Treading grey waters with CoH's Paragon Studios

We took the time to sit down with Paragon Studios to talk about their latest expansion for City of Heroes, titled "Going Rogue." Also, we've got free jetpack codes for you all!

Update: We're working on a solution to the free jetpack codes that were promised to our readers. The response we received was more than we anticipated, so please bear with us as we figure out how to distribute the codes. Thanks for your patience, and I hope we can get you your jetpack codes soon.

Note: Posting for the jetpack codes is now over. Further posts will not enter you as a chance to get a key.

When Paragon Studios and NCsoft announced that they would be releasing a new expansion for City of Heroes (CoH), we were intrigued. When it was revealed that this expansion was called "Going Rogue" and it featured the ability for Superheroes and Villains alike to tread all those morally grey waters between "good" and "evil," we became downright excited. After all, when was the last time you had a character that could change their very morality during the course of the game? Probably never!

Either way, we were so excited about CoH's latest expansion, we decided to reach out to Paragon Studios to have a little chat with Matt Miller, lead systems designer, about this upcoming expansion. They were also kind enough to throw in some free jetpack codes for our readers! So maybe you were a fan of City of Heroes and have since taken a break, or perhaps you've always been that massive CoH enthusiast all your life, so why not go rogue with an awesome jetpack? Just make a post in the comments section of this interview about what part of Going Rogue you're looking forward to most (it can be anything!), and you'll have the chance to get a snazzy Jetpack! Enjoy!

ZAM: Hi there and thanks for answering a few questions we had about City of Heroes' (CoH) latest expansion, Going Rogue!

Matt Miller: No problem, we're all very proud of the work we've done on this expansion.

ZAM: There's been a lot of reference to the new alternate world of Praetoria being introduced. How will you be using Praetoria to tie into the game play of CoH? Will Praetoria perhaps make an appearance in endgame content?

Matt Miller: Praetoria and the Praetorian Guard were actually introduced to our players in Issue One. We took the opportunity in Going Rouge to expand upon the lore and really flesh out the characters and areas of that world. We've still got a ton of stories yet to tell in Praetoria, and yes, some of those stories involve max-level characters.

ZAM: One of the key features of this expansion is for players to be able to test those grey waters between good and evil. In fact, this is where Going Rogue derived its name. What really attracted Paragon Studios to the concept of "going rogue" and switching sides?

Matt Miller: We wanted to do side-switching shortly after City of Villains, but were never really happy with the designs we had for it. Eventually we started talking about a "third faction" of Vigilante, the dark hero, and how that could be used as a go-between of Heroes and Villains. Once we explored the stories we could tell, we realized that Vigilante didn't fit the Villain-to-Hero path, and thus the Rogue was born. The rogue is more of a mercenary, a selfish person who is more about getting ahead than doing evil. With all four alignments in place, we've been able to really explore the shades of gray concept that is so classic to comic book storytelling. Players will really have to think about the decisions they face as the choice is rarely as simple as "good vs. evil." We've been very happy with the system's design ever since that day. Everything just fell into place.

ZAM: Are there any rewards for staying "true" to a specific moral calling? For example, what about Heroes who stoically refuse to dabble in the immoral, or Villains who despise doing anything good? What about players who choose to stay as Rogues or Vigilantes because they feel that this fits best with their character?

Matt Miller: Heroes and Villains who "reinforce" their morality (by going through the steps to switch, but instead choosing to remain their current alignment) will receive a new type of currency we're calling Alignment Merits. These can be redeemed for some of the best loot in the game, a reward for staying true. They will also have access to special bases with some pretty cool features.

Vigilantes and Rogues have a different advantage. They can go into the other side's game world and run newspaper/police scanner missions, as well as team up with the opposite faction and run missions with them. The entirety of both games' geography is open to Vigilantes and Rogues. It's a badge hunter's paradise.

ZAM: Will there be penalties for players who constantly flip flop between those moral distinctions, like spending one week as a hero, then another as a villain, and so on?

Matt Miller: When you switch you permanently lose any Alignment Merits you might have saved up. It's not a play style we actively encourage, but I can think of a couple of characters in comics and movies who switch sides so often that it's impossible to pin them as a hero or a villain at any point in time.

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Going Rogue
# Aug 12 2010 at 7:23 PM Rating: Decent
so wheres my free jet pack code lol?
Electric Controller and New Area!
# Aug 12 2010 at 7:17 PM Rating: Decent
I look forward to playing a Electric Troller or Dom!! I want to explore all of Pretoria. Just have alot of fun in this new world. And this jetpack would help me as a new Pretorian :D
going rogue!
# Aug 12 2010 at 6:59 PM Rating: Decent
really looking forward to exploring the new maps!!
# Aug 12 2010 at 6:45 PM Rating: Decent
That unknown factor will be awesome. Is he a hero? or villain?
Going Rogue
# Aug 12 2010 at 6:28 PM Rating: Decent
I said that I would never return to MMORPG's but this.... this is just what I wanted so much. Turn a good guy in a vilain, like a wish come true. damn you NCSoft! you just made me pre-order going rogue complete collection!
# Aug 12 2010 at 5:55 PM Rating: Decent
what im not looking forward is not being able to take my current under lvl 20's toon into GR's new zones, but im looking forward to switching my toons from red side to blue
Going Rogue
# Aug 12 2010 at 5:31 PM Rating: Decent
I'm really looking forward to being able to explore every inch of Praetoria. From what I've seen it all looks so beautiful.
Looking forward to Going Rogue
# Aug 12 2010 at 5:02 PM Rating: Decent
I am really looking forward to going rogue and finally being able to make a scrapper who wants to be bad or vice versa
Looking forward to... Jet Packs!
# Aug 12 2010 at 3:50 PM Rating: Decent
I'm looking forward to getting to run around as a Stalker in Paragon City, and finally getting to see how the archetypes REALLY mesh together across boundaries without having to hit epic levels.
New starting zone
# Aug 12 2010 at 3:48 PM Rating: Decent
I'm looking forward to a new "sovereign experience". Hopefully, you really can experience the "shiny new" experience all over again by starting in Praetoria and exploring a new world. We'll see!
Migrating Heroes and Villians
# Aug 12 2010 at 3:37 PM Rating: Decent
I sooooo badly want to move my stalker to the hero side that would be great to stalk around PC and get away with it. This game is gonna be the best expansion of any online games I've played. I cant wait for the expansion to come out im going crazy just waiting for Tuesday to come around.
looking forward to this.....
# Aug 12 2010 at 3:11 PM Rating: Decent
Having been a member of CoX for a little while now (2 years), I have found that this game has remained relavent for some time now. While other MMO's keep touting that they have the most subscribers, etc, etc....thats all well and good, however what about the actual quality of the game? CoX has remained a very high quality game that continues to evolve.
New Content
# Aug 12 2010 at 2:48 PM Rating: Decent
Badges badges badges - and I'm interested to see how my brute will fare on some of the heroside TF's.
Looking forward to...
# Aug 12 2010 at 2:29 PM Rating: Decent
I'm looking forward to the new costume pieces, faces, hair, etc that will accompany GR!
Fall baby fall
# Aug 12 2010 at 2:22 PM Rating: Decent
I can not wait to make the one and only hero I have Fall from grace and welcome him to the wonderful world of the red-side
MM blue?
# Aug 12 2010 at 1:10 PM Rating: Decent
Very much looking forward to seeing my Mastermind on the BlueSide
Going Rogue
# Aug 12 2010 at 12:41 PM Rating: Decent
Can't wait to play the new expansion. If my wife lets me, that is. Now there's a rogue for ya.
re:fools, paying
# Aug 12 2010 at 12:17 PM Rating: Decent
excellent. soon the fools shall all pay! once papa smickenhorn gains admittance to Paragon city they shall all burn. mha! mhaha! mahahaha!!!
Going Rogue
# Aug 12 2010 at 11:53 AM Rating: Decent
Looking forward to everything, but especially the new power sets.
Can't wait till next week!
# Aug 12 2010 at 10:19 AM Rating: Decent
Looking forward switching most of my heroes and villains around to what the truly are. Also Elec control is just pure awesome. Can't wait to toy with that on live servers.

Edited, Aug 12th 2010 12:20pm by Lasher333
New power sets
# Aug 12 2010 at 9:41 AM Rating: Decent
I've tried the dual pistols and the demon summoning. I am amazed that the complex animations really don;t hurt the rate if fire in comparison to other power sets of the same role. I'm hoping the other two are as fun.
# Aug 12 2010 at 9:11 AM Rating: Decent
I'm gonna request off from work on this day.
Going Rogue
# Aug 12 2010 at 8:59 AM Rating: Decent
I am so excited to start new characters in Praetoria! I already have my pre-order ready to go.
New Content
# Aug 12 2010 at 8:39 AM Rating: Decent
Content is king, so any new content is welcome. For the fact that the content will apply to both red and blue side makes it that much better.
# Aug 12 2010 at 8:37 AM Rating: Decent
Content is king, so any new content is welcome. For the fact that the content will apply to both red and blue side makes it that much better.
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