Big Changes

Well, they bit the bullet. A number of changes are coming to the high end game of everquest in the near future. Notably, these include:
  • Complete heal cap reduced from 10,000 HP to 7,500 HP
  • Mana Burn is being removed and replaced, players with the Ability will have their AA points refunded.
  • Monk defense is being lowered.
  • The rod of mystical transvergance (aka, the GodRod) is being removed and replaced with a single target charge with limited usefulness. Additionally, it's noted that a number of encounters will be shortened.
Read the complete article here. Personally, I see the need for these changes as Planes of Power comes on, and the game expands in levels and player power yet again. In the case of the ModRod change, I only hope that certain encounters are adjusted massively to account for the lack of infinite mana. Of course, feel free to discuss the changes here. See what 2 and 1/2 years of "This is a Monk Item" posts gets them?


Post Comment
Monks >>> Iksar?
# Oct 09 2002 at 9:50 PM Rating: Default
Ok all you monks out there. As an Iksar the entire RACE ( all Iksar classes ) Start off with an AC adjustment of 8. What does this mean? Well considering that the Iksar race is also BANNED from all plate I assume this to mean that for all iksar there is an inherently higher AC bonus for their iksar class. Will this monk nerf adjust the Iksar class down to present human AC levels for monks? and if it does what is to stop you from making an Iksar to keep on with your Monkish habits of tanking with assistance and then taking all the light weight uber items?

And if you think you have a hard time, try playing a Iksar warrior banned from using plate!
RE: Monks >>> Iksar?
# Oct 09 2002 at 11:37 PM Rating: Default
?? Iksar Banned from Plate? Maybe you should check out the Warrior PLATE armor dropped from Plane of Growth... War/ALL
RE: Monks >>> Iksar?
# Oct 09 2002 at 10:22 PM Rating: Decent
The initial AC boost may be 8, but it is much higher in the upper levels. As for playing an iksar warrior... There are ways around the plate restriction.. and all the velious armor is Iksar usable as well. A lvl 60 Iksar warrior will have no less than 42 more naked ac than any other race.

Now back to the main topic

1. Cleric nerf - will have little to no effect on 99.9% of those playing the game
2. Manaburn - how could you not have seen this coming, I expected it MUCH sooner than now
3. ModRods - Do you like having to stare at the cieling doing the same thing over and over for a 45 minute encounter? no... then you should be happy... well once VI gets the retune of mobs right (which we know may take them a few tries)
4, Monk nerf - Had to be done.. any other class player will tell you.. as well as a good portion of monks.. they were just too powerfull. Avoidance better than any other class, Mitigation tied for best with any other class, Damage output second only to BS'ing rogues, 125hp items with 0.0 and all/all? factor in Mend for decreased downtime and FD as a safety mechanism and you have the EQ equivlent of God Mode.

Edited, Wed Oct 9 23:05:25 2002
Why is everyone trying to be equal?
# Oct 09 2002 at 9:37 PM Rating: Decent
I keep seeing posts where people are comparing themselves to this class and that class and I don't understand why. Things like:

It's not fair to clerics that druids and shamans have a better heal now because now they can take the place of clerics on raids and groups and they have the ability to solo whereas clerics can't.
--Druids and Shamans can't take the place of a cleric on a raid because they can't res. They can "assist" a cleric with their new heal spells and that's what it was intended for, yes some people are going to use them in place of clerics but that's a good thing, why should an entire group be shut down because the cleric decides they don't want to play anymore? No clerics can't solo, they weren't and hopefully will never be able to, they are the counterpart to the warriors inability to solo at later levels and the day they make a cleric that can solo with ease is the day they need to wipe warriors off the character creation screen. The only gripe a cleric should have is when they make a warrior have the ability to solo which would have an extremely nasty effect on a clerics usefullness.

Clerics aren't the only one at fault for this way of thinking. Monks are doing the same, waah they're nerfing my defense so I can't tank like a warrior right if you guys wanted to tank like a warrior why the crap did you play a monk? Monks were intended to be "support" tanks and to back off when they pull the agro off that meatchunk with 3000+ hp and 2 buckets of ac that's the purpose of your feign death, not to train folks. Pali's and SK's are the second choice for a tank as they should be, why should monks be up on the same level as warriors as far as tanking skills go??? If monks should have any "equal" in the game it should be with a rogue, for the most part it seems rogues know their roles, create large amounts of damage without jerking the agro from the tank.

As a final thought, if they made every class "equal" they might as well copy the 3 characters from Diablo 1 over and let us all pick from the plain ole warrior, the archer and the little wizard guy and be done with it.
/rant off
RE: Why is everyone trying to be equal?
# Oct 10 2002 at 2:58 AM Rating: Excellent
"Equal" doesn't have to mean the same, the point is to create a balance so that different classes have to use different strategies, but that no one class has an unfair advatage due to their class's abilities. An advantage due to good strategy is fine.

Manaburn was being used by wizards to hold big mobs hostage, this gave them an unfair advantage that couldn't be overcome by the skill of other classes.

Monks were ending up with an effective armor class so high that it made them more like how warriors were intended to be. This was due to gear, and I assume the AC nerf will be progressive so that it affects high-end Monks, who presumably have the best gear, much more than low level Monks.

GodRods were turning Magicians into a one-trick pony when it came to raids. I have heard compalints that VI nerfed the one thing that made them desireable for raids, so perhaps other abilities of theirs need to be enchanced so they can dish out more damage on raids, but in any case they should be developing a stragey from a multitude of options, not just standing there summoning GodRod after GodRod for people to grab.

And finally, lvl 39 Clerics had a heal spell that was more appropriate for a lvl 55+ character. It doesn't make sense for a lvl 39 cleric to be able to fully heal a lvl 55 warrior, for example. I assume VI is going to make it so that a lvl 55 cleric can do that though.

And ona personal note:
There's a lot of less-social monks who seem to think they should be able to solo everything. These may be the same ones who keep training my Karnor's Castle groups from trying to take the back rooms solo, and doing it poorly. Now maybe they will get smushed more easily for creating trains heading for the rest of us!
Bah cleric nerf
# Oct 09 2002 at 8:21 PM Rating: Default
Once druids and shamans can heal as well as Clerics what the hell are Clerics gonna be worth?


ok my lvl 52 Cleric can't even solo a GREEN a LOW GREEN without wating half to all my mana. Take into account that i have no sow or invis, this happens everytime i have to travel.

So how is it fair that druids of my lvl can take on 4 blue mobs at once by kiting? they own the solo game at my level. now they are just as useful on raids???

shamans have no complaints. they are already extremely useful on raids and in groups with their buffs, debuffs, slows, hastes, dots and pets. cleric? useless if he's not rezzing nowadays.

this disgusts me. druids have NOTHING to complain about whatsover. But since Clerics (the prime healers in the game) are apparently over-powering shamans and druids at HEALING, (what we're SUPPOSED to do) it means we get nerfed.

Verant, you are morons.
RE: Bah cleric nerf
# Oct 10 2002 at 9:46 AM Rating: Default
Clerics do have a point, up til lvl 56 or they get a clicky. It is very hard to get groups. Shaman can slow and heal, have sow, haste.
For soloing a cleric it is much more harder then most classes, and can be replaced more often bu shaman, or druids with their DS.
Taking away the CH from 10k to 7500 is not the problem, but VI has to adjust it a bit, for a better hammer or lower the mana ussage on DD's so that they can solo a bit more when not groups are to be had.
RE: Bah cleric nerf
# Oct 10 2002 at 11:00 PM Rating: Default
--For soloing a cleric it is much more harder then most classes, and can be replaced more often bu shaman, or druids with their DS.

Umm, ok.. I'm not a druid of high level, nor do I think I wanna ever work on my druid that much to get him there. Kiting isn't my favorite thing to do, although in my midlevels I have done that. I'm not sure about the higher levels, but I know in my midlevels, if I'm kiting multiple creatures at once, I'm not depending on my DS for that battle. Most of the time I'm trying to AVOID getting hit =/

just my 2cp, but had to say it.. just didn't sound right /shrug
RE: Bah cleric nerf
# Oct 10 2002 at 12:11 AM Rating: Default
You play a 52 cleric anon? Explain to me when you have EVER had the DIRE need to heal more than 7500 HP at a time and then maybe your argument will make sense. Other than that CH has not been touched in any other way. Grow up please. Like YOU said you are primarily a healing class, therefore you should not be griping about not being able to bloody QUAD KITE! Druid's and Shaman have not "usurped" your place as the primary healer's in the game. What does "useless if he's not rezzing nowadays" mean? I would give my left ******** to be able to cast those spells and you have the gaul to devalue them as crap? Very interesting. Good thing most cleric's (hopefully) don't think like you do.

/flame off Sorry about that ;)
RE: Bah cleric whine
# Oct 09 2002 at 9:20 PM Rating: Default
From what I understand the cleric (@39) gets a 7500 hit point heal Druids and Shaman(@58) get a 75 PERCENT heal so lets see Warrior has 6000 hp beat down to 120 hp cleric cast CH and presto the warrior is again full health. Now with the 58 Druid he gets to heal 4500 hps that is 1380 hit points shy of max hp. Umm I think the cleric was made more realistic besides that was a heal @39 so I bet there will be another "complete" heal around 55.

Forgot to mention ummm is there another rezzing class added to the game ? I know druids cant rezz for 96 % xp. =O

Edited, Wed Oct 9 22:03:45 2002
RE: Bah cleric whine
# Oct 10 2002 at 12:41 AM Rating: Default
Um in case you just "forgot" or just plain didn't know, the shaman heal tops out at 1950 max healing; ina similar vein the druid spell maxes out at 2925, FAR less than the power of the real CH that clerics get.....before you argue, get your facts straight ok?
# Oct 09 2002 at 8:06 PM Rating: Decent
You off the chains lol Smiley: smile
Monk Nerf
# Oct 09 2002 at 7:22 PM Rating: Default
How bout taking into account that Warriors and other tanks have almost twice - three times the HP that monks have. I can't go anywhere without a healer because I take too much damage. I will agree that I don't get hit much, or absorb some damage, but I do get hit for more than warriors or Paladins. If I have aggro, the fight goes one of two ways... I feign to lose aggro, or I die because I take too much damage with my 1550hp!

Oh, I forgot to mention that at level 51 with 991ac, I can't even solo a Light Blue!!! Yeah Verant, I'm too uber for you. /sarcasm off

Edited, Wed Oct 9 20:07:07 2002
RE: Monk Nerf
# Oct 09 2002 at 11:44 PM Rating: Excellent
I am a lvl 55 monk and JUST broke 1000 ac unbuffed. I have pretty good gear but nothing super uber. Are they smoking dope at Verant? Monks have great dmg output but are cleric mana sponges when it comes to taking dmg. Leave us alone Verant!
RE: Monk Nerf
# Oct 09 2002 at 7:40 PM Rating: Excellent
Oh an a Warrior can go around without a healer? NO, they CAN'T. Just because you have 3x the HP doesn't mean that it won't still run out if you can't regain health faster than you get hit. There's a bit longer wait, but you die just the same.

Back when my Warrior was a NOOB, he felt like he owned the place, because he could solo yellows. Now (Lvl 39), I don't even log him on unless there's a group for him. He's just too much of a sitting duck.

The ONLY saving grace is my Shaman can make potions for him so he can SoW and Regen a bit. Still, he can't solo worth a darn, and it's going to get worse as he goes up in level.

As for your aggro, that WHY you have FD, and if that fails, you need to have a healer closely monitoring you. But when I'm tanking, I have to watch to see if any of the casters are being hit, so I can go taunt the MoB off them, because they'll go down a LOT faster than a Monk!
RE: Monk Nerf
# Oct 09 2002 at 11:32 PM Rating: Default
As for your aggro, that WHY you have FD, and if that fails, you need to have a healer closely monitoring you. But when I'm tanking, I have to watch to see if any of the casters are being hit, so I can go taunt the MoB off them, because they'll go down a LOT faster than a Monk!

Ehh.. I wasn't arguing the fact that I have FD to lose aggro. There are situations where FD = Bad. Monk gets aggro, for some reason, warrior can't get aggro, and there's a chanter/wizard in the group. Should you feign? No.. hope the healer can heal you in time, or feign and kill the chanter/wiz. Besides, what's the point of comparing a Caster to a Melee? /boggle. Think about it.

Oh an a Warrior can go around without a healer? NO, they CAN'T. Just because you have 3x the HP doesn't mean that it won't still run out if you can't regain health faster than you get hit. There's a bit longer wait, but you die just the same.

Warriors are meant to group, that's just part of the class. Meatshields are there to take damage, Monks/Rogues are there to deal it. This has been the one thing I've heard and seen from the year and a half that I have played EQ. Yah, everyone can kill yellows and reds when they're lower levels. Once you get to the upper levels, it's a different story.

I'm not completely *against* the changes. I just think it's real stupid that while the Monks get nerfed, the caster classes still have the ability to solo what melee/hybrids can't. Heck, the Necromancer Pet at my level can tank better than I can.

Edited, Thu Oct 10 00:16:44 2002
RE: Monk Nerf
# Oct 10 2002 at 8:39 AM Rating: Default
A GOOD chanter or Wizard would know when to cast on the mob. If they are out agroing the warrior, they need to go back into training. Let the warrior build agro before casting on the mob and you can feign death all day long. Atleast that is how our monks do it.
Enchanter aggro
# Oct 10 2002 at 1:21 PM Rating: Excellent
Maybe that's true for Wizards, but not for Enchanters.

What you describe is fine if you're talking about a single MoB, but what about when the Enchanter is using Mez to keep a crowd of MoBs from wiping out the group? When Mez breaks, they head right for the Enchanter, unless the warrior has a chance to build aggro through tant. My warrior ALWAYS taunts at least three times before breaking mez, and sometimes just keeps taunting until it breaks on its own. HOWEVER, this only works when you have 2 or 3 MoBs; if you have 5 or 6, you just don't have a chance to draw aggro off each one. The Enchanter can use Mem Blur, but it burns mana.

So I prioritize. I fight the mob at hand, and if any of the break mez and hit the enchanter, I drop everything and go taunt it off her.
I play with a friend of mine who KNOWS how to play an Enchanter very well indeed.
"Let the warrior build agro before casting on the mob and you can feign death all day long. Atleast that is how our monks do it"... HUH? Monks can't cast, only Necromancers and Shadownights can FD, what are oyu trying to say?
RE: Monk Nerf
# Oct 10 2002 at 12:04 PM Rating: Default
A good chanter or wizard would know this? Is that why on all big raids when I push 7 to say /1 <target> incoming please be ready about 30 people have to shout STAND UP STAND UP. Wanna know why cause while I'm running back to the group with level 50+ creatures pounding me as soon as I see the ma hit it one time I'm down. Well if they aren't standing (goes for anyone) as soon as the monk goes down the creauture runs over to the person with 800hp thats sitting and quads them down to half life. Anyone that thinks the nerf to monk ac is a good thing or even decent thing needs to have their head checked. Sure the elite monks that go to Vex or such zones that get that all/all armor that buffs them up to as much ac and hps as a warrior this wont matter much to them. But for everyone else... lets just say don't ask a monk to do a cr for ya cause he knows after this he won't make it out either.
and Pet bugs!
# Oct 09 2002 at 6:40 PM Rating: Default
Another item that's been in game for a long long time, the caster pet becoming an uber slaughter machine when the caster dies and it goes NPC and kills the people in the group.
I was killed by a necro pet in QH around lvl 16ish, GM response was there's no one in the zone now playing a necro, so Vobartnik must be a mob in the game.
RE: Pets!
# Oct 09 2002 at 9:14 PM Rating: Default
some Corrupt Qeynos guards are Shadowknights try taking a 751 point harm touch with 600 hp!
#REDACTED, Posted: Oct 09 2002 at 6:38 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) "See what 2 and 1/2 years of "This is a Monk Item" posts gets them?"
RE: try walking a mile in Monk shoes
# Oct 09 2002 at 7:23 PM Rating: Decent
It's called JOIN A GUILD!

Do you think you are the only class that cannot solo its Epic? Do you think you are the only class that finds its epic MoBs camped by others of the same class??

NO class can solo its epic, at least not without being lvl 60 and having some amazing gear. This is FOR A REASON. At the higher levels, the game pushes you hard and harder to form groups and alliances, BY DESIGN.

(Edit: Oh sure, rate my post down to try and mess up my "posting karma" without even replying. Real brave.)

Edited, Thu Oct 10 03:24:55 2002
RE: try walking a mile in Monk shoes
# Oct 11 2002 at 11:05 PM Rating: Default
Actually, I wasn't the one that rated you down.

I am in a guild, but the hardest thing to do is get people with limited time to go do something that:
1. May not pay off for weeks and weeks of camping

2. Offers them no gain.

Its not like we're doing the fights for the epic, this is the pipes for the robes.

And a small group can do the BL epic in about 5 hours, we're most of the way through our newest BL's epic. Just have to catch the mob up.
Main problem on monk epic is instead of 1 mob with 24-72 hr spawn, its a 30 minute spawn with 0.001% chance of being the one you need. With weenies from ebay training the castle because they don't know how to stand and die.

Check out our exploits

It's not like we can't take down the castle, its just that its better exp for everyone in the guild if we go to one of the high end zones.

# Oct 09 2002 at 6:28 PM Rating: Default

It seems that so far the concensus is that the changes were needed even if they are a bit annoying. When did EQ players suddenly become so reasonable?

Heck! Im still griping about when my chanter pet was nerfed, loosing a third of its damage output, around 2 years ago, nerfed to fix a problem that really had been taken care of already in other ways.

It was great being told at the time by Verant that "chanter's are not a pet class and therefore werent affected by the changes" when hundreds of us wanted to know why we didnt even get anything in compensation like the necro's did.
The whole hastle that affected all pets was due to mage's thinking their pets werent doing enough damage because of how dual weild worked, even though damage had been boosted to take it into account.

I didnt play my chanter after that pretty much until hell levels were fixed.

But enough of my rambling, I'd hate to stick my head out too far just to get smacked by Verant's Mighty Hammer of Nerf +20 bane damage: chanter
what about us mages?
# Oct 09 2002 at 6:13 PM Rating: Default
everyone seems up in arms about the changes, but how about the high level raiding mages? we're not getting hit with the nerf bat, we're getting beaten to death by it. t-rods overpowered against the luclin high bosses? yeah, but instead of flagging zones so rods can't be used there like they do with call of the hero, they're destroying one of the main reasons mages are wanted on raids, and killing one of our best ways to consistently regain mana, both for ourselves and others. i'm a mage, and even i would take pretty much any other class over myself for a raid if this change goes live as it is.
RE: what about us mages?
# Oct 09 2002 at 7:58 PM Rating: Decent
I have to agree with this poster somewhat. Mages will come out of this with what is probably the worst part of the deal.

VI's stance is that Mages should have been, and by their take will now become, a damage dealing class rather than a mana battery class in the higher level game. Great theory. However, with pet pathing still unreliable at best (meaning many raids are not "Pet Friendly"...removing MoB agro on pets helped, but it's still a problem), and MoB resists given a huge boost recently (last weekend in sky, one of our level 60 mages was lucky to land something on the Spiroc Lord ONCE in a fight), there's little chance of this coming to be.

I see VI's reasons for making this change to the Mod Rod-2, and I have to agree with their reasoning, but I can only hope that they realize that for mages to become what VI envisions them to be, some other changes are going to be needed as well.
Wizards given the shaft
# Oct 09 2002 at 5:56 PM Rating: Default
10 posts
If Wizards are getting their balls cut off, then the Assassinate ability needs to go away.
RE: Wizards given the shaft
# Oct 09 2002 at 7:29 PM Rating: Excellent
If Assassinate was used to hold Uber MoBs drops ransom, I'm sure it would be taken away too.

Oh wait, maybe it's because you have to be in Melee range to Assassinate, and you don't for Manaburn?
RE: Wizards given the shaft
# Oct 09 2002 at 7:51 PM Rating: Decent
Doesn't Assassinate have a relatively long recycle time as well? Hmmm...kinda like Manaburn will have next week...
RE: Wizards given the shaft
# Oct 09 2002 at 9:20 PM Rating: Default
uh, what are the lvl restrictions on assassinate? i don't hear much about a single rouge ever one shot offing the big boys in VT or Ssra.

heh this was supposed to be in response to tubagaury, my bad on that but seriously i think i remeber reading that assassinate had a lvl restriction of 45 or something.

Edited, Wed Oct 9 22:06:18 2002
RE: Wizards given the shaft
# Oct 09 2002 at 11:12 PM Rating: Decent
I believe you're right about the level restriction, but I think it's closer to 55.
RE: Wizards given the shaft
# Oct 10 2002 at 12:56 AM Rating: Default
Assasinate is restricted to insta kills of level 48 mobs or lower and >if< the mob is sucessfully assasinated, no body is left when the assainate essentialy does 32000 points of damage to the mob.
No body?
# Oct 10 2002 at 3:02 AM Rating: Excellent
Well, if it leaves no body, then it's useless for camping quest items, isn't it? Nope, no comparison between Assasinate and Manaburn.

What about Lifeburn from the Necros? Isn't the damage form tha tlimited to the number of hit points the Necro gives up in the process? That would make it what, about a tenth as powerful as Manaburn, plus the Necro can't cast it a second time until he heals...
Only Problem
# Oct 09 2002 at 5:07 PM Rating: Good
The only problem with these nerfs are the time they took to implement them. Had mana burn been nerfed early on when they first had an inkling of what it could do, well some people would be dissappointed and peeved, but hardly the heart ripping out effect that it has at this point. Not that it is going to stop people from playing though.

As far as the cleric nerf, is that even a nerf? Why complain about something that isn't EVER going to effect most of the clerics in the game. It's nothing, ignore it.

Monks, ouch, but not unexpected. With the gear that monks have been getting since velious, what the hell did you expect?

Mages. This is the only one I sort of disagree with. I can see how they didn't want mages to be mana batteries, but if they are going to nerf this because of that, simply make the rods no drop. Then it is still a great spell, the mage can keep up with their own mana, others will be a bit pissed but the mages won't be heartbroken.

And while everyone is griping here is my toungue in cheek rant:

DAMN VERANT FOR NERFING MY DIRE CHARM! Ill kill every last mother loving one of them! I cant charm dragons any more?!?! Not fair! I demand the dire charm cap goes up to 65! Actually the only thing I regret was that it got nerfed before I got to play with it seriously ;)

The thing is the nerfs arent going to kill anyone, we have to live with it. Verant makes mistakes, and they have to fix them. I would rather they fix them by nerfing a few people a bit (or a lot, poor poor wizzies :( ) then let the game go tits up for every other player in the game...
RE: Only Problem
# Oct 10 2002 at 10:08 AM Rating: Decent
Ok alot of you say that the change was needed for the monks. i say Bull^%^&. I play a lvl 51 iksar monk and do not even have a thrid of hp's a warrior has. Plus if you look at monk equipment that is not NO DROP, you will see maybe ac24 beening the highest ac on a tunic/robe for monks, and what for warriors it is like ac45+. If they do this change they need to give monks some more hp's because we can not tank as well as most people think. I may have been MT in Lguk but when i go to chardok and mobs are hitting me for 100+ i do not have the HP's to take the damage so i have to back off a bit and try not to take agro. And know they are nerfing us because the few people that have the awsome highend gear that VERANT made that you need a high in guild to get i just have one thing to say......THANK YOU VERANT FOR RUINING YET ANOTHER CLASS.
lvl 51 Disciple
lvl 16 Wizard
RE: Only Problem
# Oct 10 2002 at 6:47 PM Rating: Decent
I do play a monk and the original concept was that we were not supposed to be able to tank for a group for long...

The idea that at this time you don't worry about taking aggro, or expect to be able to tank at all in Chardok is very telling to me about the current balance of power in game.
RE: Only Problem
# Oct 10 2002 at 1:34 PM Rating: Decent
I didn't say it was needed, just that it was expected ;) As the game progresses loot changes how everything is played, as we go forward there is better loot, and more of it. One of the ways monks used to be "balanced" (as verant sees balancing) was to only give monks absolute crap gear. When monks started getting decent gear, well oops they aren't "balanced" any more. So out comes the nerf bat. So no I don't personally want verant to nerf monks, but I also don't really care. If I played a monk I might be foaming at the mouth too, but I don't. I just cant muster up enough sympathy for monks at the moment, guess its just overshadowed by the truly horrible thing that happened to Wizzies and Mages.
RE: Only Problem
# Oct 09 2002 at 9:58 PM Rating: Default
Grrr, problem with not being signed in-can't edit. I meant to say Monks who AREN'T in the uber level of things...
RE: Only Problem
# Oct 09 2002 at 9:57 PM Rating: Default
Change the stats on that gear, and the available classes that can use it, etc. That's gotta be easier & more likely to not **** off so many people as changing the entire class. those Monks who are uber-twinked & inthe mega-uber guilds of the servers are going to be hurt by this, potentially bad.

Usually posting under Aelwulf, at work...
RE: Only Problem
# Oct 09 2002 at 7:42 PM Rating: Decent
Smiley: smile dam stright cause i mean all this stuff and post on this is a monks item you know verant was somewhat lookin and then again all that **** the monks were doing were not fair and was putting us true tanks (aka warriors) out of so to say... business so im glad they fixed that but im pissed they took so long to do it...and manaburn got issues if it can do all that and im glad that got looked at.

Edited, Wed Oct 9 20:39:14 2002
# Oct 09 2002 at 4:52 PM Rating: Decent
Monks were never meant to be tanks or they would have a taunt button. All warriors and hybrids should be able to out tank a monk. Verant gave those classes a tuant button for a reason, which was to compensate for their low damage output. Monks were intended to be a lightly armored offensive class, trading high damage output for lower ac. In to many groups I have seen monks tank just a well as warrios and have the ability to feign death and mend, therefore making them overpowered. Didn't it strike someone as funny that monks are or were the only class that could solo at high levels by using the simple overpowering tactic of just staight up meleeing a mob? This nerf is well justified and needed.
RE: Changes
# Oct 09 2002 at 9:55 PM Rating: Default
My comments aren't directed to tanking, Monks aren't tanks. however anyone that has used their Monk to the max capability knows that there are ways that a Monk can help to save their group. With a drop in AC that's going to be affected, just a question of a little or a lot.

Usually posting under Aelwulf...
#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 09 2002 at 5:12 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post)
#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 09 2002 at 5:12 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I've already jokingly said that SOE must have been looking at my account (yes, I only have one) when they decided on which classes to f with.
The Changes Are Good
# Oct 09 2002 at 4:34 PM Rating: Decent
Look people... The people at Verant know what they are doing, you don't realize how good we have had it. It was unfortunatly never meant to be this way. Im glad they are nerfing everything they are because now alot of players with no skill and a high level character will actually have to work, instead of just clicking a rod, i'll admit i love ManaBurn, but yea i do feel sorry for Gore when she is raped by 5 angry wizzies. Its for the best......

Dragunz De'Holzen
42 Shadow Knight
RE: The Changes Are Good
# Oct 09 2002 at 5:54 PM Rating: Decent
10 posts
You wouldn't say that it was for the best if YOU were a Wizard with ManaBurn.
RE: The Changes Are Good
# Oct 09 2002 at 7:46 PM Rating: Decent
I have to disagree. There are already many wizards who are saying this WAS a good idea...including one on this thread. I for one would have no trouble with it if I did have a wizard. As it is, I hunt routinely with several wizards, and I have yet to hear one of them say that the MB nerf was a bad thing, either in game (last night) or on my guild board, and I'm not troubled in the slightest by the fact that my groupmates MAY now be slightly less powerful.
You're forgetting about pets
# Oct 09 2002 at 4:21 PM Rating: Default
Many charmed pets have 10K+ hps so this is a nerf for those people that use charmed pets for tanking.
RE: You're forgetting about pets
# Oct 09 2002 at 4:28 PM Rating: Excellent
But can a player around lvl 39 charm a MoB with 10K HPs?

Again, I am sure VI is going to add better Cleric CH spells for the approriate level.
monk changes...
# Oct 09 2002 at 4:09 PM Rating: Decent
I have to say... I think the monk changes are great. I notice that all monks are upset about them but... here is where the true problem lies.
You are not a tank and were never meant to be.
They said in the details that they werent lowering the ac or anything... just making it so that monk ac doesnt count as much. Meaning, you still have a higher chance of avoiding hits altogether, as was the intention for monks. Just that, when you get hit, you wont be able to absorb the damage as well as a warrior. It's that simple...
I really dont think its all that much of a nerf... I think it makes perfect sense. If they hadn't done this, then they would have had to up the damage and power of all tanks and such. And then, everthing else has to be raised to follow suit... yada yada yada. This is a much simpler solution and should be viewed as the best course of action.
Now, all they have to do is get warrior taunts and such to work better so that the monk isnt constantly pulling agro away. What good is a damage dealing class if they cant deal damage without getting killed? :(
RE: monk changes...
# Oct 09 2002 at 7:10 PM Rating: Good
I think it's real real stupid that they do it. Of course we aren't a tank, I can take about as much damage as a sheet of paper before tearing, but really, with the way a monk gains aggro? At least give me a chance to last a few seconds for a warrior or two to get off a taunt. Fix taunts, then when your sure that they're gonna work if a monk is gonna get a trouble, lower a monk's defense. I don't wanna die because I gain aggro due to the way a monk was meant to operate and then I don't have the damn defense to stay alive. And Wizards? OUCH.
There goes my incentive to level my Wizard past 5, I feel for ya'll :(
RE: monk changes...
# Oct 09 2002 at 10:07 PM Rating: Default
Since you play a monk I'm sure you know this already... or am I giving you too much credit? If you pull aggro off a warrior(with his broken taunt) you push that little button on your screen that says Feign Death... you were given a tool to manage aggro.. use it for god sakes. Aggro managment is EVERYONES job... not just the tanks.
RE: monk changes...
# Oct 10 2002 at 2:23 AM Rating: Decent
Doesn't sound like you've spent anytime in ToV getting hit by the constant AoE's. I hope I'm not giving you too much credit, but once a spell hits an FD'd monk, NPC's know he's faking. Then you hear, "You will not evade me <insert name here>!". FD is not a cure for aggro at the high end, where Verant claims these changes were targeted.
RE: monk changes...
# Oct 10 2002 at 1:03 AM Rating: Excellent
Everyone likes to throw that FD out there, but when has it becoming 100% successful? Similar to the rogues evade doesn't always work. And for that matter, everyone knows that monks get FD, why is it that in everyone's arguement, one of the only points they can seem to try to get across is just that...
RE: monk changes...
# Oct 10 2002 at 5:25 AM Rating: Default
Isn't the point then that you as a monk should seek to control your aggro so as not to be placed in that position? Surely a skillful player can adapt? I'm a warrior, even when taunt worked for me the monk could with a carefree attitude take taunt away from me (given that they're able to deal out massive damage in comparison to my own) after this nerf yes if you gain aggro you will be punished more but IMHO that just means you have to work slightly harder to avoid aggro - like any good ranger or rogue does... it's the trade off for possibly contributing massive damage.

As to soloing - I'm sorry you can't solo to level 55+ efficiently anymore. Given, however, that I haven't been able to solo AT ALL since around level 20- 30 or so (without expensive, specialised equipment) I'm afraid my sympathy is somewhat lacking


Valeris Silverglade - Warlord - Anam Kara (Emarr)
Nothing quite like...
# Oct 09 2002 at 3:41 PM Rating: Default
Seeing imbalance and fixing it in a timely manner. At least I haven't dumped 12 AApts into Mental Clarity on my way to manaburn.

I am not so upset about the things they are doing as much as I am tweaked about WHEN they are doing it. Yeah, Big patch before PoP.

So how much are they going to "fix" and how much are they going to brake?

You can count on patches every day or every other day until say mid November. At least I have RL stuff to take care of in the mean time.
RE: Nothing quite like...
# Oct 09 2002 at 4:24 PM Rating: Excellent
From what I read, I agree with the changes, except I don't quite understand why they even bothered calling it "Complete Heal" if it had ANY cap.

Seems to me that "balance" depends on your point of view. Dragon nuking teams of Manaburners probably think this is terribly unfair, as do Monks. Clerics will most likely get a 10k heal at lvl 60+ instead of 39, when it fits into context (that is, when there's likely to be someone of a similar level with that many HPs).

I AM excited about the apparent upcoming nerfs on the MoBs as well, since VI decided that 45mins to hack at a MoB wasn't their idea of "fun". All in all, it looks like Warriors are going to be a bit more valued due to all the changes mentioned here. (No doubt Warriors think this is WONDERFULLY fair).

This may not be popular to say, but I'm going to say it anyway: Even when going through a dungeon, there's a fine line between bored and dead. If you can find the challenge level in between those two, then you are going to have a good time, work as a team, and profit in experience and loot. This is a complex task, finding the right spot, knowing what and how to pull, etc.

Now, multiply that complexity by a factor of a few thousand. VI's job is to try and keep the game in general balanced between boring and frustrating, not just for one kind of player but for all the different classes, levels, races, etc.
Yes, they knew multiple wizards could take down a dragon fast by manaburning, but perhaps they underestimated how often groups of selfish wizards would form the equivalent of motorcycle gangs, holding high powered loot hostage.

If you think about how the game has changed since the days when the max level was 50 and the "end game" was to kill Naggy and Vox, you might imagine that in a game as complex as EQ, that the balance of power between the classes has changed a lot. VI has a very tough job, the game has a HUGE potentional to get unbalanced and all in all VI is doing a great job. So please don't whine if your stragey has to change somewhat.

Now, as for Fungi Tunics and such...I don't know how many times in my high 20's and low 30's I got killed because we had some hot shot Warrior (OR Monk) who confused regeneration with immortality, ignored generally accepted procedure, and got the whole party wiped out by overpulling. Finally, I decided I was NOT going to group with anyone that twinked because they lacked the right skills to play at that level. I don't know if these were players who were used to playing lvl 50+, or if they were eBayers (Smiley: banghead), but I would NOT group with them. I currently am in a small, close knit guild and am outfitting my alternates as possible. I feel a bit guilty about this, but I am trying to keep it at least resonable.

And all in all, it's a game. Yes, we pour MANY hours of our lives into it, but the only part of it that's real is how we treat each other, work together, and find new (and hopefully FUN) ways to solve challenges.

It's easy to get testy when you've logged 40 hours on EQ over the weekend, but let's try not to take ourselves too seriously.

Smiley: twocents

Edited, Wed Oct 9 17:08:48 2002
RE: Nothing quite like...
# Oct 09 2002 at 8:01 PM Rating: Decent
All in all, it looks like Warriors are going to be a bit more valued due to all the changes mentioned here. (No doubt Warriors think this is WONDERFULLY fair). <<..Yeah im a warrior and i think it's very dam good and yes how you say fair WONDERFULLY fair cause if you ever walked in a warriors shoes and know all the bs that happens in eq with the monks and etc then maybe youll see why it's so fair Smiley: grin
Happy Warrior
# Oct 10 2002 at 1:26 PM Rating: Excellent
Oh yes, my Warrior is doing the Bar Crawl in Halas over this as we speak! Smiley: boozing

#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 09 2002 at 4:55 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post)
RE: Nothing quite like...
# Oct 09 2002 at 4:54 PM Rating: Default
>they knew multiple wizards could take down a >dragon fast by manaburning, but perhaps they >underestimated how often groups of selfish >wizards would form the equivalent of motorcycle >gangs, holding high powered loot hostage.

Don't you think a simpler solution would be to move or eliminate the loot tables so that epic mobs only dropped epic parts? I've had a few run-ins with other classes farming mobs I need for my final monk epic piece, so labeling a single class and punishing them for it is delusional at best
RE: Nothing quite like...
# Oct 09 2002 at 7:10 PM Rating: Excellent
It's not delusional if there's ONE class with a new power that is using that power to farm MoBs.

Too many restrictions on what MoBs drop epic items and such would just bog down the game. No one is ENTITLED to a specific drop, epic or no. Any group can camp the MoB you need, VI is just making sure that there's not a single CLASS (Wizards) that have a huge advantage over everyone else in doing it.
RE: Nothing quite like...
# Oct 09 2002 at 6:10 PM Rating: Good
Changing the loot tables would have done very little in a positive manner.

Example: Severilious drops only green scale. MB teams still take him down but because of the lack of other loot price of green dragon scale goes UP

Example: Green Dragon Scale becomes no-drop. MB teams still take him down but now charge for loot rights or the scale rots
RE: Nothing quite like...
# Oct 09 2002 at 7:14 PM Rating: Excellent
Exactly. Never underestimate the ingenuity of people to find a way to exploit the game to their best advantage.

All VI is doing is taking away a team of Wizard's LARGE advantage in taking down big MoBs. Now a team of six wizards not longer has an advantage over a team of mixed classes working cooperatively. It's not about what's fair in terms of who gets the loot, it's about different classes having roughly equal opportunites to compete for that loot.
the change is good
# Oct 09 2002 at 3:33 PM Rating: Decent
45 posts
I see one very positive aspect about this change, it should affect mobs as well, meaning Lady Vox will only heal 7500 instead of 10000 when she gets her heal off, should make those type of encounters with mobs that CH and have hp over 10 to 15k alot easier, and I have yet to see any char that has above 5k hp after being fully buffed I really dont see them gaining 2500hp in 5 levels, the manaburn change, thank god it was changed, the monk change yes it was needed but should have been changed when kunark or velious was released when the problem was first apparent(there has got to be something wrong when someone in leather out tanks someone in chain and comes close to those in plate).
RE: the change is good
# Oct 09 2002 at 9:37 PM Rating: Default
Add Corrupt and Tainted Seahorse to that list man that is a PAIN!!!!
# Oct 09 2002 at 3:21 PM Rating: Default
Clerics should be alright. I don't see many Warriors around that have over 7500 hp... PoP will probably just introduce some more powerful healing spells anyways so what's the deal? Clerics are still an essential piece of every group.

My beef is the monk defense nerf. (My main is a monk).

So monks get a AC boost originally because they were limited to the types of items they could use. But now becuase of the All/All items that's not an issue? Sorry what? I like to look at the stats on all the all/all items i have... most weight a considerable amount... And most all/all require a significantly high level to attain (45+). So with the weight comes of course the loss of AC because we have that weight restriction. You know the one where we can't carry over 14, 15, 16, 17 (depending what level it is) weight at any time or face a DRAMATIC loss in AC. (i'm talking about 5 to 10 ac for every 1 point of weight over your limit you carry). Essentially that means... we STILL are limited to what armor we can wear!

So now when monks want to solo, they not only have to worry about looting (being selective) but they'll be spending most of their time sitting on their butts, waiting for mend, using bandaging, and regenning. Wait... don't we already do that? Ah ok we'll just do it moreso (thus making mend worthless). My monk has ONE all/all item, and it isn't even that good. But it sure as hell is heavy. Because of it i can carrymy 2 main weapons and 1 rallic pack for a little weight reduction on the bandages food and water.

But i'm sure the nerf will fix all those monks that are 60+ and have all the rockin items. So yeah i can see why verant would penalize every other monk UNDER 51 or so. MAkes total sense to me... /cancel account.

Firiona Vie

RE: Monks
# Oct 10 2002 at 1:30 AM Rating: Decent
I think we all understand that the game design intentionally promotes grouping as you go higher in level. You don't state your level - but, by implication it seems you are above level 45

The very fact that you can talk about "so now when monks want to solo" highlights the imbalance many of the rest of us can solo at that level? A few classes, maybe. A majority? Certainly not.

Aedhmor Darkmere
52 Ranger
Shadowsbane Guild
RE: Monks
# Oct 10 2002 at 1:12 PM Rating: Default
I play a warrior and I can at times solo a blue (old world mob, luclin greens can kill me in pairs #%$^ shrooms) My warrior is now Lvl 51 with unbuffed 2500hp, my gear is ok and the best Ive ever seen as far as buffs go is 3900hp. So a CH nerf dosent scare me, It would if they removed the spell completely and made it a Lvl 50+ spell. (my wife plays a cleric and she just hit 40). So as monks may have to sit after soloing. I have no pity. have you ever had to sit for upwards of a half hour+ as you regen naturally back to full? Your 1500 hp and your mend ability and if you FD youcan walk away and do something. Warriors cant we have no spells and no way to hide to avoid unwanted aggro. Your changes are long over due, it forces you to be social which is what the game should be anyway. \

Wizards loss of manaburn is VERY acceptable, the ones that are going to have a huge problem are the ones thatt are trying to profit by ******** the other classes. Well what did you expect? How many reports do you think Verant is going to read before they realize there is a problem? If I was the Cleric first thing I would do is add you to my "DO NOT REZ LIST" or add you to a better list "WONT REZ FOR LESS THAN 4K LIST" and I would then make sure I told every single cleric about you.

Mages its time for you to use your class the way it was ment to be as a OFFENCIVE class. Your still very useful to parties since you have the ability to summon items and your pets can add to damage or act as your protector is you nuke and draw aggro.

Mod rods...
# Oct 09 2002 at 3:17 PM Rating: Default
As a non-xteaming darkie from Vallon Zek I am a bit worried about these changes. Since there are no bards on the darkie-team, we have to use mod-rods to supply our clerics with mana. Honestly, I doubt Verant will bump down all the high-end mobs immediately when the nerfs go live. I guess we get shafted again...

Only because the top-guilds on the blue servers get too powerful because the Vex Thal-loot is over-powered, the "normal" players and PvP-players shouldn't be punished.

I didn't really understand the part with monk-AC... Will monks get less "real AC" per AC-point displayed or will they lower the soft-cap? Lowering soft-cap is ok, but giving them "less AC per AC" is a bad sollution. The low- and middle-leveled monks will suffer from this. Actually the high-level ones that aren't in a "top-bluebie"-guild will suffer too. The AC displayed in your character window should be directly comparable between classes as long as you are below the soft-cap.
RE: Mod rods...
# Oct 09 2002 at 4:12 PM Rating: Excellent
Unfortunately, as stated the AC is already different between classes. Such as 1000AC on a wizard is not as protective as 1000AC on a warrior.

It looks like they may reduce some obscure EQ math module numbers and poof: You just get less protection but the AC is the same.

Playing a monk I can see both sides of this. I remember when we really couldn't take much of a hit and we survived. So I will be fine unless they over do the tinkering as they are want to do...
# Oct 09 2002 at 3:12 PM Rating: Good
This entire nerf is a sad waist of time...ive got a 50+ of every toon there nerfing ...the wizzy nerf is the only one that holds any logic.AND even then geez why did they wait til now
MONK nerf..SO stupid whats the monks that DONT HAVE all this uber all/all gear gonna do there gonna get SOO punded now. my monk has a fungi and epic ..never have a tanked for our guild or would have i even seen it possible..sure ocasionaly i can tank for a a small group if we choose our mobs carefully and have a slower..but thats about it.
Cleric nerf...STUPID ..they probly only done this so they could add a 10k+ heal in guessing there running out of new ways to heal people and looking for new spell idea lol..I mean does it matter at 39 i could only heal 7500?! i doubt it even matters to most lvl 60s at the moment.
Mage nerf ..ehh possible of some value but havent necros been screaming "no fare in the end game all i do is dish my mana to others" for like a year now? ...whats the problem with mages shareing the load some.. there doing a little overkill on this nerf i think..some restraint is probly needed but sounds like there overdoing it...
AND as always veriant will totaly ***** this all up for sure hey will over nerf all this things the first time around..they always do
The fine print!
# Oct 09 2002 at 2:24 PM Rating: Excellent
Oh man Illia, I just about fell out of my chair. ROFL!

Every class has faced a nerfing. This happens to be a multiple and very public nerf. I agree with the reasoning behind all of them. Quite frankly, I'm tired of seeing guildmates and friends being held epic-hostage by roving bands of wizards who are more than happy to sell them looting rights for an epic piece...which just happens to be on a MoB that they've been camping for the SOLE PURPOSE of selling the looting rights to someone. There's not a group in the game that can compete with a couple of wizards simultaneously MBing.

The other class changes, well, bumping CH from 10k to 7.5k, big deal. Maybe we'll see PCs with 10k hitpoints with PoP. Okay, just means that you'll have to have a druid or shaman with one of their "follow up CHs" in the group. Adapt people. It's not the end, it just means that you might have to *gasp* THINK about your raid, rather than watch Baywatch reruns while clicking your complete heal key every 10 seconds.

Monks, I agree, this nerf is going to hurt. Make your class unplayable? I don't think so. Make your class group-free? Ha! Not if I'm around. I'd still take a monk in my group any day. Having played a low-defense, high offense chain class from jump I know what it's like to have to carefully avoid agro while still pumping out damage. Believe me, I understand. I think what we're going to see is monks being on par with chain classes as far as survivability goes. It CAN be done. You can even still pull! You'll have to change the way you do things a bit. Your group may have to adjust tactics. Again, it is doable. We've had to do it before. All that said, what really needs to be fixed for monks is FD. With FD working as I believe it should (fixing problems with clearing agro, etc), I don't see that monks are going to feel this nearly as much as folks seem to think.

Quite frankly, once we actually see this patch come and go, and we've played for a few days, I don't think we're going to see the huge "Class Murdering" changes in gameplay. I've been through too many class changing events similar to this one to believe that it's going to do even a fraction of the damage to any one class that many people seem to think is going to happen.

The big problem is that they put it off for so long. They admit this was poor judgement on their part (strategic withdrawal perhaps). It sucks for those who have spent months or years getting a character to where they are today, only to have their role change (heh, been there...Ranger, remember). However, given a little time, we'll adjust, and it'll be a better game.

My 2cp

Edited, Wed Oct 9 16:36:55 2002
RE: The fine print!
# Oct 09 2002 at 7:54 PM Rating: Decent
yeah Smiley: yikes that fine print was very funny i noticed it today myself when i came onto this site
The popular thought
# Oct 09 2002 at 12:34 PM Rating: Good
I find it amusing that everyone eventually complains about nerfing, instead of realizing that all evolving games come in and out of balance (example: Magic the Gathering). With the age of EQ growing, and the vast population of alternate characters, i think one can easily estimate that the most unbalanced characters. Granted there are many people that play this game just for fun, but i think a majority of it play with the two following goals:
1.) Get to level 60
2.) Acquire uber gear

Common sense would state that each person would choose the road with least resistance. Hence, Monk. They have FD (prevents an ungodly amount of downtime deaths), they can solo effectively (high damage output, low damage received...oh yeah, and MEND), and they are usually welcomed in groups (though don't need that with soloing powers).

People have seemed to forget about FD in this whole debate.
Monk AC Hit -- WRONG Decision
# Oct 09 2002 at 11:01 AM Rating: Decent
As a Level 36 Monk, I have been schooled by many higher Monks in regard to what I can accomplish as a Monk in the game, and what I cannot.

I VEHEMENTLY disagree with Verant's decision to lower Monk AC in the game. How many times have you seen a Monk tanking in the game? I don't tank, I leave the tanking to the Warriors -- they're the backbone of a group. My job is to help as much as possible, help the Warrior kill the mobs, and assist with crowd control to the best of my ability. I can see what this will also do to my ability to function within a group as well. I guess my ability to pull, take hits, and FD for the group is gone now, too. Any group my character has been in, his value was unique in that respect. Verant will now flush that ability down the toilet.

Clerics, please add to this post -- as a Cleric, are you willing to spend more of your time on healing a player, who cannot hold their own within the group? NO, of course not. Players, if you have a class player, who is in constant need of attention, cannot hold their own in the group, are you going to select that class for your group? NO, you won't.

I rely on my abilities as a class player, to hold my own in a group. If I don't have something that the group can use, if I am down because I am healing constantly, due to my lowered AC, how can I effectively function within a group? What is going to make me a valued member of the group, if I cannot make an effective contribution to the group effort?

This decision that Verant has made to lower our AC is not a move in the right direction. I personally feel that things should stay as they are, so that as a mid-level Monk, I have a fighting chance to not only continue to succeed, but also be considered a valued component in any group I go to. I want my character and class to be remembered as one that can hold its own in a scrap.

RE: Monk AC Hit -- WRONG Decision
# Oct 09 2002 at 5:39 PM Rating: Good
Why in the name of God are you complaining about lowering your ac if you never tank. At 36, you seem very uneducated for your class. I have a monk myself as do a few of my friends. AC will not matter if you do not tank because stuff will not hit you. Quit whining about losing abilities with your monk. You still have mend, which should be fine for healing unless you know absolutely nothing about agro management. You still have fd and you do enough damage that if the tank does back off you can snag agro, run a bit and feign fd, allowing your group to get away. My main is a ranger, and rangers have been nerfed repeatedly. I personally agree with all these "nerfs". They seem to be finally taking a great step into the class balancing they were talking about. If you want to whine so much about it, there is a very simple solution to your problems. Quit playing, delete your account, and quit making my chat window scroll by so quick, I miss what guildies are saying because I really don't want to hear it.
RE: Monk AC Hit -- WRONG Decision
# Oct 09 2002 at 8:06 PM Rating: Decent
Actually, I solo -- a lot. Yes, I have tanked for small groups when there was no warrior or other melee to take hits. As for your answer, if you were keeping up with the posts on Monkly Business, you would find that the issue is quite controversial. There are players who feel the way you do, and others who feel the way I do. Yes, I may be uneducated for a level 36 -- this is my first melee, I'm still learning. But then, I don't remember bragging, or even saying that I was a player with your obvious extensible wisdom. I'm sure that you, the rest of you who post, feel that you've amassed a great deal of knowledge about the game, and I'm not ashamed to learn from you. But, I'm entitled to my opinions, and I expected a tongue-lashing if I was wrong, but not getting flamed.

Yes, I still have FD, and I can hold my own with the best of my class, at my level. As for your comments, you already said your main is a Ranger, so I can see why your opinion is so one-sided. You claim you have a Monk, yet, you don't think I don't take my shots as a melee class? I don't have a bow and arrow, or magic to help me as a Monk, I have to rely on people like YOU to buff me up enough to last through the fight. But then, it's people like you who buff me up once, and that's it for the duration of my stay in the group. Therefore, I have to rely on what I have once your buffs have worn off. It's obvious to me, you haven't played your Monk very often, or else you would understand where I'm coming from. I've only been playing on EQ for a year or so, but I DO know how AC can affect how my character can stand against NPCs. I'm also wondering how lower AC will affect my ability to solo, or to function within a group as my experience level increases.

I don't agree with the "nerfs". A number of people had some great ideas that Verant could institute, that were much better (I thought). One of those ideas, was to increase Warrior AC, rather than decrease Monk AC. But then, another idea involved raising the dodge abilities of a Monk, so that we can avoid more hits, we can keep fighting.

As for quitting, since I am voicing my opinion, it's probably a safe bet that I'm not going to. However, since I'm a paying customer here oon this board, and on EQ. I have my opinion, and the right to voice it, just like you.
RE: Monk AC Hit -- WRONG Decision
# Oct 09 2002 at 4:52 PM Rating: Default
yeah, monks hold so well in a group that with a fungi and some decent(not uber) armor and weapons they can solo better than most classes, and by level 60 you have a class that outdamages everyone, PLUS can tank better than most hybrids and all non uber tanks.

hell, a monk without a fungi can outsolo a magician, and thats just not right.
RE: Monk AC Hit -- WRONG Decision
# Oct 09 2002 at 9:47 PM Rating: Default
Outdamages almost everyone...a Rogue of similar level outdamages a Monk when they can use Backstab. And at the 30+ levels if they're not in a group that lets them Backstab they might want ot think about changing groups unless it's a really small one. It's been stated by Verant that Monks are supposed to do the most Melee damage, and with all the variables to getting a successful spell off it wouldn't surprise me too much if Monks did more damage than Mages.

Sorry for the anonymous post, usually post under Aelwulf but I'm at work.
RE: Monk AC Hit -- WRONG Decision
# Oct 09 2002 at 4:58 PM Rating: Default
^^ this guy has been following around way too many uber guild monks, and it is glaringly apparent that he has never played one.
#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 09 2002 at 8:14 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) the game in question is called *******, or ********* or sphincter, cornhole, wazoo, ******, ********* hershey highway, bumhole, ****, rim, well u get the idea.
lol more nerfs comin
# Oct 09 2002 at 8:08 AM Rating: Decent
what is the point of lvlin, geting gear, or getting more powerful when that will just be changed anyway.

the first example was resist changes. with one fell swoop all the resist gear ppl worked hard to get is now worthless, u will have to spend massive amounts of time gettin new gear to resist stuff now, ie vt vp an other keys

next, vi is full of crap. they PROMISED, according to many, that manaburn would not be nerfed. now manaburn is a dot, not a nuke. and to say they did not forsee that 6 wizards would get together and blow things up, well that is a lie. of course they knew about it. this was the main sellin point of sol, they did this to sell more copies, fully knowing they could nerf it later

nerfing cleric heal? i dont fully understand this, but im sure its gointo have soem really insidious implications that will become apparent over time.

monks gettin nerfed ac becasue of too powerful items? well whose fault is that. paraphrasing: there is too much powerfull all all loot that has made monks too powerful. well to vi i say if you dont like it you can leave feeback for the development team by typing /feedback.
the monk situation seems even more stupid when vi could have easily avoided them bein overpowerd by not bein lazy and taggin loot all/all. you dont see warriors getting mosses, or other powerful 1hand weaps intended to make up for pathetically weak hybrids. this is just bad roleplay an game design on their part, why would a hybrid class have more powerful weapons that a true meelee could not even use? it should be the other way around

dont buy into that ppl make mistakes crap. what we see here is a pattern of overpowering characters and drop rates during the beginning of an expansion, to sell more copies, then nerfing it when sales have slowed down. this has repeated itself in every expansion done by verant

manaburn is a geat example of this. how many wizards rushed out and bought luclin just because of this ability, and it has been nerfed before more than half of them ever get to see it.

these are small things however, what really needs to be addresed is the widening gap between uber players an guilds an the rest.
what many uber players are doin is underwriting items on a large scale. fungi's are a good example, a player with lots of plat will buy up all of the cheap fungis available, and wait, this will drive the price up, and then all others have to pay these rich players even more plat for items they need. this only encourages the rich players to corner the market on other items. as it stands now eq is very similar to a giant game of *******.

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