you croc lol i think they should come out with more dungeons !!! they rule

    Edited, Fri Mar 15 22:38:50 2002
    RE: i dont like it
    # Mar 15 2002 at 10:27 PM Rating: Good
    You don't explain why increased XP in dungeons is a bad thing... I guess that means you're one of those LoIO/OT/DL fanatics who prefers to buy your gear, rather than loot it.

    Personally, I think it's great that they're doing so much to (potentially) increase the useage of dungeons. The introduction of lower-level Ress's, lower-level (and lower cost) evacs and the increase in dungeon ZEMs will improve the game dramatically... ESPECIALLY at the upper-end when you have to have some level of dungeon experience in order to do well.

    More people in dungeons at lower levels = More people with dungeon experience at higher levels.
    RE: i dont like it
    # Mar 15 2002 at 6:43 PM Rating: Decent
    But the hell levels weren't actually supposed to be in the game, same with the penalty levels, the hell levels were a glitch in the programming that they couldn't find, so they added a higher exp gain for the levels directly after, but with that addition they added the boosted exp loss for those levels as well.
    RE: i dont like it
    # Mar 16 2002 at 1:44 AM Rating: Decent
    I agree I remeber when My toons were younger and leveling up ... I dreaded the hell levels but looked forward to getting thru them and thinking I have done it twas like puttn'anutha notch in ur staff for another dead mob ! It was an accomplishment, an achievement that twas ecstatic ! What wizard cannot remember getting thru level 45 and not looking forward to Ice Comet being just around the corner ? NONE I tell yas ! ....Anyways IMHO there will be too many Higher levels not understanding how to play thier toons and making the game that much more frustrating to have to put up with them !

    Chemkyl Starfyre 54 Channeler xev server
    "know when to burn and when not to burn ; only then will yee truly understand the power yee yield !"
    Chemee Bladesnatcher 51 Rogue Xev server

    Edited, Sat Mar 16 01:55:18 2002
    RE: i dont like it
    # Mar 15 2002 at 8:23 PM Rating: Excellent
    Bah, there are people in the world that enjoy pain. They are mosochists. Pain, to them, is good.

    Not for me.

    I feel happy for those coming newly into the game now that will be able to avoid these miseries. About time the book is gone, hell and post hell gone. These alone improve the game hugely for me. I make new chars and level them up all the time when my mage and the high level game he plays gets dull and repetative (happens frequently.) I for one will miss neither hells nor the book.
    where ???
    # Mar 15 2002 at 6:06 PM Rating: Decent
    Where can i find out aobut whaqt a focus item does?
    RE: where ???
    # Mar 15 2002 at 10:23 PM Rating: Good
    1) Wait until the items are in the game...
    2) Wait until some people get these items...
    3) Wait until they make some reports on these items...

    RE: where ???
    # Mar 15 2002 at 10:43 PM Rating: Default
    lol you are the **** Lady AngelsynWhitewings
    competition is a good thing after all :)
    # Mar 15 2002 at 5:29 PM Rating: Excellent
    No experience will be retroactively gained from hell level removal.Also I believe the intent on the summon corpse/res lines will be making them more accessable at lower levels then they are now.I went to test server and checked out some of these firsthand yet havent looked in a cleric guild for level of res's to seem if or by how much they have been reduced.However my l10 caster did indeed have automed.Which for us 3 yr vets is mind-boggling to say the least.
    Fortune and Glory to all!!!
    New Patches
    # Mar 15 2002 at 5:28 PM Rating: Decent
    I would like to say as one who has just started playing EQ in the past month that i wholeheartedly approve of the exp gain boost for low lev chars. I have been having to run like crazy to find things i can kill and have yet to make lev 10. As far as the restructuring of spells, will that also spill over into the ranger class as well? I am playing a ranger and would like to see if the spells are going to be affected for better, worse or not at all. In closing i would like to say that i think this is one of the most detailed and entralling games i have ever played, and find myself logging even if i just have 10 minutes so i can practice fletching and other skills. Keep up the good work and i /bow to the programers who have been putting their hearts and souls into a world where we can all have so much fun.

    Lev 9 Ranger
    "Orc Slayer Extrodinair: if you see me running, try and keep up."
    Necros are dead again
    # Mar 15 2002 at 5:19 PM Rating: Decent
    Well the spell mods are for level 50+ necros, thanks it'll make me a better "twitch *****". What about the lower levels?!? If twitching and summon corpses are VI Vision of post 50 necros, why make one? I want to KILL THINGS!

    Enchanters mem blur improved, what about Necro screaming terror? Longer lasting will be nice.

    Focus items are nice, I hope they have them for all levels. The level 30+ should be no drop only and the lower ones tradable to prevent MAJOR twinkage. What do they do? Increace damage on certian types of spells a certain percentage? Or lower the chance of resists?

    Since my 2 mains are level 39, I'm happy to see that no more hell is nice, but I'll try getting to 40 before the patch.

    Easier to reach level 10 with no CR?!? Darn, my Beastmaster just dinged 10.

    Edited, Fri Mar 15 17:21:09 2002
    RE: Necros are dead again
    # Mar 15 2002 at 10:53 PM Rating: Default
    you rigth wtf is all this bs !!!! no good stuff for necros??? wtf !!!! specially lvl 30 below i think they should re arange the way dots and tap are shorted cause betwen spell ranks there are some gaps big gaps !!!! they should fill those in with eather new spells or rearage the spells.

    about the focus items i think for necros would be nice tohave a focus item to make a pet stronger somethign in the lines of the mage focus items (before you start flaming i know there is a focus item for necros but do you know how hard it is to get one of them freaking enciclopedyas!!!!)im talkign about 30 below anywas that would help necros out a lot =p better tha any other change verat put for us now !!
    Small question
    # Mar 15 2002 at 5:15 PM Rating: Default
    So if they are in fact removing the "Hell levels"
    Will those who have gone through them gain a portion of that experience back?
    like will we gain a few bubbles in our current level?
    and if so could that be deferred into the AA exp Pool?

    RE: Small question
    # Mar 15 2002 at 6:08 PM Rating: Decent
    I think the good part of this is that the excessive xp loss on death in a post hell level is gone. Sure all levels will gain the same now, but at least dying in certain levels won't cost you more time either.

    7th Hammer
    RE: Small question
    # Mar 15 2002 at 5:33 PM Rating: Excellent
    2,553 posts
    They're removing the "hell levels" most likely by compensating to pad the levels around them with the XP.

    They've said that "We're not making this change to reduce the amount of XP required to get from 30 to 50", so it's definitely not a matter of the XP requirement for those levels vanaishing.

    At the same time, I highly doubt it's just a change to the markers which comprise the XP curve over levels. If they just changed the amount of XP for the levels (shifting it down the level scale), you'd see people in hell levels wake up to find they'd gained a level or two, and see people who were just about to hit the next hell level wake up to being lower level than they were before. Changing the XP curve in a way which results in people gaining or loosing levels will most likely not happen. (Can you imagine the petition queue if that happened?)

    What it seems like is that levels will have modifiers (or XP will be changed retroactively for the same effect). Thus, level 45 will become easier to level through, yet levels 41,42,43, and 44 will all become slower than they were before. (which makes perfect sense, and is the reason for this change)

    So, in the end you're going to have to kill just as many creatures to hit level 50, you just won't spend so much time in levels 30,35,40 and 45 to do it.

    Fumus, draco magus incoluit mare.
    Myrx - 70 Holy Priest, Myr - 70 Resto Shaman, Gryd - 70 Prot Warrior
    RE: Small question
    # Mar 15 2002 at 5:59 PM Rating: Excellent
    Yeah if thats what they are doing then i'm not so sure i like it.. "spreading the hell" into the levels before and after would actually kinda suck. Do i really want more slower levels? Bah, i think Verant should just give everyone a certain amount of xp as a 3rd year anniversary gift. Kinda like the tax rebate, heh - we would all wake up to find a couple of yellow bubs in our collective stockings. =)
    RE: Small question
    # Mar 15 2002 at 8:57 PM Rating: Decent
    ever gone through 40 let alone 45 or 50? I'd give my left hand to be able to actually see that bar move in those lvls! 2 days in 39 2 weeks in 40 killing the same cons? Its just like when they redid the hybrids! and a hybrid in 40 lol better pack a few lunchs

    about time I'd say

    and no books ! hehe under dr00ds can now kite before 39 hehe
    RE: Small question
    # Mar 15 2002 at 5:21 PM Rating: Decent
    Thought I saw a post from Sony that you won't be compensated for past experience.
    #REDACTED, Posted: Mar 15 2002 at 5:14 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post)
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