EverQuest Legends

We just received notice from the Director of Web Presence, Nathan Pearce about the new EverQuest Legends. The following is what they are advertising.
Make your mark on EverQuest! Sony Online Entertainment is proud to offer a unique and rewarding opportunity for EverQuest players: the EverQuest Legends Service. Are you ready for a new, more dynamic EverQuest experience? Are you prepared to take on exciting new challenges, discover unknown treasures, become a hero of Legendary proportions? To find out more, take our guided tour of all the new features we're preparing for EverQuest Legends, then reserve your spot today!
What Everquest Legends will offer you:
  • Character Pages Part of the Legends web site, each player character will have a personal homepage featuring all the character's statistics and items, and will be updated daily.
  • Dynamic Server (Exclusive) Our dedicated team of Customer Service & Development staff will not only be providing in-game support to our Legends players, but also running new quests and adventures for players of all levels to participate in.
  • Legendary Items Some of these Legendary items will even be named after the first player who discovers them.
  • Calendar of Events This web-based calendar will be kept up to date by the Legends Team, and will let you know who, when, where, and what is going on server-wide.
  • Interactive Maps Quickly find which zone your character is bound in, and which zones you have or haven't visited.
  • Tales of Adventure The Tales of Adventure will feature the best stories submitted by Legends players, prominently displayed for the whole world to marvel in your glorious deeds!
  • Guild Halls This new service includes a guild calendar, message board, member roster, and pages to post guild news, the guild history, and more! (Including logo) This sounds like a really great idea, I can't wait to see it live. However, there are only 8000 spots available, but if you do get in, you can move 8 of your current characters on a single account with items. The monthly cost is $39.95 and will include your current subscription. Sign up is February 4, 2002. Remember ONLY 8000 lucky people will get this chance. Sign up at EverQuest Legends.com Don't forget to take the Sorta Weekly Poll on the update page.
  • Comments

    Post Comment
    Quit Whining
    # Feb 05 2002 at 11:05 AM Rating: Default
    Yes some of us may be willing to pay more, so why does that get others of you so upset. If you can't afford it then stop screaming sour grapes. Use the services you are able to afford and enjoy the areas that you can explore and the servers that you can log in to. I have physical problems that don't allow me to go out and have much of a Real Life, so I am THRILLED that Verant is offering me a chance to do more of what I love about EverQuest. Namely QUEST. I find this an awesome way for me to forget my woes and problems and venture into realms I've only read about till now. Can't wait for the holodeck version. :)

    If this is too expensive for you, you don't have to pay for the service to continue to enjoy EverQuest. Some of you don't seem to understand that just to buy the hardware is very expensive and what about the thousands that Verant pays for their ISP connections every month.

    If you don't think you're getting what you're paying for, stay on your current server. It's not like they are saying pay-up or leave. Congratulations Verant for offering those of us who applaud your tremendous efforts and excellent work in continuing to improve the best game available. For those of you who think DAoC is so great, shrug, I don't know what you see in it. I bought it, tried it, lagged worse than EQ did when Luclin came out. So get off your high horses, oh I forgot you don't have one, sorry.
    RE: Quit Whining
    # Feb 06 2002 at 3:16 PM Rating: Default
    sure they do....it costs 5sp and its in DAoC. and if you lagged in that game and not luclin you must really have your computer screwed up. go to the new servers and be done with it. you probably are one of the loot monger powergamers that amp everything you don't need anyway.
    # Feb 05 2002 at 10:04 AM Rating: Default
    Ok for one... the service they provide in game is ussually that of, -I can not help you with that situation, contact your local internet service, or I do not have the power to ressurect your body from a bug which we have not yet confirmed.
    I really dont think the customer service is all that great, and to pay 4 times as much just to get some good customer service and a web site to post your findings which ruffly nobody but yourself will look at. WHY? I can see for guilds, but why individuals. Maybe make a character bios thing for the guilds so they can do it for each member, but to charge 40 bucks per person is just insane. I know people have to much money as it is, since some people pay 500 bucks for a piece of armor over Ebay, but you dont need to cater to these people. Last I heard you were trying to ban Ebay selling, now your catering to the people? Your forgetting that most of your good players and truelly dedicated players first off dont have the money to pay for there already super expensive cable bill, and to pay for a super expensive everquest bill. I can buy a new game a month for the price im paying for your half rate customer service. AOL provides 24/7 "FREE" customer service. You guys should be happy were willing to buy your game, and then continually pay your company every month for it.
    On another note, to go along with the EBAY shoppers and other people who just got money pouring out there pockets to spend on anything they choose. American societys good little spenders keepin this economy alive =) It will be nice if we could reduce the ammount of traffic on our already over burdened servers. I go into LoIo to lvl up my alt rogue, and some nights, if not most nights, theres 90+ people in the zone. And thats not because someobodies doing there rogue epic questing, its just sheer masses of lvl 20 players who cant go to luclin because of the INSANE computer requirements, and everywhere else in the entire game for mid lvls to camp for consistant experience with decent cash dropping, is over camped as well. I go to velks or seb with my 55 warrior, and that place is now PACKED! with people. Old lvl 60s trying to get alt exp, normal crowds in there tryin to get to 60, and alt exp, and then you get the ussualy economy driving loot hungry folk, who camp warrior items with druids and shaman gear with clerics. (Hint to all those in seb, a cleric not in a guild DOESNT deserve to get all the gems that drop, chances are its a loot hungry cleric, whose takin that money to twink the bejesus out of there alts. Gems are for raid situations where they spend lots of cash, guildless clerics just dont go on raids) So to get back on track with where I started, if this new server can open up space for the servers, hey go for it. If it gets rid of even one of the loot hungry people and EBAY buyers from our server, hey go for it.

    Tired of the ebay buyers and loot hungry punks of the server getting what they want simply because as the GMs say, be a little more cautious on who you select for a group, your group must decide on the loot selection, and if he ninja loots while in the group, well... you shouldnt have grouped him. It may make his reputation bad, but some people just dont care about that stuff, and Im still stuck without an item ive been camping for weeks to get, and now will have to wait for several more weeks before im lucky enough to get the chance to roll for it again.
    Cash issue... you guys say you got an active player base of ruffly 800,000 peeps i think i read somewhere before? If so, 10 bucks a month, your getting little under 8 million dollars a month just for us to continue playing. What your business execs are goin through ruff times or something? Price of yachts going up? I know it must have been tuff for them to fuel there private jets during the fuel price increase, but is it necisarry to take it out on us, their customers. Do that math, 8*12, ruffly 96 million dollars a year, JUST FOR THE RIGHT TO PLAY THE GAME. Not to mention paying x amount of dollars to get luclin, or the other games in the trilogy. For 96 million dollars you better be able to get someone to serve me drinks at my computer side. Now thats the customer service id pay 40 bucks a month for. Your a money hungry company, case in point. Anything for some extra bucks. Now that everyone is in a republican frenzy with Bush in office, we just dont ask questions about giving MORE money to the top 2% of the nation who holds 90% of the wealth. With enron scandle taking place, dont more people question your motives? The fact that the french revolution took place with an actual better economic situation than what were in, doesnt that make any concerns to people around the country?
    Well im done ranting, you wont be getting my 40 bucks a month, plans would be to change that 9 million dollar a month pay check to a 36 million dollar a month paycheck, and its just not going to happen. Because things will settle in and the server probably wont be as good as its being hyped up to be.
    Cest La Vie
    # Feb 05 2002 at 9:26 AM Rating: Default
    Well I think that a few things spring to mind that are somewhat worriing for meyself and others including i should add people working for verant.

    1. If this is a success it makes business sense to force Legends subscription on the rest of the EQ community. Ie if more than 25% of the players would remain playing Eq they could cut the number of servers to service them by 3/4 reduce bandwidth needed to provide service to the game by 3/4 ans still make the same amount of money they are making now. and if they treble the number of gm's on the remaining (now standard legends server) they could still sack 1/4 of their current gm staff.

    2. If people are prepared to pay $40 dollars amonth for this then no doubt they are willing to pay the same for Star Wars Galaxies when it is released.

    3. If other companies see this is sucessful they will go the same way and all current and future games will head in the same direction ie start charging more.

    4. Subscribing to this service in the medium and long term will change the face of online gaming forvever to the lvl where only the very rich can afford it.

    5. What's next maybe a server where it costs $100 per month but you gain xp at 2X the rate and the customer is always right? Where you petition to a Gm that a dragon killed you and he says "Oh sorry bout that - thats not supposed to happen let me rez you and here's the loot you would of got if you had killed it?",or the ability to start characters at lvl 50 so you dont have to go through all that tedious Leveling?

    In summation I think that its bad (except perhaps verant) for everyone if this is sucessful so I for one wont be supporting it.
    Legends of the Re-vamped Test Server
    # Feb 05 2002 at 9:05 AM Rating: Default
    Wow! An extra 30 bucks a month to play on a re-vamped Test server with pretty web pages? Where do I sign up? HA! Not bloody likely. I guess some marketing genius at Sony figured that out of the 400,000+ subscribers out there, there's got to be at LEAST 8000 suckers willing to pay more to play on a Test server. Sure there will be more GM's....there should be - look at all the bugs that these people paying 40 bucks a month will be hitting before we do. :) Suits me fine.....an extra level of testing is definitely needed and I don't mind waiting for the content to be pushed to the Live Servers. If some people want to pay for this "privilege", so be it. Say, as long as you're bending over for Sony to pay 40 bucks a month to test their software for them, why don't you become a guide as well and do some un-paid customer support for them? HAHAHAhahaha....
    One Born Every Minute
    # Feb 05 2002 at 9:03 AM Rating: Default
    Like many people, I'm pretty upset about the announcement of the new Legends server. But in addition to being upset for myself, I'm also upset for the many people that are getting duped into paying $40 a month for features they likely won't get. Did the people rushing right out to sign up for Legends buy Luclin? Don't they remember the promised new interface, bazaar, moving fauna, flowing capes... Well, the list goes on. I guess we can only hope that people will get what they pay for on this Legends server, but then again, they promised dynamic quests from day one on the regular servers and how often do we ever see those? Is $10 not enough to pay for dynamic quests? Is the price of Luclin not enough to actually get the features that were promised with it? Maybe not. But if not, maybe Verant should have taken a closer look at their pricing scheme from the beginning instead of coming out now and saying "Sorry we promised you all that stuff, but we really just can't afford it." What's next? They decide that $40 really isn't enough for what they promise on Legends and decide to open the new "Heroes" service boasting "All new dynamic questing that we've been promising since original EQ Beta! New graphics and sound engine that was promised for our Waves of Krondak expansion but we just never really got around to doing! A personalized mailing service direct to your e-mail! All for only $100 per month!"

    Verant has over the course of its management of EQ built a history of making promises and breaking them. And now to offer to let us have the "opportunity" to pay extra to have those promises fulfilled... Well, it's no wonder all the top guys who started this ball of wax running are all jumping ship to go start their own ventures. It's pretty obvious marketing has taken over this buggy boat ride, so I guess I'll just continue to play on the ghetto servers for $10 a month until the ship finally sinks.

    Good luck to you early adopters of the new "Legends" marketing server. Be sure and let us know how it works out - hope you don't get shafted too badly.

    Dwanalin Truehelm
    40th Paladin of Marr
    Mithaniel Marr Server
    Abandoned by Verant
    # Feb 05 2002 at 7:34 AM Rating: Default
    I think Verant just lost me as a customer. They could have tried to fix the massive farming problem or done something innovative that other games are developing like making personalized dungeons (when a group goes in it spawns a private dungeon for them). Instead I find they are spending their time and money developing a special area for a select few.
    I've been ignoring the siren call of Dark Age Of Camelot for awhile thinking I'd wait until Star War Galaxies, Planetside, Shadowbane, and Dragon Empires were released next summer then review them all and compare the winner to EQ. Since EQ so obviously doesn't care about my measly standard account much anymore My $10 will be going to DAOC.
    Too little too late
    # Feb 05 2002 at 6:07 AM Rating: Decent
    68 posts
    Seems to me that VI is feeling a bit o'the heat of DAoC and maybe even AO breathing down their necks...think about it, the honeymoon of being at the top can't last forever. I haven't played DAoC, but from what I hear, it ranks pretty high among my gaming friends; AO is finally getting its act together in setting up a realtime MMORPG with an actual storyline, kinda makes me wish I had hung on for a few more months (I really wanted to enjoy AO, but I just couldn't get into it *sigh*). Perhaps I'm suffering from EQ burnout, but I think this is too-little-too-late for Verant, essentially making an uber-server for uber-guilds (hmmm--good or bad, getting annoying mob swipers off my server?). Problem is, EverCrack is hard to turn your back on *snicker*, and I figure when StarWarsGalaxies comes out, I'll have yet another monkey on my back. Anyway, I've pretty much had it with EQ anyway, couldn't play any VahShir on Luclin, had to move them all down to Norrath, too laggy (you don't see many lvl3 woodelven bards in the newbie pit in SharVahl, do ya?). All SoL ended up being was a premature release bunch of uber zones for group (i.e. guild) farming of items, no better than solo druids or necros farming items, mind you--disappointing at best...All these "Legends" features should have been standard with Luclin, and up the monthly charge by 5-10 bucks so they could afford decent in game support *scoff*, but if they want to make it an exclusive server, then for Brell's sake make em all start as newbies, tweak the factions a bit (like the deity-based pvp server but not pvp perhaps, or alignment based like FV server, or the like). I think it's time for an EQ hiatus for me anyway *sigh*, but I'll still watch the boards to see if VI can get off its cottage-cheese **** and actually do something for the MMORPGers at large instead of just the ones who are willing to pay for the high-grade crack instead of the stuff cut with sugar like the rest of us are used to.

    Just my two coppers, for what they're worth anyway
    # Feb 05 2002 at 4:19 AM Rating: Decent
    Okay, reading through this...
    I like the idea of the server - but I don't like the cost.
    Yes, all of it should be available to normal players. It would knock the socks of any other game out there if it did.
    All those people saying "to pay customer support people"... I'd like to point out that 90% of contact you all have with "Customer Support" are guides in game - and they are NOT paid. They are volunteers.
    (I confess to ranting at one or two before, and for that I want to apologize to the guide community on a whole. Yes, apologize. You guys are VOLUNTEERS and I respect you for trying to make life easier for the rest of us and for taking the time to *try* and help - and all you usually get is yelled at. Thank you for doing a thankless job.)
    Ok, I hit the signup button and I got "Forbidden".
    But here is a question for ya all: Can try it out for a month before you decide to carry on? And if you don't like it - will they move you *back* free of charge with all your items????
    RE: *blink*
    # Feb 05 2002 at 11:42 AM Rating: Decent
    I have a great time playing this game. I'm not in an uber guild, just a small one. I have NEVER had a bad experience with a guide or GM. All have been helpful and friendly (although the guide would not rez me after I fell ON the boat in OOT for 10000 damage and died, but he did move my corpse to a place where it was easy to retrieve). I fugure if I cancel one of my 3 ISPs, which I don't use, and my AO account, which I dont play, I am still spending the same amount, so basically I get Legends for free. Also, if you read the Character Transfer rules, if you dont like it and cancel after a month, or any amount of time, when your Legends subscription runs out, you can reactivate your standard account and they move your characters back whith all their items including any items acquired on the Legends server.

    I agree that perhaps they could improve customer service on the regular servers, given the $8 million or so a month of revenue this game brings in, but you've got to figure the bandwidth charges and hardware expense must be astronomical for a setup like EQ. Add a $3,000 / mo salary for a GM for each of how many servers? 42 or something? Plus, programmers dont come cheap, even if they aren't very good. Overhead is probably more than we can imagine.

    Sorry for the long post, but I for one, am going to check it out. The bottom line is that this game is a business, and, like any business, if you don't like the product, or are not satified with it, DON'T BUY IT. And if you really hate it, tell all your friends not to buy it. Vote with your dollars.

    Thym the Enchanter
    Lvl 30 (formerly 31)
    The Nameless Server
    Ah Well...
    # Feb 05 2002 at 2:12 AM Rating: Default
    I can understand that they're trying to make money here. But I also think most of the stuff they're promising-- dynamic quests, a mapping feature, in game character customisations, a quest journal... are things they SHOULD have included in Luclin, if not in the game itself.

    It's like they were GOING to, and then they said: "Hey we can take those features out and give them to an elite server and make more money!" Actually i'm positive thats what they did! I remember them promising capes being visible for Luclin's release, and then saying they didn't have time to do that (or get the bazaar to work); it would be interesting to see if we're getting visible capes at all-- or if they're going to be something only the legends get to have. =(

    And you 'tour' the legends server on the legends site-- you'll see the whole thing looks better than regular EQ, even the new inventory layout, but then-- at 40 bucks a month, you get what you pay for I guess. /em shrug

    I was really unhappy with Luclin. EQ needed a total rehaul; and instead they rehashed everyones faces and left everything else the same. While I love the new character models except in a few cases; I really wanted more than just cool models, I wanted what they're giving the 'Legends', and if I could afford it, maybe i'd go for it but at the same time I don't want to leave my server and my friends, my guild-- and what if it sucks? So even if I had the money i'd probably say no for the other reasons...

    As for dynamic quests-- wasn't the whole point of EQ to make it less like a game thats always the same and more like a real changing evolving world, with gnolls storming the gate and kobolds going berk and wars and fights and other cool things? I thought it was the whole point of a MMORPG, to be different and dynamic. I've had EQ for over 6 months. And in those 6 months I have NEVER, EVER been involved in a GM event. Halloween was the exception; but even then they just let a script running and forgot to turn it off for a couple of days. It was fun but it wasn't dynamic. I was promised much more when I first started playing and honestly I expected much more. And now they're giving much more out-- except... of course, as usual I'll never get to see it. =P

    Ah well, such is life... although DAoC is looking like the greener pasture on the other side of the hill; and even though the grass isn't always greener on the other side... it's mighty brown on this side... ;)

    doofus idea by VI
    # Feb 05 2002 at 1:19 AM Rating: Decent
    This is so stupid...

    Nothing about this will make the game any better for any of those players. most of the information and things they offer will only be available outside the game. I agree with someones statement earlier that they could have made a small increase, $3 or $4 per month for everyone and all would've been more enjoyable.

    Someone made a comment about movelog. the movelog is only for consolidating chars into a single account. Anyone who chooses to play the legends server will be allowed to move a single account with up to 8 chars in it onto the legend server at no cost. If they have multiple chars spread across two or more accounts they only way to get them all ( up to 8 ) onto the legends server is to pay the fees for movelog and move them into a single account before you apply for the legend server move.

    One thing I did catch was that if and when you changed your mind about playing the legend server, you could move your players back to the server you came from and will be able to keep all items that you got off the legend server. Hmm how will they allow those items to be used if they are not present in the open servers?

    As far as being able to get on the legend server, It ain't gonna happen after a day or two. There are enough EQ freaks out here in the world that the 8000 positions will be quickly filled so unless they open several servers, don't plan on making it in the first batch.

    To end the saga... I don't see myself moving as it just ain't worth it. Let the guinea pigs go and we'll see how it turns out.

    I wouldn't be surprised if this all turns out to be a huge flop..

    VERANT stop the madness, fix what needs fixin instead of adding more things that will just need fixin.
    # Feb 05 2002 at 12:47 AM Rating: Default
    Some of these features may be nice, but not worth the insane amount of money they want, every month. $40 just for 1 server? The friggin game only cost $40 at retail. Then you wonder why you didn't burn the box when you find out you can only play with a subsription. 8000 player cap? Let's do some simple math...oh yeah, unless you're in a really popular zone, there's nobody to play with, especially if it's 2:300AM. Bah. If they want more money, why don't they just do something like $10/mo per server you want to use or something.
    Let Legend players harass CS and GM
    # Feb 05 2002 at 12:26 AM Rating: Decent
    I think the Legend servers is good for us normal players. If I was really rich I would pay the $40 for me a,d pay the $40 for all my friends to play with me. (I can afford to pay $40 if I really want, but what is the point to play without my friends)
    But the cool thing is that Verant will be compelled to listen at the Legend servers.

    If I was a Legend player I will ask EVERY day to GM in my server:
    a) When Jale Phlintoes quest will be online (bugged quest in Surefall Glades for druids since EQ day 1)
    b) When Ahom Guzin will spawn in Hollowshade Moor so we can get the quest after the Sonic Wolf Bane Weapon (NPC missing/bugged since day Luclin day 1)

    So after they repaired it (for $40 they should listen) in Legends servers, normal players should see those quest repaired.
    If after 2 weekds those quest are still bugged, that would mean that Legends players have no more support and attention that other server people.
    # Feb 04 2002 at 11:25 PM Rating: Decent
    This is so gay, $40 is way too much for such stupid upgrades. Verant has gone to far with this, and now they are only going to pay attention to the rich high payers, when the people who really need help dont get it because a gm isnt allowed too.

    I think it would be cool to get an item named after me, but i wouldnt wast 40 dollars on it.
    They still don't get it
    # Feb 04 2002 at 8:45 PM Rating: Default
    I see nothing much going on here with this new server. What they are offering isn't much other then the support they well have for in game. The tranfer of up to 8 char's now that wrong maybe they should have done was NO TRANFER'S or just one char tranfer say no higher then lv35 then you would have umber guilds taking over new server. The price is a little steep maybe i pay 20 bucks amonth for what they are offering with this thing but thats it.
    RE: They still don't get it
    # Feb 04 2002 at 9:45 PM Rating: Default

    A "no transfers" rule would ***** casual EQ players in favor of the uberguilds and power-gamers -- the people with the time and organization to powerlevel seriously. I have a job and a life; it would take me many, many months to get back to where I am now.
    RE: They still don't get it
    # Feb 05 2002 at 6:20 AM Rating: Decent
    68 posts
    Perhaps a transfer of one character only, like on the FirionaVie server? Or how about only what you can carry on your back, not whats in the bank? Otherwise I could take one main and seven mules chock full of goodies to wreak havoc on the economy of the new server!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA
    Why premium service is worth it
    # Feb 04 2002 at 8:05 PM Rating: Excellent

    Timmy: "Dad, can I have another $30 a month for EQ?"
    Dad: "No! And go mow the lawn."
    RE: Why premium service is worth it
    # Feb 05 2002 at 6:27 AM Rating: Decent
    68 posts
    hmmm, more like why it wouldn't be worth it....I think it would be more like this:

    Timmy: "Dad, can I have another $30 a month for EQ?"
    Dad: "Huh? Uh, sure, yeah, whatever, now shutup, I'm tryin' to watch the game!"
    This is complete BS
    # Feb 04 2002 at 7:15 PM Rating: Default
    Isn't this what Verant promised us before the launch of EQ, so why don't we get it, and why does it cost 40 bucks. I would say boycott it, but i am sure there are to many 60 plus nut jobs out there already signed up. Today is the 4th i am curious to go on and see what is going on. Plus, i hope they don't abandon us regular only 10 bucks a month servers. Remeber all the new features that were going to come in Luclin? Like the bazaar idea, well i bet they are legends only now. I bet the server will also be like all 50 plus so it will be impossible to do any thing that a high lvl would ant to do because there are so many of them.

    Lets hope Verant stops smoking crack and gives us some new items... and more importantly a friggin story line. Who the hell cares about some stupid web site except for a conceded high lvl character plus no one will look at them except the person who owns it so what is the point??
    This is BS
    # Feb 04 2002 at 7:06 PM Rating: Default
    F U Verant
    # Feb 04 2002 at 6:47 PM Rating: Default
    Fah-Q Verant, stupid money grubbin little laim @$$'s, What? $10 a month isn't enough from like a million people each mont? ($10,000,000 a month!) they gotta try for more? These were things that they had promised ALL players back in the beta, "We'll have such things as GUILD HALLS in the first expansion." Did they? NO. Now they're totally ******** us. This game is going to hell, and so is the people who made it. It's BUNK.
    # Feb 04 2002 at 5:59 PM Rating: Default
    everyones grumbling about not having legend quality on the regular servers. anyone whos ever been involved with hosting or publishing can tell you the web space verant needs to put up all these character pages, journals, maps, etc is insane. the cost on just that is going to be astronomical. add in the pay checks of the legends team and the 40 a month is reasonable. but...

    1-how many people really care about a character page? you want to know what equip i have, just ask me. maps? i can tell you what zones i spend my time in, no need for that. journals? if i want to type out all my adventures, i can do it on any word processor and put up a free web page. it seems like we'll be paying for a lot of junk. the thing that makes the legends server exciting is the dynamic quests and new items. cut the cost down to 25 or even 30 and take out the web page crap.

    2-ill pay the 40/month anyway. im addicted enough for that. but what the hell is with this movelog WITH items thing? no ones said much about that, but i feel its a stupid stupid stupid idea. an obvious attempt at netting more money by people moving chars with no regard for the consequences of it on a new server. there WILL be one or several of the item farming all-lev-60 ******** guilds that move to the legends server and letting them keep their items...and even their levels...ruins it for me. verant makes a couple $grand more off the char moves and the rest of us have to deal with those ******** again. the funny thing is they claim to be doing it "for us" so we dont have to start over. the vast majority would rather everyone start fresh. its a new server, dont ruin it by having it instantly be no different than any other. grr that burns me up. other then that, i like the idea <sigh>
    RE: moves
    # Feb 04 2002 at 6:52 PM Rating: Decent
    1 - My guess is that the bulk of the extra $30 is going to staff support. That'd be enough to pay about 50 full-time employees (possibly less), so hopefully that's what we'll see. The websites I don't see costing all that much, since they should be low traffic (realistically speaking, only the 8000 people on the server will have ANY reason to visit those sites) and will mainly be serving up data that Verant is already storing on their servers.

    2- I was under the impression that the moving of characters from normal->premium would be free of charge, which would mean Verant's not going to be making any money off of that directly. But I could easily be mistaken; maybe the movelog to the new server costs.

    In any case, I'm glad we get to take our items with us. Otherwise it'd be an enormous pain the the *** to re-equip my character while the uberguilds monopolize all the decent drops to reequip THEIR characters. =)

    Actually, though, I'm not sure how many uberguild members are going to be moving. Are people who put 100+ hours a week into EQ (ie, people without jobs) going to cough up an extra $30/month when most of the features are things few uberguild types care about?
    what a rip off
    # Feb 04 2002 at 5:38 PM Rating: Decent
    Flame if you will, but what an incredible rip off! Verant cant seem to even keep the servers they have up now working smoothly! I just see this as a money grab! Shouldnt these features already be built into the next upgrade they force they players to buy and increase the hardware costs as well?? Come on SONY your making a ton as it is! With lame idea's like this no wonder your stock is in the toilet for investors!

    Sounds good
    # Feb 04 2002 at 4:08 PM Rating: Default
    This looks like a good new server i think im going to play it if it actually comes on.

    Look fer me on there.
    VI has lost the plot
    # Feb 04 2002 at 4:01 PM Rating: Decent
    19 posts
    VI should really supply the 'obviously' automated and low maintenance features to the entire EverQuest community. i.e. Character Pages, Interactive Maps and Guild Halls.

    Then the $30 a month extra should gain you the other options, this way those 'special' subscribers can get their names on items, extra support staff, etc. Personally, I cant justify the extra $60 a month, or $720 dollars a year that it would cost me to upgrade mine and my partners accounts to Legends.

    As for the Dynamic Quests part, this really pisses me off, I remember when EQ first came on the scene and VI were using the claim that they do dynamic quests as a selling point (and even pointing out that it was something their main rival UO did not do). I havent even seen a dynamic quest in the past year! and now they want us to pay more money for something we were supposedly getting already? What the hell is up with that?

    VI has lost the plot and whoever the accountant is that came up with this latest pile of s&*t, should be fired on the spot.
    RE: VI has lost the plot
    # Feb 04 2002 at 5:09 PM Rating: Decent

    People who pay more money get more service. Even if $10 a month bought you your own personal Wood Elf nymph to fulfill your every need, people paying $40 a month would still get better service. The reason is simple: more money to Verant = more money for Verant to pay employees with and more reason to want those employees to look after your needs. This is why companies who sign up for service agreements with, say, Oracle, and cough up a few thousand of million bucks a year in service fees, get the kind of personal attention the guy calling the 1-800 number on the back of the software box can never hope for.

    Ten bucks a month is chicken feed; after you subtract out the cost of the non-customer-support overhead it probably buys you about one to six minutes of personal attention a month -- more than that, and they start showing a new _loss_ per customer.

    You will never, EVER get a lot of personal attention from ANYBODY for ten bucks a month. Even if all of Verant's overhead miraculously disappeared, and all they had to do was pay the salaries of the customer support staff, you STILL would not get much personal attention because a GM is going to be making at least $8 to $10 an hour.

    # Feb 04 2002 at 3:57 PM Rating: Default
    wtf are these verant maniacs thinking? no one is going to pay 40 bucks a month to play this, except for the crazy devoted ppl who do nothing but play eq. all verant ever does is make updates to the benefeit of the fanatics, while the rest of the regular ppl with lives and schedules are screwed up again. why dont they try to fix some of the problems in the game that get complained about all the time, instead of doing things that drive customers away. they try to attract more ppl by making expansions, but the result that i can see is that everyone is spread out and its impossible to get a group in places that used to be perfectly good. cc was cool for a while, but all thats left there are 40+ farmers. every dungeon on the old world has been forgotten, save a couple. i think verant wants me to start playing daoc.
    # Feb 04 2002 at 3:52 PM Rating: Default
    The issues I have with it are different.
    I have pleaded for this service for over a year. The 30 a month is not the issue, the question to me was for 30 a month does the game become better?
    The biggest problem for me now is
    1. Overcrowding
    2. Uber guilds monoploizing the mobs
    3. 13 year olds and under ruining the fun for ME

    Now that is why I wanted a premium server
    1. 2500 people on at a time, as they have blocked access to the number of people playing at a time now, they can blow smoke at us and say this is less than average but I do not beleive it. I want to see the numbers again. I want to be able to kill dervs in Nro without having to wait an hour for a group, have a chance to kill a gnoll in SK without having to be on a waiting list for 3 hours, then get one spawn every 15 minutes and this 2500 avearge 8000 total does not make me feel that this will happen
    2. Movelogg ability assures this new server will have uber guild come here intact and take over this end game, the rest of us by the time we get there will have to beg them to get a taste of it
    3. 40 a month will help out on the 13 year olds, they will by and large not chose this server

    1 point in 3 is not enough for me, I am not paying 40 a month to go to a new crowded server
    RE: issues
    # Feb 04 2002 at 4:55 PM Rating: Decent
    65 posts
    Movelog cannot be performed for the first 3 months of any server life, and then, only to "standard" servers. No move logs will be possible to this new server (but I still think the whole thing stinks=P)
    # Feb 04 2002 at 3:52 PM Rating: Default
    Ok VI now you're just rubbing salt into an open, bleeding, sceptic wound. How DARE you charge your already unhappy customers an extra 30$ a month for services they should already be recieving. To say that i am outraged would be an understatement. I don't think i have ever heard of bigger rip off in my entire life. You money grabbing, weasely little scum bags. Get back to fixing the game of all its glitches and bugs instead of creating silly additions like this. Whats the point in sugar coating a ****?
    RE: Jesus!
    # Feb 05 2002 at 6:10 AM Rating: Decent
    68 posts
    I'm sorry, but sugar coating a ****!!?


    Hilarious, I needed a good laugh today, great line
    RE: Jesus!
    # Feb 04 2002 at 4:16 PM Rating: Default
    I couldn't agree more.

    54th paladin of xegony.
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