New Druid AA Ability

Sony is sending us some descriptions of the new AA abilities coming with Gates of Discord. Here's one for the Druids: Nature's Boon: Use of this ability creates a stationary ward that continually heals everyone around it.


Post Comment
# Feb 02 2004 at 12:30 PM Rating: Default

Ok 1st to comment on Druid usefullness. All and I repeat all classes have thier use in a group setting. It is just up to the players to put a group together that meshes well and assign the right jobs to the right people. A Druid can heal if you need a healer, can snare and root if you need crowd control, can Dot adds thus weakening them for when tanks are ready for them, can put some nice buffs up, can play evacer, porter for when job done, tracker for those named and DD caster as needed. Saying that I cant see how you couldnt find a use for a Druid in your group. But I must add i can find a use, and i mean a good use, for any class in my groups. Anyone who cant needs to study the uses and value of each class and maybe they'll become a better group leader. By the way my main is a Shammy and i love when i get other caster classes working with me who know how to run thier class it makes all our jobs easier. And keeps our Melee's alive and kicking @#%*.

no, plz don't go study these classes, go pvp them. sit in the arena and ooc for one to come duel you. or if you hate people jumping you go duel in queynos or gfay or something. The problem with studying them is that you get a very poor working understanding of the classes. I see this all the damn time on sullon. you know all the spells, their effects, and names. All of it. And you have an incredibly poor idea of what the classes are actually strong or weak against. The only way to get a good idea of this is to fight them. not once, not twice, but hundreds of times. Once you've fought a class hundreds of times and beat most of the people that play it you have a good idea of what a class can do. Half the bl00bs that come to sullon play druids or necros for the first week or two. Some of the more interesting ones play sk's or wizards, but not usually. They get to 30, buy 200k on ebay, get a fungi and some oober resist gear, and head to gfay/RV/FoB. Then they die to a marginally twinked warrior or monk or cleric. i've see it hundreds of damn times. hundreds. Tons of the people that come to sullon have multiple 65's that are elemental planes enabled. W00t your f'n leet, but it doesn't mean you know cr@p. So, for the sake of all that is holy, plz stop flaming people for not knowing anything because they are not 65 with 100+ AA's. Cuz people think you also are stupid. And we normally just ingore you. Plz share the apathy.
re: let it go
# Feb 02 2004 at 11:31 AM Rating: Decent
What I said is, if any player can't adapt to the toons in their group and other methods of play, at any lvl,( I don't frigin care if you been to the plane of b.s. or where ever and never leave,) it makes you the bad player or toon, not the other character or their player. Now if the party wants the warrior to be the healer(for what ever reason) then the party has to play that way, as best they can, and deal with any consequences???

And astrokicks, Your right I have not been to every zone in the game and killed every mob and got all of the loot, but, when you have half as much experience in rpg's as I do, then you can talk, I may only have 2 years and 55th lvl in this game, but I've been playing rpg's since 1979. And I sorry if you took my last post as a direct flame it was meant as an introspection for readers, not as a direct attack on you.

I really feel you players know the spells and abilities of the other classes (as displayed in most of the previous posts, you just need to learn to cover each others weaknesses, not flame them for haveing them.

Let it go :)
# Feb 02 2004 at 9:21 AM Rating: Good
Zypheron, 65 warrior of Prexus --- You are saying alot of the same things I am. You aren't reading my posts obviously... I dont know what point you are getting to, BUT COMPARING DRUIDS AND SHAMANS IS NOT MY IDEA, BUT IF YOU DID COMPARE THE HP BUFFS AVAILABLE.... Just go back and read all my posts... you're practically repeating what IM saying. BTW I agree with your healer list, cleric first, then druid, then shammy and honestly if Im not the druid it's very unlikely Ill ask a druid to heal in my group unless I KNOW them and they are up to the job. I'm all about Player > Class.
I think alot of druids are solo artists who really are *capible* of doing alot, but really dont do anything. Mostly because of the same attitude as that guy who wrote his confessional. And dont get me wrong, just because I would take a beast or a chanter over a shammy does not mean I value them less than the other two. It's just if I am grouped with my Druid, I would prefer the additional dps of the beast mostly... and a chanter provides additional safety through mezzes over the additional slow of the shaman. I personaly never go oom healing a normal group I have a huge mana pool and FT 15 mana pres IV healing IV and all my healing aa's. If going OOM was an issue I'd consider the shaman over the beast because the additional dps will only cause us to pull quicker, take more damage faster than if we had a shaman.

These things are VERY situational, a person when looking to build a well balanced group needs to take a few things into consideration, you want to have crowd control, a stable healer, decent slower, and good DPS along with a good tank that can mediate damage well. But all of that really depends on what we are fighting... If the mobs we are tackling have special traits, say undead for instance, I might use a necro for slow and mezzes and just take a heavy DPS group Druid Necro Pally rogue war wiz... While this is NOT the most conventianl group with the right AA's they can rip through Mistmoore Ldons in no time.

Oh come on... I'm not angry but really you can't compare a druid and a shammy. It's a poor comparison and as a druid it's down right offensive. Quiescence is a cute spell, but 1200 healing over 24 seconds (300hp per tick for 4 ticks) at lvl 65 is a drop in the bucket, you and I both know most mobs will do that much damage in that much time. It's a fact that if you are trying to CH a tank, that quies on a tank who is fighting a slowed mob could buy a good couple seconds for a CH to land but its no good for healing unless you guys really aren't taking much damage in the first place.

It's just not fair to compare shamans to druids, Yes we are both priests, but completely different, it's like comparing enchanters and wizards.

Random effect... how the hell would you know??? LMFAO... your 55... at BEST you couldn't have even experienced all of the luclin content of this game, let alone the higher planes or any real raids all together. Seriously you can't speak on druid topics or even everquest gaming topics with me until you've played long enough to know this game. Seriously. At 55 you dont know squat.

Random effect... You say a druid shouldn't try to be a cleric... In a way thats definately what I'm saying, You see I think a DRUID is BETTER than a cleric, because of the DPS they provide. You make it sound like a cleric is the perfect healer... You dont know this game. Clerics ARE the most capible to heal, they put out the MOST healing in the shortest amount of time and can rez, but they LACK skills in ALOT of other areas. Higher end game tactics require alot more than someone that can just kick out alot of hp for you. I'm not even going to explain that... Just take my word for it.

FYI I do not think that a druid SHOULD be main healer all the time, I believe they CAN fill that roll if need be AT LEVEL 65 WITH the appropriate AA's. I want to be clear on that. If you can't heal then you dont know your class, if you can't charm then you dont know your class, if you can't dot and nuke, if you can't buff, if you can't quad, ----- Being a druid is about mastering all of these skills and USING THEM ----- Any time you dont have your spells or those skills you are ROBBING your group, and REALLY put a poor name on all druids.

It's that attitude that has caused the EQ community as a whole to lose faith in druids. How can you have all that power and then sit in a group like a bump on a log and really help no one?

Yes you can play your character however you want, but if you are going to be grouping you need to do your JOB. How would you feel if chanters joined groups and felt like playing their own way and nuking instead of mezzing or buffing. Your cleric decided to tank instead of healing... Everyone has DEFINED responsibilities in a group and if you lay down on the job you are wasting a group slot. The problem with druids is that they can do alot but end up doing nothing.

Alot of people end up soloing most of the way to 65 and lacking alot of skills, those lines of spells aren't suggestions they are part of the balance of power, they were given to you as part of your ******** you dont have to do any thing, but consider how effective a necro would be if he decided to stop using his dots, or a mage would be if he stopped using his pet. Sound silly? Good. Then you are starting to understand, this isn't about Astrokick's boxed image of a druid, it's about what a druid is capible of and what they should be providing in a group situation.

I haven't even MENTIONED raid responsiblities... but most things on raids have to do with AA's and ching, and curing, no reason to go into it, not like you would know anyways. You can look at the skills but have no idea about practical application of those skills.

Edited, Mon Feb 2 12:09:43 2004
#Anonymous, Posted: Feb 02 2004 at 4:01 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Hrmm, sounded there like you were comparing the buffing abilities of a druid to a shaman. That MUST be flamed at all costs. Thats why you originally got flamed by me, there is NO comparison in the buffing category between shamen and druids.
RE: Let it go :)
# Feb 02 2004 at 4:03 PM Rating: Default
Note: the previous post was from Zypheron, 65 warrior of Prexus.
Flame off
# Feb 02 2004 at 9:01 AM Rating: Decent
Ok to start off, I play a war 55 and a druid 53, no AA's, yet. You as a player in any class must be able to adj your playing style to the toons in your group/raid, if you are expecting a druid to be main healer, fine, but he is not a cleric, don't play like he is. It's your job to adjust to the toons in your group, not flame those that don't fit in your lil world.

Poor playing on your part does not make me a bad player.

Happas Honorblade Hafling warrior 55
Dryyad Willowwalker woodelf druid 53
lyydia Cadeauceus Hafling cleric 36
astros dreams
# Feb 02 2004 at 1:16 AM Rating: Default
so much hatred & venom astro & you forgot the single best heal spell shaman have ..

1: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 300 per tick

nope im not a shaman but i do use one & yes i do have a 65 druid amongst my many alts..


Edited, Mon Feb 2 01:42:10 2004
# Feb 02 2004 at 1:32 AM Rating: Default

Edited, Mon Feb 2 01:43:05 2004
#REDACTED, Posted: Feb 01 2004 at 6:31 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I know focus stacks, and I use it all the time, FYI your little idiot shammy buddy is the one who was making the druid vs. shammy comparison in the first place and IDIOT buddy was speaking on HP in particular... . And you are right you DONT know about the druid, you also dont know how to read.I I just wanted to clearly show there is no comparison. Shaman's and Druids are unique they are two different classes with 2 completely different roles in group. A druid would not be a stand in for a shammy or vice versa. If you need a slower and you can't call a shammy your going to look for a chanter or beast. In the grand scheme of things I see it like this.
RE: Don't speak if you know nothing about a druid.
# Feb 02 2004 at 3:54 AM Rating: Good
So young, so angry! DAMN that rap music!

All i gotta say about that...
RE: Don't speak if you know nothing about a druid.
# Feb 01 2004 at 11:54 PM Rating: Default
1st off: You took the top shaman buff, compared it to the top 2 druid buffs that compare to fo7, and skipped the other shaman buffs. If you think that Fo7 is all shaman have to offer (in terms of buffs), then you might as well say that druids are mini cleric/wizzie combos.

2nd off: As a warrior, i currently have very very few problems holding agro, and if i do, its because the puller brought more than one mob into the camp and either 1. AE slow 2. chanter forgets where the mez button is and i need to tank 2+, 3. I gain agro on all of them and the cleric/druid has to heal quickly (namely areas such as BoT). The healer gains agro on all but the 1 or 2 that i am on, and we need to pick them up with a tweezers and a ziploc bag. a good 80% of deaths in my group come from overpulls/trains, and the other 20% come from the "high dps" druid that doesn't know how to play the healer role.

3rd: Shaman are not bad healers in the planes if you have a good tank. All the way to BoT is easy with a good shammy healer (of course there will be downtime due to them doing both the healer and slower role. Normally a last resort as a healer). They also can HoT with quiescence.

4th: You claimed that the person who wrote "Confessions of a druid" didnt know how to play his class. I disagree, he just chooses not to exercise his ability to solo. Its the same as saying that a druid doesnt know how to use his class at lvl 63/65 because he doesnt have Pot9/Bot9, or a necro who doesnt have his 65 pet.

You say that a shaman is an easily skippable class, implying that druid is not. in my list of healers: cleric, then druid, then shaman. In my list of slowers: chanter, then shaman, then beasty (of course one depends on the other, if i have a cleric healing, then any slower will do, simply because not all druids and shaman know how to heal well, and a significantly higher percent of clerics do.)

To summarize this little rant of mine, i have no problems grouping with druids, only problems with those who think that druids are god. I have no problem with shaman healers all the way to BoT if they know how to play their class (this job is made a LOT easier with the warrior melee changes).

BTW, i have no relation to Merperty, and he is even wrong in the fact to compare shaman to druids. In a sense, he is correct by saying druids are kinda like shaman, but its like saying apples are like oranges simply because they grow on trees. I just have a problem with you comparing druid buffs to shaman buffs.

I may not be a druid or shaman expert, but i know buffs, its my job to know them.

Zypheron, 65 warrior of Prexus
RE: Don't speak if you know nothing about a druid.
# Feb 01 2004 at 11:41 PM Rating: Decent
Midol is a beautiful thing. Druids are good (got a 65). Shaman are good (got another 65). But honestly, shaman a distant 3rd? Please. Why the shaman hating? I 2 box a paladin and a <gasp> shaman in tier 2 with ease all the time. I can also beat LDoN adventures with just the 2 of them (get a 3rd member to drop before entering dungeon). Try that with a druid and some other class. I'm sure you are a JOY to group with.
RE: Don't speak if you know nothing about a druid.
# Feb 02 2004 at 6:07 AM Rating: Default
*boggles* Druid and Chanter Finish before lockout almost everytime in less than 30 minutes in EC can you say the same with your comp? =P
# Feb 01 2004 at 5:15 PM Rating: Good
I visited this because I play a Halfling Druid and was hoping to see some extra info about other things druids can do,not people flaming about the differences between druids and shamans.Allakhazam is beginning to look like a huge message board for people who dislike a certain class,item,etc.
Please,stop whining about what a certain class can or can't do and just play the game the way SoE and Verant made it.Thank you in advance.

Halfling Druid of the 6th season (don't laugh =)
Xev Server
#REDACTED, Posted: Feb 01 2004 at 1:05 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Every time you open your mouth man you look like a bigger and bigger newb.
RE: Obviously a newb
# Feb 01 2004 at 5:10 PM Rating: Decent
I have a level 65 warrior. I know that a druid's complete heals are better than a shamans, but ya know what? It doesn't matter. We don't get a shaman in our groups because they can heal, we get them because they can slow. Sure, druid heals might not be bad in some cases, but ya know what, it doesn't matter. Druids can't rez, and I aint going to be in a group of people I don't know if there ain't somebody who can rez around. That means a cleric or a pallie, cause most necros are too stingy to do it. Hey, as long as we're getting a cleric for rezes anyway, we might as well get one for heals. If we take a druid as our healer it's because there aren't any clerics LFG, and we'd rather risk it than sitting around waiting for a cleric.
RE: Obviously a newb
# Feb 01 2004 at 3:53 PM Rating: Decent
You obviously do not know what you are talking about just by comparing focus to Bot9.

1. Bot9/symbol/ward is the best combo in the game for hp/ac, however, this is only feasible on raid situations because in the grps i'm in, i try to avoid getting both a cleric AND a druid.

2. Focus stacks with HP buffs such as your bot9, thus, an unfair and IGNORANT comparison.

3. You forget that the shaman can add sta and agi to this, as well as haste. If you're trying to say that druids are a better buffer in a grp than a shammy, you are as dumb as you sound. Sure, you can add your str buff if you want, you still dont compare. Lets not forget Ferine Avatar, the buff that never gets old.

Did he ever say that shaman could quad? NO! HE DIDNT! So who cares about your dps point, bringing up something that shaman cant do (quadding). Guess what, shaman have the best slow in the game! Something that is much more important grouping IMO than your version of "dps"

Yeah, i'm not a druid, and i dont know all of the beauties of your class. Just dont try to bring up points if you cant defend them well...comparing fo7 to bot9...what a dumbass...

Zypheron, 65 Warrior of Prexus
RE: Obviously a newb
# Feb 02 2004 at 2:43 PM Rating: Default
lets not forget the malos and shammies are also not dps if you take into consideration the pet plus the amount of dots they can stack. last time i checked a sham could out dot a druid all day long so over the course of a moderatly long battle a sham could prolly out dps a druid.
RE: Obviously a newb
# Feb 02 2004 at 2:43 PM Rating: Default
bah that was suppost to say shammies are not bad dps not that they are not dps
RE: Obviously a newb
# Feb 03 2004 at 2:21 PM Rating: Default
what is dps? HA!
Obviously a newb
# Feb 01 2004 at 10:33 AM Rating: Default
droods vs shammys --

I just read your post... it's astonishing how people get to level 25 and want to speak on a class. Shammy's heal better??? On what Bizzarro Norrath do Shammy's heal better, you should check up it's not even close. Lmfao you better ask one. Druids have a superior line of healing spells... No buffs? LMFAO we get some of the best buffs in game, especially self buffs, it's just you have to get past level 25. Porting? If that's all you use your druid for you should erase it today. No good pet? Do you know the kind of damage a charmed plane mob does with savage spirit, hell even a lvl 45 mob in normal zones like UP and ME (places I still get exp @ 65) do outstanding damage with savage spirit? My pet is meleeing more damage than any member of your group is putting out, thats for sure, and definately more than anything your shammy is putting out in his wettest dream. But you are right, druid's dont get slow. It's about the only line of spells they dont touch. Without slow there really wouldn't be much reason for shamans. Shaman's really shine in a group with no druid, chanter, bard, or beastlord. They can play a slight utility role and do some healing. But over all the druid... he's an all in one super caster.

Yeah the druid can do it all, at any point that we choose to focus our skills we aren't just a patch, we excel at all we do.

DPS? In a dungeon with no animals, our dots stacked with our nukes, and ds damage, and lame little bear, is reasonable.

Out in the open not only can I kill 8 plane mobs at once. With a charmed plane mob with savage spirit and my dots and nukes and ds, for that 40 seconds it takes for the mob to die I dont think there is any class that can command that type of damage. Period. My druid dps is UNREAL. Believe that.

No we aren't better than wizards at pure nuking, no we aren't better than clerics at pure healing, no we aren't better than necro's at put doting, no we aren't better than enchanters at charming / buffing/ or crowd control. But we are REALLY damn close on all of them... and once you realize that, thats when you will gain the ability to channel your inner druid!

My pet quadding for 180-320 a swing (depending on where I am and what I can dire charm) my dots hitting for 260 175 180 32 (2 of which are mana free) = 647 every 6 seconds for at least 1 minute = 6470 (That isn't max dotting, that's just what I use because it's low mana cost for me). I cast 3 nukes during a fight of 1550 = 4650. That's not max dps that what I do in a group Im healing in just to balance my mana regen with mana costs of my spells... every blow taken by my team gives the mob takes 40 damage, that ds is seriously a lot of damage alone every time a mob quads that 160 more damage.

I do 10k spell damage to every pull for my group, aside from ANY damage from my pet or ds, both of which will give a considerable amount of damage if I had to estimate over a 90 second fight a good 4k damage easily.

I swear to you I am under the belief I do as much damage during a fight as a wizard when counting all the damage I do. I definately feel I'm pulling my weight when it comes to damage output. My buffs are nothing to be scoffed at. Yet I can still be primary healer WHILE doing this damage. This is what I base my best healer in game theory on.

But when you consider the fact that if I have a good tank, I wont have to spot heal much on groupmates BoR does alot of healing, I can do even more damage.

Next time you are grouped, I want you to calculate how much damage your wizard actually does per pull, from my exp on average they are doing 8-12k per pull dependant on mana pool. I KNOW they are capible of much more, although mana cost keeps it to about that.

Exactly as mentioned here when Im doing damage at this rate my particular mana bar regens at the same pace we are pulling at with 60 - 90 seconds fights. I can do this damage AND heal in a group, BUT if im healing I wont dot or dd 2 out of 5 fights and use that time to med. To be fair I can only provide that damage while healing 40-60% of the time.

Once you get a good druid it will blow your mind.
That is dps your cleric isn't even dreaming of coming up with, causes mobs to die faster doing less damage, requiring less healing and killing mobs much faster.

People have hard times with non-melee dps, but if you could see my dots, ds, pet, nuke, all at once I'd spam you to death. But you know the rule... If you dont see it, then it doesn't exist.

If your druid is sitting back and just healing, or just nuking, you have a WEAK druid. Thats almost the same has having a bard that plays one song at a time, or a mage playing without his pet, or a chanter in your group without mez.

This is my last word on this subject. You have to play your druid's like bards. You have to be using multiple skills at once to prove your value. If you are a non healing druid, a non nuking druid, a non buffing druid, a non charming druid, a non grouping druid, you suck. Period.

P.S. Unlucky Charms -- I have never seen a cleric do that, although I do not doubt your ability to pull it off. Im sure by the time you have hit 65 you've healed as primary healer enough that someone pulling 4 mobs isn't going to cause you to soil your panties, but really this is a problem you most of the time aren't going to be solving, just patching up long enough so someone else can mez or get aggro.

For your cleric, it's not quite as easy as a druid evacing or blowing out a couple roots, but clerics do have a lvl 62 1.75 second root which is normally fast enough to pin a mob down in a bad spot, but that chanter better be ready to mez cause that root drops faster that a 2 dollar hookers panties. Not only that but if the group chanter is even slightly competent they would be handling this problem reguardless, not really the cleric or the druid. BUT in this situation, I would think it would be slightly easier for a druid to handle... It's part of our nature with the evacs, and super quick roots and snares, it's what we do best, but this is a perfect example of where a cleric comes in JUST behind a druid in a healing situation.

Edited, Sun Feb 1 12:48:21 2004
RE: Obviously a newb
# Feb 09 2004 at 4:54 PM Rating: Default
A few thoughts for you. Ever compared your DPS to a Rogue or Mage with an equal number of AA's? I think not, considering your post.

Also, while Druids are awesome healers, the only way I would take one as healer in a BoT group is if I know them personally and I know that they have all of their healing AA's maxed. I've seen Oreen take out an entire group because a 65 Druid with 300 AA's just couldn't keep up the heals fast enough.
RE: Obviously a newb
# Feb 01 2004 at 12:25 PM Rating: Good
yes, i am obviously a noob, as i have played both classes to a reasonably high level (higher than 25 as you kept saying) and after playing both, i made MY choice as to which is better. When i said shammys have better heals, i also said at certain levels, which i meant they learned the SAME healing spells, just faster. so before you start ranting and raving, do your research. a shammy in a grp, can buff the shiz outta their group, much better than a druid, yes, their ds is weaker, but they can add more hp as well as other stats. also, a shammy can out dot a drood ne day of the weak. so, while druids are still useful, a shammy using haste, slow, dots, and an occasional nuke makes fights substantionally quicker and safer. while drids are a great asset, a shammy is a a tank's second best friend (behind cleric)

merperty 59 SK
crrooaakk 42 SHAM
tlulaan 41 DROOD
#Anonymous, Posted: Feb 01 2004 at 10:17 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) [b][/b]I play a druid..
an observation
# Feb 01 2004 at 9:39 AM Rating: Default
Everybody says... well clerics are better healers, wizzys do more damage, am i the only on who hasn't forgotten that while druids aren't the best healers/buffers/nukers they are one of the only classes that CAN do them all.

Gaboo Kerosan
25 Froggy Warrior
the druids and the others
# Feb 01 2004 at 5:39 AM Rating: Decent
Well, I see lots of people saying that Druids are bad. Wrong. I also see lots of people saying that Druids are as good as clerics in heal. Wrong again!
Every class is better at each point. Druids cannot out-nuke a wizard, of course not, but it's no reason for the wizards to start flaming druids and saying they are so good. Druids have a great DoT power, which with all of the dots stacked, does really considerable damage.
Also, many clerics try to flame the druids by saying that they have all those AA's that give them awesome heal-power. It's true, clerics are the best healers in the game, no doubt about it. BUT, druids can easily become Main Healers in a group because they can also CH, sure, it's slower, but if things get messy they can always evac the group.
The enchanters say that they are better then druids because they charm better. Wrong! The enchanters can charm all kinds of mobs, but the druids who wish to solo always pick outdoors where there are animals, and they're Dire Charm works perfectly with the animals, providing excelent and quick kills, with no harm to the druid. Also with the enchanters is the crowd control problem. Druids can do the job as swiftly as the chanters, root parking the adds.
The bards say they beat druids, because they can do all sorts of things better. Take it from an experienced bard, though we can solo as good as druids, in a group we cannot heal as the druids or evac if the group's in trouble.
Druids can also buff very well, for casters and for melees.
Druids are a class with a bit of everything, everything or almost everything looking like other classes, but they were made to be, and quoting:

Druids are the Jack-of-All-trades

Just my Smiley: twocents

Edited, Sun Feb 1 05:42:37 2004
#Anonymous, Posted: Feb 01 2004 at 7:00 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) NO Druids are the jack *** of i trades!
droods vs shammys
# Feb 01 2004 at 5:05 AM Rating: Default
yes yes yes, i will admit that druids are a valuable asset in a group, but what they do is nothing special. they do basically the same things as shammys, but shammys can slow, haste, and heal better (at some lvls). before PoP i would have taken a druid over a shammy because of their ports, but now, druids usefulness has been diminished, because with the same healing spells, weaker buffs, no haste/slows, and no pet, eq has screwed the once almighty druid. im sry, but it's true, argue if u will, but deep down you know its true.

Merperty 59 SK
Crrooaakk 42 SHAM
Tlulaan 41 DROOD
Lanys Tv'yl
Confessions of a druid?!?!??!
# Jan 31 2004 at 7:57 PM Rating: Excellent
Please man... Keep these confessions to yourself.

Seriously your thread was like a punch in the stomach. You represent everything that is foul with the druids out there. You are the reason druids are despised by some players and often excluded from groups.

You know there is nothing wrong with being a solo druid, the only problem is you dont learn your class. Anyone who doesn't know his class shouldn't be out on the internet posting about it.

I'm not going to harp on you man, but you should consider learning your class, because once you did you wouldn't be afraid of your group dying and having to be rezed.

You want to save your group 20 minutes? Which is quicker, 3 second evac, or rezzing 5 people, rebuffing and medding to full, IF you didn't die yourself and had to CR all the way back to rez the others?

Change your prospective. If someone dies on a pull... out of your healing range what do you do? Suck it up. CR his body, and have him haul buttox back to camp, once you are done with whatever you are doing have a pally or cleric rez him then.

20 minutes lost? I dont think so.. if he is 20 minutes away then you port out to get him and port him back. 5 minutes resting after a rez, or 5 minutes hoofing back to camp. It's still 5 minutes.

I know some things are out of your hands... but believe this, if you KNOW your druid, then people wont be dying in your groups.
Confessions of a druid
# Jan 31 2004 at 2:35 PM Rating: Decent
I play a 65 druid. I think it's a very fun class to play, but I think a lot of people don't really know what druids do and don't do well, and I've read some baffling stuff on this thread.

I've heard that druids are greedy. I like pp as much as the next person, but I'm not greedy when I'm in groups. Druids have a lot of ways to make money solo; I see no reason to hog loot in a group.

I wonder if part of the "druid greed reputation" comes from the days before PoP, when people had to pay druids for ports. I don't charge for ports, so I liked PoP. I got a partial complete heal and people stopped nagging me for ports, it definately seemed like a win.

Do I want better heals? Not really. I refuse groups where I'm expected to be the primary healer, and I suggest that they get a cleric. It's not that I can't heal, it's that I can't rez. I think it's unfair to grind a group to a halt for 20 minutes because somebody died.

What frustrates me as a druid? People who don't know how to play in a group. Two things in particular; if a druid is doing crowd control by root parking then don't wreck the crowd control by taunting the mobb off the druid unless you want to tank it. Don't damage summoning mobs that have been root parked because the druid still usually has agro. Don't nuke root parked mobs because it'll break the root. If you're in an outdoor zone and a druid is kiting multiple summoning mobs as crowd control, don't damage the summoning mobs. The druid will be summoned, the druid will be killed, and you will be next.

Druids are very powerful in certain situations and not so powerful in other situations. When I'm in an outdoor kiting group I can pacify pull, I can do crowd control on a crazy number of mobs, I can do targeted area of effect damage, and I can often charm a pet for extra damage per second. When I'm in a dungeon I lose the ability to pacify pull, I don't have enough room to do kite crowd control, and I often can't find an animal to dire charm. When people say that druids are usually over-powered they look at the outdoor areas where they are strong, and not areas like dungeons where they're a lot weaker.

I had read that somebody was upset that most of the mobs in HoH don't summon. If you believe that every group should have a tank, a cleric, a slower, and 3 DPS classes, then yes, it may seem inherently unfair that we can form a group with 5 dps classes and an agro kiter. However, I'm not a tank, I can't rez, so I make a poor cleric, I can't slow, like a shaman, and my DPS is less than a lot of other classes, as many people are quick to point out. If you think that all xp groups to fight a certain way then tell me how I fit in to your way of fighting, otherwise, let me put groups together that build on my strengths.

If you say "druids can solo, you should be happy that you can do that while the rest of us are LFG" then I say I was sold a pig in a poke when I created chis character. This is my main and my first character. The class description led me to believe that I was getting a healer with some utility, not a soloer who would generally be a second choice in groups and shunned by the ignorant masses because of my class. I am a social person, I don't like soloing; I don't even really like XPing. I do it because I like to raid and because I have to grind in order to contribute to the raid.

Anyway, take care, and remember, it's just a game.
Druids are underappreciated
# Jan 31 2004 at 10:30 AM Rating: Default
ok... i wont lie... my main char is a warrior... but druids are an awesome class, my best friend plays a druid, as i have no spells... he does all of our casting, but, we generally beat whatever we fight, i havent been on EQ for more than 3 months, but anyone who says druids suck hasn't seen them played right.

Gaboo Kerosan
25 Froggy Warrior
This is what I've found out...
# Jan 31 2004 at 8:43 AM Rating: Excellent
Last night I spoke to a friend who was a beta tester. Who just so happens to be a cleric. This is the word on these warders.

First off the warders "healing" plays like a bard song, it's AOE with fairly short range you can't wander off any further than maybe 75 range. Just about double the radius of the damage area of Earthquake line of spells.

There seems to be 5 ranks at the cost of 4aa points each. I didn't ask if the cost increases each rank but if it had, I think it would have been mentioned to me.

The first rank seems to heal for about 8hp, per tick for 6 minutes, after 6 minutes your pet just poofs. On the fifth rank it does 200ish hp per tick for 6 minutes. The recast is 30 minutes on the use of this warder.

The warder's songs do not stack with each other, on every rank the warder's song gets exponential stronger. I dont not think there are any conflicts with regen line of spells or bard songs with healing or regen components. This is the information as far as I know 2nd hand. Although my source I would say is VERY reliable. (The numbers listed above are NOT tested numbers, but rather the estimates given to me by my buddy in a casual interrogation by me)

Reasonably, these things are good for a couple quick fights, with max AA in this skill your group will do a little better taking a boss mob. I'm sure that on raids these things will be a common sight, popped out to balance out some of the healing needed to counter act the AOE spells, or an on slaught of damage being done by a boss mob.

If I hear anymore Ill keep you posted.
New druid aa not sounding all to special
# Jan 31 2004 at 12:15 AM Rating: Default
I dunno ive seen another list of potential abilities at Casters Realm ( ) and shifting through it it doesnts sound like druids are getting anything unquie, other classes like shaman and cleric will be given the healing pet, and other class (example enchanter) get special stuff like the ability i read doppleganger which makes a clone of the enchanter, Druids have been getting ragged on by people for a long time i think its bout time we got something unque to get us back in the wanted more in groups.

Atleast thats my 2 cents worth, I play a druid as my main and only my druid, i love bieng a druid but with every expansion i find it harder and harder to get a group cause people think we should solo it or the want more out of that last group spot, even though a druid is a utility knife of spells doesnt seem to be enought for people anymore
About Druids.
# Jan 30 2004 at 10:03 PM Rating: Decent
The other day I ran into an enchanter that would not group with me on a Hard LDON adventure because he was under the impression there was no how no way a druid could heal.

I thought about skooling this kid, then I decided to let him remain blissfully ignorant.

But I was reading through this thread and I think I need to let you guys know something about your favorite Dr00ds.

First off there is no comparison between my druid and a cleric in a group. The druid is positively more powerful, and I say that playing both classes. I'm going to list a few reasons why.

1. Mobs that die quicker do less damage that needs to be healed. One or two clickies, damage shield and one nuke on every pull and I can shorten the life of a mob by a good 15-30 seconds easy. Period.

2. I personally have all my healing AA's maxed with healing IV and mana pres IV and extended range IV and FT 15 and max aa wis. I know clerics get healing bonuses and all that.. but to be honest with you I dont need any bonus to out heal most clerics in a heal chain, or not go OOM in a group. I use 3 heals, little ch for casters, big ch for tanks, and I beleive Natures Infusion for a quick heal.

"But you can't heal as fast as clerics, and you can't put on a decent heal over time"

That's a true statement, but I can put on a heal over time, and I just have to adjust my healing style, It's MY JOB to know the HP in everyone in the group, and no I dont have to ask, I can tell exactly how much hp someone has by healing, I just cast a heal, look at the % I healed them for then do the math.

3. Some days Ill be honest I have to start casting at 80% especially on hard LDONs. Sometimes I have two people going down at once and 2 of my heals might not make it in time... Lets say this is the sitation... It's a bad pull, and we have 4 mobs come and one is on the wizzie, one is on me and the other is on the chanter and we are all dropping fast.

Most people at this very moment would rather have a cleric with a 1.9 second heal than a druid with a 4 second heal. But in reality the only benefit you have is the cleric can rez you IF he/she can escape.

This is one of many situations where you are better off with a druid. I can't heal you in 1.9 seconds, but I can evac you in 3, or root with a 1 sec cast time which is seldomly interrupted because it is so quick. In the time it takes a cleric to get off a heal on herself I can reasonable root 2 of the three mobs and in time it takes to heal 2 people I can root all 3 and get off one heal. Once these are rooted then our problem is much closer to being solved than with 3 mobs running free rampaging me and my group.

The fact I can root park, snare, stun when neccesary. Give a filthy bit of damage to parked mobs without using any mana, adds up quickly. The cleric has no ability to control the mobs other than fear and root, we all know fear is deadly in a dungeon and a clerics root is too slow to be of use. You are praying that someone else in the group can maintain the crowd control and allow the cleric time to heal. There is nothing wrong with that we all play that way. It's just not neccesary for the druid. He is a master of mob manipulation. Park one mob? You must be kidding. I can park 5 all hitting me at once with 20 feet of room np. I'm constantly moving at sow speed or great indoors or out (feral pack). So is my group, I dont need a rez, because there is no reason to die while im in group. Evac is always a hot key away.

In optimal conditions Ill be able to add so much dps to the group that in an arrangement of bard war beast rogue druid paladin we can own. Dps is out the roof, and mobs are dropping faster than any cleric combo group I can think of, plus IF someone dies the pally can rez.

Just my 2cp
RE: About Druids.
# Jan 31 2004 at 8:27 PM Rating: Decent
517 posts
I play a druid as my main (lvl 54) so I dont know exactly about all the aa's and such but lets face it a druid OUT HEALING a cleric LOL thats like saying we could out nuke a wizard. Sure we druids can nuke good and heal good but we cant out do the specialty classes. Our dps is ver nice with damage shields and dots/nukes and such. Druids are excellent for grouping we are the best secondary healers and can play MH easily. We make casters happy with our mana regen hp buffs but that doesnt make pot9 better than virtue for say. In an area with lots of adds and I get hit a lot I would rather virtue than pot9 but when we have good CC and I dont get hit the mana regen is much better for me so which is better cleric or druid well it depends on the situation. That said clerics can still out heal us just as wizzies can out nuke us hehe. ;)
RE: About Druids.
# Jan 31 2004 at 4:40 PM Rating: Excellent
Could you be any more full of yourself?

You're forgetting quite a few of the cleric abilities that allow us to out-heal druids in most any situation.

Divine Arbitration - .5 second cast time, will balance out the group's HP and give you enough time to through out a 3k hp group heal.

Celestial Regeneration - instant cast, no-aggro group HoT that can last up to a minute if specced right.

With Divine Res, I can easily bring someone back from the dead with 100% hp/mana and V'd in about 60-90 seconds.

Also, we have a root that can cast around 2 seconds.

3. Some days Ill be honest I have to start casting at 80% especially on hard LDONs. Sometimes I have two people going down at once and 2 of my heals might not make it in time... Lets say this is the sitation... It's a bad pull, and we have 4 mobs come and one is on the wizzie, one is on me and the other is on the chanter and we are all dropping fast.

Most people at this very moment would rather have a cleric with a 1.9 second heal than a druid with a 4 second heal. But in reality the only benefit you have is the cleric can rez you IF he/she can escape.

I would hit Divine Arb, Celestial Regen, Bestow Divine Aura on the enchanter, grab aggro and run far enough where I can root park 2 of the adds. In the event if someone dies, I get them Divine Ressed and up and going real fast. So please - tell me how the only benefits a cleric would bring would be a rez?
RE: About Druids.
# Feb 01 2004 at 7:53 PM Rating: Excellent
Hey there,

Ok this is just my 2cp worth, I play a 60 dru , none of my healing AA's are maxed. Yes cleric ARE better healers inmany situations. However druids are just as good most of the time. for example in the example mentioned above , the solution u provided can u do that 2 times in a row? or are u limited to when the aa ability is refreshed? the druid can do it many times over. no need to wait fer refresh aa's. Like i said i personally prefer top have a cleric and a druid in the grp. ( kazed and bo9 are a great combo ) dru ads dps and is great bckup healer. No in my case with no aa's ( healing ones ) clerics can do faster healing , my 3 heals are just under 3k 10 sec cast just under 1k 5 sec cast 428hp 4 sec cast , the latter is pretty much useless as the mobs i fight quad fer 250 plus and i just cannot keep up. 1k is same mana as the 3k so bar drops fast for lessor heals....well this post has drifed off too much ( watching the game ) anyway point is dru's CAN heal as MH ( and are a better choice *sometimes* then a cleric ) we excel with a cleric in the grp so live with the char u play and stop complaining about others. u think ur the best fine keep it to your self. ( not directed at unluckycharms meant fer all would be complainers )

Take care ,
60th lvl hierophant of tunare

Edited, Wed Feb 4 17:54:25 2004
Diablo II
# Jan 30 2004 at 8:28 PM Rating: Decent
13 posts
Kinda sounds like Diablo II a bit.
RE: Diablo II
# Jan 31 2004 at 12:32 PM Rating: Decent
Sounds much more like Daoc imo. EQ seems to take idea here and there and to absorb those...To bad, there was a time where EQ was being copied, now its EQ who copy.
All the druids in Daoc have a wide variety of ward they can put on the ground to restore hit pts.
The new crafting system curently on test is another good exemple of what i am saying. Its directly cut/pasted from "Horizon, Legends of Istaria".
RE: Diablo II
# Jan 31 2004 at 12:32 PM Rating: Decent
Sorry, double post.

Edited, Sat Jan 31 12:33:02 2004
How is this going to work.
# Jan 30 2004 at 8:02 PM Rating: Good
First off I hope this thing does at least 80hp per tick. On the planes where casters are now averaging 5k hp, anything less would be of minimal and negligable use, with tanks running on 7-10khp it would take this thing over 10 minutes to heal one if it was healing at 80hp per tick. 100hp-150hp would be sweet, anything in access of 200hp is a dream, it would actually allow clerics for one to participate in combat alot more, and druids to truely shine in a group. I know soe, I'd have better luck finding a desperate millionare supermodel with no gag reflex looking for a fat guy who loves EQ than getting a useful healing pet from SoE.

I'm curious as to how this thing is going to work. Whether or not its going to be a static buff i.e Shialoh's Warder and work like a stackable regen spell when in the aoe area of the warder. Which would then have the limitations of a spell stacking issues and what not.

Or this is going to work like PC healing "Shialoh's Warder has healed you for 80 points of damage"...

I doubt very much these things will be stackable.. in their own AOE effect area... It would be entirely too sweet to plop down 15 of these bad boys and huddle together to counteract the AOE's of some pop mobs.


Oh well those are just some thoughts i've had, I'd like to know about this AA. If anyone has done beta and wants to release what they think about it or how it works I'd be glad to hear it.

Edited, Fri Jan 30 20:13:22 2004
# Jan 30 2004 at 7:34 PM Rating: Default
Druids Worthless?
# Jan 30 2004 at 7:05 PM Rating: Default
73 posts
Well lets as a druid I "sit and soak up exp" oh my...I guess as I get closer to Plane of Time I better tell all the people I have met on the way to 65 and Elemental Planes that I am just no good! Good grief what a stupid statement. Are you even above lvl 30? Have you ever really raided Tier 3 PoP and/or up? I have played a druid as my main for over 2yrs and cant recall any time any group I was in felt I didnt contribute. I heal as in MAIN healer for Elemental Planes Experiance groups. My FT rocks and my mana pool is DEEP and My AA points are over a hundred. So you know I take statements like this exactly for what they are worth....
which is ..nothing! And just because every idiot you ever knew rolled up a druid ONCE and played it a few lvls means nothing to a lvl65 100+ AA Elemental Flagged StormWarden. Please take it upon yourself to tell every Druid like that you meet how useless they are. Oh, wait to meet Druids like that you might have to be 65 and Elemental flagged too....never mind :)
#Anonymous, Posted: Jan 30 2004 at 3:49 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) MORONIC F*$#IN PEOPLE.......WE DON"T CARE ABOUT YOUR PEITY POINT TO ARGUE ABOUT A STUPID ROGUE BEING BETTER IN DPS THEN A DRUID,WE DON"T CARE ABOUT YOU ARGUEING A POINT ABOUT A BARD SLOWING ETC....WE DON'T CARE IF U PUT YOUR 2Cents ABOUT A GAME U MUST NOT OBVISOUSLY NOT THE THE OBJECT OF....B/C THIS IS A CLASS GAME AND WITHOUT BARDS,CHANTERS,DRUIDS....Etc All the Classes that u think rock would SUCK YOUR MOMMAS NENE'S b/c this game would be pointless without them....learn some ******* common sense this is a game dedicated to team work and fundementals...if your ganna say some that stupid in forms don't say anything at all and leave the furoms space for someone who wants to acctually talk about the game they enjoy playing
#REDACTED, Posted: Jan 30 2004 at 3:49 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) MORONIC F*$#IN PEOPLE.......WE DON"T CARE ABOUT YOUR PEITY POINT TO ARGUE ABOUT A STUPID ROGUE BEING BETTER IN DPS THEN A DRUID,WE DON"T CARE ABOUT YOU ARGUEING A POINT ABOUT A BARD SLOWING ETC....WE DON'T CARE IF U PUT YOUR 2Cents ABOUT A GAME U MUST NOT OBVISOUSLY NOT THE THE OBJECT OF....B/C THIS IS A CLASS GAME AND WITHOUT BARDS,CHANTERS,DRUIDS....Etc All the Classes that u think rock would SUCK YOUR MOMMAS NENE'S b/c this game would be pointless without them....learn some ******* common sense this is a game dedicated to team work and fundementals...if your ganna say some that stupid in forms don't say anything at all and leave the furoms space for someone who wants to acctually talk about the game they enjoy playing
# Jan 30 2004 at 10:02 PM Rating: Decent
531 posts
Perhaps you should take your own advice. Oh and try some spell check software, really does wonders for the quality of your posts.

While you may have had a valid point in there, The CAP LOCK, poor spelling and cursing probably made a lot of people decide to not even find out what it was. Being that this was your first post, in the future it might be better if you didn't bother making any more.
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