Lost Dungeons of Norrath NDA Lifted

Here's the post from the official site: "As of September 4th, the Non-Disclosure Agreement for the Lost Dungeons of Norrath Beta is no longer in effect, except that a beta participant's confidentiality obligation shall continue with respect to information concerning the beta program and all feedback and comments (whether from the participant, any other participant or from SOE employees)." So I'll open this thread up for the LDoN beta participants to give their impressions of the expansion and also answer any questions the rest may have. Please post away.


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general stuff
# Sep 05 2003 at 12:49 PM Rating: Excellent
raids time limits seem to be about 3 hours. adventure time limits are 90 mins. raids take 18-36 people, adventures take 4-6. awarded points on each successful adventure completion depending on level and difficulty level (normal/hard.) you can only get an adventure in a group with people within 7 levels of you. a normal level 30 adventure will provide 3 points, a normal 65 will provide 51 points, and a hard 65 will provide 76 points. you start seeing items at the adventure merchants when you have over 100 points in any one theme. Augments can be dropped **OR** bought at an adventure merchant.
# Sep 05 2003 at 12:37 PM Rating: Excellent
adventures have 90 min time limits, twice that for most raids. heres a screenie or two.
here are the links-- couldnt get it to link straight on to the page.

Edited, Fri Sep 5 13:25:05 2003
RE: screenies
# Sep 05 2003 at 12:40 PM Rating: Decent
2,268 posts
Thanx for the screens! Looks reall good. =) Very nice augmentation, also. That makes me happy that you can add effects to your aug pieces also (perhaps they announced it and I missed it... hehe) It looks like it's a good time. =)
RE: screenies
# Sep 05 2003 at 12:58 PM Rating: Good
NP lewk.. I have about 5000 LDoN screenies... Anyone wanna host 'em for me? ;->
RE: screenies
# Sep 05 2003 at 2:21 PM Rating: Excellent
2,553 posts
shoot me an email - illia@allakhazam.com
Fumus, draco magus incoluit mare.
Myrx - 70 Holy Priest, Myr - 70 Resto Shaman, Gryd - 70 Prot Warrior
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 05 2003 at 12:30 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) HOLY LACK OF INFORMATION BATMAN!!
Augment items
# Sep 05 2003 at 12:29 PM Rating: Decent
I'm intersted in which old school items you've seen that have aug slots, if any? Also, in all yer travels, how common are the augment items to be found, see them on merchants, dropped, etc? Just can't wait the 4 days to find out heehee....

Hoping to hear about an old pretty good item that has a number of slot to add things that is atm cheap to buy in the bazaar. You know bazaar merchants will hike up the prices on things if they suddenly see 4 or 5 slots that can add to an item. (I personally hate selling, most of my stuff goes to guildies or younger adventurers....)
RE: Augment items
# Sep 05 2003 at 1:00 PM Rating: Decent
there's usually one or two equippable items each time you run through a dungeon, and about the same amount of augment items. at least that's my perspective, other ppl might have had better luck though.
RE: Augment items
# Sep 05 2003 at 12:39 PM Rating: Excellent
all items that I saw have aug slots, old world items only one. depending on the level item it is, it will have a different slot. nubi items have slot 1, while time items have slot 8 etc. augments are both dropped, and found on the adventure merchants.
# Sep 05 2003 at 12:25 PM Rating: Decent
i know shmn get sense trap spells and remove trap aint sayin what lvls tho ;p
RE: spells
# Sep 05 2003 at 12:37 PM Rating: Decent
2,268 posts
Shady, very shady. =)
RE: spells
# Sep 05 2003 at 12:47 PM Rating: Excellent
wis/int pure casters get sense trap, disarm trap, and unlock spells at 14,24, and 34.
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 05 2003 at 2:55 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) This is BS...steal a rogues abilities. its already hard enough to get a damn group
RE: spells
# Sep 05 2003 at 4:39 PM Rating: Decent
508 posts
lol, no one is stealing rogue skills. The spells do not work on all traps, only magical ones. Rogues skills work on all trap types.
RE: spells
# Sep 05 2003 at 4:13 PM Rating: Default
not exactly, supposedly theres 3 types of traps. Mechanical, some other sort, and yet another sort. the mechanical ones make up about 50% and the others 25% apiece. the mechanical is for rogues/bards, one of the other sorts is for the int casters and the last sort is for the shmn.
RE: spells
# Sep 05 2003 at 4:29 PM Rating: Good
... no. All traps are disarmable by rogues/bards, and at time of posting the caster disarm spells are not functioning correctly, although devs say they are going to fix them before ldon goes live.
Out With It!!!
# Sep 05 2003 at 12:10 PM Rating: Good
2,268 posts
Ok, who's got their screens posted on the web? Come on, I know you beta testers were snapping screens like there was no tomorrow. =) What about trade skills? I'm an avid brewer, and would love to be able to make MORE things to get me drunk. ;-) Spells, too. Deffinitly spells. And is it worth buying when it goes live, or is it buggy (not saying this from a negative standpoint, just matter of factly, it could be buggy.) Also, what's the lewt like in the dungeons? Yeah, you can buy stuff when you get out, but how's the found stuff?

Well, I think that's all my questions for now... I look forward to a 5.00 rating post from one of you wonderful beta testers. =) *Stops kissing *** now and goes back to his hole* =)
RE: Out With It!!!
# Sep 05 2003 at 1:04 PM Rating: Good
EDIT: Also.. before I got into beta I didnt want to buy another piece of **** expansion. This is going to be a great expansion BUYITBUYITBUYIT. I havent crashed in a dungeon in several weeks, although they still have more than their fair share of linkdeaths.
Its surprisingly not buggy. scroll down a bit -- I replied and listed some spells, you can likely find some more off lucy. Chantys also get a spell called deception, which allows you to assume form of targeted mob. at time of writing it is disabled, because people assuming the form of gorenaire etc caused a few problems, it also has an inherent ac/hp boost. Takes a dot as a reagent, but with perma-illusion.. very useful. There are more recipes for most if not all tradeskills, but few of them have been figured out yet. the new recipes use mostly dropped items. New skeleton models rock!

Edited, Fri Sep 5 14:01:32 2003
Re: Bah!
# Sep 05 2003 at 11:49 AM Rating: Decent
From what I saw over on the Shaman's Crucible, the adventures are all rushed...

yeah, it's like an extended Exe Trial except you have a little more leeway.

Eyes of Zomm are needed to determine the correct path to hunt a specific mob and have time to kill him.

nah, you just keep crawling through and killing mobs. eventually everyone in the group sees bright yellow server text saying that you hear a commotion from off to the X direction of you. I **think** it's a script that actually can spawn a boss mob in a number of certain spots depending where you are in the zone.

As for the rewards, the onces I've seen discussed this far are low grade augmentations ( all existing gear is supposely getting a type 1 aug slot )..

maybee, but they haven't put it on all existing items yet. only on some, so that might just be a time constraint thing and they're getting around to it or it might be intentional, who knows.

....port stones to the various Wayfairer camps...

actually you get these from a new NPC in your hometown. he/she sends you on a really quick quest (usually talk to X person in X zone) and you get an Adventurer's Stone. once you have the stone you can hail any of the Magus at the camps and they'll port you to any of the other camps you want instantly. this is probably the coolest thing, from a melee perspective.

Would have rathered they add new zones for midlevel players with thought out and developed quests....WITHOUT A TIME LIMIT!

its geared towards exp groups of any lvl man, it was as much of a challenge for a group of 40s as it was for 65's. and the exp is really nice, i'd say on par with tier 3 exp for the 65's. plus the only hurry is really completing or failing the mission. once you finish that you've cleared like 3/4 of the zone so its easy to mop up the rest and explore the chests etc.
# Sep 05 2003 at 11:37 AM Rating: Decent
Adventure merchants, after your adventure you can buy a charm slot item. They're all 0 stats untill you're in an LDoN zone. They cost like 5 or 6 adventure points and you can't see the stats on the merchant till you buy a charm and zone into one of the dungeons. Not sure after how many points you start getting to the really good stuff, but if you complete an adventure for one Wayfarer camp the points don't carry over to any other camp. So if you complete an adventure for the Butcher Block camp, it does nothing for the Everfrost, South Ro, North Ro, East Commons, etc etc.

Spells, don't know much on that since I'm a war.
# Sep 05 2003 at 11:36 AM Rating: Default
From what I saw over on the Shaman's Crucible, the adventures are all rushed...Eyes of Zomm are needed to determine the correct path to hunt a specific mob and have time to kill him. The "Assassination" missions require your group to kill x number of mobs until the target pops somewhere in the dungeon. They have made a concideration for those groups without a tracker by including a script saying " soandso hears a commotions from suchandsuch direction ". After success or the time limit expires, you get 30 min to explore the dungeon before you're booted out.

As for the rewards, the onces I've seen discussed this far are low grade augmentations ( all existing gear is supposely getting a type 1 aug slot )..the new spells ( which can only be bought with adventure points )....port stones to the various Wayfairer camps...and a few items. Supposedly it will take a great deal of adventure points to get the "ub3r l00t"....so make a dps group and do your best, I guess.

Would have rathered they add new zones for midlevel players with thought out and developed quests....WITHOUT A TIME LIMIT!

Anon - The Iksar Shaman
# Sep 05 2003 at 11:29 AM Rating: Default
Looks like no one is talking about the new version, this appears to be the third post and none of us have seen the new expansion.

Come on! Give us some info, we don't all need to be surprised at the same time everyone else is just installing the new expansion!
# Sep 05 2003 at 11:01 AM Rating: Good
I'm curious as to what kind of new spells each of the classes received. Any info would be nice.

-Xemus Xeromus, 45 Enchanter, Povar
RE: Spells
# Sep 05 2003 at 12:45 PM Rating: Excellent
most pure casters recieve disarm/unlock spells for chests. Paladins (my main in beta) recieve a spell called Guidance, which is a 1100hp + 54ac buff (basically on par with aego.) Also get temperance and group temperance. Enchanters get single target VoQuellious and illusion frost bone among other things. New series of spells for several classes that add spellshield %'s, similiar to the items found in potime. Clerics get a melee guard spell -- similiar to spell shield, except takes off melee damage instead of spell damage. various other interesting spells.
Adventure Merchant....
# Sep 05 2003 at 9:34 AM Rating: Excellent
Well, since I guess I will be the first post...

I was wondering what kinds of things the Adventure Merchant (where you can spend your adventure points after a good evening of crawling) has for sale. How much are the items? And, anything else you can think of relating to them.

Also, I'm curious as to how hard it was to complete your goal in the alloted time (90 mins if I remember correctly...).

Finally, I can't wait to load this up and get into a few good crawls. I really enjoy the dungeon crawls with a single group. Head in with a few friends and just enjoy :)

Thanks all!

Cheetoz Indabag
53 Primalist
Norrathian Society of Anarchy
Sol Ro
RE: Adventure Merchant....
# Sep 05 2003 at 1:01 PM Rating: Excellent
The difficulty really depends on the level. The lower the harder ironically. At level 30, rezzing everyone is a tremondous PITA, while at 55+ you likely have a click stick. you will not make the time limit if your only rezzer dies. Augments are for sale at the adventure merchants, along with some armor/weapons/charms etc.
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