New class confirmed on test

Tonight on test server, the UI files were updated. Included in the EQUI_CharacterCreate.xml file is a new class option at the character creation screen:
<Button item="CC0_Class2_Button"> <ScreenID>CC0_Class2_Button</ScreenID> <RelativePosition>true</RelativePosition> <Location> <X>102</X> <Y>92</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>96</CX> <CY>24</CY> </Size> <Style_VScroll>false</Style_VScroll> <Style_HScroll>false</Style_HScroll> <Style_Transparent>false</Style_Transparent> <Style_Checkbox>true</Style_Checkbox> <RadioGroup>CC0_Class_Radios</RadioGroup> <Text>Berserker</Text> <TextColor> <R>255</R> <G>255</G> <B>255</B> </TextColor> <ButtonDrawTemplate> <Normal>A_BtnNormal</Normal> <Pressed>A_BtnPressed</Pressed> <Flyby>A_BtnFlyby</Flyby> <Disabled>A_BtnDisabled</Disabled> <PressedFlyby>A_BtnPressedFlyby</PressedFlyby> </ButtonDrawTemplate> </Button> New class name is apparantly Berserker. Further examination of the eqstr file reveals the following:
5791 Berserker 5792 Berserker GM 5793 Brawler 5794 Vehement 5795 Rager 5796 Fury
Titles perhaps? Edit, the character create on Test does strange things when you select Ogre, Troll, Vah Shir, Barbarian and Human - leading us to believe that those are the valid races for the new class


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Warrior Update
# Nov 22 2003 at 7:34 AM Rating: Decent

I would be pretty sure that these have to do with the developers corner to update the warrior class.

Lupoman Wulvenshire
65 shammy
Morell Thule

Lupokitty Litterboxtrained
58 warrior
Morell Thule
RE: Warrior Update
# Nov 22 2003 at 10:57 AM Rating: Decent
Tanks for pointing this out for us warriors seems as though people think all we do is gripe and never anything else.

I have read this, in fact, probably within 15 min after it was posted. Also read a few other comments from dev team not mentioned in your direction =)

OK so they figure the solution will be to "create openings", a text message which will be displayed with all the other things as a tank I am watching IE mob cast AE and calling it, waiting for disc to fall, watching the mob for anysign that it is even THINKING about turning, make sure I am positioned just so for push. the list is really a lot bigger than most even realise.

Lemme see so thats 1) get possible opening message. 2) decide which advantageous skill or whatever SoE is going to bless us with to use in this particular circumstance. 3) Hit some hotkey I will have for this on page 3 or whatever.

While I go thru this process of decision making Shadow Knight _089 does this click spell 3 snare or I heard the low lvl fear is always resisted and really turns a mob.

Sigh, what is wrong with bringing my taunt ability up to par with the mobs I am fighting?? I dont care if a paladin gets the same taunt as me. I doubt any paladin in his right mind would waste the space for a taunt HKey. all I want is taunt I dont want to make 15 more hotkeys and 2 more chat boxes to watch. I get 8 hotkeys I can quickly use and not look I know what they are. Paladins and Shadow Knights get 8 more thats their spells if I need to tell you alt 1-8 they dont have to turn a page and they dont have to watch for openings.

Bah Never Mind, been a bad morning as it is but just my coppers. Sorry I even came here to rant. All the hooplah about a new class, really broke me.makes me feel like noone gives a hoot about my work and time that I have put into my character to make him what he isnt today
RE: Warrior Update
# Nov 24 2003 at 5:25 PM Rating: Decent
17 posts
Tanks for pointing this out for us warriors seems as though people think all we do is gripe and never anything else.

...and then you spent the rest of your post griping...

ROFL! :)
RE: Warrior Update
# Nov 25 2003 at 1:19 AM Rating: Decent
Good thing I dont have you around to explain what the word GRIPE means Lady Cybele. Allow me to enlighten you. Although I wouldnt call it a websters definition. The post you spent time to create for us (IMHO) is closer to the gripe home def. for these reasons.>>> This is a thread about starting a new class. Although I didnt say why I am happy about it, or have any questions. The reason I posted stems from that fact. Your post however added no content, about the subject, ontrack or off. You wasted my time. I looked at your reply and had to say something, which took time to do. Time that could have been spent more productivly, reading a post that actually had something to add from your end. If you want to call what I wrote "griping" I would really hate to see what you consider "FACTS" to be.

To everyone else, that agreed or otherwise to what I had to say You can either rate me poorly and Support Sony's obvious indifference to this situation (about warrior taunt). Go over to the lady's house /OOC LFG on the 62 pally, get a group in 10 sec. Taking the spot I had been OOC'ing for, for an hour. Not because you can play better than me. Not because of your proven to me social skills. Only because your taunt makes mine look inperceptable. (that by the way is a gripe) Or you can do what I do every day with all my guys /BUG...Is taunt actually working? Cuz this orc pawn hasnt got off me for 3 actual taunts, from a 65 warrior, and I didnt even look his way. What gives? or something similiar=p

Concerning the new class. I see this as an attempt at bringing customers from another game(I wont mention any titles) to this one. Using free advertisments from nearly EVERY game forum on the internet. I remember when Kunark came out and a new race was created. I was very excited something different, something new. I created and lvled several Iksar char. Sadly one of them is lvl 60 and hasnt been played since they Nerfed Iksar regen. Another is 65 and dressed in considerably lower gear than any other race from the same class. Not because of regen or improved AC or any other "attribute" only because Sony or the then Verant moved on and left the Iksar race behind. The only race that didnt get class specific Kunark armor that included special "clickies", was the one that was created by it. The only thing I can think of that happened to the new race was constant degradation of the supposed extra "attributes" Take a few moments, go to The Field of Bone, Remember.

I am happy for all those that have time to make and play another character that presently play this game CONGRATULATIONS!! that means means the class or classes you already play, have nothing left to improve on. I wish I could say the same =)

I got to much time =p
#Anonymous, Posted: Nov 22 2003 at 6:21 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) sounds like a good idea to me; a new class that is, but what i would realy like to see is an extra slot added to the # of playable toons.
#Anonymous, Posted: Nov 22 2003 at 6:20 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) [quote]]
Berserkers = NEW Warriors?
# Nov 22 2003 at 5:19 AM Rating: Decent
There is always the chance that Berserkers are simply what Sony is going to to improve warriors? In other words, Berserkers = Warriors + a couple new abilities relating to DPS / taunt / crits?

That would be the easiest way to test a significant change to a class without upsetting a LOT of people if you made mistakes. If Test likes it, perhaps all existing warriors will BECOME berserkers?

We don't know enough to complain yet, we can only hope SOE doesn't do something highly painful :P
Berserkers might be beneficial to melee classes
# Nov 22 2003 at 4:53 AM Rating: Decent
What might be interesting, and a partial addressing of the woes of the melee classes, would be if Berserkers could non-magically buff other melee classes simply by being present in a group? Something like a Bardish type short duration chant?

<x>'s chanting makes your attacks more accurate (+% to hit)

<x> has gone into bloodlust, you join him (+ speed/damage)

<x> teaches you some insults you've never heard before! (+taunt [only for PC activated taunts])

I could see something like that going over quite nicely - not a full addressing of the melee issue, but instead of a detriment to melee classes, they might be a benefit, adding to the group value of multiple melees in one group?

Perhaps the berserkers will have special non-magical attacks that, if successful, leave foes open to crippling blows by other melee classes, at any time - even if they cannot normally do crippling blows?

Perhaps berserkers will have a natural immunity to magic - not a hyped up resist, but a straight percentage chance to completely avoid effects?

There are so many possibilities, the Berserker could be a boon to the melee classes of Norrath, but until someone official says something, well, official, it'll be up in the air.
RE: Berserkers might be beneficial to melee classes
# Nov 24 2003 at 5:20 PM Rating: Decent
17 posts
That's called "Warcries"... See Blizzard's info on D2. ;)
Bitch, and more bitching
# Nov 22 2003 at 3:52 AM Rating: Decent
Don't we all love to ***** here, don't we. Guys they added sopmething new to the game, get over it. This sounds like a lovely idea.
# Nov 22 2003 at 3:34 AM Rating: Default
I wish you people would stop building yourself up on the fact that they decided to add something like a new class to the game and say they should do this and this and this, when for the past month or so melee balancing has been the big Fing subject.

I personally think a berserker would be cool, a great addition I imagine in dealing furious amounts of damage with little weaponry or armor, sacrficing armor perhaps in exhange for offensive supremecy. I sincerely doubt they are all out to get you, you sad whining little warriors you *rolls eyes* yeesh.

Hey you know what? I like everquest, no strings attached to that, i enjoy the ******* game, get over yourselves or just stop playing.
#Anonymous, Posted: Nov 22 2003 at 9:54 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Oh you mean kinda like what a Monk was suppose to have been?
Warriors do get screwed
# Nov 22 2003 at 3:26 AM Rating: Default
Yes my secondary is a 54 Warrior on Terris Thule. Almost anytime I am the MA of a group its all I can do to hold agression. I have 20 delay weapons and haste, but all I can really do is mash the taunt button. Then you get paladins or Shadowknights who just have to cast a couple of spells and mash taunt and they got the agression. Along time ago Paladins and ShadowKnights didn't get the same defense/offense skills a warrior got, but people ran there mouth and SOE gave them the same skills as warriors. People say Crits are what makes up for it, but that is a bunch of Non-sense. The average Warrior with no AA's is lucky to get 2 or 3 crits in 1 battle. Id say at 54 I might do a extra 200-400 damage MAX in critical hits. When dealing with mobs with 10k hp that is nothing, and that is if i am lucky.

Warriors should be able to do and take a good chunk of damage higher then any paladin or ShadowKnight. They also should have a better taunt feature, basically a skill they get at say level 40ish to 45ish. It would basically be a taunt that is worth 3 regular taunts.

I am all the time loseing groups to Paladins/SK's lower level then me just for the fact they can chain cast spells to hold agression.
#Anonymous, Posted: Nov 22 2003 at 2:53 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) all of this talk and still no one cares about the rogues
#Anonymous, Posted: Nov 21 2003 at 11:39 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) My main is a level 62 (almost 63 if he could ever get a damn group) warrior. It discourages me to see groups calling for Paladins for tanks. The warrior is the origional "beat em down" hardcore, pure tank. I think since they lack in not having spells, they should have a much better taunt to control aggro and to be wanted again. It is actually quite easy for SOE to fix this problem.
Um yeah...
# Nov 22 2003 at 1:37 AM Rating: Default
When an NPC, pet or player goes 'enraged' they are going 'bezerk' so i don't see the need for this class at all. It's already in the game.
Aren't they fixing the classes??
# Nov 21 2003 at 10:27 PM Rating: Default
Now wait a second, how does adding another class fix the 3 with problems now?? If the berserker is what us War's and Monk's are looking for, then doesn't it just ***** us over by adding another class that out does us (to the many already).

Giving the option of switching over to the Berzerker class would be nice. You know, so we're not stuck with these 40's+ chracters with no use in a group.
Other form of Berserker (DAoC)
# Nov 21 2003 at 10:08 PM Rating: Default

Modi is the god of rage, and Vikings who join's Modi's house become Bersekers. By channeling their immense battle rage, they become fearsome fighters, and at higher levels, they can shapeshift into the form of a bear. All races except Kobolds can become Bersekers.

~Turn into Bears!!! SWEET!~
# Nov 21 2003 at 10:07 PM Rating: Default
Berserkers remind me of... ...DAoC.

Wheeee. More copying and pasting prz.

Wonder if they will get rodent mode in EQ as well.
RE: hmm
# Nov 22 2003 at 1:56 PM Rating: Default
Funny thing is, DAoC reminds me of EQ.
RE: hmm
# Nov 22 2003 at 4:29 AM Rating: Default
Ummm, if I understand what you mean, they already have it - for about 2 days once, they allowed players to play low level monsters :) This was back well before DAoC was released, possibly as far back as before the Kunark expansion? I cannot recall the timeframe precisely.

I was a giant rattlesnake in Oasis, once, and an orc pawn in GFay another time. Some other stuff too, I died dozens of times almost instantly as I logged into where PC's were camping. Got a few PC's killed by instantly turning and running towards the closest aggro mobs I knew about >:)

I never got to play any of the highest level stuff though, like orc oracles in S Ro. PC controlled NPC race spellcasters had to sit and meditate to learn their spells, so if any PC was watching, it was real obvious that the orc/goblin/whatever that just spawned was a PC in a NPC body.

This was also after they created the option to edit the .ini file to allow run as default movement speed - a lot of people would log onto a critter/NPC, move about 20 feet and be slaughtered after a smart comment :) Mobs walk as default movement, PCs set to run in their .ini file would run as NPC races - a dead giveaway.

Honestly it was FUN - I'd love to see a server dedicated to allowing PC's to control NPC races - up to, say, two thirds the level of the highest level normal character on the server?
# Nov 21 2003 at 10:04 PM Rating: Decent
We'll, its always nice to see Sony trying to add new things to the game. A new class is nice, but personally they need to fix whats broken before they add something new. I play a 47 Mage on Firona Vie, and even I think some things are outbalanced. Personally, right now. Sony should scrap the Beserker and update the warriors to what they should truely be. If warriors got the stat bonuses, AA abilitys and a new decent epic or upgraded epic, they would be a "beserker". Thats what a warrior is... sorta.

Among other classes that need updating: Ranger epic model, ShadowKnight epic (Everything), warrior epic and stats and agro multiplier (SKs can easily outagro a warrior. that shouldnt be.). I dont know many other classes, but feel free to flame my ignorance.
#Anonymous, Posted: Nov 21 2003 at 10:02 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Maybe Sony just want to annoy all warriors into quiting EQ to build up a customer-base for EQ2...
RE: A scary thought
# Nov 22 2003 at 12:27 AM Rating: Decent
Generally if you quite a game in anger you don't go out and spend 50 bucks more for the continuation of the game with the same company.
# Nov 21 2003 at 9:53 PM Rating: Default
I just wish they would fix what they have ..i was perfectly satisfied with the game Pre-Luclin ..except the broken quests the graphics are better and there are more quests ..but there are more bugs than ever ...
# Nov 21 2003 at 9:52 PM Rating: Default
I bet the trial the berserker on test and premere it on the legends server about the time they release the new exp.
#Anonymous, Posted: Nov 21 2003 at 9:31 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) they are just another way to blow monks out of they way. who wants a normal monk when u can have a monk that has much better ac(plate armor) and can wield much better weapons? seems like monks shouldn't even be a class any more. Pally's can pull better than monks, rangers and rogues out damage us, and now with this new berserker... we won't ever be needed in a group
#Anonymous, Posted: Nov 21 2003 at 9:10 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I hope they don't make them an insanely high-damage output class. Still, even if they do, druids can kill em. If they can't cast, they die :P
#REDACTED, Posted: Nov 21 2003 at 8:31 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) This will be a totally overpowered class. If you can remember when the beastlord first came around it was only an okay class, with crucial spells being VERY rare high level raid encounter drops, the class sort of sucked. Also the AA abilities they were given were terrible. Now they have made beastlords one of the most powerfull classes in the game by adding insane PoP AA abilities as well as overpowering lvl 61-65 spells. I think the class will be overpowered simply because Sony doesn't want to go through tweaking any more classes to be up to par. I truely feel sorry for the melees that haven't been upgraded while they made these two new classes:(
#REDACTED, Posted: Nov 21 2003 at 8:09 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I think it will be more like a warrior monk. The monks DPS, with Warriors weps, and plate(from races it listed most likly will be a plate class). i can not see them having a high Defence skill by the name. probaly a atk boost and a damage boost. it will most likly balance out like this:
Good Article on the Berzerker class
# Nov 21 2003 at 7:53 PM Rating: Excellent
RE: Good Article on the Berzerker class
# Nov 21 2003 at 10:10 PM Rating: Default
wow this info rocks.
The meaning of the word
# Nov 21 2003 at 7:26 PM Rating: Default

Info on the term...
Where is there room?
# Nov 21 2003 at 7:11 PM Rating: Good
Pure Offense, and no defense. I think those abilities are covered with Ranger, Rogue, Monk, and Wizard. I am simply curious what you all think that another "pure offense" character is going to add to the gaming experience. I can think of many situations in which such a class, if it were better at damage output than any of the previous I have mentioned, would be prefferable to basically any kind of DPS support. Usually, unless fighting raid-event classes of mobs, support melee rarely receive damage anyway; the occasional riposte, etc. Barring AoE and random target casting as damage, why would you try to find any other kind of DPS filler for a group? Just a few tidbits to perhaps shed some light on this possible addition and maybe keep the thread on track ;-)
# Nov 21 2003 at 6:48 PM Rating: Default
When i think of berserkers i think of big Norsemen wearing leather and furs, etc. Maybe they'll hold on to that traditional sense with leather armor restriction
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