Experience Changes to House of Thule Tasks

Experience rewards from House of Thule tasks and missions are going to be modified, as will the method that experience is rewarded in group tasks.

These changes are set to take effect on November 15:

As many of you are aware, Tasks and Missions represent one of the most rewarding ways of obtaining experience in EverQuest. As of November 15, there will be some changes to these systems that we feel you should be aware of.

Currently Tasks and Missions in House of Thule reward extremely large amounts of experience with very little restriction. These Tasks and Missions had their experience calculated based on a formula that used the amount of experience required to gain a level, not the amount of experience earned from defeating a mob. Unfortunately with the amount of experience required to gain levels continually increasing this led to a situation in which Tasks and Missions gave experience significantly more than they should have.

Group Missions also had an issue, in that they gave full rewards to anyone who was added to the task, regardless of whether or not that person participated at all in the mission.

On November 15th, with the launch of Veil of Alaris, we will be addressing both of these issues. We wanted to make sure to give all of you plenty of notice so that you can take appropriate action and receive the rewards you have already earned. These changes will affect tasks in House of Thule and Veil of Alaris and are as follows:

  • Experience Rewards
    • For group tasks not in instanced zones, experience will be awarded to all group members within 300' of the final step in the Task. This is usually a Hail or Delivery, and in the few cases where a Task ended on killing a NPC these tasks will receive an additional step.
    • For group Tasks in an instanced mission, Task experience will be handed out upon opening of the chest. Experience will be shared with group members within 300' of the chest.
    • Characters will need to be living at the time experience is awarded, please make sure to resurrect anyone in the party who may have met an untimely end before you trigger the experience award.
  • Other Rewards
      All rewards other than experience including progression flags, coin, and any items will be shared as they always have been. No changes to rewards other than experience are being implemented.
  • House of Thule Experience Changes
    • As stated above, House of Thule Tasks (solo and group) are currently awarding too much experience. Experience for House of Thule Tasks will be reduced by approximately 50%.

Given these changes we highly recommend claiming any unclaimed Task rewards before November 15. If you claim previously completed Tasks after November 15, your awards will be affected in the following ways:

  • Previously completed Solo Tasks will receive the modified experience rewards.
  • Previously completed Group Tasks will receive no experience reward, as the Task Rewards will have been significantly modified.

These changes are being made for the long term health of the game. Please understand that we did not make these changes lightly, but only after significant consideration including a variety of methods to address these issues. Ultimately we picked this method of restricted experience rewards as it was the least invasive and exploitable of all possible options. For most players this should provide very little difference in day to day play of EverQuest, and we appreciate your understanding in the matter.


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# Nov 02 2011 at 8:18 AM Rating: Default
Fing sony!!!

Way to take the peanutbutter out of a peanutbutter and jellie sandwich

How the hell can u get to much XP?

These changes are being made for the long term health of the game.

Please understand that we did not make these changes lightly, but only after significant consideration including a variety of methods to address these issues.

What methods did they use??
who did they contact in the game, surely not the playing /paying customer

Ultimately we picked this method of restricted experience rewards as it was the least invasive and exploitable of all possible options.

For most players this should provide very little difference in day to day play of EverQuest, and we appreciate your understanding in the matter This is some BS!!!! I for one have a MAxxed out toon that i raid with, when i relized that the maxed out toon was no fun,and could not go anyfurther in [ Group content ] i started another toon and TA him to the daily grind i do, which nets some nice XP, it is getting to the point where soe is turning into WOW!!!

What next sony??? merge EQ 1 + EQ2 + rift= so all the kiddes can level on mommie and daddies paycheck
the only hard day was : yesterday
# Nov 02 2011 at 3:49 PM Rating: Decent
68 posts
"Fing sony!!!

Way to take the peanutbutter out of a peanutbutter and jellie sandwich

How the hell can u get to much XP? "

i would say if u gained one lvl per kill that would be too much.
really if any one is whinnng please quit so i can find players who want to play. i would love to hook up with random ppl for gruops any where.

Fellowship XP
# Nov 02 2011 at 7:26 AM Rating: Decent
54 posts
Fellowship exp is being stored up...maybe this too should be reset every time the server goes down.

Fellowship xp if you read how it works. Then you notice its only good till 91 (unless gained after the release). Its designed to have a maximum limit which is 10 additional levels from your current level and 30 AA. So when you reach 100% into 90 and 100% AA xp with 30Banked the vitality is no longer is availible since your at the xp Cap. Atm My fellowship window says Capped on my xp unless I die and stack my corpses.
Fellowship Vitali?
# Nov 02 2011 at 3:22 AM Rating: Decent
25 posts
Sounds like Sony want to avoid lvl 95 characters two days after the expansion goes live. Fellowship exp is being stored up...maybe this too should be reset every time the server goes down.

SOE still unable to fix the death by evac/succor bug even when the casting character (druid/wiz) ARE FREE FROM AGGRO. /bug report off

We want a refund on all the crap code and bugs in the game...that could be intentionally slowing gamers down.
So no exp if you die?
# Nov 01 2011 at 11:40 PM Rating: Decent
So if your at the final
Mob in a task and you die, you get no exp for the hour it took you?
too much xp?
# Nov 01 2011 at 8:31 PM Rating: Decent
654 posts
I currently get maybe 10 aas for a task. Is that really too much? and as far as ta, there will always be ta, just not for xp. That part doesn't really bother me. but how do they figure they are giving too much xp? the only ones who get more xp than others are the ones that should-- a level 78 will always get more xp than a level 90.

And this about saving their tasks for the expansion and not getting the xp on it-- what about those who are 90, have maxed all their aas and xp, worked their but off to get there, and now are saving their tasks because until the next expansion all the work they have put into it is a moot point anyway. By cashing in now, they get nothing. I am only 88, so it doesn't affect me, but i know several people who this will affect so i think it sucks big time. There should be something the could receive by way of xp instead of saying "you're maxed out-- go sit your but on the sidelines there bub-- no rewards for play for you anymore." -- now that sucks big time.
Success comes when preparation meets opportunity -- and EQ is no exception.
#enderton, Posted: Nov 01 2011 at 7:26 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) i cant find lord engulb in blackburrow for my gnollslayer, nebody can help me. pst me on rathe. im emmlaar
# Nov 02 2011 at 12:55 PM Rating: Decent
93 posts
enderton the Brilliant wrote:
i cant find lord engulb in blackburrow for my gnollslayer, nebody can help me. pst me on rathe. im emmlaar

This is the most relevant comment ever!

Go here enderton and read the post by Nnanji: http://eqbeastiary.allakhazam.com/search.shtml?id=5010
# Nov 01 2011 at 8:35 PM Rating: Decent
654 posts
and what does that have to do with this discussion?
Success comes when preparation meets opportunity -- and EQ is no exception.
HoT changes
# Nov 01 2011 at 7:24 PM Rating: Decent
Sounds like you can still get flagged from buying TA, just no experience.
weapon use in 10 Lvls!
# Nov 01 2011 at 6:59 PM Rating: Default
61 posts
gee I use my weapons all the time, they hold augs like one that heals group when
I cast a spell.
I still remeber what a wise old SK once told the wizard." Put down that stick caster boy!"
I am a druid that means patch heals and dps spells, if I actually had to use a weapon to figth in the last 15 or so lvls then things had really gone south.
with maxed weapon skills my melee is pitiful, I can cause more damage by keeping a melee player on their feet than I ever could swinging a club.
# Nov 01 2011 at 5:59 PM Rating: Decent
The thing that concerns me about this is people with one account being able to find a group to do group missions.

With a three accounts you have a bot army with mercs. If most people have the choice of running their bot army through a mission or letting some random person tag along then said random person will most likely be assed out.

Is this a way for SOE to force people to buy multiple accounts?

As to you, MushinStormrunner, what are you talking about? You have the choice now to not group with someone if you feel they cant do their part. Your comment makes absolutely no sense.

I do like the fact this will hurt plat sellers but this also hurts people that sell TA's so they can afford to gear alts with this rediculously expensive gear. NOBODY enjoys farming plat. If you didnt lose plat during you gear buying in HoT then you looted more than your fair share.
# Nov 01 2011 at 5:58 PM Rating: Decent
485 posts
I guarantee you that they will have quite a few mess ups on that *additional step* they are adding on the rare occasion the task ended on killing an npc. I have played this game on and off for many years. This is SoE we are talking about. There is no way that *additional step* will be implemented properly from the get go and anyone that sais it will doesn't know SoE like i do.
# Nov 01 2011 at 5:51 PM Rating: Decent
485 posts
This just means that the people that are buying task adds will have to move their toosh to the zone and actually put some effort into being close to the action.
# Nov 01 2011 at 5:11 PM Rating: Decent
I like the changes. No more grouping with people that haven't used their weapons in 10 levels.
# Nov 01 2011 at 3:53 PM Rating: Decent
This is a welcome change for the most part, but I do take issue with the halving of solo task xp. I'm biased because I tend to solo a lot, but I'll not cry a river over it.

I'm sure the casual TA seller will be a little miffed, but the only people this really affects are Beijing plat sellers who are chained to a desk and lazy minmaxers who do nothing but spam gen for TAs to buy.

I can almost understand the stance of people that are willing to buy TAs for an alt, but if this arrests the spiral of TA abuses its worth it in the long run.

tldr; Asian game slaves and whiny neckbeards will be butthurt. Everyone else will grow a pair and move on.
# Nov 01 2011 at 3:29 PM Rating: Good
169 posts
Nice changes! Commence the boo hooing..
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