All Worlds Scheduled Maintenance (Aug. 1)

At the following time, we will be performing FINAL FANTASY XI server maintenance on all worlds. During this period, FINAL FANTASY XI will be unavailable. *The client software will also be updated at this time. Once this maintenance is completed, the client update will start automatically after logging back into FINAL FANTASY XI. Please follow the instructions that appear on your screen. Thank you for your patience. [Affected Period] Aug. 1, 2005 from 10:00 to 13:00 (PDT) *Maintenance completion time may be subject to change. [Affected Services] FINAL FANTASY XI [Important Update Details] Resolution of several issues.


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aw man
# Jul 31 2005 at 11:41 PM Rating: Decent
damn, i was coming back today on the first, but i guess ill hafta wait until the freakin maintanence is over! >.< dammit
this update better be worth it!!
# Jul 31 2005 at 4:48 PM Rating: Default
# Jul 31 2005 at 4:48 PM Rating: Default

Edited, Sun Jul 31 17:48:52 2005
They should do this.
# Jul 31 2005 at 3:45 PM Rating: Decent
53 posts
You know, they should just cut the maintenance into 3 1-hour blocks, one during each peak time. That way, everyone is pissed off equally.


Stop whining, it's only for 3 hours.
RE: They should do this.
# Jul 31 2005 at 3:55 PM Rating: Decent
40 posts
That's 3 hours till the server gets up, 36 hours till you get the patch and another 12 hours before you can actually log on reliably.
RE: They should do this.
# Aug 01 2005 at 1:47 AM Rating: Decent
75 posts
That's about right, assuming a massive DDoS attack is launched on the networks again. Otherwise, SE's update servers work fine.
RE: They should do this.
# Aug 01 2005 at 12:31 PM Rating: Decent
I'm not that good with these computer skills, but what exactly does DDoS stand for? (>'.')>
RE: They should do this.
# Aug 01 2005 at 1:03 PM Rating: Decent
Normally, it stands for Distributed Denial-Of-Service attack, which is a malicious attack by hundreds of computers connecting to one destination.

In the case of our beloved FFXI, when everyone in the world who wants to download the patch as soon as the maintainence is over, DDOS stands for

Squeenix Letter and Response
# Jul 31 2005 at 3:38 PM Rating: Excellent
817 posts
Dear Squeenix,

I have been a loyal paying customer for a little over a year now. Never have I sent you last minute notices saying that my credit card is undergoing maintenance and you will need to wait until your next charging period to bill me. With this in mind I would like to make the following complaints:

1.) When your updates are during NA primetime hours, I cannot play. This upsets me very much and causes me to do various google searches for goat ****.

2.) When your updates are during Euro primetime hours, I cannot play with my European friends. This upsets me vary much as well and causes me to look for either French or Dutch goat ****. These are shocklingly similar in various aspects.

3.) If you ever do your updates during JP primetime hours I will also complain because I cannot play with my Asian friends. I do sorely miss both those JP players that party with me as well as those whose only english phrase is "JP Only."

I believe these are all valid complaints and should be addressed immediately. I do not actually understand why your maintenance periods need to interrupt our gameplay at all. Santa Claus has found a way to enter my home and drop off presents every year, without fail, all while not disturbing my sleep in any way. The Tooth Fairy has also devised a similar method to leave money under my pillow without waking me at all. It is truly remarkable. The Easter Bunny functions this way as well.

If you could please do me the favor of collaborating with the above mentioned people, it would be greatly appreciated by all of your customers. I'm sure through your combined efforts, you will be able to devise a plan to only perform updates when we are sleeping, even if our game consoles/computers are off at the time.

Your loyal customer,

------ Response ------------

Dear Gotti,

Where do I find this goat **** you speak of? Every time I bring up www.goatpornforme.goat it says the server is down for required maintenance. Please advise.


Conclusion: HAHA.. Justice is mine!!
RE: Squeenix Letter and Response
# Aug 01 2005 at 12:03 PM Rating: Decent
hah best post ever

now if they can only find a way to freeze time, but that might take a 24 day maintenance just to allow timestop and timetravel...
RE: Squeenix Letter and Response
# Aug 01 2005 at 11:47 AM Rating: Decent
RE: Squeenix Letter and Response
# Jul 31 2005 at 11:06 PM Rating: Decent
LMFAO.....haha i started to read this and figured it would be another "OMG i pay money to have no life wtf maint-gay" type of posts until i saw the part about the goat **** XD
RE: Squeenix Letter and Response
# Jul 31 2005 at 8:46 PM Rating: Good
826 posts
I hear the rate downs....
# Jul 31 2005 at 2:33 PM Rating: Good
90 posts
I have a feeling I will get flamed for saying this but why is it when there is maintenance people complain left and right or up and down? I believe that SE is trying to fix bug issues or make the game run as it should. It is three hours, go watch or movie or better yet take your dog out for a walk or something.

Before I used to hear, "Oh this update screws NA players, or JP players" Now I hear about EU players. Relax people, it's's ok.

We are paying customers and I would much rather be able NOT to play for three hours on a scheduled maintenence than to have an emergency maintenece that could last for ?????? SE is ********'s's ok

RE: I hear the rate downs....
# Aug 01 2005 at 1:44 AM Rating: Decent
75 posts
Amen to that.

But alas, this is Allakhazam. The average poster has an IQ equivalent to their subjob level, so every maintenance is a conspiracy about SE's favoritism towards X region, or SE is accused of being incompetent for not fixing current problems in the last patch, generally problems which have arisen because of said patch and escaped testing. Nobody is perfect. Nobody can see the future of Vana'diel(Except the Star Sybil, and I don't think she works for SE). If you can anticipate every problem that pops up as a result of a patch, go apply for a job as a programmer. I'm sure they would love to have you aboard. This is one of the smoothest patches SE has ever implemented, disregarding the DDoS attack, as that was an outside influence. If you feel that three hours without FFXI is time wasted, you should seriously re-examine your life anyway.
#REDACTED, Posted: Jul 31 2005 at 11:26 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Everyone just take a deep breath. Now let it out. There, now doesent that feel better. Ok, you're all in luck. This is for POL Registration server. It will not interrupt your gameplay (as long as you have paid your bills). So hey, go out there and make me proud!
RE: Please read the fine print.
# Jul 31 2005 at 1:12 PM Rating: Decent
31 posts
actually it sais right in the heading, FFXI will be unavailable, all worlds scheduled maintenance.
Not just the POL
# Jul 31 2005 at 11:19 AM Rating: Decent
70 posts
you'd think they'd fix all this with that big 16 hour maintenance or that other 3 hour maintenance, and hopefully they make the time for the signal pearl lower
RE: man
# Jul 31 2005 at 12:01 PM Rating: Decent
they do this to fix the bugs that came up from that 16hr maintenence. when you do maintenence there is gonna be issues with it and they need follow up maintenence to fix those problems.
# Jul 31 2005 at 9:24 AM Rating: Decent
before EU the NA players got screwed every time and for some reason it never affects JP time which is jus complete BS
i agree
# Jul 31 2005 at 8:48 AM Rating: Decent
yes share out the maintnance time. As to only a short time thats not true. Anytime they say 2 hours it usually means UK dont get online for the rest of the night.
Rotate maintenance times please.
# Jul 31 2005 at 8:19 AM Rating: Decent
248 posts
Dear S-E:

while it may have originally seemed like a good idea to schedule maintenance always at 10 am pacific time, thereby avoiding both the Japanese and the NA prime time, please recognize that 10-13 pacific is right in the middle of the EU prime time, namely from 7 to 10 pm. For European players like myself who work a regular 9-5 job and whose FFXI window is 6-11 pm, this basically means no playing at all that night.

Now, I do have a life. There are other things I can do that evening. But that's besides the point- I'm a paying customer, and as such, it should be my decision when I play. Right now, I'm paying the same as everyone else, but I'm not receiving the same quality of service.

The current practice of scheduling maintenance during the Japanese night leads some players to assume that you are playing favourites with your Japanese customers, and that you consider NA and EU players to be second-class. I'm sure that's not your intent, but you might do more to avoid even the appearance of favoritism.

My suggestion for you would be to rotate maintenance times so that all three of your main customer groups are affected equally.

Edited, Sun Jul 31 09:28:59 2005
RE: Rotate maintenance times please.
# Jul 31 2005 at 3:26 PM Rating: Decent
RE: Rotate maintenance times please.
# Aug 01 2005 at 12:14 PM Rating: Decent
If you really want someone at Square-Enix to read what you send them, you might want to check this link out: Contacting Square-Enix Directly

Sadly, it seems that SE outsources their customer service, and this sub-contractor tends to push inconvenient things aside indefinitely. However, one guy managed to figure out how to send a message to someone at SE directly; the above link explains how.

Edited, Mon Aug 1 13:21:56 2005
# Jul 31 2005 at 7:30 AM Rating: Decent
Dont know why most of you are complaining it is only really the EU's who get messed about with maintance its only 3 hours you all still got your prime time yet for us EU's we miss 3 hours. Now stop complaining not the end of the world.
mataince is all good but...
# Jul 31 2005 at 5:51 AM Rating: Default
Mantaince is all good for the game and all.
But should there not sort this out on the big mantance in the first place?

Instead of matnace then a week later or wait another matance.
RE: mataince is all good but...
# Aug 01 2005 at 1:35 AM Rating: Decent
75 posts
Big patches like this always generate a few bugs that get past testing. This one has actually been one of the smoothest big updates I've ever seen, since bugs weren't revealed until weeks later and and the maintenance isn't even long. There have been updates followed by almost daily maintenance and patches.

Also, level your grammar. Not once did you type out the word "Maintenance" correctly, or even the same way throughout your post. I see "Mantaince," "mantance," "matnace," and "matance." Besides that, your sentences made little to no sense. I'm not quite sure what "Instead of matnace then a week later or wait another matance" means. I just assume you're ******** about not being able to play for 3 hours.
RE: mataince is all good but...
# Jul 31 2005 at 6:29 AM Rating: Decent
452 posts
If it's something they just recently discovered, they couldn't have done it a week earlier, they must think it's important enough to make another maintinance to fix now.

I'm pretty sure they wouldn't just be doing this for a minor issue, though they might be fixing some minor issues along with a major now that they're taking them down anyway.^^
getting network connection error POL-0006
# Jul 31 2005 at 2:04 AM Rating: Default
help me out wif tis pls.. >< im crying like hell
# Jul 31 2005 at 1:26 AM Rating: Decent
12,975 posts
Whoa, pull the stick out of your asses, folks. It's a short maintainence.

They're probably just fine-tuning some of the errors that they've discovered, however they're too minor to make note of.

They're doing it to make our game smoother, so don't bother complaining about it.
RE: o.O
# Jul 31 2005 at 2:30 AM Rating: Decent
2,817 posts
Nah, they don't list the fixes because sometimes they aren't widely known exploits. Putting up a statement saying something like "There's a bug where you go to X location and trade it Y object, and the player incorrectly recieves 999 gold ingots will be fixed" will result in...

...well, you figure it out. XD
# Jul 31 2005 at 12:19 AM Rating: Decent
Before they had better reasons to put down... but now.. there just winging it. They could at least say "issues such as..." you know.

Just my opinion.
# Jul 31 2005 at 12:10 AM Rating: Decent
....Come again?
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