Condolences to the Hurricane Victims

Just letting a little reality break into our fantasy worlds for a few minutes. We here at want to send out our best wishes and condolences to those of you affected by Hurricane Katrina. Given our global community, it is almost inevitable that some of those we see suffering so much on television were just last week happily slaying monsters next to us in our anonymous avatars. This somehow makes it even more personal. Our thoughts are with you all. Here's hoping you slay your personal dragons quickly so that you can get back online and enjoy slaying the virtual ones once again. For those not affected directly, I would urge you to consider donating what you can spare to the Red Cross to help out the victims of the disaster. Here's the link to donate.


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# Aug 30 2005 at 7:52 PM Rating: Decent
We got hit..but not too bad. No busted homes or anything, because it was weakened, though school was delayed and the roads were flooded and there were trees down everywhere.

My relatives in Florida got hit harder. Sadsad.
#REDACTED, Posted: Aug 30 2005 at 5:49 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) for sure we all feel with all the tradegy in south USA.., but for the love of god that u belive so much in.. Have u ever considered that there are ppl all over the world suffering far worse tragedys?? Its so damn smallminded. U write that u feel with them but I am sure u walk past some outcasts lying on the streets begging u everyday for money... Like u really care for the suffering. u just trying to improve ur image of urself for urself with other people acting as catalysts...
RE: The world is bigger than u think...
# Sep 02 2005 at 11:17 AM Rating: Decent
Wow, where to start. First off, have you seen the news footage? New Orleans is an enourmous city. A metropolous if you will. And they're saying it may be uninhabitable for years to come. And that's just one of the cities affected. When the tsunami hit, the aid and donations sent by the people of the United States of America were surpassed by no other country in the world. The outpouring of support to Great Britain when terrorists attacked them by simple everyday Americans, many of whom were affected by the largest terror attack in the history of the world, was incredible. What, exactly, have you gone through Svart? Do you understand that New Orleans is one of the poorest cities in America? Do you somehow think that, because America is a wealthy country, all of us are rich? Look at those people. Maybe some of them are millionaires, though I highly doubt it, but even if they were, what good is it doing them? No one there has anything anymore. None of them will see their homes, perhaps for years to come. Many of them will never go back to the city they grew up in. When other countries are affected by disasters, they seem to take for granted that the U.S. will send ships full of food, send choppers to help rescue efforts, send money to rebuild. It's what we do. When we are affected by these things, we tend to take care of it ourselves. there will be no rush of aid from other countries to us like there was from us to the Tsunami victims, no influx of money from other countries. And somehow, even though you know Damn well that no one will be doing our cleanup and recovery for us, you get upset that we are focused on a tragedy in our own country, rather than something happening in Africa, or europe? How much would you like to bet that we have people in virtually every country that's had any sort of disaster helping those people out, probably people from New Orleans or Mobile themselves, giving aid to complete strangers, when their own friends and family my be dead in thier own home, and all the while they are helping these complete strangers, they hear that people like you, who will not send aid to America, who instead **** and moan the we're to focused on a disaster in our OWN FRIGGAN COUNTRY, think that hey, maybe we should just say ***** you to the rest of the world, because they wouldn't lift a finger to help us, but you know what? None of those people will do that. They will continue helping ungrateful people like you. If, heaven forbid, some disaster should hit your home, be prepared to say hello to an american citizen, cause I bet good hard earned money there will be Americans there helping you. And after you've told them thank you, and cried on that rescuer's shoulder, maybe you should apologize to him or her for saying such awful things about the people of his country.
RE: The world is bigger than u think...
# Aug 31 2005 at 8:16 AM Rating: Excellent
alla did the same thing for the tsunami victims, dont be such a ******
RE: The world is bigger than u think...
# Aug 31 2005 at 12:43 AM Rating: Excellent
Not surprised it's a scandinavian writing the post. That there's other having it "worse" doesn't change the fact that many WoW players lost family/relatives/friends due to this disaster and your "there's ppl having it worse, this is nothing" attitude could have waited for your 'we hate america' meeting.
I would like to see you saying "na, don't donate money to organisations helping victims of a hurricane that killed my entiry family. ppl are having it worse in africa, give to them"
It's always a wake up call when it happens close to you, people don't ignore what's happening in africa etc. but the fact that we're getting the reports daily has sadly made most of us numb. Until something like this happens.
RE: The world is bigger than u think...
# Aug 31 2005 at 5:57 AM Rating: Excellent
108 posts
I agree with everything you say GotMe, except that you seem to think that Svartpeter is expressing some kind of Scandinavian opinion. He's not.

If only one single life had been lost, it would still would have been a tragedy, and those involved would still deserve all help you and I and everyone else can give them.

But don't argue to ppl that don't get this, you can't make them change their minds.

Much better do what we can for those in need. Support them in what way you can. Donate money, blood, a place to sleep, a shoulder to cry on.

I wish Scandinavia wasn't so far away so I could do much more.
#REDACTED, Posted: Aug 31 2005 at 7:30 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) OMG..Sellout!!!! ;D
RE: The world is bigger than u think...
# Aug 31 2005 at 12:16 AM Rating: Good
What have you done personally (sp) for that transient on the street corner Svartpeter? The donation goes to the American Red Cross, NOT the United States Government. As for being the richest nation in the world, i think you got the US mixed up with one of them oil producing sand traps in the middle east.

I hope for a speedy recovery for all of you that were affected. stay safe.
RE: The world is bigger than u think...
# Aug 30 2005 at 9:38 PM Rating: Excellent
792 posts
The point is understood, but the timing of this statement could have been a touch more tasteful. Allakhazam being a website most frequented by NA players, it's only natural to think they'd take notice of something -major- that happened in the US.

I understand that helping others every day has a place, but that statement need not be said right now.

Thank you for your time and understanding.
#REDACTED, Posted: Aug 30 2005 at 6:37 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) you speak like someone who knows suffering and pain. all I have to say is: word.
Thoughts and wishes for your safety
# Aug 30 2005 at 3:44 PM Rating: Good
1,888 posts
The thoughts of the Fenrir server are with all those invoved in the hurricane.

#REDACTED, Posted: Aug 31 2005 at 11:28 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) How can you possibly speak for your entire server?
Thank You
# Aug 30 2005 at 2:57 PM Rating: Excellent
93 posts
I want to thank you for posting this. I have family in New Orleans going through all of this right now. Thank you very much.

Also as RyderHertz said, please take the time to donate, whether it be blood or of monetary value.
# Aug 30 2005 at 2:10 PM Rating: Excellent
1,093 posts
You may also want to contact your local blood bank as I am sure their supply may be low due to damage. I just gave earlier today since they were doing a blood drive for the affected areas.

There may also be local drop-offs for food that are collecting items to be trucked to those areas.
Links for MS Gulf Coast Info
# Aug 30 2005 at 2:00 PM Rating: Excellent
292 posts
This is a cross-post from the thread on this in the Bismarck server forum:

There are a few good blogs out there that are updating with reports on property damage and info around the MS Gulf Coast as much as possible - and are good.

Also, the Sun Herald out of Biloxi has a lot of good up to date info - WLOX TV Station also is good -
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