New Changes on the Horizon

I received two letters today from SOE regarding the new changes being implemented in the game. The first was the one Quemn posted yesterday, so here's the second. It's definitely something you should read through, as there are some significant changes listed here. Letter #2: Fri Mar 15 2002, Changes/Anniversary Detail As promised, we would like to explain in more detail some of the changes that you'll be seeing in EverQuest. Some of these changes are already available on the Test Server and will be arriving on Live servers just in time for EverQuest's third anniversary. Others you may expect to find on Test in the coming weeks, which we hope to make available to everyone soon afterward. For those new to EverQuest, as well as our mid-level players:
  • The need to sit down and stare at the spellbook to regain mana has been removed at all levels. (Sitting down and having Meditation skill are still required.)
  • When starting a new character for the first time, it can take quite some time to get into that class' core abilities. In some cases, the style of gameplay needs to shift dramatically. That being the case, we've accelerated the rate at which people gain experience up to level ten.
  • In addition, undue frustration can occur during these youthful times. Traumatic events such as losing a corpse and not knowing where to find it or how to retrieve it can be quite the ordeal. With that in mind, we've changed the way that death works below level ten. Characters level nine and under who die will appear at their bind point with all of their equipment intact. (A short-lived corpse will still be left at the site of the disaster to allow the player to receive a resurrection.)
  • Experience gained in dungeons designed for players level 30 and under will be increased. For many people, there is nothing more satisfying in EverQuest than adventuring in dungeons. By giving people the tools to help them succeed earlier, and rewards to match, we hope that more players will discover why many people feel this way.
  • In the spirit of getting characters into more dangerous and rewarding situations, earlier, the following spell lines have been altered to make them easier to use and more widely available, across more level ranges.
  • * Resurrection, for Clerics and Paladins. * Summon Corpse, for Necromancers and Shadowknights. * Succor/Evacuate, for Druids and Wizards
  • The bind points of starting characters will more closely match the areas they are already familiar with. (No more getting lost as new characters die in town, only to show up someplace outside.)
  • New characters now start with considerably more food and drink.
  • After applying advanced mathematcs, the commonly known "hell-level" xperience gain effect in levels 30, 35, 40, and 45 has been largely done away with. Further, the "post-hell-level" experience loss in levels 31, 36, 41, and 46 was driven from the face of Norrath as well.
  • For all EverQuest players:
  • Rumors abound that Bristlebane, God of Mischief, for reasons of his own design, has infused the Gnome and Halfling races with new potential professions. (Whether this is a blessing or a curse has yet to be decided.)
  • The long-requested global chat channels are well on their way. We'll be supporting player-created chat channels for raids, for friends, for total strangers - Anything you'd like to use them for. Expect a documentation update (eqmanual_supplement.doc in your EverQuest directory) explaining how to use these soon.
  • We've cleaned up what happens while you're zoning. The days of a frozen screen full of blurry text may well be over, forever. (The days of losing /tells, /guild chat, and group messages while zoning will hopefully be heading out the door behind them.)
  • While we have aimed to support armor/skin layer tinting on the majority of video cards, some of the abandoned video cards that are still used to play EverQuest unfortunately do not have the power to handle this feature. With that in mind, we will soon be implementing a switch that will allow players to enable armor/skin tinting at their discretion. (Stay tuned to a patch message, coming soon.)
  • The last item we'd like to mention is a brief update on caster and priest rebalancing. (Please note that the balancing act is still going on, across the board. We wanted to update you on the progress we've made so far.)
  • Expect to see the first of the Focus Items for spell casters and spell-casting hybrids soon. We will leave the specifics to you to discover, but rest assured that useful and exciting focus items are making their way into the game as we speak.
  • Enchanters' Memory Blur line, and aspects of Rapture and Glamour of Kintaz have been improved.
  • The grouping requirement for the Translocate series of spells has been removed.
  • Clerics' Smite line has been improved.
  • The Post-50 Lich line for Necromancers has been redistributed.
  • Necromancers' Levant and Skin of the Shadow have been changed to allow them to be used any time of the day.
  • Necromancers' Quivering Veil of Xarn has been improved.
  • Many of the caster balance changes to date have been made with feedback from the dedicated players of these classes, both from EMails and message boards. We're grateful for the time and effort that has been put into many well-reasoned comments we've received. Thank you for helping us make our world, yours. - The EverQuest Team


    Post Comment
    lvl 60 lvl 70 who cares
    # Mar 18 2002 at 8:28 AM Rating: Default
    Bah who gives a crap how quick somebody gets to lvl 60 or 70 with next stuff comin out. Some peeps drive their car 90 miles an hour on the freeway to work every morning, and some peeps leave and extra 30 mins early to take their time, enjoy the scenery. My main is a pally, so being a hybrid the hell lvl's were even worse than what they were for alot of other people. But ya know what, when i ding 36, 41 46 is was sooo satisfying that i literally jumped for joy. Now im lvl 52, almsot 53. Been solo'ing alot and ding 50 shoulda been a big deal, but lvl 50 solo in city of mist was easy, same as 51 and 52. You will only get out of the game what you put into it, people that rush to be "uber" for the simple fact of being uber are missing out on so many of the fun lil things that go on in the game. As far as the spell changes go, w00t. I got revive at 49, waiting for lvl 59 to get that 90% xp rez seems like forever rom now. But geez had i got a 50% xp rez at lvl 29 or sum sheet... omg I would have had a full set of deepwater gear when i was in my mid 30's for sure. Instead im lvl 52, and still need the bp and greaves, which would cost me roughly between 60k-100k to purchase from somebody. Theres alot of 50+ clerics that have ungodly amounts of pp in the bank, the spell changes would be enuff that i would actually break down and make a cleric just so i could raise fat PP to twink out my other 7 characters to the literal extreme. Twink till yer hearts content, cuz once u got all the gear then all thats left is xp- and the fun goes bye bye
    RE: lvl 60 lvl 70 who cares
    # Mar 18 2002 at 12:56 PM Rating: Decent
    Just as a note for a possible rush of cleric creation...if everyone can rez at lower levels, they will be much more common. Simple rules of economics, as supply goes up, demand goes down, and prices drop. There won't be as many rich clerics below level 50 cuz they can all rez. Clerics might look forward to a pay cut. On Solsek Ro in OT I expect to usually pay 100 plat for a rez...but if the cleric in my party can do it, hell, that saves me a ton of cash.
    RE: lvl 60 lvl 70 who cares
    # Mar 18 2002 at 11:16 AM Rating: Decent
    "Bah who gives a crap how quick somebody gets to lvl 60 or 70 with next stuff comin out."

    "hehehe i have to say this is by far the most intelligent post i have ever read on any thread here and all you newbs/uber twinks would do well to heed his words or warning."

    If this is so intelligent why does he not know there is not 60+ lvls??

    "Life is hard, get over it!"
    RE: lvl 60 lvl 70 who cares
    # Mar 18 2002 at 1:20 PM Rating: Default
    Ummm, read it again, he says "with next stuff coming out." He is more making a prediction than a statement of fact by saying that level 70 will be attainable in the future. Therefore it is intelligent, you were just to hurried to comprehend the language used and to anxious to flame.
    RE: lvl 60 lvl 70 who cares
    # Mar 18 2002 at 3:18 PM Rating: Excellent
    heh, well you say prediction.. i say pretty much factual. There are several reasons why I say this, and many facts to back it all up. Without gettin all riled up about it and such, think of it this way-= verant has managed to con god knows how many hundreds and hundreds of people (if not more im not a statistician) to pay and extra $30 a month or legends. Most of the peeps on legends are 45+. They aint gonna keep payin this $40 a month forever just to get a few new pieces that are ultra rare , etc etc. No way. Verant will deffinately release another expansion in the next 6 months, even thos legends and SOL are nowhere near perfected, and yes this new expansion will have several new zones, a new race, a new brand of armor weps, and most over, make it possible for you to attain that ever wanted lvl 61+ character. Im not saying it will be infinite, but deff lvl 70 or perhaps greater. There are too many mobs in the game that need to be killed and lets face it, 80 lvl 60 peeps just aint gonna take down sleeper. maybe 100 lvl 100's will tho. who knows. To all of us lil peeps this is a game, a great way to spend our money on entertainment, kill time , have fune blah blah, but to verant this isnt just a game, this is a multi million dollar money makin machine, and any business peep knows to keep a finely tuned machine running you have to give a lil grease to the squeaky wheel every so often 8)
    RE: lvl 60 lvl 70 who cares
    # Mar 18 2002 at 5:08 PM Rating: Default
    Verant designer: "Hmm, AAXP, or ten more levels... ok, AAXP"

    I'd rather have more raiding zones... having top mobs killed hours within spawn = sux.

    Sleeper doesn't exist anymore, he's dead, big deal, give me sleeper number 2 please. ;)
    RE: lvl 60 lvl 70 who cares
    # Mar 18 2002 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
    hehehe i have to say this is by far the most intelligent post i have ever read on any thread here and all you newbs/uber twinks would do well to heed his words or warning.
    i myself have made twinks that are well pretty damned twinked level8brd full set of lambent with a couple peices of ss and a nostrolo tambourine i quested for him played him till level 36 a nd lost interest completely as there was nothing left for him besides exp.
    the chars i twink now have minimal equipment as i prefer to leave room for questing which is indeed the best part of the game, and i also like to look forward to something instead of just new spells
    Good heavens yall....
    # Mar 18 2002 at 4:18 AM Rating: Default
    Verant will do as it pleases, there's no question about it, and railing at the changes that once you would have payed good platinum for is just plain ignorant.

    I personally dont care what Verant does at this point, I've gotten my cleric to lvl 54, and as 60 draws near, and the hassles increase with each new level, I begin to wonder "what is the point?"

    So, complain if you will, but me...well, I'm just going to sit back, /ooc off, and have a grand time!

    Have fun complainin if you can.

    The Unanimous, Anonymous Postaholic
    RE: Good heavens yall....
    # Mar 18 2002 at 5:10 PM Rating: Default
    "Welcome to 54, you are now almost halfway to sixty"

    exp grinding is the first step to becoming uber, second is to go on raids with a guild, third is to join that guild, and fourth is to go on more raids with that guild...
    just me 2cents is all
    # Mar 18 2002 at 1:48 AM Rating: Default
    the changes bein made are different than most ever to hit eq ive been playin dang near 3yrs mostly on the test server the class adds are ok just some more variety to the game i know many will love to see the hellvls go but part of the game was the the challenge of the hell lvls i almost quit eq countless times from them but that was the best part ridein the extrmely bumpy wave of "life" in eq really it will make it a bit easier with out them becouse whats the fun in ridein a semi smooth line? its one thing to keep smoothin out the egdes of the game but why alter it so? maybe they should dedicate a server that will play the same way before the changes? clerics makein a res at such a low lvl tho is kinda weak soon you will see eq take on the "thought to be best part of other mmorpg's" and not have its own feel anymore(maybe not...but it could happen)
    another 2 cents worth
    # Mar 17 2002 at 11:59 PM Rating: Good
    Here's my two cents worth along with everyone elses.

    LEAVE IT ALONE....fix the bugs, make the GM's more accessable and more capable, make it faster, and work on the content. I play EQ to have fun, not to see how fast I can get to 60. When I do reach 60, I think I will be limited to such a point, that I would rather be in my 40's having fun with a wider range of I see no reason to rush to level 60...or why Hell Levels should be was part of the game...and I still played it.

    I initially had more to say, but at this hour, and after reading so many other posts about this, I think everything has already been covered.

    Verant, make your tech support more accessable at night, make your gm's more capable, fix the bugs, and work on the content... Leave everything else alone as your hands are already full of other stuff more important that you seem to have ignored or purposefully overlooked
    RE: another 2 cents worth
    # Mar 18 2002 at 5:44 PM Rating: Decent
    I have thought well and hard on this since I read it the other day.I can only really speak on the part of mid-level Clerics.The new changes actually won't affect us that much.So they are adding new Rez spells.Do you really think they will settle for your rez if there is a higher level cleric around?hehe.I can see it now."You have a 50%Rez? But that guy over there has a 50% rez".rofl.People will always go for the higher rez if it's available.The high level clerics will still be badgered to leave their group to cross two zones to give someone a rez.The only problem I have with that is at lower levels,the experience you have lost for the difference in those few percent could have kept your group from gaining more experience."Hold pulls,we got to wait for Bob to get that 50% rez,our cleric's not good enough"/em wait 20 mins for Cleric to get to body to do rez.
    As far as changing casting times on the Strike spells.The only real difference is you might have a chance to get that nuke off before the mob hits you.Wait longer? Not really.The time it cycles is the same.Faster cast,slower recast.
    Removal of hell levels?Why not?Although you can bet I'll try to get out of 35 before they implement it so I can say I did it=)
    Paladins getting rez at an earlier level? I totally disagree with this.That is what sets the Clerics aside at earlier levels.When are they going to take away our CH?Then I guess I'll start a paladin,so I can tank and heal both.
    Removing the Book during meditation.I thought it was an accomplishment when I hit 35 and could meditate without staring at the book.It was one of those perks you got for attaining 35.

    Just my 2cp.

    Beliaus D'spayre
    Cleric of Innoruuk
    Council of Grey
    Cazic-Thule Server
    RE: another 2 cents worth
    # Mar 18 2002 at 12:32 PM Rating: Decent
    I go along with that - before adding content or balancing or changing the xp system Verant should fix the bugs. It's laughable that mobs can fight and walk though walls!
    RE: another 2 cents worth
    # Mar 18 2002 at 5:11 PM Rating: Default
    I'd rather have that then having mobs which are very hard to pull, and therefore very complicated AI pathing...
    this is good
    # Mar 17 2002 at 11:17 PM Rating: Good
    I think this whole thing is a good change. The hell lvls were as said HELL! and having the exp and difficutly spread among the lvls is a slightly less painful way to go, but i like it. For all the people who are complaining about these changes, quit! if you don't like whats happening to eq, stop playing it! i think these changes are nice, i have have many rl friends play this game, and we all can agree, that lvling can be hard enough without hell lvls, and so what if gnomes learn something new? there still short, and wood elfs still live in trees, and ogres are atill ugly, especially the ones with green hair(eww....) i know i will prolly get a few people to flame what i'm saying, but OH WELL! eq won't be some 3 year olds game where elmo teaches you to count your toes. EQ will still be fun, and i am going to continue to play it
    RE: this is good
    # Mar 18 2002 at 10:31 AM Rating: Decent
    Yeah, I'm not going to flame or anything. I just hope that us Gnomes become monks on day. ;) Of course I'm figuring on a shadow knight gnome to play since it's the hybrid of my two mains. Oh, and Gnomes are the greatest!! If they made a gnome monk, and he was in, say, cured silk, would he still have that little fat gut? hehe.

    Zump - 43 Gnome warrior
    Zzum - 31 Gnome necro

    PS- Because of the 30 hell level (and me stupid soloing through it for the first time) the necro was set aside and the warrior was created. /grin
    new stuff all well and good but.....
    # Mar 17 2002 at 10:00 PM Rating: Default
    how about instead of changes to how quick people can level or the miriad of other little "nice" things they are doing they get their GM's to start lending constructive aid... I was a staffer on the now defunct Multi Player Battletech on we went thru extensive training on how the game worked both technically ( able to answer most questions of "why isnt the joystick working" " why does my display mess up" etc etc) as well as how to deal with the general internet public and their issues with fellow gamers " so and so is cheating" or " so an so is using extremely offensive language" and so on we were expected to lend imidiate aid for any and all problems or questions... why because these people were paying $10 a month (us) for a website that had 200 games on it... here we have a single game at $10 (US) a month and you are lucky to get a reply back from a complaint and if you do get a reply nine times out of ten it is " sorry but I cant lend any help at this time safe journeys"
    enough of my rant
    if any of my old friends from MPBT read this and I know several play EQ look me up on E-Marr

    Aaronor Wraithbain
    formerly Dir.Pepper ^Capella^ *CCAF*
    & MPBT Victor *Comstar*
    # Mar 17 2002 at 9:31 PM Rating: Default
    Okay, I have not been able to get on to eq for a few weeks now and wont be able to get on for a few more. SO..correct me if i'm wrong but what of all this no hell lvls and cleric changes. have the hell lvls been removed? and what of these smite and rez thing, I heard 14 clerics can revive for 0% and my lvl 30 cleric will be able to give 30% exp return. Is all this true?
    RE: questions
    # Mar 17 2002 at 11:16 PM Rating: Default
    Simply put, yes.
    # Mar 17 2002 at 9:26 PM Rating: Default
    What's funny, is after having a level 60, level 53, and some other sub 50 twinks, I find the first 20 levels are harder than the last ten(and especially five).

    Sub 55 are really the easiest levels PER KILL. Not saying the shortest in time, no, that's silly. But to get a kill post 55 is MUCH easier than in 1 - 20...

    Of course, getting a character to 20 takes a week...

    I'm a raiding person. I don't care what low levels get. As long as they don't end up being high level newbies(Stay away from OT/LOIO/DL!!)
    # Mar 17 2002 at 7:40 PM Rating: Decent
    I've played Eq for 2 years 9 months, and honetly i think should leave well enough alone. I made it up there, through patience, still more for me to do. Seems like they are making it all easy now, so impatient people who don't play the tutorial don't get frustrated. Making it easier to get high up, i did it, plenty of other people did, not that hard. Anywho whatever, just will have more clueless fools training to the healers i guess. Also Halfling Rangers? likely, what are they going to track? Muffins? I'll slay you vile bea...i'm hungry. Just doesn't seem well in character. And gnome pallies and SK's lol come on the warrior guild leaders themselves say that gnomes aren't known for there fighting abilities. Other funny thing was all these code changes made some nifty bugs. Like guards not helping and a super strong decaying skelly that took like 12 gnomes a ton of deaths to kill ;) Oh well, i guess will give a chance, not like i have a choice.

    Kyzoku 55 Ranger
    Guildless, Karana server
    #REDACTED, Posted: Mar 17 2002 at 9:11 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) 1) It won't make it much easier
    #REDACTED, Posted: Mar 17 2002 at 10:07 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) yeah rangers suck =p
    RE: *sighs*
    # Mar 18 2002 at 12:19 AM Rating: Default
    speaking from the limited experiance of a 47th level ranger I have to agree that rangers suck .. but only to a point.

    I have played several characters up into the mid 40s and low 50s and none have I enjoyed more then a ranger.

    a group of 5 rangers tracking down a named brownie in Lesser Faydark leaping from the shadows all at once destroying the red con caster, or the ungodly taunting power that rangers have have saved many a wizzy after over nuking.

    Though after talking to a 60th level ranger friend, who killed some named dragon in a raid, he claims to have done around 3000 damage in about 2 minutes. after playing several other classes 3000 damage in 2 minutes at 60th level is extreamly underpowered. my 52nd level monk hits for about 170 to 220 damage per hit with her two handed blunt.

    Anyways .. sorry about the rant, i know this isnt the correct message board to be talking about this.

    Rangers are fun to play but there are times where they are quite underpowered .. and if there is going to be some class balancing done with this new EQ i really hope they up the damage output that rangers can do.

    RE: *sighs*
    # Mar 18 2002 at 5:21 AM Rating: Good
    Um, sorry, up the damage output? According to Verant, and me, we do about the same melee damage as warriors. If it weren't for Jolt/Cinder Jolt, rangers really would die all the time. As it is, if the tank of the group I'm in doesn't have a very fast weapon, I usually have to throw off two or three Jolts and I haven't even cast Ensnare yet.

    Remember to save that mana up if you're epic, because you will be spending a lot of it on Jolts if the warrior you're with doesn't have a very nice weapon or two.

    And have you ever witnessed a 51+ (55+ in particular) shaman-Dex-buffed ranger with a bow? Sure, it's only for two minutes a pop, but we can rival rogues for Pete's sake (but not Larry's sake; he's forsaken).
    RE: *sighs*
    # Mar 18 2002 at 6:35 AM Rating: Default
    CoP plz =)

    Rangers don't give that bad of damage output, that's true. On a raid they should never taunt off the wizards, they themselves being neccesarily as fragile as wizards =P

    Rangers using trueshot is pretty nifty. Just sit there flinging arrows, heh.
    RE: *sighs*
    # Mar 18 2002 at 7:53 AM Rating: Default
    Bah everywhere I turn these days its nothing but "hey man cool sword can i have some pp" or "damn rangers suck" Being a Pally and having been on many a raid I have learned to appreciate the skills of a ranger. For example, ever been on a raid where some idiot pulls when he aint supposed to, or pulls sumtin he not supposed to (like Maestro in hate) and all of the sudden peeps are die'n by the dozens every second that ticks by. Then the /shouts start to come in "clerics camp" "camp clerics" because everybody is going to die and the clerics are needed to rez. Well this policy is good and many uber guilds if not all do this, however I would like to suggest to all guilds that in the future you have the rangers camp out when the clerics do. Why you ask? Well its really quite simple, having no other reason to be there, Rangers are excellent at dragging corpses to the clerics to rez. Nobody frags a corpse like a rangers, perhaps its a secret skill that all of us non-rangers dont know about. hmmmm so do rangers suck? dunno but next time u die have one drag yer corpse, you will prolly give that lonely ranger a reason to feel useful for the first time in quite awhile.
    /flame off
    RE: *sighs*
    # Mar 18 2002 at 5:17 PM Rating: Default
    PotG plz.. wait, you're no druid, bah...

    Actually, I very rarely see rangers dragging corpses if a monk is available... simply because well, rangers are for no reason that I can think of better than other classes for dragging corpses... perhaps you can clarify on why they're great draggers?

    Anyway, most raids appreciate a rog/monk/war/cle/enc more than a ranger... it's nice to half two of every class(for certain buffs and skills) but groups of rangers < groups of rogues, simply....

    Rangers DON'T suck, but in raids, they're not the best at anything.

    Btw, I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or not.. you could be anyway ;)
    RE: *sighs*
    # Mar 18 2002 at 1:35 PM Rating: Default
    Rangers do get a unique skill in corpse recovery in that they can track their group members corpses as long as the member is not in the same zone. Now it is nice, but not nearly as nice as a bard/necro being able to locate any corpse, whether or not it was a member of there group.
    #Anonymous, Posted: Mar 17 2002 at 6:44 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Seems like everyone playing EQ has turned into an orphan from Oliver Twist, just taking the gruel that verant gives you and liking it. I am so glad that I stopped playing this farce of a game and started a real mmorpg. Say what you will about DAOC, but at least they LISTEN to customer feedback as opposed to filing your feedback in the circular bin until some competition arises then scrambling to make more gruel. You guys all made your beds and now you can whine in them. I'm out.
    RE: Umm
    # Mar 18 2002 at 12:00 AM Rating: Default
    HMMMM all new launch games will suck as they go public. What happens after that is the question.
    I am looking forward to Star Wars Galaxies. Hey what can I say but age 7 in 77'
    RE: Umm
    # Mar 18 2002 at 5:19 PM Rating: Default
    SWG looks nice ;) But never judge a game before it's out, for good or bad...
    #REDACTED, Posted: Mar 17 2002 at 10:17 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) umm i played daco it sucks
    # Mar 17 2002 at 6:33 PM Rating: Default
    Well theres one thing certain about these changes. And that is Verant wants to get more players and keep them playing. After all many new MMORPGs are coming out and Verant just wants to keep some customers.
    # Mar 17 2002 at 5:41 PM Rating: Default
    NO one is going to get to LVL 50 in a heartbeat IT is STILL going TO take you THE SAME AMOUNT OF TIME TO GET TO 50 People Why cant YOU see THAT!!! SAME AMOUNT OF EXP just not put in 30 35 40 45 IT will be spread out..... people like to see progress and NOT stuck at such and such a level example> dang my char has been stuck in LVL 30 for over two weeks, GRR this game stinks I cant find a group the exp is slow I quit. The NEW EQ wow I am advancing up there, this is interesting, I am gaining exp AND Levels hmmm I need to keep Playing READ the Letter Above ONE MORE TIME>>>>... Does not take a genius to figure this one out, they are not Taking away the Amount of EXP they are taking away HEll level and redistributing that same exp thru all the levels.
    # Mar 17 2002 at 6:08 PM Rating: Default
    Sadly this is a problem with more than just message boards :) Most people do not take the time to read and think about something...most people simply go at it "half-cocked" as it were.
    And you have expressed it very well. Why not spread out the time spent and make people feel like they are getting the end it's the same, just slightly less painful.
    # Mar 17 2002 at 9:13 PM Rating: Default
    Hell, I always thought of hell levels as specifically put in experience hikes for some sort of 'challenge' (of course, it just meant that I got one level a day instead of two... at least up to level 52 =)
    # Mar 17 2002 at 10:18 PM Rating: Default
    How many hours you play--one level a day? :)
    As for me...I always found the challenge to be in new lands, new people, new things to kill, new items, etc :)
    # Mar 19 2002 at 5:33 AM Rating: Default
    He means one level in 24 hours =P
    # Mar 18 2002 at 6:36 AM Rating: Default
    I always set time for exploring =) I just needed a level 50+ warrior... yesterday, when I did that, and I had nothing else to do.
    One more viewpoint
    # Mar 17 2002 at 5:36 PM Rating: Decent
    I am glad to see the Hell lvls go - as I have always viewed it as a poor programing trick. Just like Doom reused their maps by having monsters spawn into areas you have already cleared. I have carried 4 characters to the 40s lvl of hell, and 2 more into the 30s.
    My complaint has always been that it was a pointless waste of my TIME. And that is what they are fixing. If I sat down to play a flight sim that made me walk back to the airport, ON FOOT, each time I crashed - it would not not be much fun durring the time I spent walking. I sit down to play in MAYBE hour blocks of time - I have kids, family, etc. Using the majority of that hour retrieving a corpse - or mindlessly killing the same mobs over and over again in hell is frustrating.
    Yet on the other hand - I already did the hard part - and am a little bitter that other newbies won't have to - But I guess I will have to get over that and stop expecting them to respect me more for it.
    I am ALSO very hopeful that the spell lvl requirments for REZ are lowered for both Clerics and Pally's - I feel it would continue to take away one of the less entertaining aspects of the game.
    Just some of my rambling viewpoints, I don't quit remember WHY I was going to post at all.

    RE: One more viewpoint
    # Mar 17 2002 at 5:54 PM Rating: Decent
    118 posts
    EXACTLY my feelings!
    I remember days when the spouse and I played his char approx. 1-2 hours every day for a week and it boiled down to approximately this:
    LAGGGGGGG travel through Fironia Vie LAGGGGGG
    LAGGGGGGG travel to body LAGGGGG
    Die again
    LAGGGGGGG travel through Fironia Vie LAGGGGGGG
    get body
    Look for group. Kill one or two MoBs that weren't green. Go looking for slightly higher MoBs
    LAGGGGGGG get the point.
    I haven't gotten my chars past lvl 20, but I do sort of envy the chars under 10 who will be starting with the extra food and water (I remember jumping off the Kelethin lift at the suggestion of another player just because I couldn't afford to buy more food water since I wasn't making enough money and wasn't twinked) and because I remember countless times I couldn't find my body or died trying to get to it, etc.
    BUT, I don't mind a little envy...after all, I might make a new char one day. Or maybe (once I get to lvl 60) I will delete because I've done it all seen it all and want to try again :)
    Good hunting, all.
    RE: One more viewpoint
    # Mar 17 2002 at 9:16 PM Rating: Default
    (assuming you're talking about the LOIO/OT/DL trip):

    I never died in thirteen levels in LOIO, thrice in 9 levels in OT(darn goons, I was bound in OT anyway) and once in 12 levels in DL... really wasn't a problem running to my corpse... and I didn't see any lag?
    RE: One more viewpoint
    # Mar 17 2002 at 10:39 PM Rating: Default
    hum hum he gets lag you didnt?
    hum maybe he has a 56k connection
    hum you didnt for what ever lvl in ot loio and fm
    hum maybe this means everybody is different not everybody will find a zone to rock or not or die the same amount of times in the zone he was just posting his point of view

    i remember when kunark first came out and everybody was going to fv everybody had lag did i? no i was the lucky one to have a good connection other peeps were on 56k i think this will explain why he got lag and you didnt
    RE: One more viewpoint
    # Mar 18 2002 at 6:37 AM Rating: Default
    Well, obviously the insuation is is that it's client based(and ergo he shouldn't complain)

    (Yes I'm on a godly connection, I rarely get lag in EQ)
    # Mar 17 2002 at 4:18 PM Rating: Default
    i think it's just odd that everquest is trying to become more like daoc, i think it's kinda sad actually, i haven't left eq for daoc, and i wont, let everquest be everquest..
    lvl 60 clr of the quellious server
    RE: EQ/DAoC
    # Mar 17 2002 at 4:50 PM Rating: Decent
    I am sure we will be seeing a lot of improvements on EQ. EverQuest must compete. Competition is what keeps us all from being communists. EverQuest will compete, or else people will leave for better games. I know that I WILL leave if someone ever manages to _actually_ do it better.

    Ultima online? Is a good game. But I prefer EQ
    DAoC is not better than EverQuest.
    Ragnarok online? LoL. Anyone seen this?
    Anarchy? Glitchier than Luclin.
    Shadowbane? Shadow-what?

    EverQuest is still the best. And I hope they fight like hell to keep it that way. The competition is coming. May we all reap the benefits of capitalism. The only thing I find so funny is that all these companies are being so stupid, and making EQ ripoffs instead of making something original. (Anarchy being pretty unique. Ultima being THE orignal)
    I suck?
    # Mar 17 2002 at 2:20 PM Rating: Default
    You know I always hear of people crying about it taking so long to level.... um i have been playing for about a year and a half and my main finally got out of LEVEL 36!! LOL, all though i do have a 29 necro, a 28 warrior, 31 druid, 29 monk, 25 magi on that DAMM diety pvp server, about 12 other around lev20 or so and so on. One can level yer guy very high quickly you just have to know where to go. And since I am a wander I tend to die alot as I have been to most zones even planes I SWEAR

    Zasslin 35 make that 36 dammit
    I likes to solo not talks to silly droods
    RE: I suck?
    # Mar 19 2002 at 5:41 AM Rating: Default
    Put down that airplane glue -- it ain't for sniffing.
    RE: I suck?
    # Mar 17 2002 at 9:18 PM Rating: Default
    I leveled from one to 50 in a month...
    RE: I suck?
    # Mar 17 2002 at 10:17 PM Rating: Default
    While I find it hard to believe that anyone leveled to 50 in a month as that's 1.6 levels per day, I suppose anything is possible if you twink yourself and get someone to power-level you, the fact of the matter is, that is not what normal, cloth-wearing, day 1 characters can accomplish.

    When did you find the time to eat/sleep/work/school and I don't even want to go near bathe?
    RE: I suck?
    # Mar 18 2002 at 4:17 PM Rating: Default
    I had no powerleveling assistance from guild members, or any substantial help from outside people.(If you consider a sow powerleveling, so be it)

    I(my warrior) was twinked by my level 28 paladin(who had mainly jarsath and bronze on, with a ghoulbane)...

    As far as eating/sleeping/working/school/bathing, I had enough of the first, around 8 hours of the second(per day) and had none of the last two(summer time, no job etc), and was sanitary..

    I'm not saying you're a shmuck if you can't level like me, but I am saying it's possible IF you don't ***** foot around(which is what I did when I got to fifety, and in no small amount either, plenty of uber mistmoore raids ;)

    Have fun... but if you want to go on 'real' raids, work and then have fun.
    RE: I suck?
    # Mar 17 2002 at 11:28 PM Rating: Default
    Just so ya know... I DO know of a beastlord who was PL'ed by 2 lvl 60 clerics and 2 lvl 60 druids from 1-56 in 14 hours. I'm not kidding. I shudder to think of what might be accomplished on some of the older servers...
    RE: I suck?
    # Mar 19 2002 at 3:10 AM Rating: Default
    That is an Impossible feat ...even constantly killing mobs that the beastlord could kill in accordance with his level constantly for 14 hours ...u just cannot cram that much exp into that short a timeframe my friend ....thats impossible with a 60 chanter and 60 monk helping the 2 lvl 60 clerics and 2 level 60 tis an impossible feat .... someone has filled ur eyes with deception and caused joo to look silly on the forum by u saying that =( ROFL but I nevertheless got a good giggle outta it !
    RE: I suck?
    # Mar 17 2002 at 6:13 PM Rating: Good
    3,705 posts
    What did you do, go to the planes, and then die so many times you lost 10 levels. Since you HAVE to be lvl 46 to get inot the planes, this post is not believable. Try again, and this time try to stick to the facts.
    RE: I suck?
    # Mar 18 2002 at 2:03 PM Rating: Default
    *What did you do, go to the planes, and then die so many times you lost 10 levels. Since you HAVE to be lvl 46 to get inot the planes, this post is not believable. Try again, and this time try to stick to the facts.*

    Obviously you are not a very well seasoned player, because if you were then you would know that back in the day ANY level player could go into the plane of fear (which was the only plane at the time) The Plane of Fear was the 3rd zone i EVEN entered, it was with a level 4 Ogre Shaman, i followed a large guild there who was killing the spectres near the entrance. The shamans in their guild already had the PoF armor for several slots, so they let me loot the gloves, a bracer, and the helm. Go to a REALLY old message board anyplace and you will see this. Maybe it is YOU who should "stick to the facts".
    RE: I suck?
    # Mar 18 2002 at 2:03 PM Rating: Decent
    Pal, i went to the planes way back in the day and lvl 14, had half a set of valorium.

    Edited, Mon Mar 18 14:08:33 2002
    RE: I suck?
    # Mar 17 2002 at 5:05 PM Rating: Decent
    Life is crazy for those of us on the Deity alliance server. Life is hard on Sullon Zek.

    But that's what makes it fun for me. I love the fact that I am on a team. The newt things is a bit strange though. Neutral folk would in theory not be killing Good folks. Oh well.

    Friendship is more common on Deity alliance server, where you all fight a common foe. And you never see a High elf grouping with an Ogre. I love it!

    Also, deity alliance is the most uncrowded server in EverQuest! Well, other than Stormhammer, the Legends server. Hehe
    Halflings and Gnomes
    # Mar 17 2002 at 12:33 PM Rating: Default
    Well here is some good news for the shorthys,

    Halflings will have the ability to become rangers, and gnomes will be able to play paladins and shadowknights. Well I wonder if there will be any arguments about this..........
    Water Sports
    # Mar 17 2002 at 12:07 PM Rating: Default
    Other comming changes .... for 'Balance' .... we swear:

    Vend-A-Buff Machines, no set fee's .... just donate what you think is fair .... we trust you.

    Gills .... incase the lines for the 50 Vend-A-Buff Machines per zone are too long and you can't get an Enduring Breath.

    Firearms .... angry at Naggy for eating you at lvl 30 during a solo-raid ? He was prolly cheating, and he's over-powered anyway .... so whip out yer Mini-Gun and bust a cap (2000 per minute) in his *****

    These and many other exciting changes comming soon to DARK AGE of EVERQUEST!!

    Incursus Nocturna
    Reaver in the 52nd Circle of Hate
    "What do you mean Dark Elves can't be bald?!"
    RE: Water Sports
    # Mar 17 2002 at 4:29 PM Rating: Decent
    You forgot about the part where Verant removes the 250 channeling that all the caster NPCs have. And the part where all the caster NPCs no longer deal 50 damage unarmed as if they were monks. :P That would help make EverQuest the easiest game ever.
    Time whiners
    # Mar 17 2002 at 11:46 AM Rating: Decent
    Well, i left EQ over a year ago, for various reasons, time being one of them, moving on to another mmorpg being another, and we are going through a BIG problem with the "time played" issue there as well. Those that cry "I don't, have the time others do to play, because yadda yadda reason" are the ones causing alot of problems. I won't go into what, nor why this is. It should be VERY obvious to people the hard feelings such people generate when they whine about being time restricted to play the game, therefore they are "entitled" to the game being easier for them in some way. Let me put it this way, i played eq for 2 and a half years almost and leveled 2 pcs up to 60 PART TIME,playing the game when rl allowed, and never once whined because others got this uber stuff or that, or got to lev whatever so much farther ahead of me. I made lasting friendships, got into a great, fun guild of all levels, and had a blast until the game just ceased being fun for me. My final message to those that whine about their limited time to play, would be..leave mmorpgs altogether if this is causing you not to enjoy the game..that's it.
    RE: Time whiners
    # Mar 18 2002 at 1:12 AM Rating: Default

    1.and played for two and a half years? The games not that old.
    2.and managed to reach level 60 on two chars? Level 60 wasn't available over a year ago.

    If you're going to lie blatantly, at least make them BELIEVABLE lies.
    RE: Time whiners
    # Mar 18 2002 at 4:01 AM Rating: Default
    Actually, level 60 came out almost 2 years ago. I started playing EQ in May of 2000, and my first copy of EQ was the Kunark package. EQ as a whole is about 3 years old, and a lot of the hardcore players started playing EQ back in beta, so yes, it's entirely plausible that the original poster was correct.

    If you're going to flame, at least do your research first.
    RE: Time whiners
    # Mar 17 2002 at 6:03 PM Rating: Default
    One has to wonder why you are on this board when you "left EQ over a year ago" ...not that you don't have the right to post, just why would you bother being here if you no longer play?
    Seems to me that you have way more free time than those you would like to call "whiners" since I highly doubt they would be on this board if they didn't play the game. People who have children or other time-consuming aspects of RL often spend LESS time on things they like when those things are not necessary for more than their own entertainment and NO time on things that aren't absolutely necessary or somehow enhance or relate to what they like to do or need to do.
    And I haven't noticed that any of these people are asking for things to be easier in a bad way. They are simply asking/expressing happiness over the elimination of the time-detrimental, purely utilitarian crap that really adds nothing to the game and only takes away in extra time spent doing a lot of "nothing."
    My final message to you would be to let go of your EQ security blanket and go post on a board that has something to do with the game you DO play
    thinks all of this is funny
    # Mar 17 2002 at 10:26 AM Rating: Decent
    K players from the beta to the Lizzy times seem to be the most T'ed off about the exp/hell stuff which is crazy to me because DIDnt the guys who made the game stay back when you guys asked why there where Hell lvls and they said it was NOT suppose to hard that way... and you guys ranted that it needed to be FIXED... i agree that is way to late for this stuff to be put in and lvl 50 will be easier but NOT faster to get to that a given cuz of the rez and the newbie thing... but you''ll gain from it just as will everyone else if I dont like it then u can run back to your body 4 zones and not ask i 15pally of its 100percent and low and behold the game goes on... but really the point is that if these things where like this way back in the day or they had do these things when they where 1st asked to this wouldnt be talked about as much we'd be complaining about the nec and wizzy and shammies and rangers get screwed still sorry if I missed a class... O like the bards =) noone is going to like all the changes all the time and thats part of the game --- its THERE world Verant says and we are the ones in it so just as RL changes and we cant do a thing about it Y should EQ world be different... well I just keep reading these post and ROFLMAO at all the BS from both sides and be glad to I did stay a EQ drop out any of the 3 times i try'd...
    # Mar 17 2002 at 10:12 AM Rating: Good
    Personally, I am happy to see the changes.

    I have been playing this game for almost a month now. Currently I have a lvl 25 Warrior, 20 Beastlord, 11 Paladin, 8 Rogue, 8 Shaman, 9 necro and a level 4 ranger I started a couple hours ago. I know how to use a /loc hotkey, and how to make hotkeys in general. 3 days ago I picked my level 11 warrior and decided to make him my main. So after reading the strats and posts on different boards (which I do with every new character I make.) I headed out to Siren Island, killed sirens and sea goblins for a few hours. When I hit level 15 I went to Oasis and moved to LOIO at lvl 19. Ive spent the majority of time in teh past couple days getting from level 19 to 25 at Sarnak Fort and have gotten to see many different aspects of grouping. Apparantly I know what I am doing (and figured out out almost immediately) because everyone wants to have me around. I was invited into a guild by one guy after grouping with me for about 15-20 minutes and watching me take all the hits and seeing how quickly I came to the aid of casters taking hits, etc. With the exception of the groups that I have left because I was sick of dying to their incompetence, at the end of every grouping is people saying it was one of the best groups they had ever been in, and once someone has grouped with me, they send me a tell as soon as they see me in a zone, asking me to come group with them.

    Basically, what I am trying to illustrate is that I need not spend 3 years playing this game to "learn" it. I dont have to be level 56 to understand how things work. I pretty much see something once or am told how to do it once and I am good to go from there. People that are idiots and level 10, will be idiots at level 60. They will just be idiots with more HP and better spells/skills.

    In all actuality I am a bit frustrated that it has taken me so long to get where I am. I paid all that money to buy the games like everyone else did, and I am paying a monthly fee to play it. In my opinion, making it take so long to gain exp and levels is just a way for Verant to suck more money out of me. It pisses me off that I have to spend all my time playing the game or accept the fact that if I don't, a year from now I will still not to fully enjoy all the different aspects and zones in the game.

    I bought the game/expansion and pay a monthly fee for entertainment, not so I can be bored out of my skull being stuck in hell levels where there is little progression. Anyone that actually enjoys being bored seems a little silly to me. When I play a game, I play hardcore and I want to be rewarded for it. Several times I have considered not playing the game anymore because Ive seen how long some of these high level characters have said it takes to get there.

    Also, when I play the game I do my own thing. If I group with people its so that I can make exp. If I am soloing its because I cant find a decent group, or I just prefer to be on my own at that time. I really could care less if there are a bunch of "newbies" running around at nearly the same level as me, because it really wont effect me, except some of the places I might hunt will be camped. I'll get over that.

    Actually this might be good. Perhaps with the influx of more higher level characters it will bring the prices of items go down. I cannot begin to explain how frustrating it is having virtually no decent gear for my characters because I can't afford to pay thousands of pp for something. Really thats one of the things I am working on now, trying to figure out how to make platinum. Currently the best methods Ive seen are (from highest yielding to lowest) banking, hunting mammoths and farming willowisps. Frankly, I hope there is something better out there, because even utilizing these methods it will take way too much of my time to earn enough pp to buy some decent gear for ONE character. Time that would be better spent levelling my character.

    RE: blah
    # Mar 17 2002 at 10:08 PM Rating: Default
    I have been playing this game for almost a month now. Currently I have a lvl 25 Warrior, 20 Beastlord, 11 Paladin, 8 Rogue, 8 Shaman, 9 necro and a level 4 ranger I started a couple hours ago


    And if you believe that I have some nice Lake front property in Omen, Nebraska completely "equipped" for sale too.

    Almost a WHOLE month, eh? ROFLMAO!

    Or can you say EBAY?
    RE: blah
    # Mar 17 2002 at 9:22 PM Rating: Decent
    What's silly is that there are level sixty people who litteraly have never been in a dungeon. Yeah, it's an ardurous task to get to sixty. But it's a symbol of work. Besides, with about twenty bucks, I can get eq/kunark, and with a free month, I could get to fifety. Just don't die, and level smart and hard.
    RE: blah
    # Mar 17 2002 at 12:38 PM Rating: Good
    >>In all actuality I am a bit frustrated that it has taken me so long to get where I am. I paid all that money to buy
    >>the games like everyone else did, and I am paying a monthly fee to play it. In my opinion, making it take so
    >>long to gain exp and levels is just a way for Verant to suck more money out of me. It pisses me off that I have to
    >>spend all my time playing the game or accept the fact that if I don't, a year from now I will still not to
    >>fully enjoy all the different aspects and zones in the game.

    You are joking right? If all you want is to hurry up and get to the upper levels, have someone powerlevel you. Lord knows that the only game that is any fun is the 50+ game right? Why bother with doing all the usual routes when presto chango POOF now you can be there? Seriously, even without PLing (which I dispise) I have 3 members of my guild who were 49 to 51 with less than 10 days of played time. I know people in the high end guilds who say that W/O PLing they can get to 50 in 5 to 6 days of played time. Thats playing an average of 4 1/2 hours a day roughly for the month you were on. That is WITH Hell levels. My friend, if the only game you think is fun is the high end game you are mistaken.

    >>I bought the game/expansion and pay a monthly fee for entertainment, not so I can be bored out of my skull
    >>being stuck in hell levels where there is little progression. Anyone that actually enjoys being bored
    >>seems a little silly to me.

    You are almost hysterical. The ONLY entertainment you get out of Everquest is seeing your levels go up? So what if it takes longer to get thru a hell level. From the upper 20's to the low 50s you can get exp fighting the Giants in the Great Divide. So it takes you a little longer to get thru level 30, are you still not going to be fighting the giants at level 33 if there were no "hell level" and the needed extra experience were spread out over the next 4 levels? The same at Hell 2? 3?

    >>When I play a game, I play hardcore and I want to be rewarded for it. Several times I have considered not
    >>playing the game anymore because Ive seen how long some of these high level characters have said it
    >>takes to get there.

    Playing hardcore, let me guess, you will be one of the people crying for a Rez at Orc 1 because you just lost a pittance of exp.

    As for how long it takes to get there, what is your rush? Level 60 isnt a destination, it is a journey. I have friends who have been playing a lot less time than I have (I have been playing since Sept 2000) and they have multiple 50+, a couple of them have made 60 Twice on top of having a couple 50+ and various mid level alts. I on the other hand have 3 alts, none of them above level 9 and my main is a level 40 Warrior with over 154 days of played time. Did I enjoy the game less because I am not in ToV fighting dragons? Not at all. This game is a whole lot more fun if you dont worry about going only where the highest exp modifier is so you can get the best exp the fastest or have upper level tunnel vision.

    If you want to be high level and miss out on a lot of the game, there are many people happy to PL you and twink you and make you thier best buddy.

    Been playing for a month and already understands everything. Bah.

    RE: blah
    # Mar 17 2002 at 2:26 PM Rating: Default
    I have to agree with Kharlkuhlinayn as well. You complain about verant sucking money out of you, yet you've been playing for a month... you get the first money free... /bonk. Ive been playing this game for 11 months and I'm level 42. It sure is sad to see your friends run laps around you level-wise, but that doesn't mean that you should rush to level 60 as fast as you can. I think its unfair for verant to take hell levels out of the game now, because all of the level 50's who have made it through those hell levels have now done it for nothing, and will have level 40's like me catch up to them in a week because I dont have to deal with level 45 (which takes at least a week mind you). It's also unfair to all the rangers out there (like me) who would love to be a halfling... Bah!

    Keeneye Swiftarrow
    Ranger of 42 hunts

    P.S Hi Kharl!!
    RE: blah
    # Mar 17 2002 at 9:12 PM Rating: Default
    I couldn't agree with you more!!!

    Verant talks balance and then gives rangers, WHAT? Another class that can beat the pants off your standard wood elf/half elf/human? What are they giving the now "old" ranger class that suffered through level 50 and beyond?

    This isn't balance. This is now making the time I invested as a wood elf CHEAP!

    If Verant says the word balance ONE MORE TIME I'm gonna spit!

    You wanna talk balance? Give us a similar pay-back on our existing levels while you're handing them out like lollipops to newcomers with decent items SPECIFIC to the old race rangers (not go out and find new stuff specific to your new short people) and MAYBE I'll reel in the urge to say...

    RE: blah
    # Mar 17 2002 at 1:40 PM Rating: Decent
    I have to agree with Kharl here. I've been playing for a year now and am only level 50, but I've had a hell of a good time.

    If you want what you describe there are plenty of cheats for Baldurs Gate type games. Go nuts with it.
    RE: blah
    # Mar 17 2002 at 9:38 PM Rating: Decent
    KK here goes :) I like most of the changes being made, but not because it makes players like the poster get to lvl 60 in 2 weeks hehe. If you only play to get to 60 thats all good, but youre missing a heck of alot of fun thats in the game besides lvling. I think the new changes will be cool for the new players coming in; gives them a chance to learn a bit before it gets tough. It will also be nice for players that wanna try a new class/race; youll be able to see if the new char is gonna be what you were expecting alot faster. The hell lvls werent too god awful, but I agree itll really cut down on the grind to gain exp gradually instead of all in a few nasty lvls. finally, Mr Blah maybee you should be playing a different game. I really think youd be happier playing a reg RPG, just you vs the computer, w/o all the other people getting in the way of your power lvling. It wouldnt require a monthly fee and I think your "hardcore" style will be better served there :) Ive been playing a year and a month. I have a main whos only 51 and has 70 days played. I also have several alts that I love to spend time playing. the fun isnt really in lvling and uber lewt and pp, its in the friends you meet and and adventures you have-at least in my journeys to all

    Damelon Evilsbane
    51 pally of the Honorbound Legion
    hell lvls
    # Mar 17 2002 at 9:06 AM Rating: Default
    I like to say, that this is a great ideal and seem they are setting thangs up for next package coming out which will most likey bring up the lvl to 70.I know lots of us that made 50 or more are upset at this.But I want to make new char.And this will sure help out.
    More Input
    # Mar 17 2002 at 8:53 AM Rating: Decent
    118 posts
    Hi, all.

    Read through the posts and just wanted to stick my two cents in. Now, I've only been playing the game for about 1 1/2 or 2 years now. I didn't start at the beginning and I'm 32 with 2 kids and a full-time job (outside of the house). I'm the mama, so I get almost NO personal time to do my own thing. Yet, I try to play EQ as often as I can. Unfortunately, that is only a few hours a week, but I stick with the game because I love to discover new places and items and MoBs.
    Now...I LOVE that they are making these changes. Yeah, my highest char is only lvl 20 (been there FOREVER) and my spouse's is lvl 23. But, I have been playing quite a while...and I learn pretty quickly...and I've had to learn MANY things the hard way. And, without these changes, I have had so many horrid experiences that I've wondered if the game is really worth it. I have so little time to play, why should I bother when it takes me so long to get even one level? I have to admit to soloing quite a bit. Mostly because I hate to bail on a group just when we get going (because my kids need a bath or food or whatever)...but also because I've been in some horrid groups--AND guilds. Now, it probably makes my length of time playing EQ sound a lot less excrutiating (compared to my highest lvl char) when I say that I have all my slots filled on the Sol Ro server. My spouse has one (his 23 pally) and I have the rest :) I've also tried and deleted a number of chars after spending mad hours getting them to lvl 9/10 and then realizing I hated them. And I have to admit that I LOATHE the "loading, please wait" screen as much as the rest of you...but when it comes with a significant xp loss (admittedly I have no clue how much xp is lost at higher lvls...but I just went through murder to get my lvl 14 druid to lvl 15 and each death just about had me tearing my hair out...I'm so sick of Lava already that I don't know how I'm going to make it to lvl 18/19 before I go on to another zone).
    My point is (yes, I know I've been rambling...I do have a point *grin*) that I have had to practically force my spouse to keep playing a game I know he loves just because he was becoming absolutely disgusted with it. He finally made 20 through a ton of sweat and hours...then he was stuck there for so long that he actually stopped playing for some time. He would spend literally hours trying to find a good place to solo...and all of that time shouting that he was looking for a group. And he's a great grouper also. He doesn't loot (although he likes to have autosplit on...and I've actually been urging him to loot sometimes) because he just likes the fun of killing things :) and gaining xp and exploring new places. I just recently yelled at him because he had two pieces of armor that were leather or worse! And he even belongs to a guild (although I personally have been trying to get him to try a different guild because the one he is in sux you know what, especially since the ppl who started the guild and who were actually good players left for a new guild) and he can't get a group. The one time he was invited to group with them, they spent the whole time acting like idiots. And these were chars huge lvls above his (think they are all a bunch of little kids playing by the way they talk and act). And I won't even go into how hard it was for my shaman (the lvl 20) to get her Testament of Vanear. I spent mad days camping...and the camp was stolen at least 3 times. Once by a high lvl wiz who was farming for an alt. I died camping it more times than I'd like to count, only to have that guy come in a nuke Starshine just as I almost had him. I finally lucked out when a very high lvl char came to wait to camp (she had lost her stuff in a move to another server and then moved back) and offered to watch my back. The rush I got (in RL) from that moment was one of the greatest ever (don't need drugs in RL...just EQ *grin*) and that is one of the reasons I play.
    I will agree that there are many jerks out there and that there may be a few more with these changes. But, I believe that the majority of players are decent ppl who would only benefit from these changes...regardless of why Verant may or may not have decided to implement them.
    I, for one, would love to get high enough to check out the icy lands of Velious or safely travel a bit in Kunark (won't even go there about my few experiences in THAT land)...or even, see more of Luclin without having my butt handed to me by roaming reds.
    All in all, I think these changes will make for a better EQ. I will definitely stick with EQ since these changes are coming around, because I won't wonder (after a playing session) if my time and money wouldn't be better spent elsewhere. Sadly, my recent experiences with the game have left me with more regretful feelings than excitement. I've been finding myself excited to play when I finally have time to myself...only to log off after a few minutes of boredom while I read or do laundry as I meditate or wait for a viable MoB (which happens a lot when most everything I see is red or green).
    I long for the days when I felt real accomplishment (regardless of how small) after logging off EQ. And I think these changes will allow me to enjoy the game...rather than focusing on when I can make that next level and FINALLY get the next spell, etc...or even get one level CLOSER to those next spells, etc!

    Thanks for listening all. Happy hunting :)
    RE: More Input
    # Mar 17 2002 at 3:30 PM Rating: Default
    You have just described my EQ experience precisely. I am also 32 and work outside of the house about 60hrs. per week. I don't have children, but my wife doesn't understand "what is so fascinating about those elves" and my dog doesn't let me do anything for more than 20 min. at a time. Consequently, I am group shy because I also do not like to be a bad group member by being AFK so much. And Grouping becomes so much more important afer lvl 20. I have been playing since December 1999 and I have never gotten a character past 30.
    The rarest piece of equipment I have would not sell for more that 200pp. Not that anyone on my server ever sells this level of equipment anymore. There is no low to mid level economy. It is impossible to buy things like small bronze or blackened alloy when so many are running around in crafted, lambent, etc. at level 10. Everything sold on Tribunal seems to be uber loot selling for 1000's of pp.
    I welcome these new changes. Anything that will help people level faster legitimately will only improve the game. Easier leveling should eliminate the temptation to power level and uber twink before learning to fully develop your character.
    RE: More Input
    # Mar 17 2002 at 5:23 PM Rating: Decent
    118 posts
    LOL...glad I'm not the only one in similar position.
    I agree with posts saying that it's not about the end result (ie lvl 60) it's about the journey. Unfortunately, the journey all too often becomes tedious too early and too long.
    I have to admit to being a fairly careful player. I don't rush headlong if I can help it and I don't travel any place I don't have a map for (I am REALLLY challenged in the getting around department and I DO know how to use LOC!)... although I have been known to take crazy chances-- just recently I tried to find out what the "unknown zone" is all about from the high lvl side of Shadeweaver's on Luclin...let's just say... don't go there unless you have invis that works against really high lvl elementals...had to try to drag my corpse away through lava and everything praying I wouldn't get my butt handed to me again (took about 1/2 a millisec to die when they got me the first time--lvl 20 Shaman with SoW on.
    I honestly just truly enjoy this game. It's not only about lvling with me...even if it sounds that way. I just want to be able to roam a bit and see new things...more than the inside of my spellbook and/or the same silly elemental I've killed for the last 2 weeks. And, since I have so little time, I'd like to feel like I accomplished something when I log off (as I said before).
    (for the rest of my response, see the next reply to the "there ARE women who play EQ" response)
    Good hunting!
    RE: More Input
    # Mar 17 2002 at 2:57 PM Rating: Decent
    I just wanted to start by saying, "There really are women who play EverQuest. And this is who they are (see above post). For better or worse."

    Ok, now let's see. The point of her post was... *ponders*

    Ok, after rereading it a few times. I'm pretty sure the point is that she has discovered the boring side of EverQuest. The side where you don't make friends, and don't group much.

    It is my firm opinion that EverQuest was made for grouping. If you are not grouping, you are not fully experiencing the fun of EverQuest. Grouping is how you meet people, and make friends (and sometimes enemies). Don't let the bad eggs spoil grouping for you. I find nothing more enjoyable than being in a good group with people I know.

    If you are grouping a lot, with good people, you will gain levels fast (hell levels or not). If you don't know where to hunt, chances are your friends will know a good place. So make some friends!

    I guess in this woman's case (see above post) she has found that grouping is not viable for her. I find it a shame that anyone should be without a group.

    So here is the point of my post-

    1) Go where there are others your own level
    2) Locate one of these folks, or a group of them
    3) Introduce yourself, and ask to join them
    4) Invite others as necessary
    5) If you cannot find other folks of your own level then ask the nearest person of a HIGHER level than yourself "Where is a good place to find a group at my level" And go there.
    6) Repeat step 5 until you are able to complete steps 1 - 4.

    I think that all of these changes that Verant is making will only enhance the EverQuest experience for everyone playing the game. But I believe that if you solo all the time on EverQuest then you are missing out on the whole point of a Massively multiplayer online RPG (MMORPG).

    Ok. Quit snoring. I'm done preachin' to the choir.

    Edited, Sun Mar 17 14:59:11 2002
    RE: More Input
    # Mar 17 2002 at 5:46 PM Rating: Decent
    118 posts
    Thanks for the insight. Actually, I can find a group much of the time...unfortunately, as the other poster said, I often have to leave at a moment's notice or go AFK at inopportune times.
    I've also had sooo much trouble finding a good guild, that I often don't get the companion aspect of EQ. I have been in at least 3 or 4 guilds and they have sucked for various reasons.
    Before anyone suggests that it's me...let me tell you. I often go out of my way to help others (including those NOT in my group/guild) and I am very friendly. One guild just disbanded without notice (they weren't very chatty anyway) Another chatted a tiny bit, did no grouping together with any of the members and then disbanded. Another was filled with immature people who only wanted to fill up my screen with petty bickering and rude comments (to other members and/or about non- members). I'm not sure how one finds a good guild, but it doesn't seem to be remotely easy.
    Anyway. To respond more to the grouping thing. I have grouped about half the time I have spent on my chars...and at least half of those groups have been bad. One group I finally convinced to disband and regroup (without certain ppl) because we kept dying since our Cleric spent the whole time looting all the bodies we hadn't gotten a chance to get to yet (we were in a High Pass orc group...not a lot of time to loot till the killing spree is over) and running to the vendors to sell. Now, we had agreed to divide the loot evenly, but this cleric (and friend) decided to take everyone's share for themselves. And all this WHILE getting XP but doing absolutely NO fighting or healing! In fact, *I* wound up having to heal everyone with an inferior healing spell since my class wasn't meant to be a main healer. After we died--again--because I was finally OOM and Cleric was busy bending over to loot and typing "encumbered...gotta run to vendor", I tell'd one of the other members and said I was leaving and would be happy to group with him sometime or if he was tired of the crap too (we had been talking via tell about the situation during downtimes).
    Of course, I have had good groups...and the group I formed with the guy above was one of the best.
    Unfortunately for my poor spouse, I can honestly say that he has done most of what you suggested previously and has still not had luck. Now, I don't know if that was because ppl who might have grouped with him saw his guild tag and thought he was like his guildmembers...or if he just had the bad luck to get into zones just as any potential groupers left. All I know is that we have taken him through countless zones looking for groups (he'd rather group than not...hates soloing at all) and he has had virtually no luck. We have asked higher levels and consulted the hunting guides for his lvl and class...nothing. I finally convinced him to resign from his guild today and he is looking for another one now...and I actually got him to go to Hollowshade Moor today also and he did very well (still no group unfortunately, but he did not resign his guild till right before signing off, so maybe my supposition has some merit) soloing the Grimlings there. Honestly, this has been a big upset for me as I have dragged him from end to end of Norrath and back and forth from Luclin trying to find him a group and/or good soloing place...and many times he has spent his whole play time traveling instead of getting to fight or dying because I didn't realize that one area was too dangerous to get through or some other problem.
    All the griping said :) I also feel that these changes will only enhance things. I never meant to make it seem like I had to level every single time I'm on or it's not worth my time. (As I mentioned, I also like to discover new items and places and MoBs)... But, I would like to feel that I've made SOME kind of headway when I sign off...I do pay for this game every month because I want ENTERTAINMENT other than reading a book or watching tv. If I'm spending the majority of my time with a book or the tv while I'm signed on (because of medding or whatever) then why am I on?
    That doesn't mean that making lvl 50 in a month (from lvl 1) should be what happens. Things like being able to see while medding or smoothing out the needed xp (divided somewhat equally amongst all levels that is) will only make the playing experience more enjoyable and less time-wasting so that I can PLAY more (play as in travel, explore, fight, etc).
    RE: More Input
    # Mar 18 2002 at 7:10 PM Rating: Decent
    Ok. You probably will never read this. But here's to hoping you do Wordgoddess.

    I cannot imagine sitting reading a book while playing EQ. This must be something soloers do.

    Anyways, I wonder if you have tried a Bard yet. They never have to meditate. You get to stand up a lot, and melee. Solo pretty well too if you must. Learning how to use the songs to solo effectively, and using songs to help your group can be a little tough at first. But then again maybe you've tried this class already.

    As for finding a good guild. There are a lot of guilds out there. And most of them aren't great. Hold out for a good one. They are out there! Follow your EQ friends.

    I remember, once I was was in a guild that I swore was the best guild ever. All the members were nice people. Very mature, and NICE! Nice people on EQ. How novel. I was a member for 2 months. Then, one day the leader announced that the guild wasn't going where she had wanted it to, and that she didn't feel like she knew everyone, and that the guild had too many rules and too much structure. And it wasn't meant to be the way it was. We were shocked! We didn't understand and tried to help her fix things so we could stay in the guild. But in the end she announced the guild would be deleted. Somehow though, we decided to form a new guild. We elected our favorite guild member, and he was the new leader of our new guild. And we were all happy again. THE END.

    Anyway, the point of that flashback was that even the best guilds have problems sometimes. Don't let that discourage you. It's not the leader who makes a guild great. It's the people who make up a guild, that make it a great guild. I now only join guilds because I like the people who are in it. I refuse to join a guild withouth knowing some of its members personally first.

    Don't give up! And remember. Guilds aren't the cake. They're the icing on the cake. The cake is the important part. Worry about the icing later. (I hope that was a good analogy)

    1) How to get out of a bad group? Simply announce that you HAVE to go. Nobody questions this. When you have to go, you have to go. Works best when you say "Sorry guys, I have to leave pretty soon". They will start looking for a replacement. And then after maybe 5 minutes you say Bye everyone, time to go now. Bye. And you leave.

    2) Don't be afraid to politely make a suggestion if someone is doing something wrong. Cleric ninjalooting? Time to arrange a looting order. If someone is breaking group looting rules, then there is a good reason to kick them out. Honestly though, many low level groups implement what is sometimes called "Friendly loot", which is simply "loot all you want, but don't be greedy. Give everyone a chance to loot or we'll kick you out". Hard to enforce.

    3) Most people like to think of themselves as good people. Try to respect that, even when they're ninjalooting. Or Kill stealing. Or pulling the entire bandit camp by accident. Or attacking the MOb you just Mezzed. Or training half the zone past your camp...


    Ok, anyways. How in the world did I get into chatting about how to enjoy EverQuest? Ah well, I love being so close to thousands of other people who all share a common interest with me.
    RE: More Input
    # Mar 17 2002 at 11:03 PM Rating: Good
    3,705 posts
    First thing to think about, if you know you cannot group a lot, is: Are you playing a good solo class. I read the above posts that say you have to group to succeed in EQ, or you can't solo above lvl 20. Neither of these are true. It is true that some classes are immensely easier, and more fun to solo than others. I have found that druid and necromancer are easy solo classes, and have heard that mage is as well (although I don't have a mage yet). Cleric (my main) and enchanter are the toughest classes I have played to solo (although my enchanter is still low level, and I hear you can do some neat things with charmed creatures later on). Wizard is also said to be hard without a group, as they are all offense, and have no pet. The melee classes can all solo to some degree, if decent equipment is available, you are careful, and carry a lot of bandages. However, the only one I have seen soloed with ease is Monk. Pally can solo somewhat with their healing spells, and if they are lucky, the helmet that has the mana free healing effect. However, they are nowhere as easy to solo.

    Let me add, before someone decides to flame me, that any class can be soloed, by someone who is sufficiently determined. I soloed my cleric through the soon-to-be-nonexistant hell level 35. However, I did this by repeatedly killing a single npc (gypsy named cynthia in rathe mountains). I also soloed a couple levels in the low 30's at the crazed goblin camp in Butcherblock. However, now that I'm in my mid 40's things I can solo for experience are getting rare.

    However, the above mentioned classes: druid, mage, necro; can all solo well into the 50's. I know people who have done so with each of these.

    One last issue, it sounds like you somehow found your way into a bunch of crappy guilds. They are not all like that. My guild, which certainly doen't meet any standard of "uber," existed forlonger than I have been playing EQ (almost 1 year). Members frequently chat on the guild channel, and we have dungeon raids on a somewhat regular basis. Don't give up on guilds because you have had bad luck. Keep looking, and if you run into more of the bickering idiots types, just quit, and move one.
    Look at the Fine Print
    # Mar 17 2002 at 7:31 AM Rating: Default
    Anybody wonder that takin away the hell level doesnt mean that it is gone, It is still there, just spread out from lvl 11-51? Takes the same amount of exp and NO u wont see people flying to 50 it will still take the same amount of time MAYBE slightly faster with all these exp rez they are throwing in but the same amount of exp spread out over lvl 11-51. As for the rest ah doesnt really matter, its just a game.
    # Mar 17 2002 at 6:57 AM Rating: Decent
    I just hit 30, so I'm having a hell of a time leveling. This will really help me out >)
    If this is really true
    # Mar 17 2002 at 6:20 AM Rating: Default
    Awesome!!! No mroe hell lvls and I heard if you were in a hell lvl(s) they reimburse your exp
    RE: If this is really true
    # Mar 17 2002 at 11:33 PM Rating: Default
    Nope. No xp reimbursement... <sigh> I hope they truly spread the xp out, instead of simply getting rid of the hell levels... I lost 36 too many times w/out a rez for them not to. ;)
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