A Look at the Drakkin

Today, SOE released some images of the new Drakkin race in action. Here are those screenshots, as well as some history about the Drakkin.

After Venril Sathir's curse was released into the Nest and destroyed the dragon eggs, it was clear that the future of dragonkind was in danger.  With the next generation of dragons lost forever, Veeshan's bloodline was in jeopardy. Six dragons who were children of the Nest proposed a plan to their elders -- the creation of a race to protect dragons and the Wyrmqueen's bloodline, something they had seen done once before.

The six dragons were scoffed at by the elders of the Nest, but they were so adamant with the idea that the elder dragons ordered their exile so their ideas would not gain a foothold.  To the elders, it was unthinkable.  The six left the Nest and ignored the decree of the elders.  They settled in the nearby Serpent Spine Mountains to carry out their plan to create a new race to protect the existence of Veeshan's bloodline on Norrath.  They would create a race of dragon-touched humans and call them Drakkin which means “Dragon Child” in the language of the elders.

They called themselves the Circle of the Crystalwing, defining themselves as the future of dragonkind.  The six dragons in the Circle:  Venesh the Greenblood; Draton`ra, Master of the Void; Keikolin, Bringer of Enlightenment; Mysaphar, Seeker of All; Atathus the Red Lord; and Osh`vir the Windspirit. 

In human form, the dragons traveled to Freeport and combed through the taverns and inns, looking for the right humans to suit this new race. The honorable dragons found many who sympathized with their plight and plans and agreed to help right the wrongs that mortals inflicted on dragons of the Nest by unleashing Venril's curse.  Many humans considered it a great honor. The darker dragons were not so willing to negotiate and simply took the human subjects they desired.  Each human taken was touched by the magic of a single drop of dragon’s blood across their cheek.

In only a matter of months, the dragon-touched humans began to experience changes, a coming-of-age that became known as the Awakening.  It is then that the latent strengths they inherit from their dragon bloodline surface and they have a burning desire to better understand them.  Their hair takes on new texture and color – the same color as the dragon who touched them.  Parts of their skin show small, toughened scales, and runic patterns representing their new race began to show on their face, torsos and legs – all in the color of their dragon progenitor.  Delicate horns appear in patterns on their foreheads. They are the essence of beauty to most who see them.

As their new traits develop, the drakkins yearn to meet their parents.  They find themselves on a pilgrimage into the Serpent Spine Mountains. Their final destination is the ancient abandoned ogre city of Nokk, now alive with drakkin who call it Crescent Reach.

As they enter the Dragon’s Grove of the great stone city where their parents await them, their human past is lost forever.  It is from their parents that the drakkin learn their purpose – to live and grow stronger to protect the future of Veeshan's bloodline on Norrath.  With their new identity affirmed, their drakkin life truly begins.


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Ziggy star dust.
# Aug 11 2006 at 8:22 AM Rating: Default
Ok so when did Sony start hiring rock stars to try and boost thier image lol..

If thats not David Bowie then I am a monkies uncle.
Ziggy star dust.
# Aug 11 2006 at 10:08 AM Rating: Default
ROFL, you're right!
Shoddy again..
# Aug 11 2006 at 8:06 AM Rating: Decent
286 posts
Well, I have to agree with most of the posts that these were a disappointment. With all of the graphics models already available, you would think they could do better. IMHO, seems like someone got pressed for time and rather than come up with something original, they just modified the Sand Elf template a bit. But then again, what do you expect when the expansions come out so fast. No time to make good content when the ubers are ******** that they need 'more stimulating content'. How about this, make a whole zone of level 150 MOBS, and let the high end raiders chew on that for a while! The you might have time to go and strengthen up the content... oh wait, then the profits go down in the short turn in order to assure a loyal customer base. Can't have that now, can we...

Smiley: motz
# Aug 11 2006 at 8:06 AM Rating: Decent
360 posts
Not to pile on.... oh okay I guess to pile on, but these just plain suck. Don't go live with these, it'd be a gigantic oportunity wasted.
Looks odd
# Aug 11 2006 at 7:46 AM Rating: Decent
641 posts
I was thinking something more like the Omens of War Dragorns without
the wing-stubs and a flatter face.
Wait and see I guess.

Just adding, I think it's the eyes I don't like the most, they have that haunted
glaring look.

Edited, Aug 11th 2006 at 8:54am EDT by Donbayne
Donbayne 100 Rng - Uinian 100 Dru - Breru 100 Sk - Nyenie 82 Brd - Ruusan 76 Clr - Braru 75 Mag - Syqen 100 Shm EQ Stromm/Luclin
# Aug 11 2006 at 5:52 AM Rating: Decent
? maybe they had old models turned on
"All we are saying..
# Aug 11 2006 at 4:44 AM Rating: Default
is give peace a chance".. oops wait wrong decade they're not a 80's band not enough hair but hey for another 5 levels, more stuff to spend AA's on and other things in the planning I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. Bet people were slamming the drogs when they came out and now you see people on them all over the place
# Aug 11 2006 at 3:07 AM Rating: Default
totatlly stupid... a human wearing leather with daggers and a scarred face .. I hope they didn't put more then 15 minute in on making that POS model that no1 likes and hardly anyone will make /disappointed once again...
# Aug 11 2006 at 2:26 AM Rating: Decent
61 posts
Soooo disappointed....

Word Salad
# Aug 11 2006 at 1:38 AM Rating: Decent
Lame only BEGINS to describe this Drakkin model. We can go quickly to sad, horrible, uncreative, stupid, silly, bogus, ridiculous..and of course, the ever popular blows or sucks.
# Aug 11 2006 at 1:24 AM Rating: Good
How to make a Drakkin:

1. Take a Sand Elf (Tak LDoN)
2. Give them more natural flesh tones
3. Jam pieces of metal into their foreheads
4. File their teeth into points
5. Add some tattoos

I truly hope that these aren't the final models.... Note that the Lore says:

They are the essence of beauty to most who see them.

I'm just not seeing it in those pictures...
# Aug 11 2006 at 1:13 AM Rating: Default
this is ridiculous .... i will be buying next expansion only to level ... i wont be making a Drakkin if they look like that ... i hope those pictures are photoshopped like that guy said up there ... other than that .... im not sure what to think about that race look ...
# Aug 11 2006 at 1:13 AM Rating: Default
[]this is ridiculous .... i will be buying next expansion only to level ... i wont be making a Drakkin if they look like that ... i hope those pictures are photoshopped like that guy said up there ... other than that .... im not sure what to think about that race look ...
# Aug 11 2006 at 1:10 AM Rating: Default
[Crimson]that is totally ridiculous .... only reason im getting the expansion now is to level to 75 .... GAWD theyre *&%%#&^ gay looking ... i saw other pictures and they SOOOOO do not look anything like the ones i saw .... i wont be making a drakkin if they look like that lol![/Crimson]
# Aug 11 2006 at 12:45 AM Rating: Default
I thought the way the lore and everything was going that the Drakkin were going to end up looking more like Droags from EQ2. These character models are ridiculous.

Should've looked like a droag, like this http://eq2.ogaming.com/db/bestiary/AScalebornSentry.php

soe not even trying anymore.

Krystae Lunalupus
70 Wood Elven Druid <Stasis> Prexus
67 Wood Elven Warden <Essayons> Befallen
# Aug 11 2006 at 12:42 AM Rating: Default
I thought the way the lore and everything was going that the Drakkin were going to end up looking more like Droags from EQ2. These character models are ridiculous.

Should've looked like a droag, like this http://eq2.ogaming.com/db/bestiary/AScalebornSentry.php

soe not even trying anymore.

Krystae Lunalupus
70 Wood Elven Druid <Stasis> Prexus
67 Wood Elven Warden <Essayons> Befallen
# Aug 11 2006 at 12:13 AM Rating: Default
Yeah I was hoping for something that looked more like a draconian from dragonlance what would be interesting. This is dumb. Humans touched by dragon magic, what a steaming pile. Mix human DNA with dragons, you know, have KIDS with the humans while in human form that would come up with something intersting.
# Aug 11 2006 at 12:11 AM Rating: Default
Yeah I was hoping for something that looked more like a draconian from dragonlance what would be interesting. This is dumb. Humans touched by dragon magic, what a steaming pile. Mix human DNA with dragons, you know, have KIDS with the humans while in human form that would come up with something intersting.
# Aug 10 2006 at 11:43 PM Rating: Decent
# Aug 10 2006 at 11:29 PM Rating: Default
g.....a......y..... :(
# Aug 10 2006 at 11:22 PM Rating: Default
waste your time making a f%$#ed up human
bad looks
# Aug 10 2006 at 10:32 PM Rating: Decent
I thought the flock of seagulls died in the 80's.
# Aug 10 2006 at 9:50 PM Rating: Default
Sooo disappointed. Taelosians look better than them. I imagined something completely different. They're nothing but "detailed" humans with a mix of the lizard man. Looks like they got that stuff injected into their foreheads to make them look reptilian.


Sony, sony, sony... Eventually you're going to push us all away. Put some more time into these expansions. You don't HAVE to release a new one every month.
Oh my....
# Aug 10 2006 at 9:43 PM Rating: Decent
Very dissapointing..

No Creativity...

That was the best you could come up with?....

Further nails the lid on the wont be starting one of those goofy lookin f'ers coffin..

I'm willing to bet real money my 6yr old could come up with a better concept than what is presented here.

Are you
to drive people away from EQ ?

I'm just saying...<wow>...

In the world of "Creating a Buzz"...NOT...

I know there are dev's that can do better than that, C'mon!

Matt Damon
# Aug 10 2006 at 8:49 PM Rating: Default
the bottom one, deffinately looks like Matt Damon!
Matt Damon
# Aug 12 2006 at 12:45 PM Rating: Default
Anonymous wrote:
the bottom one, deffinately looks like Matt Damon!

haha.. that I have to agree with.. but as far as all this stupid whining goes... at this point in the game it would be difficult to introduce something completely new and original and keep it somewhat believable... I'm sure the "new race" in this case is mostly just for lore and what not, i.e. they knew it wasn't exactly "original". From what I have seen it looks like the new expansion is going to have a lot of other content but if you dont like the "new" race, don't play it, it's not that difficult to figure out. And if you think the game is going down then quit, end of story... I've got better things to do then to listen to whining and crying when im trying to get information about the up coming expansion.
# Aug 10 2006 at 8:12 PM Rating: Decent
sadly i dont expect better from SoE of late.drakkin i think not screwed up human graphics models would be a better name.they really could have tried harder instead of tweakin human and elf model a lil..... oh well i wont play them
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