Horrifying Terrorist Attacks on the U.S.

This is not game news, but is more important. I am putting this up here because many people are trying to figure out what is going on and this way we can share what we know. Here's what I know so far: - At about 8:45 a plane crashed into one of the World Trade Center towers. 14 minutes later, andther plane crashed into the second tower. - Another plane crashed into the Pentagon soon after that. - A bomb went off at the State Department. - Both World Trade Center Towers have now completely collapsed, presumably killing everyone who was unable to evacuate in time, and also the firemen and police who were at the towers trying to help people evacuate. - Another plane has gone down somewhere in Western Pennsylvania. Possibly just a coincidence or possibly an attempt to hyjack it to another target. Words cannot express the horror.
Tags: General, News


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Each person has free will !!!!
# Sep 13 2001 at 6:44 AM Rating: Default
I sit here going over the many conversations I've had with friend's and family over the past 2 days wondering exactly what our nation should do about this tragedy. I have been watching the newscasts for 2 days as this person or that person gives their views on what should be done to the perpetrators of this horific act. I also strongly agree with so many others that if any government is harboring these criminals,they should be treated as the criminals. I've seen it said in many posts that it would be wrong to just go and perpetuate violance by attacking all the people of a certain country when it is just their government that is the ones responsible for harboring these terorists. To that remark I have this to say; If it is not the majority of the country's population that is in support of these terorists and their attacks. Then why does the majority not take up arms(whatever arms are available to them)and stop their government from getting them killed for harboring these terrorist's. The world governments have made it quite clear that this will no longer be allowed to go on. So all those out there who are badmouthing any decisions the USA makes where this is concerned or wipe out a whole country for the acts of a few. Just remember that

1. This is not the first time.

2. They have been warned of the consequences.

3. No man can have his mind made up for him.

4. Anyone can fight back against something they dont believe in.

5. Even if they don't win at least they know they fought for what they believe in, and not just talked about what they believe in.

6. And lastly and most Importantly to the americans out there on this third day of this tragedy,

World Trade Center Response
# Sep 13 2001 at 6:18 AM Rating: Decent
First off I'd like to address an issue, for anyone who's posting that "Force never solves anything" Read some Heinlein.. (roughly quoted) "You think force doesn't solve anything? Well then, why don't we have a debate about force with the Auk, the Dodo, and the carrier pigeon? I wonder what they'd have to say about it?"

Secondly, for the cowardly individuals that planned, helped with, Carried out this act, I hope you all burn in the fires of Hell. Cowardice like this is not only appalling, but it sickens me to see that your country thinks you are some kind of "hero" for doing this to another country, you want a HERO, look at the 300 firefighters who gave their LIVES BY CHOICE!!!!! to try to save the lives of the people that were stuck in that building when the planes hit.

For those of you that think we had this coming, You disgust me to the very core, you are just as sick as the individuals that perpetrated this horror. Noone, in ANY country deserves this.

Reperations? Yes, fear the reaper my friends, we are not a country to take acts of aggresion sitting down, we are a country formed by war, kept by war, and united by trial and tribulation.

Next, to all the Muslims out there, I give you this, I hold nothing against you personally, nor your faith, I have the utmost respect for your beliefs and your values, I pray that the Muslims living in the US and around the world will not suffer for the actions of such a small percentage of idiots that make up their ranks. If you wish to join hands and grieve with us, you are welcome, if you wish to remain neutral, you are welcome, but if you side with the sick individuals that took innocent lives, in a time of peace, non-military targets (66 percent), then I hope you face your judgement soon.

Do I think the U.S. should go to war with another country? NO, war kills on BOTH sides. But, with that said, I believe that anyone that harbors these criminals is just as guilty as the criminals themselves, anyone that cannot see this as a TRAGEDY, an outright ACT OF WAR, should be made to suffer just like those who perpetrated the act.

To all the people who lost friends, family, acquaintences, loved ones, to the fatherless children, to the motherless children, to the families with pictures of people who no longer walk the soil of this earth because of this act, my heartfelt prayer and condolences go to you, I know there's nothing I can say or do to end or allay your pain, suffice to say that they're in a better place now, one without extremists, factions, terrorism, or fear.

God Bless my fellow Americans, God bless all the people of the world who have offered their help and their support, I hope they find the worthless pieces of flesh that did this and I hope they get what they deserve.

God Bless America, Land that I love....

Hexus Lupus, 55 Ranger, Veeshan
# Sep 13 2001 at 6:15 AM Rating: Default
USA was mainly targeted in this terrorist act, but not only USA.

The twin towers of the world trade center were International towers, and many international compagnies had offices their (dunno for Asia, but many Europeen compagnies had offices there). They lost people too. I personnaly lost 2 french friends working there.

I think those towers were targeted, because of the symbol of economic power of the USA and occidental countries; and, its horrible to say, because so many people were working there.

So all the occidental countries are to feel involved in what will hapen now, and, at least stop to challenge each other all the time but try to work togather for a better world.

RE: Moon.
# Sep 13 2001 at 7:31 AM Rating: Default
Everything you said about this attack being aimed at all 'occidentals' is pure crap. This war is being made on the United States and Isreal alone, and don't you dare forget it.

Also, I'm not an 'occidental'... I'm an AMERICAN.
Yes, I happen to be Anglo-Nordic in heritage, but there are many true patriots who are black, yellow, brown, and red. Hopefully, they are AMERICANs too.

So, since the putrid cess pools of communism in Europe that we call our " allies" aren't going to send us any aid whatsoever, they are NOT entitled to be 'involved' at all. This is America's fight.
And, as usual, we'll win it while Europe and the rest of the world sit idly by and criticize and condemn America.

Therefore, my message to all non-AMERICANS is SHUT THE F&*% UP! You have no stake in this at all. And since you are going to DO nothing except give us a hard time you don't get to butt in.

America and Isreal are the targets here. America and Isreal, with God's help will prevail.... ALONE.
RE: Moon.
# Sep 13 2001 at 8:09 AM Rating: Default
Keep up with the news, bud.

In fact the Nato nations and the EU have both signed on to assist in our response.

This is more significant than you may realize. It represents a major ascension of the nations that respect individual rights into a combined social order that will no longer tolerate terrorisim or inhumane acts. This is much more powerful than we in the US having an angry war with one country or set of terrorists.

The type of change that the world needs now comes about when the majority decides that the despicable acts of barbarisim will no longer be tolerated.

America can launch a war against terrorisim and thus become involved in a tit for tat battle for years if not decades with terrorists. We bomb a terrorists camp in response to an attack on the US. They bomb a US city in response to that. It is a vicious circle. We do not want to be in that position.

The alliance ofevery free nation and their resolve to do what is needed to remove terrorisim from the world as a common event is what is needed to put this behind us globally.

Does the US led the free world? Yes.

Is the US the whole world? No.

What has been started with NATO and the EU and even the asian countries to bring about a global response and change in policy is what will, in the end, make the difference.

The last person I ever wanted in the white house was Bush. But I will give him a standing ovation for building the framework for global change regarding terrorisim instead of rushing headlong into a fight.

We will get to those responsible, but at the same time we will do it in a way that brings about global change.

I would rather see the comming decade be the end of terrorisim worldwide than have the immediate gratification of seeing bombs dropping tomorrow.
RE: Moon.
# Sep 13 2001 at 9:06 PM Rating: Decent
Remember that the WTCs daily population is about half tourist (according to CNN).

Many other nations are grieving their dead as well--most major nations have anywhere from a few to a few dozen people missing or already declared dead.

My sympathies.
RE: Moon.
# Sep 13 2001 at 7:00 AM Rating: Default
I do know Japan lost up to 20-25 nationals.
Fight Terror With Terror
# Sep 13 2001 at 5:51 AM Rating: Decent
I want to start by saying how sincerely I feel for the surviving ophaned children and parents, family and friends of all the peaceloving, honest hardworking people that died and were injured in the unwarranted, and unnessary attacks in New York City, and in Washington DC.

Having said that, I understand alittle about human behavior, even to some degree different cultures. The Fanatics that committed these acts care little or none for there on personal safety. They have set the stage for the terms of WAR, no us. We Americans, and free peoples of the world have to except there challenge on there terms and fight as they fight.

It is simple. Congress forms a new Nasty Boy Department, With powers to kidnapped, arrest, and ,I dare say. kill family members of the clearly verified Extreme terrorist members. Fathers, Mothers, grandparents and children alike.

I like many Americans are peace loving, and well intentioned, BUT I also remember the Cold War and the way it worked.

If you try to drop a nuke on my city I will drop a nuke on your city. The fear factor was enough of a deterrent to prevent a Nuclear War until a more permanant solution was reached.

The "Nasty Boys" will surely have to commit some very vile and nasty acts to make our point clear.

"If you kill our families, we will kill your families. Think about that Mr. Fanatic."

Fight Terror with Terror
RE: Fight Terror With Terror
# Sep 13 2001 at 6:05 AM Rating: Default
this will not work.

most of those people dont HAVE families.
they are trained from their childhood on, to one day commit suicide in the name of the cause, whatever it will be.
they are told that this is the highest goal a man can achieve.
they would not care if you slaughtered their families before their very eyes, as long as they survived to run into a building with bombs attached to their body.
those men do not know the words "terror" or "fear".
they are not, i dare to say, even humans anymore.
they are tools, weapons, programmed to kill and destroy.
they are as afraid of death as a mechanic bomb is.
you cannot scare anyone who doesnt care for his own life or the lifes of those near him, for they have no lives.
they are "built" and stored until the day someone sends them out on a "mission".
nothing else does exist in their minds but that.

this is why they are so deadly effective.
dont try to understand them, none of us can.

RE: Fight Terror With Terror
# Sep 13 2001 at 6:30 AM Rating: Decent
Interesting point of view, however I heard a report on the news stating that 2 of the possible hijackers involved in one attack where brothers.

And even though they my be pyschotic by our standards. I have never met anyone that did not have some weakness or other. And often times your greatest strength can be your greatest weakness.

Beladan has family members that live in the Boston area, as do others.
and for thoses that don't have families you can attack there extremist beliefs.
Everyone knows it is bad form to discuss religion in Mixed cultures. It's gets almost everone upset even one that are aetheist. And an enraged fanatic will make many more mistakes and be easier to eliminate. The strong beliefs when challanged on a personal level will be too much. They will be the ones to start behaving rashly dragging the calmer ones that don't have family to lose down.

War is not easy
In convientional wars you have land, sea, and air operations.
With this new War. We will have to add a newer component. We have to get inside the enemies head and mess with it. That should not you be too difficult, not that I underestimate the foe, but Hate and Stupidity are next door neighbors. I can give you some examples, but if you think about it you well already know what I am talking about.

Thanks for your Comments
RE: Fight Terror With Terror
# Sep 13 2001 at 6:52 AM Rating: Default
a point i forgot to mention was this one:

if you kill one of them, he will not only become a martyr, but a hero.
on (austrian) tv i saw a report from one of their camps. 8-year olds (!) have been showed pictures of a fallen "battlebrother", his father and his family being CONGRATULATED for the mighty deed their son performed and the heroic death he died. he was PROUD that his only son died when he drove a car stuffed with explosives into a building.

and with everyone of their leaders or just simple comerades their anger and hatred will rise, and when it reaches a certain level things like NY will happen again.

terrorism is like a hydra. kill the leader, and another one pops, maybe even more insane than the last one.

if just killing those responsible for an act was the way to rid the worlds of terrorism, there would be no more terrorists, i assure you.
RE: Fight Terror With Terror
# Sep 13 2001 at 9:14 AM Rating: Default
::sigh:: I've been reading your posts, Andnay, but I think you are off base. Another bad analogy in a long line of bad analogies (in reference to the hydra). In addition to going after the fanatics, we are going after those that support them. Those who don't think it's so cool to play catch with smart bombs.

Terrorism is a cheap, easy way for some countries to implement foreign policy. Those that host terrorists are just using them as a form of special forces, or a State Dept. What happened at WTC was an act of war by those countries. In fact, that is probably where US and NATO policy will now shift; you perform terrorist acts in a foreign country, you have just declared war. The world just got a whole lot messier; but after toppling a couple of these rogue governments... well, things won't settle down (they'll never settle down), but maybe we won't have planes falling out of the sky as often anymore.

There can be no world peace. People are just too mean.
RE: Fight Terror With Terror
# Sep 13 2001 at 6:29 AM Rating: Decent
Interesting point of view, however I heard a report on the news stating that 2 of the possible hijackers involved in one attack where brothers.

And even though they my be pyschotic by our standards. I have never met anyone that did not have some weakness or other. And often times your greatest strength can be your greatest weakness.

Beladan has family members that live in the Boston area, as do others.
and for thoses that don't have families you can attack there extremist beliefs.
Everyone knows it is bad form to discuss religion in Mixed cultures. It's gets almost everone upset even one that are aetheist. And an enraged fanatic will make many more mistakes and be easier to eliminate. The strong beliefs when challanged on a personal level will be too much. They will be the ones to start behaving rashly dragging the calmer ones that don't have family to lose down.

War is not easy
In convientional wars you have land, sea, and air operations.
With this new War. We will have to add a newer component. We have to get inside the enemies head and mess with it. That should not you be too difficult, not that I underestimate the foe, but Hate and Stupidity are next door neighbors. I can give you some examples, but if you think about it you well already know what I am talking about.

Thanks for your Comments
RE: Fight Terror With Terror
# Sep 13 2001 at 6:29 AM Rating: Decent
Interesting point of view, however I heard a report on the news stating that 2 of the possible hijackers involved in one attack where brothers.

And even though they my be pyschotic by our standards. I have never met anyone that did not have some weakness or other. And often times your greatest strength can be your greatest weakness.

Beladan has family members that live in the Boston area, as do others.
and for thoses that don't have families you can attack there extremist beliefs.
Everyone knows it is bad form to discuss religion in Mixed cultures. It's gets almost everone upset even one that are aetheist. And an enraged fanatic will make many more mistakes and be easier to eliminate. The strong beliefs when challanged on a personal level will be too much. They will be the ones to start behaving rashly dragging the calmer ones that don't have family to lose down.

War is not easy
In convientional wars you have land, sea, and air operations.
With this new War. We will have to add a newer component. We have to get inside the enemies head and mess with it. That should not you be too difficult, not that I underestimate the foe, but Hate and Stupidity are next door neighbors. I can give you some examples, but if you think about it you well already know what I am talking about.

Thanks for your Comments
Well, now we can see...
# Sep 13 2001 at 5:35 AM Rating: Decent
38 posts
Reading some of the assaultive language used against the US and our citizens, I am reminded, sadly of how such a devastation could have occurred, and how other nations would see their way to harbor and help such evil people.

I don't have the time to do specific research, but to the folks who say we deserve it because we don't care about the suffering in other parts of the world, I"d suggest checking to see how many millions of US dollars (still strongest currency in the world) your nation receives in one sort of aid or another from the US, and how many millions other countries receive both governmentally and privately from America to help alleviate their pain. I'd suggest reading some non-propagandistic history texts, including how the Japanese declared war on the US by bombing Pearl Harbor and how they refused to end the war until not one but two of their home cities had been bombed-- then check out the atrocities they carried out on civilians in China, Korea, and the Pacific Islands under the regime that pursued that war.

Don't make ignorant comparisons.

And don't gloat... at least not on a forum set up for those who have compassion and who feel pain... it simply shows you as the scum of the earth you are.

Given the facts available at 6 am Eastern (almost 2 days later), we can at least identify the political connections of the men who took the planes hostage and flew them into buildings.

That they are of a given ethnic and religious identity does not brand all members of their ethnic and religious beliefs guilty. We must not respond blindly or rashly, and we must understand that there are many Americans of the same backgrounds who are AMERICANS, not believers in the same sick philosophy as these scum.

But there is at least one nation in the world denying the guilt of the perpetrators, harboring and helping others of their band, and therefore showing their bloody, bloody hands to the world.

It's not guilt by association, it's being an ally of the entity that declared war on the United States of America on September 11. And a nation at war has the right to defend itself and respond to its enemies.

May they rot not in hell but in this life.

On another subject, the Canadian Gordon Sinclair wrote that piece in 1973. It's real and he said it but it's not something written in the recent past.

Devastated, but resolute, and a loyal and PROUD American,

Wolana Phoenixfyre, known IRL as Mab
Wolana Phoenixfyre, druid of Xegony; Proud to be a member of Alliance of Hope where our Cause is Justifiable!
#REDACTED, Posted: Sep 13 2001 at 4:51 AM, Rating: Unrated, (Expand Post) is, that america has been kicked in the balls. major.
RE: the REAL problem...
# Sep 13 2001 at 5:32 AM Rating: Default
To all those that mock the Evil that has happend I fell sorry for you. That any human could possibly find a justification for this act of violence.

I feel for your soul your family and your children.
# Sep 13 2001 at 4:47 AM Rating: Default
Im tired of people talking about what happened that day as if it was a criminal act. Such a taking of life is clearly an act of War. And as the President said "we will make no destinction between these terrorist groups or the countries that harbor them". Once enough evidence has been gathered dont be surprised from the retalition.

I am pro life as it is, but you can not expect such a tragedy to go without serious retribution. A single chance should be given for the country or countries assisting these "terrorists" to give these killers to our country for punishment. If they do not comply then they are clearly in support of this sort of behavior and deserve to suffer the consequences. If innocent lives are put at stake due to their decesions then that is a direct result of their ignorant country.

We already have the support of many allies, and personally I could not see how anything less drastic then a signing of the Declaration of War aginst these terrorists or the countries harboring them could send a clear enough message that these sort of horrible acts will not go unpunished.

To put it in perspective, this kind of attack aginst our soil has not been experianced since Peral Harbor. Upward to 2400 soldiers and a much lesser number of civilians died at Peral Harbor; over 10000+ *civilians* died as a result of the attack on the WTC in New York and many many fire fighters and policemen died assisting in rescue efforts. We lost more Americans that day then we did at the attack on Omaha Beach, D-Day World War 2.

The differance? The people that died at Omaha Beach and Peral Harbor were soldiers at a time of turmoil and war. The people that died at the WTC were not at war, and they were not soldiers. They were simply civilians going to work.

As I watched the events that unfolded the other day and thought about those families that lost loved ones due to this attack I could not help but feel an overwelming sadness for those lost in the plane crashes and in New York and Washington. These were innocent people. My heart goes out to the families of these victims.

While I am hesitant to place blame... watching the Palestinians dancing in the street over the attacks and handing out candy to children all the while raising signs that roughly say "Death to America" have only helped to raise my support and the support of many others, Im sure, in our President and any choices that leads us to War. While it is said others in Palestine also mourned our losses it is also known these were definately not a majority.

To the murdering terrorists that have "awoken the sleeping giant", you should be afraid - because you are going to die and when your time comes you will suffer in this life and the here after.

Again god bless those families who have lost members due to this tragidy.
Living With Terrorism
# Sep 13 2001 at 4:30 AM Rating: Decent
Hi I am a British Player and I would like to offer my condolences to my American cousins. It is interesting to note that something like this has woken up a few people to the evils of terrorism. Parallels with the second world war are being drawn. Perhaps now many Irish Americans will reconsider their support of terrorist groups in Northern Ireland and Mainland Britain. I have seen up close for myself the results of bombings and while the death count may differ all acts of terrorism deserve the same contempt. Perhaps we should ask not who is responsible for this act and what we should do to them. Perhaps we should ask what ALL countries should do with ALL terrorists and their sponsors. They take themselves outside the law and should not be able to hide behind it.
Note: 3 generals in Bosnia "disappeared" before war crimes trials began. They where profiled by a friend of mine and an SAS hit squad took them out. No one bothered to make a fuss because it seemed justice was at work and the guys who did it left no evidence. Perhaps terrorists should be dealt with the same way. Mossad send this message regularly to terrorist groups and despite mistakes in the past continue to do so. Bombing a country makes the problem worse. Target the leader and deal with the problem from the top down
# Sep 13 2001 at 4:13 AM Rating: Default
ive seen some sorry crap before man but this just blows me away.....what we ought to do is find the bastards hiding the bastards tht did this and take them out....then take out theyre kids ...then take theyre country..and split it up with out allies...now i may sound like an *** ...but i guarentee you it would make people think twice about hitting us like that ever again!
My 2 cp
# Sep 13 2001 at 4:01 AM Rating: Decent
Problem is right now, in my opinion, that the US public is enraged, as is the Us military. They will find someone to retaliate on. Even if that someone is not the right target. The second problem is, that if the US waits and researches and investigates who did this act of terrorism, they will most probobably (with all due respect) never find out. And that brings us to the first problem. American public and military just wont take that as an answer. It would mean defeat in the worst kind of way.

The next thing is, if the US strikes back, the people who did this won't take it as revenge. They wont say "Ah well, we did kill 20k of their people, now lets stop this stupid war" They will train more terrrorists and in 5 or so years, the US is gonna have more planes crashing down on important millitary and political towers. Atleast thats how im thinking.

The final thing is, the US should ask themselves why did this happen... was it some action in world politics that offended the people who did this terrible thing? and when u discover why, try to eleminate the cause rather than cure and revenge the consequences.

I see people saying they will kill 10k Palestinians (or whoever they think is guilty) for every US citizen killed. Are they not people too? It strikes me as odd that 20 million people would plan this terrorist act.

Well, i have already written more than it is good for me. My sympathies to all the victims and their relatives.


Zanyinj Planeswalker
My 2 cents
# Sep 13 2001 at 3:21 AM Rating: Default
I am a 22 year old college student just coming off of a 4 year stint with Army Special Operations. I, like every American in the world, have been watching the horrific events of the past few days play out on my television. Here are my thoughts on what I've seen...
From a philosophical standpoint I sincerely believe that the taking of a life -for any reason- is morally wrong. As Socrates taught, "It is better to endure harm than to do harm." And I am, incidentally, anti-death penalty and, for the most part, pro-life. The taking of thousands of INNOCENT lives is something that we, as Americans, find absolutely unconcienable. Americans are incapable of understanding the reasoning behind such an act because we simply do not think in those terms. We have our disagreements and, to be sure, our share of problems; but human life in this country is still held sacred.
There comes a time, however, when we must take a step away from philisophical views. There comes a time when, in order to save the blood of innocents, that of the guilty must be spilled. There is a line that simply cannot be crossed. Yet that line was indeed crossed on September 11, 2001, in the most cowardly and dispicable manner humanly possible. If the individuals who organized and carried out this attack have the nerve to call themselves men then I must say that they have absolutely no concept of what the word means.
I have been to Bosnia and Kosovo. I have seen the evil that men are capable of. Never in my worst nightmares did I think that I would see things on American soil that would remind me of the things I saw there. But I was wrong.
You know, it's funny: everyone seemed to want to take shots at the Big-Dog when they thought that it was chained up and restrained. To call you cowards would be to pay you tribute.
I have news for you: the Dog was never chained up, never restrained. The Dog was simply kept in check. It was kept in check by the compassion if its master. But now, her sorrow and her grief are second only to her rage. You have struck at the heart of the most powerful nation that has ever existed in the history of the world. If you underestimate that power, you soon realize what a grave error you make. Have no doubt, we will find you. And when we do, we will destroy you.

Be prepared; the time has come to reap the whirlwind.
Another one
# Sep 13 2001 at 3:06 AM Rating: Good

I wish I could have been on that flight.

I want to fight back.
RE: Another one
# Sep 13 2001 at 4:34 AM Rating: Default
I wish I could have been there side by side with all other Americans to fight back. I would gladly give my life to save any American's.

May God Bless America.

:Starwynd Wyshmaster:
39 Druid, Karana Server
# Sep 13 2001 at 3:25 AM Rating: Default
send this web page to your family, your friends, your neighbors and coworkers.

show this to your children to show them there are heros in the face of tradgedy.

try to be the type of parent who will raise a child who will see what needs to be done, and not hesitate to do what is needed, no matter the personal effects.

know that God had a place reserved for these passengers, as well as the others who were sacrificed.

I am proud to be of the same species as these passengers.
Worth the time
# Sep 13 2001 at 2:49 AM Rating: Default
not sure if the first post went through. Even if it did, a little clarifation might help.

- the reporter **** Oliver was asked how it was that so many firemen died, couldn't they have escaped, and he said, with a rough voice that had love in it, "Firemen don't run out of buildings. Firemen run into buildings"-


I want to be a fireman when I grow up.
RE: Worth the time
# Sep 13 2001 at 2:57 AM Rating: Default
the report's first name is the short version of Richard (ie: D.i.c.k. without the .'s). apparently there is a language filter on this msg board that filters out that particular word, not recognising that it is a name. His first name is not a 4 letter bad word that got your mouth washed out with soap when you were young should mom or dad hear it uttered from your lips.

# Sep 13 2001 at 2:43 AM Rating: Default
68 posts
I cried today, for the first time in a long while.

The major news stations are reporting that well over 20,000 men, women, and children have died following the events of Tuesday morning. For the first time in my life, I feel I can truly understand the fear inspired by Pearl Harbor or the sorrow caused by the assassination of President Kennedy.

I am filled by a pain that words cannot describe.
I am filled with a rage that will not be quieted.

There is now solace for our nation as of now; but soon, those who have reeked this tragety upon us will suffer the vengenece of a nation in mourning.

To quote John McCain: "God have mercy, because we won't."

Let us all rally together in solidarity and show those that would attack us that the sprit of the American people is a force to be reconned with in it's own right.
Sorry for the dual post
# Sep 13 2001 at 2:33 AM Rating: Default
america the free
# Sep 13 2001 at 1:49 AM Rating: Default
a horrendouse act of cowardice got the attention
of the free world yesterday,reminding them all just how powwerful a nation we are as a unified nation we turned in the direction of the attrocity and the wholee world shudderd knowing the sleeping giant once again was focused.
the terrorist did not instill terror as planed, but a resolve to abolish this kind of act from the face of the planet.
if I were a terrorist I would be the frightened one now the whole of the civilized world has turned their backs on you,and you stand alone.
soon even the governments that harbor you will renounce you and you will stand alone.
in the unlikley event a member of some terrorist group does read this give yourself up now.
not that I believe a cowerd has a decent bone in their body but if yoou did you would not wish the wrath of the free world to come to bear on those that are innocent in the countries you currently hide in.we may be angrey now but if we have to comee find you the world may not come to our aid but the world will clossse their eyess to whatever measures we take to root you out like our old west legend implies we as a nation are not afraid to deal out justice nor are we afraid to do whatever it takes to conquor the unknown,
right noww you may all be unknown but we fear you not we look forward in unison to conquor you, your kind,and the goddless religion that would praise these acts of cowardice.
we are a free people this gives us our strength
and also the one thing that will give us the upper hand,we will now move as one to bring the world back to reality,we are the strongest richest most powerful nation in the world we may ask the world for its support butt dont think for a second we need it if we chose to act rash and anhialate all nations that harbor terrorist it would take the rest of the world to stop us,and even then they might fail.
so pray to your goddless alter for forgivness
because we won't and we won't rest till this horror leaves our shores and the shores of the world forever
Jonias stonehealer 20th season
of watchtower
RE: america the free
# Sep 13 2001 at 5:44 AM Rating: Decent
74 posts
You could not be anymore right. We have been complacent yes. But no more. O no. We have been a force to be feared. But we have let our swords down and slept. No longer. But now we have an enemy. We have something we can call evil. Right or wrong we are now fully and totally pissed off. And when you **** off a giant expect to get hurt. Sure you can charm him, but what do you do when a Giant 15 Cyclops and 40 Pumas come? You run like hell or get mowed down by the train. Now prepare to die...
How I have changed
# Sep 13 2001 at 1:01 AM Rating: Decent
I stayed home all yesterday and watched the TV from 6 am to 10pm. I sat in my bed last night thinking for hours on what had happened. Monday, I had no desire to go into the armed forces and die. Today, the only things holding me back is my age and education. I was always a mediocre patriot, but now i am so saddened and angred by these events that I realize how grateful I should be for living in this country. My views on life had changed. Thousands of people woke up yesterday, got dressed, ate breakfast, and headed off for a normal day at work. Families woke up early to get pictures infront of a famous symbol of New York for there friends back home. Business men and women took off in planes they thought were destined for meetings, or family. Little did they know that they would die, or come so close to death. Monday I did not want to die for my country. Today, I would be willing to die for those thousands of people who died yesterday, who died today, who are dying now and will die tomorrow. Those responsible will pay....

They are cowards
# Sep 13 2001 at 12:39 AM Rating: Default
I am sorry, the only thing terrorists understand is violence. You remove them from existance. If they pop up again, you remove them again. If you get information of a group somewhere you remove them again. If you have to remove 10000 people you remove them.

There were thousands of people killed by this event. Why were they killed? I think a little man underestimated the United States resolve and seemed to forget history.

Gino Michallini? of 95.5 Klos said it best for me so far.

Dont **** me off and make me get off my recliner or I will be forced to kick your ***.

You know what, we go and remove, Kill, get rid of, blast to pieces, whatever those responsible. Make them martyrs, find out who they are saints to and get rid of them. I personally dont care. These people are killing people for no reason. I dont care who they kill, where they kill, they need to be stopped. If we are forced to remove a country from existance because of this so be it.

You dont see any terrorist organizations taking credit for this. As stated before, they know they will be removed. As it is, they are treading on thin ice right now. I am sick of people killing people because of their beliefs. The God is the same one. We need to remove this group from existance. I dont care who they are, if we find out, they need to be gone. Anyone supporting them needs to be gone. Their families need to be gone and so do their relatived. I just dont care.

RE: They are cowards
# Sep 13 2001 at 1:06 AM Rating: Default
Exactly. People trying to sugar-coat this with "violence doesn't solve anything" remarks really need to think who we're dealing with. This isn't a government, they're not interested in negotiations or diplomacy. All they are going to understand is violence. I'm not saying bomb the hell out of the country that the person that might be responsible might be living it, which some people are saying, that would be almost as extremist as the WTC attack itself. I'm saying figure out who and where they are and take them out.
I Pray...
# Sep 13 2001 at 12:21 AM Rating: Decent
God thank you for all that you have given my family and I. I pray to you to help guide my aunts and uncles who and doctors and nurses help the wounded and dying in New York. I pray to God as my wife and I take our arms to defend our country from these attackers. For now I pray and wait for the call to arms... God Bless.. Semper Fidelis.
RE: I Pray...
# Sep 13 2001 at 6:01 AM Rating: Default
Its hard to talk about things such as this because of all the emotion I feel for those lost. At first I was in disbelief, then angry and for the past day I have just been numb. I walk crowded areas seeing others reactions to this cruel act against american civilians: some very angry, a few indifferent(b.a.sta.rds), but most just shocked at how so quickly so many can die for simply being americans. I see the tapes of kids dancing in the streets at so many deaths and I feel anger and sorrow for them for they know not what is coming. I am coming....with my brothers.

I am a marine, and I prepare myself to fight for that which they sought to destroy; the freedom that I enjoy every day.

I do not wish to die, but no man escapes life alive.

It may be tommorro. It may be a week or even a 6 months from now, but when I get that call I am coming with retribution in my heart for the countless lives lost, wasted by unseen attackers for reasons they know not.

Then they will feel the fear that devil dogs instill.

God Bless America on this sad sad day.
RE: I Pray...
# Sep 13 2001 at 4:33 AM Rating: Default
I am a Veteran. While I cannot join you in your prayer, I want you to know that if you go, I and all of America go with you. If not in body then in spirit. Together we are greater than any enemy.
RE: I Pray...
# Sep 13 2001 at 2:13 AM Rating: Decent
Ooh Rah!! Devil Dog,

Although i am in the National Guard AMT because of college i will be there with you if i can.

Semper Fi,
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