Patcher Woes

Let me express what many of you are feeling right now: Arrrrrrrrrgh! Let me in! Let me in! I want my Kitty! *breathe* OK. According to Sony, they are aware of the problems and are working on them, including bringing on more patching servers. Why they didn't think of this before, since this is almost identical to what happened at the original release is beyond me, but I'm sure they want you to play their game as much as you want to play it. Feel free to use this forum to try to help each other get into the game or to just console each other while you wait.


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# Dec 04 2001 at 10:44 PM Rating: Decent
Why is that we view computer folks as some of the brightest minds in the world until they do something really stupid? Anyone lock their keys in thier car lately?
Way to make the patcher work
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:44 PM Rating: Excellent
If you are having the same problem I am having it will download one file of the patch and then try to download the next one and either you will get a internet connection lost message or IO message, here is what you do ---

1) cancel download (just click cancel so you can resume it)

2) find the first file that was downloaded, then look at the file that was downloaded after the first one, you need to delete that one from your everquest directory.

2) resume the download, you might have to click cancel and resume the download a few times until it starts downloading, it will download the file then start on the second and mess up again

3) click cancel and find the file that it messed up on the download and delete it

I hope this helps some of you out who are having the same problem as I am having, hopefully I will be able to download each file over a long period of time =(

Oh well take care

Bartleby Windtalker
Druid of the 31st Season
The Rathe
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:43 PM Rating: Default
AHHHHHHHHHHHHH @&^@*# @*#*%(*((*@ @*#&%)!(@&#)(* @*#&*#%&(*@&#(!@*U# !!!!!!!

I hate my life !


I really ,really do!
*@&*#&* @(*#(% *(*(@#( (!)(*$

# Dec 04 2001 at 10:43 PM Rating: Default

Checking for new files.....sorry there isnt any and your sonyed!
RE: ch
# Dec 04 2001 at 11:02 PM Rating: Default
I'm glad I came here now. I was really frustrated and that post helped me to relieve some tension. Best laugh I've had since 11am est at least, hehe :)
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:42 PM Rating: Default
I'm getting those evil IO errors too, anyone know what they are and what to do about it? I've deleted the files that are giving the error and rerun the patch, still the same problem.
EQ Patching skill
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:42 PM Rating: Decent
Once I get past the little Windows patch progam (wth IS that, anyway?) and get to the real Patcher, I download a few files and then get ground to a halt.

Hit cancel. Hit download. Hit cancel. Hit download. Shut down. Double-click on EverQuest icon. Windows patch program. Nothing. Cancel progam. Delete from task process (win2000). Double-click on EverQuest icon. Windows patch program. Patch program. Download more files. Grind to a halt...

You have become better at Patching! (32)
error 1017
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:41 PM Rating: Decent
error 1017:cannot login to the eq server

you may need to rerun the update patch.
repeatedly seeing this message indicates a loss of connectivity to the patch server this is usually temporary. I get this after i sigh on and choose a server(zallon). so close but so far no luck any suggestions? i'm dying here!
this sucks
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:41 PM Rating: Default
well don't this suck i my screen just says

pleas wait !!! this blows
this sucks
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:41 PM Rating: Default
well don't this suck i my screen just says

pleas wait !!! this blows
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:41 PM Rating: Decent
Hell at least im comforted on the fact that , my EXP in 54 moves faster than the exp on this damn patch!
Aisuia 54 monk rodcet
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:40 PM Rating: Default
what does it mean if i dont have the proper access privaleges?
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:40 PM Rating: Default




What Else
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:39 PM Rating: Default
Anyone else getting the "Local I/O file error" as well in the patch process?
RE: What Else
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:44 PM Rating: Default
yea, i'm getting that too with alot of the files, that i need to download. there's also an error saying that there is either not enough memory (which i do...18 gigs free, 364 mb ram) or there's something wrong with the internet connection (which there isn't cuz i have high speed)....any solutions?? i e-mailed eq about it already, if they reply i'll be sure to post the answer here
#Anonymous, Posted: Dec 04 2001 at 10:39 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Verent Manager takes a Swig of Beer!
RE: I am the Verant Manager!!
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:43 PM Rating: Decent
too funny
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:38 PM Rating: Default
Why haven’t they set up patch Mirrors with the popular EQ Sites ????????????
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:38 PM Rating: Default
lol got direct k 8.1- now i get the bad internet connection thingy? im on cable- this blows ! hehe
Windows Patcher
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:38 PM Rating: Default
Is getting stuck on the windows patcher part normal? or is there something i can do to fix it
RE: Windows Patcher
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:57 PM Rating: Default
Must be normal; we have two accounts and two computers, both are getting stuck at the same place. It says "checking for new files..." but the bar doesn't move. I left it on one computer for about 15 mins, still nothing.
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:38 PM Rating: Default
You can pick your friends
and you can pick your nose
and you can also pick to
kick sony's ***!
March on!

Badly dressed cleric
Kinda Works
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:38 PM Rating: Default
Yeah Finally Downloaded the patches and logged in..

Booooo..........My character is like on super juice or something...I run so fast that i can't recognize where i am going...I used up 14 fish in about 5 mins online time....trying to turn right or left puts me in a spin.....Please Verant don't Ban me i am using your speed hack not mine!!!!
#Anonymous, Posted: Dec 04 2001 at 10:38 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I am the manager of VeranT!!!!!!
Go get some sleep
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:37 PM Rating: Decent
As an intelligent bard that I am, I preferred to get some sleep before trying to connect... and now it's working finally :)

Do just like me, get to sleep if it's too slow, you won't have enough of the rest of the night to explore the worlds
New Debate
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:37 PM Rating: Decent
37 posts
Was Verant right in forcing people to get better hardware to run the new game?

My stance is that it really has nothing to do with Verant. The current state of the gaming industry calls for improved graphics, graphical effects and sounds. Everquest has to stay competitive with what the newer games are offering in order to stay alive. Great gameplay and innovation can only go so far.

Also, compared to some of the current games out there, EQ's new requirements really aren't half bad. Anybody ever try playing Black and White, Hitman: Codename 47, or any other decently complex game that came out within the last year? (Giants: Citizen Kabuto is a monster-PC-requiring game that I forgot to mention but made headlines with how much computing power was necessary to run it and how incredibly buggy it was when it shipped).

In the end, Verant had no choice in beefing up EQ's graphics engine. It was either upgrade or die. I'm sure we've all seen the awesome screen shots comming from games like Worlds of Warcraft and Star Wars Online.

Besides, $100 for a vid card, and $50 for RAM? Please, those are things you need in order to upgrade your old clunker anyway. Not to be elitist, but who the heck still runs anything less than a PII-500 with 128MB of RAM and a sub-par vid card and still seriously expect to run any game with half-decent graphics?

If you're a game player, you can't afford to stay behind on your hardware. Of course, anybody under 18, with no job really has no business replying to this post, since, honestly, you have no control over the hardware you've got (my heart goes out to you guys). However, those of us a little older, if we chose game playing as our hobby, we need to put in the money and the work (i.e. 12 hours camping the AC for JBoots).

Anyhow, that's my stance, and it's managed to kill some time for me while I try to get EQ to work. God, I'm really feeling withdrawal symptoms...I've bitten my nails down to the bone.

RE: New Debate
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:49 PM Rating: Default
i am on a 233MHz, everquests actullys runs fines, but i dunno how it is gonna run now...i ahve 256 RAM tho, but no video card.

256RAM (thats sad, more RAM then MHz)
4 VRAM(yes, 4)
1 mouse
1 keyoboard

beat that fer crappy
The reason for the delay
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:37 PM Rating: Decent
95 posts
Verant is waiting for all our checks to clear ;)
grrr i wish patch was next week i could have played all day monday and most of tuesday :(
Bah !!!!!
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:37 PM Rating: Default
10,000 People X 2 Log-in Servers = !Gx$B
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:36 PM Rating: Default
well at least i can look at the time iis cuz these post are coming in like hot cakes
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